Lions Den – Ohms – 07/03

QIC: Ohms

Date: 07/03/2019

PAX: Red Tees, Willy Loman

AO: Lions Den



The Thang

  • SSH x 50 IC, Indian Run 400m
  • SSH x 50 IC, 40 LBC, Indian Run 400m
  • SSH x 50 IC, 40 LBC, 30 Merkins, Indian Run 400m
  • SSH x 50 IC, 40 LBC, 30 Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, Indian Run 400m
  • SSH x 50 IC, 40 LBC, 30 Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, 10 Burpees, Indian Run 400m


“Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quot. But it’s what you do at that moment that determines who you are.”

Recent Backblasts

    Scheiße Will Hurt

    QIC: Ohms

    Date: 06/15/2019

    PAX: Fissure, Steam Engine, Prosciutto, Cowbell, Money Ball, Candu, Back Pew, Peanuts, Whittler, Iron Butt, Skitch, Uncle Fester, Venus, Early Bird, Sunburn, FNG-Loco

    AO: The Landfill


    No rain ♥


    • SSH x 25 IC
    • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
    • Willie Mays Hays x 15 IC
    • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
    • SSH x 15 IC

    The Thang

    Stage 1 (Arms/Chest)
    S – Shoulder Press x 15 OYO (Partner: Plank); Swap with partner
    H – Half Curls x 15 OYO (Partner: Plank); Swap with partner
    I – Incline Merkins x 15 OYO (Partner: Plank); Swap with partner
    T – Tricep Extension x 15 OYO (Partner: Plank); Swap with partner
    Rinse & Repeat for 10 min
    Cardio – 50 yd sprints for 5 min

    Stage 2 (Legs)
    W – Wide Squat x 15 OYO (Partner: Al Gore); Swap with partner
    I – Iron Mikes x 15 OYO (Partner: Al Gore); Swap with partner
    L – Lateral Squats x 15 OYO (Partner: Al Gore); Swap with partner
    L – Lunges x 15 OYO (Partner: Al Gore); Swap with partner
    Rinse & Repeat for 10 min
    Cardio –  Indian Runs for 5 min

    Stage 3 (Abs)
    H – Heavy Flutters x 15 OYO (Partner: Hold 6″); Swap with partner
    U – Up-Sits x 15 OYO (Partner: Hold 6″); Swap with partner
    R – Russian Twists x 15 OYO (Partner: Hold 6″); Swap with partner
    T – Toe Touches x 15 OYO (Partner: Hold 6″); Swap with partner
    Rinse & Repeat for 10 min
    Cardio – Hill Repeats for 5 min


    “Everybody wants a quick fix. You may get results, but the results will not be permanent. The permanent results come from you having to suffer. Suffering is the true test of life.”

    -David Goggins-

    Recent Backblasts

      OHMS Edited This Title 06/12 Lions Den

      QIC: Ohms

      Date: 06/12/2019

      PAX: Steam Engine, Red Tees, Countdown, Cheyney, Goose, Wuznt Me, Sparky, Oiler

      AO: Lions Den


      Just right. Cool, overcast, no rain


      • Stretching by Steam Engine
      • Mosey 100m
      • SSH x 15 IC
      • Ass Kickers x 15 IC
      • High Knees x 15 IC
      • Rinse & Repeat around track (400m)
      • Infinity Plank
        • Plank x 15 IC
        • Plank Jacks x 15 IC
        • Shoulder Taps x 15 IC
        • Peter Parkers x 15 IC
        • Annie x 15 IC (Both arms)

      The Thang

      – Merkin x 1 OYO (Jog 50m)
      – Shoulder Press x 10 OYO (Jog 50m)
      – Merkin x 2 OYO (Jog 50m)
      – Shoulder Press x 9 OYO (Jog 50m)
      – Rinse & Repeat until you reach 10 Merkins and 1 Shoulder Press

      Bleacher Dips
      – Box Jump 1 bleacher step
      – Dips x 1 OYO
      – Box Jump 2 bleacher steps
      – Dips x 2 OYO
      – Rinse & Repeat until you reach the top of the stadium steps

      – LBC x 20 IC
      – American Hammer x 20 IC
      – Plank x 20 IC
      – Freddie Mercury x 20 IC
      – Heel Touches x 20 IC
      – Flutter Kicks x 20 IC


      “I’m different than most people…when I cross the finish line of a big race, I see that people are ecstatic, but I’m thinking about what I’m going to do tomorrow. It’s as if my journey is everlasting and there is no finish line.”

      -David Goggins-

      Podcast Link (definitely worth a listen):

      Recent Backblasts

        Sprints on the Bridge

        QIC: Ohms

        Date: 05/07/2019

        PAX: Ringwald, Skitch, Laces Out, Spineless, Hobo, She-Shed, Sunshine, Pink Eye

        AO: Hill City


        57 def F – perfect weather for a workout


        -Body Builders x 5 OYO
        -Body Builders x 5 OYO
        -SSH x 20 IC
        -Windmills x 15 IC
        -Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
        -SSH x 20 IC
        -Ass Kickers x 15 IC
        -High Knees x 15 IC
        -SSH x 20 IC
        -Willy Mays Hays x 15 IC
        -Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
        -SSH x 20 IC

        The Thang

        -Follow the Q Mosey (Bernie Sanders, Karaoke, Side Shuffle – 100 yards)

        ROUTE 66 #1:
        – 1 Merkins (Sprint 20 yards)
        – 2 Merkins (Sprint 20 yards)
        – 3 Merkins (Sprint 20 yards)
        – Continue building until 11 Merkins reached
        – Mosey back to start point on Bridge
        – (Totals: 66 Merkins, 220 yards of sprinting)

        ROUTE 66 #2:
        – 1 Dips (Sprint 20 yards)
        – 2 Dips (Sprint 20 yards)
        – 3 Dips (Sprint 20 yards)
        – Continue building until 11 Dips reached
        – Mosey back to start point on Bridge
        – (Totals: 66 Dips, 220 yards of sprinting)

        – Lunge 40 yards
        – Squats x 15 IC
        – Lunge 40 yards
        – Squat Jumps x 10 OYO
        – Bear Crawl 40 yards
        – Carolina Dry Docks x 15 IC

        -Follow the Q Mosey (Bernie Sanders, Karaoke, Side Shuffle – 100 yards)

        – LBC x 25 IC


        ” Some beautiful paths cannot be discovered without getting lost”

        You can lose your way on the most beautiful path, but you will eventually find your way, if you are persistent. Life can be difficult at times and not all things that happen in life are expected or planned for. You may think you have it all figured out but sometimes you get a curve-ball thrown at you and it takes some adapting. 


        We found a Willy Loman from Johnson City on the walking bridge this morning. Said he’s been looking for F3 Chatt for a while now…got his contact info and hopefully we’ll see him again soon.

        Recent Backblasts

          BOMBS Over Red Bank

          QIC: Ohms

          Date: 05/01/2019

          PAX: Fissure, Threeskin, Whittler, Sidekick, She Shed, Peanuts, Milkman, Radiohead, Dutch Boy, Loan Shark, The Count

          AO: Lions Den


          Warm, humidity is upon us.


          -Merkins x  10 IC
          -Squats x  9 IC
          -Merkins x  8 IC
          -Squats x  7 IC
          -Merkins x  6 IC
          -Squats x  5 IC
          -Merkins x  4 IC
          -Squats x  3 IC
          -Merkins x  2 IC
          -Squats x  1 IC

          -Pullups x 10  IC
          -Box Jump x 9  IC
          -Pullups x  8 IC
          -Box Jump x 7  IC
          -Pullups x  6 IC
          -Box Jump x 5  IC
          -Pullups x  4 IC
          -Box Jump x 3  IC
          -Pullups x  2 IC
          -Box Jump x 1  IC

          -SSH x 20 IC
          -Windmills x 10 IC
          -Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
          -SSH x 20 IC
          -Ass Kickers x 15 IC
          -High Knees x 15 IC
          -Willy Mays Hays x 10 IC
          -Cotton Pickers x 10 IC
          -SSH x 20 IC

          The Thang

          BOMBS #1
          -Bicep Curls x 25 OYO
          -Overhead Press x 25 OYO
          -Merkins x 25 OYO
          -Bent Over Rows x 25 OYO
          -Sprint 100m

          BOMBS #2
          -Block Swings x 25 OYO
          -Overhead Tricep Extension x 25 OYO
          -Mountain Climbers x 25 OYO
          -Block Squats x 25 OYO
          -Sprint 100m

          BOMBS #3
          -Bicep Curls x 50 OYO (Partner run 50m)
          -Overhead Press x 50 OYO (Partner run 50m)
          -Merkins x 50 OYO (Partner run 50m)
          -Bent Over Rows x 50 OYO (Partner run 50m)
          -Squats x 50 OYO (Partner run 50m)

          Richy Rich

          QIC: Ohms
          Date: 03/12/2019
          PAX: Dirk, Early Bird, Flemish, Hobo, Iron Butt (RESPECT), Laces Out (RESPECT), Money Ball, Peanuts, Ringwald, Roadhouse (RESPECT), She-Shed, Skitch, Speed Bump, Sunburn, Sunshine, The Count (RESPECT), Threeskin
          AO: Hill City



          The Disclaimer

          I am Ohms. I am not a professional. Modify if necessary.


          Mosey to Love Shack Parking Lot
          – SSH x 20 IC
          – Plank x 10 IC
          – Merkins x 10 IC
          – Squats x 10 IC
          – LAC x 10 IC
          – LAC (REV) x 10 IC

          – 50 yard sprints x 2
          – SSH x 20 IC
          – Plank x 10 IC
          – Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
          – Plank Jacks x 10 IC
          – Windmills x 10 IC
          – Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
          BURPEES x 15 OYO ( RIP WATERBUG )
          – 50 yard sprints x 2
          – SSH x 20 IC
          – Plank x 10 IC
          – Annie (R) x 10 IC
          – Annie (L) x 10 IC
          – Superman x 10 IC
          – Seal Claps x 10 IC
          – Overhead Press x 10 IC
          Mosey to Mount Midoriyama

          The Thang


          Exercises (Merkins & Squats)
          – 30 Merkins, 10 Squats
          – Sprint up hill
          – 20 Merkins, 20 Squats
          – Sprint up hill
          – 10 Merkins, 30 Squats
          – Sprint up hill
          Exercises (Dips and Calf Raises)
          – 30 Dips, 10 Calf Raises
          – Box Jump concrete steps
          – 20 Dips, 20 Calf Raises
          – Box Jump concrete steps
          – 10 Dips, 30 Calf Raises
          – Box Jump concrete steps
          BURPEES x 15 OYO ( RIP WATERBUG )
          Mosey back to Blue Rhino Parking Lot
          BURPEES x 15 OYO ( RIP WATERBUG )


          “An athlete is a mindset. It’s how you prepare, think, and execute. Not because of some elite status or physical stature. Anybody can be an athlete.”

          Look into “Finding Ultra” written by Rich Roll for some awesome motivation and a story about a guy who truly turned his life around.


          Prayers go out to Waterbug and his family!

          Skippity Doo Dah

          QIC: Ohms
          Date: 01/30/2019
          PAX: Back Pew, Dundee, Fissure, Geek Squad, Loan Shark, Milkman, Prosciutto, The Count (Respect), Whittler
          AO: The Lions Den


          Cold and Clear

          The Disclaimer

          I am Ohms. I am not a professional. You are here on your own free will. Modify if necessary.


          – SSH x 25 IC
          – 100m Sprint
          – SSH x 25 IC
          – 100m Sprint
          – SSH x 25 IC
          – 100m Sprint
          – SSH x 25 IC
          – 100m Sprint

          The Thang

          High Impact Intervals
          ROUND 1
          – Burpees x 45 sec
          – Mountain Climbers x 45 sec
          – SSH x 45 sec
          – Skippity Doo Dah (Imaginary Jump Rope) x 60 sec
          ROUND 2
          – Lunges x 45 sec
          – Merkins x 45 sec
          – Frog Jumps x 50m
          – Walkouts x 45 sec
          – Skippity Doo Dah x 60 sec
          ROUND 3
          – Squats x 45 sec
          – LBC x 45 sec
          – Jump Squats x 45 sec
          – Skippity Doo Dah x 60 sec
          ROUND 4
          – Side Lunges x 45 sec
          – Carolina Dry Docks x 45 sec
          – Peter Parkers x 45 sec
          – Makhtar N’Diaye x 45 sec
          – Skippity Doo Dah x 60 sec
          ROUND 1
          – Box jump to top of bleachers
          – Merkins x 15 OYO
          – Squats x 15 OYO
          – Pullups x 15 OYO
          ROUND 2
          – Box jump to top of bleachers
          – Merkins x 30 OYO
          – Squats x 30 OYO
          – Pullups x 30 OYO


          ” Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own; sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction. ”

          – William James –


          – Mumblechatter was very minimal this morning
          – The Count disappeared for about 5 min…according to Prosciutto he was checking his prostate.
          – Loan Shark had both shoes this morning



          CSAUP 01 – The Inaugural “Tuff Muff”

          QIC: Ohms, Picasso, Prosciutto
          Date: 01/05/2019
          PAX: Candu, Care Bear, Cowbell, Deep End, Dirk, Ducktales, FNG-Uncle Fester, Fissure, Free Candy, Goose, Iron Butt (Respect), Jambo (Willy Loman), Laces Out (Respect), Milkman, Moondance, Mr. Clean, Ohms, Picasso, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Roadhouse, Shatner, Skitch, The Count (Respect), VSquared
          AO: Lions Den, Landfill, Hill City


          Got colder as the morning went on. Started out temps hovering around 40 degrees – by mid-morning temps were in mid 30s with windy conditions by the river. The joys of a 3 hour and 45 minute event

          The Disclaimer

          Delivered three times

          Lions Den (Ohms Q)


          – Quad Stretches Right Leg x 10 IC
          – Quad Stretched Left Leg x 10 IC
          – Finkle Swings x 15 IC
          – Windmills x 15 IC
          – Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
          – Willie Mays Hays x 15 IC

          The Thang

          Round 1 (Cardio)
          – SSH x 20 IC
          – High Knees x 15 IC
          – Wide High Knees x 15 IC
          – SSH x 20 IC
          – Ass Kickers x 15 IC
          – Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
          – SSH x 20 IC
          – Squat x 15 IC
          – Lunge x 15 IC
          – SSH x 20 IC
          – Slow jog around the track
          Round 2 (Infinity Plank)
          – Plank x 10 IC
          – Merkins x 10 IC
          – Plank x 10 IC
          – Carolina Dry Dock x 10 IC
          – Plank x 10 IC
          – Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
          – Plank x 10 IC
          – Makhtar NDiaye x 10 IC
          – Slow jog around the track
          Round 3 (Shoulder Blaster)
          – LAC (FWD) x 10 IC
          – LAC (REV) x 10 IC
          – Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
          – Chinooks x 10 IC
          – Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
          – Shoulder Press x 10 IC
          – Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC

          *Endex ~0600 – Mosey to Hill City

          Landfill (Prosciutto Q)

          After the disclaimer, it was decided that instead of yelling “Halt!” at the end of cadence exercises, Pax would yell “Muff!”


          Quick warm-up; no waiting – no stopping in between exercises
          SSH x 10 IC
          Mtn Climbers x 10 IC
          ST Merkins x 10 IC
          CDD x 10 IC
          Alternating Shoulder Taps x 10 IC

          SSH x 10 IC
          High Knees x 10 IC
          Lunges x 10 IC
          Wide High Knees x 10 IC
          Smurf Jacks x 10 IC
          Toe Merkins x 10 IC
          Prisoner Squats x 10 IC
          Jump Squats x 10 IC
          Toe Merkins x 10 IC
          Imperial Walker x 10 IC
          Pistol LBC x 10 IC
          American Hammer x 10 IC
          Dolly x 10 IC
          Flutter Kicks x 10 IC

          Elbow Plank x 10 IC
          High Plank & Hold Knee to chest (L/R) x 10 IC
          High Plank & Kick-out (L/R) x 10 IC
          High Plank with Moon Gods (L/R) x 10 IC
          Peter Parkers x 10 IC
          **Mosey to the rock pile for two small dwaynes**

          The Thang

          Steam Engine’s “Wall Blaster”
          Wall sit w/ Muhammad Ali x 15 IC
          Wall sit w/ Joe Frazier x 15 IC
          Wall sit w/ Push Press x 15 IC
          Wall sit w/ Side Raises x 15 IC
          Wall sit w/ Bus Driver x 15 IC
          Rinse & Repeat with little dwayne’s
          Air Chair & 1 round of “Prosciutto’s Gold Chain” (just because) x 20 IC
          *Mosey over to the little hill
          Death Crawl
          3 Merkins at every Cone; Bear crawl cone to cone
          *Mosey to pavillion
          Block Party
          (1:2 exercise ratio with coupons)
          1 merkin on rock – 2 rock curls
          2 merkins on rock – 4 rock curls
          3 merkins on rock – 6 rock curls
          4 merkins on rock – 8 rock curls
          5 merkins on rock – 10 rock curls
          -10 count-
          5 merkins on rock – 10 rock curls
          4 merkins on rock – 8 rock curls
          3 merkins on rock – 6 rock curls
          2 merkins on rock – 4 rock curls
          1 merkin on rock – 2 rock curls
          -10 count-
          1 merkin on rock – 2 shoulder press
          2 merkins on rock – 4 shoulder presses
          3 merkins on rock – 6 shoulder presses
          4 merkins on rock – 8 shoulder presses
          5 merkins on rock – 10 shoulder presses
          Wheel of Merkin x 3
          Grave Diggers Wheel of Nolan Ryan’s – L/R
          Incline/Decline/Dip routine – each to 10 IC – 3 rounds
          War Hammer (WWII Situp & American Hammer) – 1:4 ratio
          *Endex ~0800 – Mosey to Hill City

          Hill City (Picasso Q)


          Calf Raises x 10 IC
          Baby Arm Circles x 10, Reverse IC
          Calf Stretches x 20 seconds IC
          Parker Peters x 10 IC
          Quad Stretches x 10 IC
          Downward Dog x 10 IC
          Cobra Pose x 10 IC
          Back Stretch x 10 IC
          Stuck Windmills x 10, Swap

          The Thang

          Whole Lotta Rosie
          “Fourt’two thirt’nine fiftysix, You could say she’s got it all”
          42 – LBCs
          36 – Big Boy Situps
          59 – Flutter Kicks
          Thunder Struck
          “I was caught, In the middle of a railroad track, I looked round, And I knew there was no turning back”
          20 Merkins
          45 seconds Plank
          15 Merkins
          30 seconds Plank
          10 Merkins
          15 seconds Plank
          “Beating in my heart, The thunder of guns, Tore me apart”
          Let There Be Rock
          “In the beginning, Back in nineteen fifty-five, Man didn’t know about a rock ‘n’ roll show, And all that jive”
          5 Rock Squats IC
          10 Rock Chest Press IC
          15 Rock Curls IC
          20 Rock Rows IC
          It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock ‘N’ Roll)
          “I tell you folks, It’s harder than it looks, It’s a long way to the top, If you wanna rock ‘n’ roll, It’s a long way to the top, If you wanna rock ‘n’ roll”
          Partner Rock Toss Up Mt Midoriyama [aka Daisy Chain] x 2
          Stiff Upper Lip
          “I keep a stiff upper lip, And I shoot from the hip, I keep a stiff upper lip, And I shoot, and I shoot, Shoot from the hip, Yeah, I shoot from the hip
          Left Side Plank x 20 IC
          Right Side Plank x 20 IC
          Willy Mays Hays x 20 IC
          Glute Bridges x 20 IC
          Pickle Pounders x 20 IC
          Hells Bells
          “Hell’s bells, Yeah, hell’s bells, You got me ringing hell’s bells, My temperature’s high, hell’s bells”
          All PAX hold Plank while one PAX at a time runs to the Drum Jungle and rings the bell. The faster each PAX runs and rings the bell, the faster we get done.
          Drum Jungle will be about 100 yards away
          Have a Drink on Me
          “So don’t worry about tomorrow, Take it today, Forget about the check, We’ll get hell to pay, Have a drink on me”
          DONE – TUFF MUFF 2019 in the books


          CSAUP 01 dedicated to Best-in-Show’s Dad who suffered a major stroke the morning of the event. Prayers go out to him and his family during this very trying time.


          • T-Claps to the guys who conquered the full Muff: Deep End, Mr. Clean, Picasso, Skitch, Ducktales, VSquared, Prosciutto, Fissure, Ohms, FNG-Uncle Fester, The Count
          • T-Claps to those who conquered the half-muff (Hill City to Coolidge): Ringwald, Laces Out
          • When you name an event like the “Tuff Muff” – the mumble chatter takes care of itself
          • Yelling “Muff!” instead of “Halt!” never gets old. Never.
          • Draw string bags aren’t the most comfortable running bags
          • Free Candy might be the most considerate dude ever – he brought water and poured it in individual cups for the CSAUP’rs and also offered some honeybuns to replenish electrolytes calories; What a guy!
          • Landfill dog-walker joined in on some dip action with dog on leash (Cade); said he knew a guy in F3 — yep! we all do 🙂
          • Let’s just say, we are glad the facilities at the Landfill were open today – What say you Fissure?!
          • Whole lotta Rosie might be tough to remember the measurements, but it sure isn’t tough to talk about that Rosie in the context of the Tuff Muff.
          • Whiskey in a plastic container looks like urine
            • Further, whiskey shot(s) after a CSAUP are now a staple (Thanks Picasso!)
          • Coolidge passerby who took photo at the end wearing Vancouver Canucks toboggan doesn’t watch hockey; but he took our photo so that’s awesome
          • Picasso loves AC/DC and is creative
          • Picasso drinks Kale Tonic medicinal tea after getting Muff’d; meanwhile, Ohms drinks whiskey laden coffee at a restaurant that doesn’t serve alcohol. It’s “Legal”.



          Rise & Shine

          QIC: Co-Q (Fissure & Ohms)
          Date: 01/02/2019
          PAX: Ducktales, Fissure, Geek Squad, Loan Shark, Ohms, Picasso, Sunburn, The Count (Respect), Whittler
          AO: Lions Den


          Mid 40’s and dry

          The Disclaimer

          Given quickly before the slaughter


          Fissure was blessed to be able to administer the warm-up Q portion of this workout.  The Pax were blessed to receive the Slaughter Starter.
          10 burpees
          9 squats
          8 burpees
          7 squats
          6 burpees
          5 squats
          4 burpees
          3 squats
          2 burpees
          1 squat
          10 burpees
          SSH x 15 IC
          Windmills x 10 IC
          Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
          SSH x 15 IC
          Butt kickers x 15 IC
          High knees x 15 IC
          Willy Mays Hays x 10 IC
          3rd grade exercises x 10 IC
          SSH x 20 IC
          Baton passed to Ohms for the fun part

          The Thang

          Now that we were all nice and warm…it was time to get started.

          ALARM 1
          Bicep Curls (Arms) x 25 IC
          Squats (Legs) x 25 IC
          LBCs (Abs) x 25 IC
          Run 100m, Merkins x 12 IC (Rinse and Repeat x 4)
          ALARM 2
          Overhead Press (Arms) x 25 IC
          Calf Raises (Legs) x 25 IC
          Flutter Kicks (Abs) x 25 IC
          Run 100m, Mountain Climbers x 12 IC (Rinse and Repeat x 4)
          ALARM 3
          Tricep Extention (Arms) x 12 IC
          Coupon Swings (Arms) x 13 OYO
          Al Gore (Legs) x 25 IC
          Freddie Mercury (Abs) x 25 IC
          Run 100m, Makhtar Ndiaye x 12 IC (Rinse and Repeat x 4)


          A couple vocal pax weren’t too jazzed about the slaughter starter.  Chatter (whining) about it not being warmup-y. Mumble Chatter was weak this morning…something about everyone being too out of breath. Seems to be much quieter in the Gloom when Prosciutto is not present.  Loan Shark came right back after his first post at Landfill on New Years Day.  This time, though, he managed to bring one good shoe and his mother-in-laws shoe.  So he worked out in his house shoes.




          QIC: Ohms
          Date: 12/22/208
          PAX: Care Bear, Coin Purse, Cowbell, Iron Butt, Jabooti, Peanuts, Prosciutto, Roadhouse, Skitch, Snowflake, Venus, Vila, FNG-Fly-By
          AO: The Landfill


          Cold air, clear skies, and soggy ground

          The Disclaimer

          I am Ohms. I am not a professional. You are here on your own free will. Modify if necessary.


          – Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
          – Windmill x 20 IC
          – Cotton Pickers x 20 IC
          – Willie Mays Hays x 20 IC
          – LBAC x 10 IC
          – LBAC (Reverse) x 10 IC
          – Chinook x 10 IC
          – Chinook (Reverse) x 10 IC
          – Overhead Press x 20 IC
          – Moroccan Night Club x 20 IC

          The Thang

          Four Corners
          – Scissor Jacks x 10
          – Smurf Jacks x 20
          – Plank Jacks x 30
          – Jumping Jacks x 40
          – Mosey x 50 yards (Bernie, Karaoke, Side Shuffle)
          – Rinse & Repeat x 4
          – Exercises (Merkins & Squats)
          – 30 Merkins, 10 Squats
          – Sprint up hill
          – 25 Merkins, 15 Squats
          – Sprint up hill
          – 20 Merkins, 20 Squats
          – Sprint up hill
          – 15 Merkins, 25 Squats
          – Sprint up hill
          – 10 Merkins, 30 Squats
          – Sprint up hill
          – Exercises (Overhead Press & Calf Raises)
          – 30 Overhead Press, 10 Calf Raises
          – 20 yard sprint
          – 25 Overhead Press, 15 Calf Raises
          – 20 yard sprint
          – 20 Overhead Press, 20 Calf Raises
          – 20 yard sprint
          – 15 Overhead Press, 25 Calf Raises
          – 20 yard sprint
          – 10 Overhead Press, 30 Calf Raises
          – 20 yard sprint
          – Exercises (Curls & Lunges)
          – 30 Curls, 10 Lunges
          – Sprint up hill
          – 25 Curls, 15 Lunges
          – Sprint up hill
          – 20 Curls, 20 Lunges
          – Sprint up hill
          – 15 Curls, 25 Lunges
          – Sprint up hill
          – 10 Curls, 30 Lunges
          – Sprint up hill
          – Mosey to bottom parking lot
          – Parking lot Suicides
          – Burpees x 5 OYO
          – Parking lot Suicides
          – Burpees x 5 OYO
          – Indian Runs to top Parking Lot


          Welcome Fly-By: He woke up this morning for an early jog, ran by our group and couldn’t help but stare at us doing squats. The form and the tightening of our glutes led him to joining us for the remainder of the workout. Great guy.