Play the cards you’re dealt…


QIC: Best In Show
Date: 03/12/18
PAX: Angus, Best In Show (Q),Prosciutto, Snorlax, Whittler
AO: Beast Ridge


Deceptively cold, with hurricane force winds (pretty sure), 37 degrees, but dry(ish) 

The Disclaimer

Delivered with great flair, let’s be safe, have fun, modify if needed.


Short Mosey to warm up the legs followed by;
SSH 15 -IC
SSH 15 -IC
SSH 15 – IC
SSH 15 – IC

The Thang

After getting nice and warm we decided to play a quick hand (or 10) of cards with our Deck O’ Fun
Title of exercises or routine
With a well shuffled deck of cards each pax took turns drawing a card that correlated to a very specific group of exercises. The face value of the card determined the number of reps for the following;
All the while battling the gale force winds, we made our way through the deck for a total of
95 Merkins
95 Squats
95 American Hammer
95 SSH
and for good measure, 10 burpees, because in a Best in Show beat down, every time you see a dog you get the privilege of 5 burpees.


We are all leaders here. Even though YHC was on Q and leading this fine group of HIM, we are all leaders because we made the choice, showed some grit, and showed up to get better.
2 ways to lead, from the front or from the rear, we choose to lead from the front.


Go Ruck – Wednesday ruck training continues at Beast Ridge and The Griff
Saturday 3/17 Q School led by Prosciutto, calling all Q’s to come out in support!

Upcoming Qs

Ringwald 3/15 at Hill City
Proscutto 3/17 Landfill Q School

It means more

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 03/05/2018
PAX: Angus, Early Bird, Snorlax
AO: Beast Ridge
Conditions: Temperature, mid-30’s.

Disclaimer was provided and the warm-up began very promptly @ 0530.
– Burpees x 5 OYO
– Lunges x 10 – single count
– High Knees x 10 IC
– Lunges x 10 – single count
– High Knees x 10 IC
– IW x 10 IC
– Flutter Kick x 12 IC
– Wide High Knees x 10 IC
– Hello Dolly x 12 IC
– ST Merkins x 10 IC
– High plank x 12 IC
– Burpees x 5 OYO
The Thang:
The Pax commence a short mosey to the soccer field steps…
Stadum Step 11’s:
– Clap Merkins & Dips at the bottom
– Squat Jump to top
– Squats at the top (decrement until 1 rep)
**Mosey to baby steps
Calf-raises x 15 IC
Burpees x 5 oyo
**Mosey to the stop sign
We grabbed some of the landscaping blocks, paired up and picked a light pole 50 or so yards away.
PAX 1 executes an AMRAP (“As many reps as possible”) exercise whilst PAX 2 Bernie Sanders’ to the light pole then mosey back forward-running like an actual human being.
1: Bicep Curls w/ coupon,
2: Shoulder Press w/ coupon
3: Bent-over row w/ coupon
Buckle-up for this one…
This past weekend, YHC and 7 other hardened F3 guys from F3Chatt (Best In Show, Fissure, Mr. Clean, Picasso, Steam Engine, Vila, Whittler) took on the Chattanooga Marathon challenge. It was a real gas! I do admit, I couldn’t have completed the race (nor would I have tried) without the incredible commitment and accountability F3 has instilled in me.  Both teams excelled, and I think we did better together than we would have fared had we tried to go it alone; certainly a testimony to the “sharpening” and teamwork ever-present in F3.  When finished, other F3 brothers from Chatt were there to greet us and offer their congratulatory remarks on a job well-done (and yes, a little ribbing as well).  For me, this really was the cherry on top and signified the importance of what we’re doing here; answers “Why F3?”. To know that there was support outside of the two teams running was remarkable and for them to show up and offer that support was unbelievable. Cannot thank you guys enough.
Prior to the race start, we had the opportunity to fellowship briefly with some other F3 men from around the nation (from Mint Hill, NC). It’s always great to get to know and meet other guys from around the country that do F3 as well.  It’s really an amazing revelation when you do meet them, simply put, it is akin to having a brother you never knew about; you share many of the same core values F3 helps to reinforce – commitment, focus, level-headed, hard-nosed, cordial, amicable, I AM THIRD mentality. Only difference between you two is geography.  Hard to explain but each of you will understand when given the opportunity to meet someone from beyond the F3Chatt gloom.
After meeting and connecting with these two gentleman on twitter, I began looking through some of their prior communications to their respective AO’s.  Here was a tweet that really stood out to me from “Chum”, which I felt was absolutely appropriate given the aforementioned commentary regarding accountability and support:

It’s more than a shirt; more than a sticker.
It’s more than platitudes; more than getting quicker.
It’s an attitude.
It’s a commitment.
It’s every day.
This is more than a workout.
This is F3

Thank you all for being brothers in the gloom and brothers in Christ! Iron Sharpens Iron indeed!

Another Morning visit to the dog pound..


QIC: Best In Show
Date: 02/26/18
PAX: Prosciutto, FNG-Snorlax, Whittler
AO: Beast Ridge



Rain with a chance for more rain, however sprinkles ensued and at 55 degrees made for a great start to the day

The Disclaimer

Given with great earnest and clarity


Mosey to the local shed as YHC showed compassion for his PAX and warmed up under cover;
Imperial Walker
Cotton Picker
Smashing Pumpkins
Fire Hydrants
St Bernard Squats
MTN Climber
Kick Out Squat
Overhead Press

The Thang

After a sufficient warm up YHC lead the pax to the stadium for the next ring of the dog show
At the stadium steps each pax performed;
10 Incline Merkins
step up
10 Dips
Step up
10 Decline Merkins
Rinse and repeat 3 times along the length of the stadium steps
Then we mosey on over to find a nice tree to mark our territory by performing with Dora;
Pax paired up, pax 1 run to light pole (25 yards) while pax 2 performs the exercise;
100 squats
100 Plank Jacks
100 St Bernard Squats
to keep it fresh every other run up hill was a Bernie Sanders run
Just enough time to mosey back to MOM;
American Hammer -12
Freddie Mercury-12
Flutter Kicks-12
Figure 4 (compliments of Prosciutto)-10


Commitment; The 4 pax that showed up made the commitment to each to each other, the commitment to get better, the commitment to hold each other accountable.
Every day we all make commitments, in life, to our families,at work, in fact our entire day should be a commitment to get better, to be better, even if by only 1%, make the commitment to be better.


Team Relay marathon this weekend in Chattanooga, Team Best in Show is the obvious favorite.
Go Ruck in August, training continues!

Upcoming Qs

[*Not Required* But add the upcoming if you can]

Ruck/Run 2/21/18

Wednesday, February 21, 2018
5:30 AM
AO: Beast Ridge
Q – Vila
PAX – Prosciutto, Whittler, Wort

  1. Ruck: Start ruck around the loop
    1. First quarter ruck
      • 6 burpees OYO
      • 10 merkins x1 IC
      • 10 squats  x1 OYO
      • 10 lunges (alternating legs) OYO
      • 10 thrusters X1 IC
      • 10 overhead squats x1 IC
    1. Second quarter ruck
      • 10 bbs w/ ruck on chest x1 OYO
      • 10 flutter kicks w/ pack overhead x2 IC
      • 10 leg lifts w/ pack overhead x1 OYO
      • 10 crunches w/ pack overhead x2 IC
      • 10 lateral thrusters w/ pack overhead x1 OYO
      • 60 second hold with feet 6″ off the ground
    1. Third quarter ruck
      • 3 PT-109s – box jump up the steps, plank walk five steps to the right at the top, reverse bear crawl down the steps, rinse/repeat
      • 6 ruck curls OYO
      • 6 ruck ground to overhead OYO
      • 6 overhead tricep extension OYO
      • 6 overhead ruck press OYO
      • 6 ruck swings OYO
      • 6 upright rows OYO

Quote: Discussed the quote from Monday’s workout that we did not have time to really discuss:
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country.
Prayers: Wort’s job prospects, Rainman

All the President’s men!


AO: Beast Ridge

Q – Vila

PAX – Prosciutto, Early Bird, Marco Polo

Warm up:

  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Imperial Walkers IC x12
  3. Forward Fold x15
  4. Plank IC x10
  5. Up Dog x15
  6. Down Dog x15
  7. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  8. Plank IC x10
  9. Forward Fold x15
  10. Recover
  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Forward Fold x15
  3. Plank IC x10
  4. Up Dog x15
  5. Down Dog x15
  6. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  7. Plank IC x10
  8. Forward Fold x15
  9. Recover
  10. SSH IC x15


  1. Start mosey around the loop
    1. First leg run
      1. 3 rounds
      • Ford Football High knees – 4ct up and back / Nixon Bowling lunges – 4ct up and back
      • 5 Big Boy Situps
    1. Second leg run
      1. 3 rounds
      • Reagan – Michael Phelps – 1 / Obama – Free throw jump squats – 5
      • 5 merkins
    2. Third leg run
      1. 3 rounds
      • Wrestler crawls – 4ct up and back / 5 squats
      • 10 Lincoln Logs IC
  1. Mosey back to lot and 25 LBCs IC


  • 2.39 miles total!


“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility–I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it–and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.”

John Fitzgerald Kennedy 

Prayers: Pajarito!





11 Poles

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 02/12/2018
PAX: Best In Show (Respect), Early Bird, Whittler
AO: Beast Ridge


Gloomy, wet and lots of unavoidable puddles from the 2″+ of rain over the previous 36 hours.  The rain also presented itself as a welcomed challenge during the 6MOM

The Disclaimer

Very important!
1) I’m not a professional
2) You should modify where you feel the need to do so
3) You are here on your own volition
4) Push yourself, but don’t be an idiot – you have places to be today, tomorrow and the next day; do not hurt yourself!
5) Welcome to F3!


Given the 12th day of February – everything will be 12 reps…

Seal Jacks x 12 IC
IW x 12 IC
Peter Parker (w/ Merkin) x 12 IC
High-plank x 12 IC
Side plank x 12 IC
Other side x 12 IC
Hillbillies x 12 IC
Slow-Tempo Squats x 12 IC

The Thang

Route 66: An exercise in which you start with 1 rep at a predefined stopping point, then add one additional rep at intervals until you hit 11 stops. We used light posts with runs in between each increment. Sum of 1 full Route 66 = 66 reps; imagine that!
Route 66
Plank Jack – Mountain Climber – Burpees:
In the spirit of the Februburpee monthly challenge, YHC was exploring another variant of the standard burpee.  Thus, the Plank Mountain Burpee was born; this one will need a name due to the high volume of suck.

The movement from standing position goes down to a kick-out plank, 1 plank jack, 4 mtn climbers, standard merkin and pop-up to standing position and jump squat; that’s 1.
PJMC reps 1-11
Squats reps 1-11
Two rounds of the Route 66 was enough and we were almost out of time…
Two-space suicides in the parking lot – there are roughly 12 parking spots/suicides in total

Mary with Rain:

– LBC x 12 IC
– Rosalita x 12 IC
– Leg Lifts x 12 OYO
**Pass the lead to Whittler
– Reverse Pickle Pounders x 12 IC
**Pass the lead to Best-In-Show
– American Hammer x 12 IC
**Pass the lead to Early Bird
– Pickle Pounders x 12 IC


Mr. Clean’s service opportunity to feed the less fortunate families/children in the area
Chattanooga Marathon Relay
Friday Breakfast Club this Friday (City Cafe)
Go Ruck Tough (Chattanooga) – August
Tough Mudder (Nashville) – September

Upcoming Qs

2/13 Stairmaster
2/14 Ohms 2/15 Laces out
2/17 Vila

A Morning at the Dog Pound

QIC: Best In Show
Date: 1/29/18
PAX: Early Bird, Prosciutto, Snowflake, FNG-Uncle Herschel, Whittler, Vila
AO: Beast Ridge


Mostly clear,34 degrees, with a view of the Blood Moon, perfect to howl at

The Disclaimer

Delivered completely and mostly coherently by YHC with an assist from Prosciutto since it was a VQ


using what is believed to be the first laminated wenke in the history of F3CHATT, YHC led the pack into his VQ warm up;
SSH- 15

The Thang

Following the warm up, the lead dog led the pack for a mosey to a nondescript building that to most looks like a concession stand, but to YHC, it looked more like a dog pound, a perfect place for a bunch of mutts to do their thang;
Split the pax into 2 groups, group 1 performed wall sit exercises while group 2 performed “quick feet” to keep the heart rate up! Then we swapped it around as we went through a myriad of activities. 
Show Ring 1
Group1-Wall sit w/Joe Fraziers    Group 2- QF  / Switch
Group 1- WS – Shoulder press   Group 2-QF / Switch
Group 1-WS LBAC    Group 2- QF  / Switch
Group 1- WS – RLBAC   Group  2 QF  / Switch
Group 1 – Hold Plank 12 IC  Group 2 QF  / Switch
Group 1 – Merkin 12 IC  Group 2 QF  / Switch 
Led the pax on a short trot to;
Show Ring 2
3 stops in this ring, with a short mosey between. At each stop we performed
10 St Bernard Squats IC (x3)
Not much time left but we stopped at the stadium steps for a quick dip
Show Ring 3
10 Dips IC
Then just enough time for MOM


[In “Freed to Lead” OBT refers to the “Third 500”. In the book it is told in the context of his days on the college rowing team and his coach talks about thinking of a  2000 meter race as being 4 legs of 500 instead. The first 500 your on pure adrenaline as you start the race, the second 500 you settle down and find your rhythm, the fourth 500 is “balls to the wall” gut it out to get through. The third 500 however is the one where you win or lose the race. As I find myself in the third 500 of my life, I look to F3 as a source to help me get through it, by holding each other accountable to showing up, the first step of getting better (first F), by forming bonds with the other pax, (second F) and by helping when we are struggling with life and where we find comfort and ways to help others (third F).   ]


August- Go Ruck
September – Tough Mudder
Run Ruck schedule coming soon

Be the change that you wish to see in the world

AO: Beast Ridge
Q – Vila
PAX – Best in Show, Early Bird, Prosciutto, Steam Engine

  1. Mosey around the field

Warm up:

  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Imperial Walkers IC x12
  3. Forward Fold x15
  4. Plank IC x10
  5. Up Dog x15
  6. Down Dog x15
  7. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  8. Plank IC x10
  9. Forward Fold x15
  10. Recover
  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Squat Jacks x 12
  3. Forward Fold x15
  4. Plank IC x10
  5. Up Dog x15
  6. Down Dog x15
  7. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  8. Plank IC x10
  9. Merkins IC x10
  10. Forward Fold x15
  11. Recover
  12. SSH IC x15

Cycle: GoRuck Training Week 3 (Modified)

  • Body Weight PT
  • 3 Sets IC
  • Bear crawl, crab walk, commando 25m down and back
    1. 20 Squats
    2. 15 merkins
    3. 2 min tri plank


  1. Mosey around the field

Call around to PAX for cadence
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
From <>
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
From <>
Swingin’ Hammers,

Equal or Not?

AO: Beast Ridge
Q: Rainman
PAX: Best In Show, Whittler, Prosciutto
Weather: A Crisp 28 Degrees and cloudy with a 100% chance of a Rainman beatdown.
The disclaimer was given in a very prompt and efficient way. After a short mosey the Q called the PAX to square up for the warm up. Two more men and the Q could have called the PAX to circle up.
High Knee X 15 IC
Butt Kickers X 15IC
Cotton Pickers X 15 IC
Cherry Pickers X 15 IC
Wide High Knee X 15 IC
The Lunge X 20 OYO
The Squat X 15 IC
Imperial Walkers X 15 IC
THE THANG: Equality or Not?
Ascending CURB CRAWL: PAX moseyed to a hill at BEAST RIDGE. Once there the PAX were split into two groups.
Group One was assigned to bear crawl up the hill and complete one DERKIN and one SQUAT. CRAB WALK  down the hill and complete TWO INCLINE MERKINS and two SQUATS. Continue to 13
Group Two was assigned to run up the hill and complete one DERKIN. MOSEY down the hill and complete TWO INCLINE MERKINS. Continue to 13
Which group would you rather be in? Obviously for one group of people it’s going to be a harder more difficult route, it’s going to take longer for group one to finish and catch up. While the other group had an easier way, it was also not as equal because the fitness was not up to par. Martin believed in equality for all, and fought for freedom for God given rights for all people. So, while yes he was representing African Americans, he was advocating and making the way for all people groups. After that it was time to come together. The Q called the PAX to mosey back to the lot to be FREE.
F: Febreze: PAX now back together on their 6. PAX completed 2 BBSU’s on the second they were instructed to keep feet 6’’ off the ground and completed 10 Air Press. Repeated in ratios of 10. 2:10, 4:20, 6:30.
R: Russian Twist X 12 IC
E: E2K AKA Oblique Crunches X 20 IC Left SIDE
E: E2K AKA Oblique Crunches X 20 IC Right SIDE
The Q called, “Free at last free at last thank God all Mighty we’re free at last.”
Fellowship MOSEY until time.
Count o rama
Name o rama
Ball of Man
@f3chatt @beastridge

Two Minute Rule

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 01/08/2018
PAX: Early Bird
AO: Beast Ridge


Damp with freezing rain. Temps in the low 30’s. Great weather, unless you’re a petunia.

The Disclaimer

Delivered to myself, which felt odd. Then, once again when Early Bird joined


Capri Lap waiting on “Pajaro!”
SSH x 10 IC
IW x 12 IC
*Stay in plank position*
Mtn Climbers x 10 IC
Merkins x 5 IC
Mtn Climbers x 10 IC
Plank x 12 IC
Side Plank x 10 IC
Side Plank (other) x 10 IC
SSH x 12 IC

The Thang

1) Merkin Mile 
Perform a run/fellowship mosey and at every .25 mile, perform 25 Merkins
2) Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM)
Run back to shovel flag and perform 5 burpees EMOM (6 Minute run back)
3) Coupon curls
Grab a landscape block and perform low, mid, full curls x 10 OYO (repeat)
4) Raccoon Crawl
At the stadium steps, perform raccoon crawls from bottom step upward



“The 2-Minute Rule” – The two-minute rule is simply a tactic which helps one overcome procrastination and laziness by making it so easy to start taking action that you can’t say no. And, even better, it’s built off the notion that Sir Isaac Newton suggests, “objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion.” This is just as true for humans as it is for falling apples.
Part 1 — If it takes less than two minutes, then do it now.
Part 1 comes from David Allen’s best-selling book, Getting Things Done.
It’s surprising how many things we put off that we could get done in two minutes or less. For example, washing your dishes immediately after your meal, tossing the laundry in the washing machine, taking out the garbage, cleaning up clutter, sending that email, and so on.
If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, then follow the rule and do it right now.
Part 2 — When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.
Can all of your goals be accomplished in less than two minutes? Obviously not.
But, every goal can be started in 2 minutes or less. And that’s the purpose behind this little rule.
It might sound like this strategy is too basic for your grand life goals, but it works for any goal because of one simple reason: Sir Isaac Newton’s theory – “objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion.”
The 2–Minute Rule is awesome because it embraces the idea that all sorts of good things happen once you get started.
In F3, we start first thing in the morning (not because of this rule), but it’s a perfect opportunity to utilize the rule.  If you choose to post in the morning, then you are no longer an object at rest, and therefore you will tend to stay in motion after the post and accomplish more; as opposed to staying in the fartsack (See #3: The Lunch Hour workout guy) and leading a lackluster and otherwise noncommittal life of sadness. #truthNugget

Upcoming Qs

Steam Engine (01/09) @ Hill City
Mr Clean (01/10) @ The Griff
Vila (01/11) @ Hill City
Mr Clean (01/13) @ The Landfill

*AYE! @f3mrclean for the double-duty this week #acceleratingMan; thanks brother!*