QIC: [WoodRider]
Date: [12/21/2021]
PAX: [Bandwagon, Free Candy, Sousa, Ramrod, AOL, Blackout, Bob Jones, Escobar, Qui Qui, Mothballs, Rollback, SeaGull, Picabo, Slim Shady
AO: [Hacksaw]
[37 Degrees with a little frost and fog]
[⁃ SSH – 20
⁃ LBAC – 15 each in cadence
⁃ Cherry Pickers – 15 in cadence
⁃ Self Esteems – 10 in cadence
⁃ Forward Fold – 15 in cadence
Willy Maze Haze – 10 in cadence
Run Run Rudolph song – Burpees every time they say Run Run Rudolph / High Knees in between.]
The Thang
The Grinch’s Grind
45 second intervals (Circuit 1)
⁃ Jump Squats
⁃ Merkins
⁃ LBCs
⁃ Lunges
⁃ Military Merkins
⁃ Flutter Kicks
60 second Break
REPEAT Circuit 1
45 Second Intervals (Circuit 2)
⁃ Monkey Humpers
⁃ Diamond Merkins
⁃ BB Situps
⁃ Reverse Lunges
⁃ Werkins
⁃ Freddy Mercury
60 Second Break
REPEAT Circuit 2
60 Second Break
REPEAT Circuit 1
Bear Crawl the one time around the flag
“Merry” the last 3 minutes to Grandma’s house
[Isaiah 6 is an extremely familiar chapter of the Bible it depicts what Isaiah saw when he went to the temple to pray. However, if you look back to chapter 5 you will see why he went to the temple to pray. Judah had just had a successful king die and the new ones where not exactly the ideal leaders. On top of that the people of the nation were in full rebellion. Things that were good were considered bad, bad was good, people were proud of their sins flaunted them for all to see, materialism was a way of life, politicians would prosecute the innocent in place of a bribe,… Man if this time doesn’t sound familiar…
So how does Isaiah respond? He goes to the temple to worship and ask God for help. To his utter amazement he finds that God is still on his throne in the midst of the crazy. This provides peace to Isaiah and drives him to boldly want to tell others what he saw. “Here I am. Send Me!”
May that be a reminder to us that God is still on his throne. No matter what time throws at us. May that give you peace and boldness to proclaim his name during this Christmas season!
[Some Christmas songs are just too happy to be played while you are in pain.
Legacy Kicks off Thursday, 12/24/2020. No AOQs on Friday. Only one on Saturday at Central High School.]