Football Theme aka Burpees If You Drop It

QIC:  Sherlock

Date: 02/03/2021

PAX: Magnum, Free Time, Tasty Cakes, Band Camp, Geek Squad, Snatch, Ponce, Milkman, Hasbro

AO: Shot House


Low 30’s, felt like 20 with wind


Stayed in parking lot for COP

SSH x 20 IC
Imperial walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
LBACs Fwd & Reverse x10 IC, Cherry Pickers x 10 IC, & Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
Willie Mays Hays x 12 IC
3rd grade exercise x 10 IC
Forward Fold – 10 count
SSH x 20 IC

The Thang

Football Themed workout

  1. Mosey to track and do an Indian run for two laps around the track with football. Football was laterally passed to each PAX until the last person runs to front of the line with the ball to repeat.
  2. Line up on the end zone to begin the game. Ponce predicted a Superbowl final score of TB 35, KC 32 so we did the following on the goal line:
    35 Merkins
    32 Squats
  3. Picked a QB and a Receiver. From the goal line, the receiver will run a 10-15 yd route and try to catch the ball. All PAX hold plank during execution of route – 7 burpees for incomplete pass. Receiver becomes QB and repeat with next/new Receiver.
    Everyone bear crawls to the 20 yd line.
  4. Repeat with next two QBs and Receivers. PAX hold plank – 7 burpees for incomplete.
    Everyone crawl bear back to the goal line.
  5. Repeat with next two QBs and Receivers. PAX hold plank – 7 burpees for incomplete.
    Everyone karaokees to the 20 yd line and reverse lead continuing to the 40 yd line.
  6. Halftime – run up/down bleachers and do 14 dips before returning to the field.
  7. Repeat with next two QBs and Receivers. PAX hold plank – 7 burpees for incomplete.
    Everyone lunges to the 20 yd line.
  8. Repeat with next two QBs and Receivers. PAX hold plank – 7 burpees for incomplete.
    Everyone lunges to the goal line.
  9. Repeated above until time.


Quote: “The game of life is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems, block your fears, and score your points when you get the opportunity.”
~ Lewis Grizzard (1946 – 1994, former American writer)


We quickly realized we were going to do a LOT of burpees…so somewhere maybe midway through we switched to squats when the ball was not caught. As Milkman mentioned in a slack post afterwards, it’s evident we are not going to be super bowl champs. The lit football was a big help to see in the falsely lit stadium lights…when the ball would stay lit :-). Overall it seemed to be a fun workout and will have to bring it back out for a future Q. Really appreciated all the fellowship this morning.

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