Does Size Really Matter?? (Bicep size, that is)

QIC:  Blackout

Date: 06/24/2021

PAX: 9 Volt, Deep Dish, Land Yacht, Pipeline, Schnitzel, Shotput, Thin Mint

AO: The Battery


Perfect beatdown weather!


Mosey lap around the dog park to the Pavilion

  • Forward Fold IC x10
  • WMH IC x10
  • Little Baby Arm Circles IC x10
  • Reverse Arm Circles IC x10
  • Seal Claps IC x10
  • SSH IC x20
  • 5 Burpees, 4 Burpees, 3 Burpees, 2 Burpees, 1 Burpee OYO

The Thang

Arm Intervals w/ rock of PAX choosing – 45 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest

  • Curls
  • Dips OR Extensions
  • Curls
  • Shoulder Presses
  • Curls
  • Dips OR Extensions
  • Curls
  • Shoulder Presses

Round of Elevens

Started at the light Pole towards the end of the Parking Lot, Performed first exercise, Run across Parking Lot, Perform Second exercise. Run back to Start. First Exercise = Hand Release Merkins; Second Exercise = BBSU; 10/1, 9/2…..1/10

Arm Intervals w/ rock of PAX choosing – 45 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest

  • Curls
  • Dips OR Extensions
  • Curls
  • Shoulder Presses
  • Curls
  • Dips OR Extensions
  • Curls
  • Shoulder Presses

Legs….with a little bit of math

Performed squats and lunges until time. Each squat rep = 4 lunge reps as follows:

  • 1 Squat/4 Lunges
  • 2 Squats/8 Lunges
  • 3 Squats/12 Lunges
  • 4 Squats/16 Lunges
  • 5 Squats/20 Lunges
  • 6 Squats/24 Lunges
  • 7 Squats/28 Lunges
  • 8 Squats/32 Lunges
  • 9 Squats/36 Lunges
  • 10 Squats/40 Lunges


Talked about the story of Abram (later known as Abraham) that all Christians know well. When he was close to 100 years old, he and his wife had grown impatient in waiting for the descendants that God had promised them. So, his wife gave him her servant and he had a child with the servant. In a span of 5 verses in the Bible, the whole situation had turned into a complete conflict amongst those involved. The moral of the story is to completely surrender yourself to God’s will. Their will times where it is easy to become impatient and try to take control of your situation, whatever that situation may be. Have Faith that God is in control of your life and avoid the temptation to control every situation you are placed in. This is something that really stood out to me as I often times try to take control of situations I shouldn’t, so it was a challenge to me, but also to any PAX struggling with the same thing.


Q had a lot of curls built in to this workout. A LOT OF CURLS. At one point, it was brought up that after this one, the M’s of the PAX would be impressed with Bicep size. At that point, Shotput threw it out there for debate/discussion: Do M’s really care about bicep size? The results were mixed. Some said “yes”, some said other choice phrases leading up to meaning “no”, others said “probably but no good M is going to make decisions based off of the size of your biceps”. Anyways, it is still out for debate……Does size (of biceps) really matter?

TWSS, see above.

Deep Dish informed the PAX present that he would be repeating his Saturday hill workout, everyone was thrilled and I am sure attendance will be through the roof this Saturday at Battery….All jokes aside, he has a good one planned…if you are into almost dying.


3rd-F channel for opportunities; Chubby’s Ministry on Monday’s still ongoing; Habitat 7/10 is full but always in need of backups just in case

Fallen Five Convergence Beatdown and Ruck 07/17 at The Dam; Beatdown at 0700-0800, Ruck following afterwards with beatdowns sprinkled in. HC Now!

1 year Parliament Anny celebrated tomorrow 6/25 with John Doe; Woodrider at Hacksaw. Deep Dish at Battery Saturday

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