Capri lap waiting on Gus around Agrocrag and Mt. Madoriyama
Weak sauce Disclaimer and Warmup:
– 10 Burpees
– SSH x 15 IC
– 9 Burpees OYO
– SSH x 15 IC
– 8 Burpees OYO
– IW x 15 IC
– 7 Merkins OYO
– IW x 12 IC
– 6 Merkins OYO
– IW x 12 IC
– 5 Merkins OYO
The Thang:
Chalked out a 4-round partner circuit on the sidewalk to reduce the wasted time looking to the weinke for answers. For this circuit, the partner will take a lap around the agrocrag (wedge hill) while the other half of the partnership stays stationary and completes the first round. When running partner returns, they switch. Complete all 4 rounds without rest.
Round 1: Standard Plank
Round 2: Plank Jacks AMRAP
Round 3: Mtn Climbers AMRAP
Round 4: 1-Arm Planks – switch arms every 10-15 seconds
Perform Wall of Fire: (3 Rounds)
All pax line up on a wall performing a persistent wall sit while waiting for one of the pax to backwards run up the wedge hill. When PAX1 returns down the hill, the next PAX (PAX2) on the wall runs the hill, while PAX1 completes the 3 following exercises:
Round 1:
– Merkins x 10
– BBSU x 10
– Squat x 10
Round 2:
– Bench Dips x 15
– Prisoner Squats x 15
– Mountain Climbers x 15 (3 count)
Round 3:
– CDD x 15
– Slow Tempo Squats x 15 (3 count)
– Shoulder Taps x 15 (3 count)
4 & 1/2 Minute Abs:
– V-Ups x 20 (single count)
– Freddie Mercuries x 15 IC
– Flutter kicks x 15 IC
– Side crunch (aka Hollywood pose) x 15 (single count)
– LBC x 20 (single count)
With one minute left, we did some table pull-ups AMRAP
Gus’ Mom’s weekend travel, Angus’ M health, YHC niece surgery
Discussion on the commitment that comes from our core group of guys. I continue to be encouraged at the accountability and am thankful each and every day for their service to others and positive attitude.