Climbing the Top Gun Ladder

QIC: Blue

PAX: Nordic Track, Gretel, Ponce, Bobbit, Roomba

Date: 04/05/2021

AO: Detention


A cool 47° with clear skies


Some SSH’s with some stretches, some shoulder blaster, and some more stretches.


A ladder of sorts from the “Top Gun” workout via the F3 Exicon.

Complete reps of each exercise, adding to the previous exercise each set. Between each set, Bernie to the end of the parking lot and mosey back.

Round 1

  • 10 Single Leg Deadlifts (hard count)
  • 20 Sumo Squats w/ coupon
  • 30 Tricep Extensions
  • 40 Shoulder Taps (easy count)
  • 50 Curls

Mosey 2 laps around the track

Round 2

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Overhead Press
  • 30 Tricep Extensions
  • 40 Squats
  • 50 Curls

Mosey 2 laps around the track

Rinse and repeat if necessary


A challenge to the PAX today………Don’t Judge Anyone. Whether it’s someone that cuts you off in traffic or a coworker that ate you sandwich in the break room fridge, take a deep breath and live that person as a fellow human being. Extend GRACE to those around you.

Mumble Chatter

Not much in the way of chatter this morning, other than “we don’t have 2 hours to finish this workout Blue”. A good time was had by all the PAX. Everyone was sufficiently tapped at the end.