The Frogger Workout

QIC:  Shamu

Date:  11/5/2021

PAX: Friar Tuck, Fissure, Blindside, CareBear, Transplant, Doogie, Sandbag, Thermostat, Oil Can, Yellow 5, Roomba, Ponce de Leon, Sling Blade

AO: Lion’s Den


A cool crisp 39 degrees with clear skies.


High knees x 20 IC (40 total)

Star Jumps x20

Little baby arm circles x10 IC

Right over left and left over right hamstring stretch X10 IC (holding each position for full count)

Willie Mays Hayes x10 IC (holding each position for full count)

Standing quad stretch x10 IC (holding each position for full count)

The Thang

Mosey to the start of the straight away. PAX circled up.

Push up plus/”Merkins” with a plus x20 IC (40 reps total). -Emphasis is upon keeping elbows straight entire time and focusing on rounding the back (like a cat) to separate the scapula (shoulder blades) and pushing the spine towards the sky. Helps to strengthen the serratus anterior and lower traps which helps prevent winging of the shoulder blades and rounding of the shoulders/back.

Prevent Shoulder Impingement | Pacific Paddler Magazine

Ys and Ts and As (arm raises) on stomach x20 IC (40 reps total each position) to strengthen back – positions Y (image 4), T (image 2) were completed in addition to an “A” position with arms more down at your side and the pinky fingers pointing up toward sky.

Prone ITWYs for Shoulder - Ask Doctor Jo - YouTube

Side planks with leg lifts toward sky x10 IC (20 reps total)

SIDE PLANK LEG RAISE - Exercises, workouts and routines

Plank Superman alternating opposite arms and legs x20 IC


Leap frog race (about 40 yards) – PAX paired up and lined up in a straight line and leap frogged over each other. Basically repetitions of deep squats

Broad jumps into a controlled squat (about 30 yards) – emphasis on soft landings


PAX gathered at base of hill. Perform one set of 20 of each of the following 3 exercises. In between each set, each person to shuffle up/down the hill as instructed (side shuffling with slight knee bends up the hill to 2nd street light or cone, turn 180 deg and continue up the hill shuffling to the 4th street light. Turn 180 deg again and shuffle downhill, once again turning 180 deg at the 2nd street light).

Spider-Man/”Frog” Merkins x 20 soft count

Cobras x 20

Leg drops x 20 for abs

PAX to continue to repeat entire cycle until time was up

Moseyed back to starting position in parking lot.


Infinitely Valuable

“For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.” -1 Corinthians 12:12

The apostle Paul speaks of our spiritual gifts earlier in the chapter and the important role that each member of the Church plays. I shared with the PAX my struggles with insecurity and self-worth throughout my life, especially before I became a Christian. My 5 year old son has some mild special needs which affects his social skills mostly and it’s difficult to see him struggle with some of his interactions with his peers. We have a responsibility to teach our children that they are infinitely valuable to God, independent of their performance. It’s easy to show more praise or favoritism towards our sons or daughters who are more athletic or more academically gifted without even realizing it. This can be detrimental for the siblings that feel that they will never be able to live up to those standards. This can be applied to any of us as well. We are all infinitely valuable to God, independent of what our performance is because we are all created in God’s image. No matter what your past was like or what sins you’ve committed, you’re never too far from God. It only takes one step to turn around, repent of your sins, and to follow Christ. If you are a Christian who has trusted in Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have been forgiven. We are so valuable to God that He sacrificed Himself on a cross for us. We need to also remember that we are no better than anyone else. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). We all need God’s forgiveness.

We need to let our wives and children know that they are infinitely valuable. We need to be intentional about spending quality and a good quantity of time with them (you cannot expect to build a relationship on 5 minutes every couple of days). Seek out that one neighbor or coworker that God has placed in your life to reach out to. You may be the one person that reaches out to them to lead them to God. See the value in each person.


  • “This is a warm up?” (in response to the star jumps)
  • I told them that we will use bricks for the Y’s, Ts, As next time. Someone said “Yes, next time.”
  • Leap frogging over and over was more of a workout than most expected as the breathing got heavier towards the end.


Thanksgiving Convergence at 6am (Thanksgiving Day) with a 5K following.

Special business meeting on 11/14 at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall at Red Bank Baptist Church to discuss establishment of a Christian academy as announced by Blindside

Recent Backblasts

    Disappointment Abounds

    QIC:  M.I.A.

    Date: 11/05/2021

    PAX:  Abercrombie, AOL, El Chapo, Escobar, FNG-Fortnite, Full Moon, FNG-Hillshire, Landmine, Mandela, Mr. Burns, Oui Oui, Picabo, FNG-Pit Bike, Ramrod, Rollback, SeaGull, Spirit Fingers, Sousa, Stork, Top’Em, Uncle Joe, WeBlow, WuzntMe

    AO:  Hacksaw


    Those expected the temps in the 30’s as forecasted were disappointed. YHC and everyone around him found this to be the least disappointing part of the beatdown.


    Rifle Carry to the flag pole.

    30(ish?) SSH
    LBAC & Reverse x 13
    Stretch out those shoulders…

    The Thang

    All exercises completed together. Holding the coupon above your head until the 6 is in:

    5 x Blockees
    10 x Curls
    15 x Overhead Press
    20 x Around the World (Imagine the coupon is a satellite and your head is the planet)

    5 x Around the World
    10 x Blockees*
    15 x Curls
    20 x Overhead Press

    5 x Overhead Press
    10 x Around the World
    15 x Blockees
    20 x Curls

    5 x Curls
    10 x Overhead Press
    15 x Around the World
    20 x Blockees

    5 x Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
    10 x Louganis
    15 x Triceps Extension
    20 x Weighted Flutter Kicks

    5 x Weighted Flutter Kicks
    10 x HSK&T
    15 x Louganis
    20 x Triceps Extensions

    5 x Triceps Extensions
    10 x Flutter Kicks
    15 x HSK&T
    20 x Louganis

    Time – Disappointed ensued because we didn’t finish.


    YHC feels that men don’t hear/share their appreciation and love for each other enough. Inspired by a F3 Podcast from many moons ago, YHC mused on the importance of letting other men know they are loved.


    * This was the moment that almost all the PAX groaned and shared their disappointment (loudly) with YHC.

    • AOL picked up three dudes pre-workout. They may have been of age… they may not.
    • Upon completion of the Side Straddle Hops YHC noted that this was the completion of the leg exercises for the day…. Mandela squealed with glee.
    • Escobar “WHOA!!! That is the biggest 6 inches I have ever seen”
    • Picabo and WuzntMe accused YHC of being a sadist, but they did it with a Cheshire grin
    • Sousa admitted to breaking YHC’s coupon maliciously
    • Sousa also admitted he would have posted elsewhere (the fartsack) if he saw the post regarding the switcheroo at Q
    • Sewer gases leaked from somewhere/someone during workout.


    6 AM at Hill City – Thanksgiving Day convergence, followed by the Grateful Gobbler 5K. Wear your F3 attire, EH your fellow runners. Register here:

    Slam Ball Races


    The temperature dipped to 39, making it the first time this fall we’ve hit sub-40 temps. YHC is not a fan of the cold, but it was nothing a little motion couldn’t overcome quickly.


    The old standard — get the blood circulating and the muscles eased into action.

    • Mosey to the track
    • SSHs – 25 IC
    • WMH – 10 IC
    • Windmills – 10 IC
    • LBACs – 10 IC
    • Reverse LBACs – 10 IC
    • OH Clap – 10 IC
    • Seal Clap – 10 IC
    • Cherry Pickers – 10 IC
    • Chinooks – 10 IC
    • 3GE – 10 IC

    The Thang

    PAX split up into two teams on the track at the 50 yard line. Each team had a 20-lb. slam ball and moved in opposite directions around the track. A PAX from each team threw the ball backwards while all PAX traveled by the prescribed method and then did the corresponding exercise. Next PAX picked up the ball and threw it again with all PAX traveling again. First team to cross the finish line on the opposite side of the track won. Winning team did 5 burpees. Losing team did 10.

    • First race: Lunge to the ball, then do 2 burpees.
    • Second race: Bear crawl to the ball, then do 5 merkins.
    • Third race: Mosey to the ball, then do 5 squats.

    After the last race, all moseyed back to the starting line and finished the last three minutes with a circle of Marys.


    Inspired by Pebbles’ Slack post about his absence from F3, YHC reminded the PAX that F3 is not the point. While there is good found in the tribe you belong to in F3, F3 is not your life, it is a way to better prepare you for your life. You know, because we’re not a cult.


    • “Does your ball weigh the same as ours?”
    • “I think your side of the track is shorter.”
    • “What do we call this? Dundee ball?”
      “I can’t take credit. I’m modifying an idea Gretel had.”
      “Gretel? Yeah, that makes sense.”


    6 AM at Hill City – Thanksgiving Day convergence, followed by the Grateful Gobbler 5K. Wear your F3 attire, EH your fellow runners. Register here:


    QIC:  Starbucks

    Date: 11/02/2021

    PAX:  Gretel, Dundee, Roomba, Blue, Oil Change, Shake N Bake, Hasbro, Milkman, Doogie, Hoveround, U-Turn

    AO:  The Huey


    46 degrees with a slight drizzle. It smelled clean.


    5 Burpees OYO

    15 Squats IC

    10 Little Baby Arm Circles (LBACs) IC

    10 Reverse LBACs IC

    10 Seal Claps

    10 Willie Mays Hays

    10 Third Grade Exercise

    25 Side Straddle Blocks IC

    The Thang

    It’s that time of year where football, baseball, and basketball are all being played. It’s a heck of a time to be alive. To celebrate, we did a SPORTS-themed workout.


    We started on the basketball court and worked on our fundamentals:

    Jump Shooting: 100 Bobby Hurleys

    Defense: We did a slide drill. With our butts down, heads up, and arms extended, we shuffled side-to-side across the court touching each line before returning back to the side-out line. Basically a sideways suicide.

    Rebounding: 20 Side Straddle Blocks


    We moved next door to the tennis court and worked on our serves:

    5 Woodchoppers in each direction

    Carry block to other service line.

    4 Woodchoppers in each direction

    Carry block to other service line





    On to the baseball field to work on our base running. The plan was for us all to hit a Cycle (single, double, triple, and home run), but we came up a little short because of time constraints.

    Bear crawl to first base. 1 Burpee. Crawl bear back home.

    Bear crawl to second base. 2 Burpees. Crawl bear back home.

    Bear crawl to third base. 3 Burpee. Crawl bear back bome.

    Bear crawl all the way around the bases. 4 Burpees. Bear crawl back around the bases.


    We went to the football field, aka the parking lot, to work on our lead blocking:

    Overhead walking lunge 10 yards – 10 Thrusters – Carry block back to start

    Overheard walking lunge 20 yards – 10 Thrusters – Carry block back to start

    Overhead walking lunge 30 yards – 10 Thrusters – Carry block back to start

    Overhead walking lunge 40 yards – 10 Thrusters – Carry block back to start

    With about 2 minutes left, I remember that I had failed to honor the late, great, Kobe Bean Bryant. So we dropped our blocks for a quick 81 Bobby Hurleys (or as many as possible) until the clock struck 6:00.


    The Standard is the Standard.

    And things of that nature.


    Who knew that Shake N Bake was a prophet? When I said that this is the time of year that we have all the major sports playing, Shake N Bake proclaimed that baseball would be lasting exactly 1 more day. I turned on the news this morning to learn that baseball had ended. Well done Shake N Bake.

    Recent Backblasts

      Carotid Cardio Cleanout

      QIC:  Prosciutto

      Date: 11/01/2021

      PAX: 8 Mile, Bada Bing, Blowpop, Burrito, Friday, Mansiere, Manscaper, Squirt, Zima

      AO: Convoy


      The cool, fall-like temps upon us and all of the northern signal mountain hemisphere constellations in full view. Someone mentioned the big dipper, but I was certain I was wearing shorts long enough to hide it (hmmm, maybe not); and it was dark… Probably a good time to make this note for future attendees not aware – arriving before ~5:25am at Convoy – it’s pitch black with the parking lot lights set to the off position (Burrito’s trying to save convoy on the utility bill, I suppose). Early risers and gloomers were able to appreciate the wonder of the cosmos, good thing too, because otherwise we’d be forced to actually look at one another. Eek! And I thought Halloween was behind us!

      For those attending, I tried to start us at 5:26, but the ceremonious pax vetoed that notion; “it’s not 5:30!”, Burrito insisted.

      On this, the 305th day of the year, the Catholic in me was mindful that today is an observed holy day; All Saints’ Day. Interesting fact for the day, the perhaps lesser-known “Halloween” is actually not a public holiday in the United States, Canada, or Great Britain. “Publically” or “Civically” in the sense that it is recognized, established by law, and most often provided as a day-off (for those who choose to work). Second, but perhaps not as interesting is a personal fact — in all my years at Catholic school, we were not taught formally about All Saints Day. They just said, it’s All Saints Day and you’re going to mass today (Me: “Awesome”; also me: “the gluten-free kids are gonna be so bloated after the eucharist is delivered har har har”)…. So, to wikipedia I went to learn about that which was never taught to the Catholic school children; tuition aside, wikipedia delivers as usual.

      This day in history notes that in 1966 the NFL awarded New Orleans with a football franchise. The team was named the ‘Saints’ for whatever reason. Were the ‘Pelicans’ already taken?

      Who is bored of this section of the backblast right now? Boy this is awful. Should I continue this mid-morning post coffee induced rambling or talk about how we should look to Detroit as the city planning tutorial for cities looking to improve value in one night every year? Yeah, that…


      Not so much a ‘circle of pain’, but mostly stretching with midwife noises. Also some runner stretches foreshadowing the upcoming plan. It was at this point that we all were very certain that Burrito had arrived and he was well. For this, we were grateful.

      Post stretching and lighthearted commentary behind us, we mosey’d to the hill in the position ahead of the high school entrance.

      Elevens were called, Squat Jumps and Burpees; After 3 rounds ( 10:1, 9:2, 8:3), bernie sanders up the hill and then up to the track for the main thang.

      The Thang

      Cardiac Arrest Combatant
      Remain in motion throughout these exercises but keep together for the benefit of team

      400m Run
      40 SSH / 30 High Knee / 20 Mtn Climbers / 10 HR merkins
      — 45 second Wall sit / Smurfjacks IC / 45 second wall sit

      800m Run
      40 SSH / 30 High Knee / 20 Mtn Climbers / 10 HR merkins
      — 45 second Wall sit / Smurfjacks IC

      400m Run with indigenous peoples mindset
      40 SSH / 30 High Knee / 20 Mtn Climbers / 10 HR merkins

      Return to position at top of original place of Elevens
      Complete two more rounds of 11’s (6:5 & 5:6)

      Head to startex for Seven Minutes of Mary Three’s (editor’s note: there were only 4 minutes of mary three’s); Army Rope Climbs, American Hammers – Slow edition, Flutter Kicks with Recycle’s Army cadence


      Inky Johnson podcast with his mentor talked about the process of achieving goals. The goal can sometimes be a guide post, but after you reach and attain those goals it is very easy to say, “Ok! I’ve reached my goal! I’ve done it.” — and quit. Sad, but true. Couch to Half Marathoner’s can unite on this experience. Their love for pinterest guides to get them off the couch, only to return to the couch afterwards is a recipe for disaster.

      Set up habits and systems. Daily rituals and tasks to constantly refine and hone in on what you hope to eventually be, or become. Think of the carrot and the donkey. Keep the goal just out of your reach, always moving and adjusting your target further and further as you improve. Never allow yourself to actually achieve the goal, but only continue to reach for it and this is how you’ll improve daily. Does the farmer quit when he reaches harvest? What does the farmer do in the days after harvest?

      Find joy and appreciation in the act of improving each day and the momentum you maintain. If you are testing yourself and those tests lead to eventual wins -or- losses, make it a point to place less emphasis on the outcome of the ‘tests’, but instead cherish the value of your effort and rejoice in the opportunity and the blessing to constantly work towards an unattainable perfection. Hard work is just that, hard work.


      • Detroit citizens burn their city down annually; like a real-life purge of drug real estate
      • 8 Mile’s famous ‘snow camp’ story is longer than 4 minutes worth of dialogue
      • Rocky 4, that’s the joke”, is (still) a hilarious joke
      • 1600m record at Signal Mtn High is 4:27″, Burrito scoffed (don’t ask him about the shotput distance record, unless you’re ready for a full onslaught of shotput facts that are super interesting and relatively unknown to 99% of humanity)


      Thanksgiving convergence and gobbler race is upcoming. Details in slack.

      Recent Backblasts

        Doracides – Spooky Halloween Edition

        QIC:  Tatonka

        Date: 10/29/2021

        PAX: Cavity Search, Face Plant, Jaws, Peetuhson, Second Base

        AO: Parliament


        Low 50’s and some dampness in the air from recent rains. Additional rain was kind enough to hold off until after the beatdown concluded.


        SSH x 20
        Little Baby Arm circles x 11 (because Q can’t count)
        Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles x 9 (because Q wanted total arm circles to be 20)
        Seal Claps x 10
        Raise the roofs x 10
        Moroccan Night Clubs x10
        Fat Joes / La-Z-Boys OYO
        Forward Fold OYO

        The Thang

        Q set up 3 cones on straightaway of track.
        Cone 1: 50 meters out
        Cone 2: 75 meters out
        Cone 3: 100 meters out

        Partner 1: Begin performing exercise and continue until Partner 2 finishes circuit below
        Partner 2: Run to cone 1, perform 1 burpee
        Run back to Partner 1
        Partner 2: Run to cone 2, perform 2 burpees
        Run back to Partner 1
        Partner 2: Run to cone 3, perform 3 burpees
        Run back to Partner 1
        Partners switch places. Partner 2 picks up running total exercise count where Partner 1 left off. Example: Partner 1 completed 25 merkins, Partner 2’s merkin count would begin at rep number 26.

        Rinse and repeat for time making way through the following exercises:

        100 Cobras – John McCains but since this is a spooky themed Q we changed the name. The PAX hands behind the back of their heads mimic a cobra’s hood

        150 Spider Merkins – A merkin where you bring the knee to the outside of the elbow on the way down (basically a Merkin + Peter Parker)

        200 Wolf Mans – Air Squats with both hands up imitating a wear wolf

        250 BBSU – Big Boy Boo Sit Ups

        300 Frankensteins – Straight Leg Alternating Toe Touches

        With 5 minutes left, Q called for Pax to gather round and perform some Mary Scary


        Q spoke on recent idea that was shared via a friend from church life group. The 10-10-10 rule in life can help us be better leaders, better friends, and better community members in generally. Most of our excuses from why we can’t/don’t/won’t do something fall into similar categories: we don’t have time, we don’t have money, we don’t know what to say

        The 10-10-10 rules aims to challenge those excuses and break bad habits.

        Rule 1: Leave 10 minutes earlier
        If you leave 10 minutes earlier you likely won’t have an excuse for not having time to do things. If you end up getting held up (in traffic, getting out the door, etc.) you might still arrive on time and not be further stressed.

        Rule 2: Carve out $10 extra dollars in your wallet/pocket
        When you see an opportunity to help someone who could truly use the money more than you, you won’t have an excuse that you don’t have any money on you to help them.

        Rule 3: Say at least 10 words to everyone you converse with throughout the day
        The following dialogue probably sounds familiar:

        Me: Hi, how are you?
        Them: I’m good, how are you doing?
        Me: I’m fine. Thanks for asking!

        It’s almost as autonomous a response as breathing it. Little thought or effort goes into the above conversation and I’m just as guilty of it as the next person. Those 9 words above add absolutely zero impact to your day or anyone else’s. Furthermore, they are generally a big lie. I’ll often tell someone I’m fine when I have a million things on my mind that are stressing me out. If you challenge yourself to say 10 words to every person you speak to, you just might uncover a way to minister, support, or help yourself or someone you come across during you day.

        Q challenged PAX to try to incorporate the 10-10-10 rule into their lives and see what kind of positive impact it could have on them throughout their day.


        Q thought he was going to have his first ever merlot splashing from a PAX, but alas it did not occur. Beatdown could have been tougher I suppose.

        Second Base may or may not have been practicing his one armed Merkins on his own time just waiting to bust out impeccable and impressive form during his turn on Mary.


        Chubbies on Mondays (except the first of the month, for now). Reach out to Mayhem to get on the serve schedule.

        Thanksgiving day convergence at Hill City. Beatdown in the morning followed by Grateful Gobbler 5k / Mega EH event. Please sign up for the Grateful Gobbler if you plan to participate in that portion.

        Recent Backblasts

          Dora Hill

          QIC:  Clothespin

          Date: 10/26/2021

          PAX: Abercrombie, Cooter, Deep Dish, 9Volt, Mrs Baker

          AO: The Battery


          Little bit of cool breeze, dark and cloudy. (Good Gloom)

          There are normal PAX and then there is 9Volt….


          Same old crap… Forward fold and such plus a jaunt up the hill..

          The Thang

          Oh lets go up the hill…… (Snarky A#@ Q… Whoever that was)
          Dora Hill
          Burpee uphills
          Go down hill approximately 300’
          Come back up hill doing 2 burpees every 10 steps.

          Stump Jumper uphills
          Go down hill approximately 300’
          Come back up hill doing 2 stump jumpers every 10 steps.

          100 Gorilla Humpers (hard count)
          200 Merkins
          300 SSH (hard count)
          400 LBC
          500 Imperial walkers (hard count)
          The partner that goes out stops at the first light and does two squats and does 5 merkins at the 2nd.


          You know I really don’t have any wisdom. Usually I find something that Google tells me is wisdom and use it as my own. That being said, Did you know that Whale farts don’t smell particularly good? It’s probably all the shellfish.
          Did you know that slugs have four noses? I’d hate to be around that whale…..
          Did you know that nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine? Think about that next time you buy bottled water!

          Really though guys take time to breath when things go wrong. Exercise some patience and don’t fly off the handle. Is life really all that bad? Especially when you have a God that loves you unconditionally, family that adores you and men in F3 that have your back!


          I am pretty sure the men at The Battery could give any whale fart a run for its money!


          Thanksgiving Day Convergence!!!

          Recent Backblasts

            Run Zombie Run

            QIC:  M.I.A.

            Date: 10/26/2021

            PAX: AOL, Choo Choo, Face Plant, Jaws, Mandela, Nutbuster, Peetuhson, Pocket Taco, See Through, Tatonka, Toe Tag

            AO: Parliament


            52 degrees & Windy. Didn’t stop the tank top.

            Disclaimer and we were off to show the PAX the boundaries for todays workout.

            The Thang – Zombie Run

            Two Zombies were identified, they each ran a lap around the track, then had to devour (tag) the remaining PAX. Devoured PAX become zombies. This continued until all PAX were zombies.

            When the cars pulling into the school became an additional obstacle to dodge, PAX did Frankenstein walk on track followed by 4 MoM.


            YHC wanted to talk about contentment, so he did. It’s easier today to think about the things we want, and the things others have than it is to look at the things you have or your circumstances with wonder. Recent events have given YHC a glimpse of how great life really is. Even in challenging circumstances, we should find joy where we are.


            “This must be what its like to be the injured gazelle.” Tatonka

            “My ankle hurt, but at the prospect of getting eaten by a zombie it suddenly felt much better.” also Tatonka

            “M.I.A. found contentment with his workouts, so he just started copying other peoples. Really original.” probably Tatonka

            Toe Tag’s Strava looked like his Apple Watch got swallowed by a dog:

            Mandela was prey for the first time in his life. And last.

            Special thanks to Mansiere, who thought this up, and lent it (with or without consent… it doesn’t matter) to his flatland brethren.


            Chubbie’s on Monday night starting about 5:30. Always looking for volunteers.

            Thanksgiving convergence will be at Coolidge Park at 6AM. Pax are encouraged to register for the Grateful Gobbler 5K benefitting the Maclellan Shelter for Families that will follow the convergence.

            Up and Down the Ladder

            QIC:  Dundee

            Date: 10/25/2021

            PAX: Dolly, Lanyard, Piano Man, Purple Rain, Stork, Sunscreen, The Count, Toe Jelly

            AO: Beast Ridge


            54 degrees, clear eyes, full hearts.


            SSH – 30 IC
            WMH – 10 IC
            Windmills – 15 IC
            LBACs – 15 IC
            Reverse LBACs – 15 IC
            Overhead Claps – 15 IC
            Seal Claps – 15 IC
            Imperial Walkers – 15 IC

            The Thang

            Five sets of cones were spaced approximately 20 feet apart. Pax did five reps of each of the following then travelled as prescribed to the next cone where they did 10, adding five at each next cone until they totaled 25. Pax then turned around and worked back down by five at each cone until back to the start for a total of 125 reps of each exercise*.

            • Merkins / Bear Crawl
            • Block Squats / Block Lunges
            • Bent Over Rows / Rifle Carries
            • Mountain Climbers (HC) / Bernie
            • Burpees / Mosey
            • Freddie Mercuries (HC) / Crawl Bear

            * Burpees were done as a count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for a total of 25 performed


            The ceiling fan in YHC’s bedroom wobbles. Even though it has five blades, if just one of those blades is a little off, it makes the whole thing off balance. Our health is the same way. We may eat right and exercise, but if we aren’t taking care of our sleep or our mental health, our whole body will suffer. If four fan blades are functioning perfectly, we still have to get the fifth in balance or the whole system fails.


            Chubbie’s on Monday night starting about 5:30. Always looking for volunteers.

            Thanksgiving convergence will be at Coolidge Park at 6AM. Pax are encouraged to register for the Grateful Gobbler 5K benefitting the Maclellan Shelter for Families that will follow the convergence.

            We are the Priests of the Temples of Detention

            QIC:  Starbucks

            Date: 10/25/2021

            PAX: She Shed, Second Base, Snatch, Ponce, Nordictrack, Happy Ending, U-turn, Blue, Sherlock, Roomba, Chunks, 8 Seconds, and Lyft

            AO: Detention


            The morning was black with a moon. The air was crisp and still. The HIM gathered on the lonely fluorescent-lit hill.

            Features distorted in the fluorescent light. Their faces were twisted and grotesque. Silent and stern in the sweltering night. The HIM moved like demons possessed.

            Also, 56 degrees.


            Plank + Disclaimer

            Merkins x 10 in cadence

            Plank Jacks x 10 in cadence

            Mountain Climbers x 10 in cadence

            Willie Mays Hayes x 10 in cadence

            Third Grade x 10 in cadence

            Little Baby Arm Circles x 10 in cadence; Reverse

            5 Burpees OYO

            The Thang

            Each routine below was inspired by a song by Rush. We performed the routine to the song listed for the duration of the song (although we had to cut a couple short).

            YYZ (4:24)
            Before leaving the warmup circle, we got on our six for YYZ. The song YYZ was inspired by the sound of morse code, which is irrelevant to the workout, but a fun fact.

            YYZ = Hello Dolly (Y) + Hello Dolly (Y) + Flutter Kick (Z)

            Pax performed 2 Hello Dollys and 1 Flutter Kick while the song played. For every break, there was a 3 Burpee penalty.

            Red Barchetta (6:10)

            Drive like the wind
            Straining the limits of machine and man
            Laughing out loud with fear and hope
            I’ve got a desperate plan

            A barchetta is a small race car, so we imitated small cars. We partnered up. The partner on the left was the driver. The partner on the right was the passenger. The driver and the passenger were required to travel side by side. The driver bear crawled. The passenger walking lunged. Driver and passenger switched positions at will.

            We made our way from the upper parking lot to the lower pavilion.

            Turns out, bear crawls and walking lunges work a lot of the same muscles in the legs. Who knew?

            2112 (20:00)

            And the meek shall inherit the earth

            At the Pavilion: 21 Bulgarian Split Squats/ 12 Pullups


            By the Food Truck: 21 Squats/ 12 Dive Bombers

            Rinse and Repeat

            Jacob’s Ladder (7:30)

            Follow men’s eyes as they look to the skies
            The shifting shafts of shining weave the fabric of their dreams…

            Run the hill. Do 1 Burpee at the top.

            Run the hill again. Do 2 Burpees at the top.


            Tom Sawyer 4:37)

            Changes aren’t permanent. But change is.

            In Freed to Lead, it talks about Tom Sawyer (from the book) whitewashing the fence. So we did some wall work.

            1 Burpee, 2 Wall Donkey Kicks

            2 Burpees, 4 Wall Donkey Kicks

            3 Burpees, 6 Donkey Kicks.



            A lot of times, once you examine your fears and take them apart, you realize that the thing actually causing you tension isn’t nearly as fearful as you at first thought.

            I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear


            “I think it’s the next song.”

            “No, same song.”

            “Ok, it’s ending.”

            “8:00 minutes left”