QIC: Escobar
Date: 02/18/2020
PAX: Topless, 9Volt, Mrs. Baker, Clothespin, John Doe
AO: The Battery
70% chance of rain/thunderstorms = maybe a light sprinkle and 55 degrees
Moseyed to end of parking lot next to the dog park.
- SSH x 25
- Honeycutts x 12 each arm
- SLOW Little Teapots x 12 each arm
- SSH x 25
- SLOW WMH x 12
- Forward Fold x 12
- SSH x 10
Moseyed up to the playground
The Thang
Partnered up. Partner 1 completed 10 pull-ups while Partner 2 did air squats. Rotate after the 10 pull-ups. Completed 2 rounds each and had enough of that, so we hiked down to the pavilion to finish the workout and keep out of the rain (there was no rain).
Core Round 1: 1 minute each exercise for 1st set, rest 1 minute, then 45 seconds each exercise the 2nd set.
- Leg Lifts
- Toe Tags (30 seconds each side) (Oblique Crunches- a Toe Tag fav)
- Dying Cockroaches (a WuzntMe fav)
Grabbed a Rock (not the best idea since most were stuck in the mud) 20-30 curls
20 Reps Each 1st Set and 15 Reps Each For 2nd Set:
- Incline Merkin
- Squats
- Decline Merkin
- Single Leg Lowering from Bench seat (10 each leg)
Bear Crawl 1 Lap around perimeter of pavilion making left turns only to honor the great Dale Earnhardt Sr. who passed away 19 years ago today.

Core Round 2: 45 Seconds Each Exercise:
- Heel Touches
- 100s
- Elbow Plank
Crawl Bear the Length of the Pavilion Twice
20 Burpees and 10 Groundhogs OYO
45 Seconds of LBC
I encouraged the men to take time to pour themselves into the lives of others, in whatever way that looks. Give to others with your time and efforts, but also acknowledge the ones around you that are pouring out their efforts for you. Thank those people. We don’t say “Thanks” nearly enough. This represents the 3rd F of F3. Whether it be the Homeless Ministry, coaching a team, or involvement within your church, do something for the benefit of others. (This lead to a small discussion on the Faith part of F3, which we know from the founders is considered the Dynamite.) Making an effort to improve the lives of others, really does have an explosive impact on all involved.
Ah, where do I begin…
John Doe was quick to find an opportunity to ask how long it took me to plan this workout since I asked him the same thing a week prior when he planned a workout that consisted of burpees for 40 minutes. My response was at least twice as long as you, but hindsight being 20/20, I had 18 different exercises, so at least 18 times longer that you is what I should have noted.
9Volt regarding Pull-ups: “we don’t do enough of those”. No we don’t.
I honored Clothespin’s request for Core Work (nearly 2 weeks after the request). The only mumble chatter during this work was deep breathing and grunting. We don’t do enough of core work either.
I almost got a solo 5k in before the workout (which was only 2 miles)
We got so caught-up in our discussion of 3rd F that we didn’t realize we forgot to end the COT with a prayer (pitiful) until we reached our cars. But have no fear, our 3rd F wonton, John Doe, made sure we got it in before anyone escaped.
None discussed. Remember, we almost forgot to pray.