Lucky No. 7

Today YHC and 7 other PAX marched onto the fields of Hill City. It was early and our bodies were tired, but the mind prevailed over the body and the workout was a success. Big shoutout to FNG (AKA Stairmaster) who showed true determination today! We would not have been able to finish the workout without FNG’s wife and his dog Charlie on the sidelines cheering us on.
CONDITIONS: 75 Degrees F, Overcast, and Humid
WARMUP: Loosened up the muscles with some light OYO stretching and then we began our mosey to The Main Stage in Coolidge Park.
COP #1
– SSH x 10 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
– SSH x 10 IC
– Squat x 10 IC
– SSH x 10 IC
– Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
– Arm Circles x 10 IC
– Shoulder Press x 10 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
Circuit #1 (Paula Abdul AKA Stairway to Seven)
– Box Jump up 2 Stairs à Perform 7 Merkins
– Step back 1 Stair à Perform 7 Dips
– Box Jump up 2 Stairs à Perform 7 Merkins
– Step back 1 Stair à Perform 7 Dips
– REPEAT until you reach top
Circuit #2
– Run up The Hill
– Perform 7 Burpees
– Run up The Hill
– Perform 6 Burpees
– Repeat until you get down to 1 Burpee
15x LBC’s
15x flutter kicks
15x Freddie Mercury’s
15x Hollywood’s
15x American Hammers
15x Crunchy Frogs
COT: Countoff, Name-O-Rama, Shoutouts/Requests, Prayer
“F.E.A.R. – Face Everything And Rise”

06/20/2017 Backblast

– Where: Hill City, Chattanooga, TN
– When: 06/20/2017, 0530
– QIC: Delta
– The PAX: Prosciutto, Laces Out (RESPECT) and his FNG who we dubbed Sling, Rainman, Stairmaster, Mr. Clean, Ohms & Angus
The Scene:
-High 60’s and a light sprinkle…the big stuff held off until we were getting into our cars to head home after a beat down.
-The PAX came out strong rocking the no-sleeves (Prosciutto even rocked a camo Dale Jr. no sleeves shirt—all that was missing was a mullet) in honor of Cheech from F3 Lexington who was hit by a car while running with his PAX the day before. Praying that God will work a miracle for him and his family…we are praying for you sir and the whole F3 Lexington community. #BandOfBrothers
Welcome and Disclaimer were dropped like a hot mic…
Pax took a li’l mosey to the parking lot near Coolidge Park for the warm-up:
Warm Up:
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
Mountain Climbers / IC x 15
High Knees / IC x 15
Wide High Knees / IC x 15
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
Baby Arm Circles (Forward & Backwards) / IC x 15
Moroccan Night Clubs (AKA, how white dudes dance in the club) / IC x 15
Squat Chinooks / IC x 15
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
We then set our legs on fire by lunging to almost the end of the parking lot and back…
We then took a li’l mosey back to the Love Shack
The Main Thang:
We were feeling a little inspired today, so we grabbed a deck of cards and assigned an exercise to each suit (Diamonds = Burpees, Hearts = Merkins, Spades = Squats, Clubs = Big Boy Sit Ups)…We then proceeded to flip the cards over one by one (each man taking a turn flipping over a card, calling out the exercise and leading the exercise)…If the card that was flipped was a 9 of Diamonds, that meant, we all had to complete 9 Burpees…if it was a 4 of Clubs, we all did 4 Big Boy Sit Ups…The Jack, Queen, King and Ace of each suit had us doing 11 of that exercise. There were 2 Jokers in the deck and when they got flipped over, we got a little reprieve in a 10 count. We repeated taking turns flipping cards over and executing the exercises until there were no more cards…
Thanks to Rainman and his math skills, we found out that when it was all said and done, we had done 98 reps of each exercise and when you multiply that by the 4 exercises we did, you get 392 total reps.
Other than the 2-10 counts, thanks to the Jokers, the only other break we got was due to the rule I enforced at the beginning which said: whenever a group of joggers ran by, the PAX will execute low plank for a IC 15 count.
Due to our trip to Vegas, where we pulled out the deck of cards, we were only left with time to do 1 exercise to set our abs on fire…So I handed the reigns to Ohms and he led us through some LBC’s (IC x 20)
We bestowed the name Sling to our FNG (Laces Out—RESPECT—gets the award for bringing FNG’s like its his job)…Sling came about become after pursing a girl for several months, she finally agreed to go on a date with him…On said date, he slammed her arm in the car door; breaking her arm! She then rocked a cast and a sling…
Word of the day: Active Participant // everything we are involved goes so much better when we actively engage and participate…Like my mom always said: You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.
Lexington: Cheech & Tap
Laces Out: Cousin battling cancer / niece–surgery
Angus” Wife’s pregnancy
Gus: Transition in Memphis
Snowflake: Summer camp & broken arm


– Where: Hill City, Chattanooga, TN
– When: 06/20/2017
– QIC: Ohms
– The PAX: Prosciutto, Early Bird, Laces Out (RESPECT), Rainman, Stairmaster, Mr. Clean

Today YHC and 7 other PAX marched onto the fields of Hill City. It was early and our bodies were tired, but the mind prevailed over the body and the workout was a success. Big shoutout to FNG (AKA Stairmaster) who showed true determination today! We would not have been able to finish the workout without FNG’s wife and his dog Charlie on the sidelines cheering us on.
CONDITIONS: 75 Degrees F, Overcast, and Humid
WARMUP: Loosened up the muscles with some light OYO stretching and then we began our mosey to The Main Stage in Coolidge Park.
COP #1
– SSH x 10 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
– SSH x 10 IC
– Squat x 10 IC
– SSH x 10 IC
– Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
– Arm Circles x 10 IC
– Shoulder Press x 10 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
Circuit #1 (Paula Abdul)
– Box Jump up 2 Stairs à Perform 7 Merkins
– Step back 1 Stair à Perform 7 Dips
– Box Jump up 2 Stairs à Perform 7 Merkins
– Step back 1 Stair à Perform 7 Dips
– REPEAT until you reach top
Circuit #2
– Run up The Hill
– Perform 7 Burpees
– Run up The Hill
– Perform 6 Burpees
– Repeat until you get down to 1 Burpee
15x LBC’s
15x flutter kicks
15x Freddie Mercury’s
15x Hollywood’s
15x American Hammers
15x Crunchy Frogs
COT: Countoff, Name-O-Rama, Shoutouts/Requests, Prayer
“F.E.A.R. – Face Everything And Rise”

Gross Tabata

The Scene: Muggy/warm, upper 60’s and dewy; time to roll around in the grass!
COP: We took a quick warm-up mosey lap around the entire upper field perimeter and then returned to the upper parking lot for the start of the COP.

  1. SSH x 15 IC
  2. Kneeling Merkins x 12 IC
  3. Lunges x 10 IC
  4. High Knees x 10 IC
  5. Peter Parkers x 10 IC
  6. Leg Lifts x 10 IC
  7. Plank Jax x 10 C
  8. LBC x 10 IC

The Thang
First introduced to the Chattanooga crew by Gus (Landfill-Tabata), YHC decided to mix it up a bit and change it up a bit; of course, because it was so easy and fun — but don’t take my word for it!
Today’s tabata included the following exercises performed AMRAP for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest in between exercises for 4 straight minutes.

  1. Squat w/ Rock press
  2. Kneeling Merkins, or regular Merkins
  3. Lunges
  4. High Knees
  5. Peter Parkers
  6. Leg Lifts
  7. Plank Jax
  8. LBC

Repeato 4x
After a few … okay, a lot!, of 10 counts we mosey’d to the bottom of the hill with our buddy rocks; circled-up for a little arm burn musical chairs.  First time through, we did 5 reps, followed by three more repetitions at 10 reps per exercise.

  1. Low Curl: 5, 10, 10, 10
  2. High Curl: 5, 10, 10, 10
  3. Full Curl: 5, 10, 10, 10
  4. Overhead Press: 5, 10, 10, 10
  5. Skull Crushers: 5, 10, 10, 10

Between sets, we moved right one time, then across, the to the right.  Gotta keep these rock-pickin’ fools honest!
As if we hadn’t had enough, we decided to do a Gross (12 different exercises at 12 reps/exercise in 4 rounds).
Round 1:
Diamond Merkins x 12, Squats x 10, LBC x 10
Now, normally we’d just run somewhere, but, to mix it up, YHC brought a football, but WHY?!!?? It’s June and football is so far off…. well, needless to say the pax were confused by this, but the intent was to hand it to the PAX to throw/kick as far as he could and wherever it landed, that’s where he and the rest of the Pax would sprint to for the next round.  First up? Laces Out, of course.
L.O. boots it and it looks like a shank right, but he got a lucky bounce as it rolled down the big hill!  So, we mosey on down to the ball (still rolling), for Round 2:
Incline merkins x 12, Jump Squat x 12, American Hammer x 12
Next up, Early Bird (probably thinking, “futbol?”) decides to kick as well.  He hits the “pooch kick” as we call it in American Football and Christmas comes early as the Pax have a short mosey to the restful oblong football, for Round 3:
Wide Merkin x 12, Lunge x 12, BBSU x 12
Next, I turn to one of the more youthful pax, Mudslide, to give it a go.  Without hesitation, he chucks it up and over the hill; great thinking!  We get to the top, and YHC decided it wasn’t enough and so I kicked it another 30 yards or so, for our final round.  As they say, don’t save anything for the swim back; Round 4:
Angle Grinder x 12, Jump Lunge x 12, LBC x 12
Finally, Mr. Clean gets a chance to show off the arm, and he doesn’t disappoint.  Throws it right back to the pavilion and YHC issues a jail break.
Flutter kicks, American hammer, Crunchy frog, omaha to Rainman for Freddie Mercury, omaha to Early bird for single leg lift press-ups, omaha to Laces Out for Hello Dolly
Impossible to I’m Possible

The Coop

The Scene: Somewhere around mid-60’s and beautiful…what a great day to be alive
+The welcome and disclaimer was administered…We realized that whoever was in charge of our shovel flag had fartsacked on us, so we started with our 10 penalty burpees…
Then mosey’ed to the small parking lot near Coolidge for the Warm up;
+Made a rule of the day that every time we saw a group of joggers, we would stop what we were doing and do 20 big boy sit ups!
Warm Up:
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
Mountain Climbers / IC x 15
Baby Arm Circles (Forward & backwards) / IC x 15
Moraccan Night Clubs / IC x 15
Squat Chinooks / IC x 15
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
-Circled Up for a li’l Ring of Fire…Each member of the Pax took turns calling out an exercise…they Pax performed the exercise while that member who called out the exercise bear crawled around the circle. When he was back at his starting position, the next man would call out another exercise and start to bear crawl while the pax performed the exercise…repeated until everyone had had a chance to play!
Now that we were all good and warmed up, we lunged around the parking lot…thighs were burning so we need a 10 count…
We then took our burning thighs and mosey’ed to what I call the Boob Hill (sorry, but that’s what it reminds me of)!
The Thang // The Cooper
Pax performed 10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 merkins and then ran a lap around the boob hill…once they got back to the start line, they did 9 burpees, 9 squats, and 9 merkins AND held plank until everyone finished…they repeated this sequence going down a rep every lap they ran–all the way down to 1 burpee, 1 squat and 1 merkin…We might of needed a few 10 counts in between…
-We also came across a group of joggers, so we all stopped and did 20 big boy sit ups!
+we then mosey’ed towards the love shack…not all the way to the love shack b/c it was occupied by a fella who needed a good night sleep.
-As we headed to the love shack, we came across another group of joggers…so guess what; we all did another 20 big boy sit ups!
Pickle Pounders / IC x 15
Flutter Kicks / IC x 15
Freddie Mercury / IC x 15
I then passed the mic to Ohms who lead us in some little baby crunches and then he dropped the mic and pronounced that it was time–we were done–in more ways than one.
+Word for the day: We all have made the excuse that we don’t have time for something BUT the reality is that we all make time for what we find important!
Prayer and some mumble chatter about the pax–the fartsackers, the travelers, the homies who have broken some bones, etc…

“Burp” so good…

The Scene: It was a beautiful, calm morning in the Hill City, somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 degrees.
The welcome and disclaimer was administered…as always AND especially in light of our 2 FNG’s (Way to go fellas)
Mosey to where the trolls live under the bridge for a little warm up
-Side Straddle Hop / In Cadence x 15
-Arm Circles (Forward / Backwards) IC x 15
-Squat Chinooks / IC x 15
-Mountain Climbers / IC x 15
-Imperial Walkers / IC x 15
-Prisoner’s Squat / IC x 15
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
The Thang
+Route 66 // Run the distance of two light poles and do 1 burpee…run to the distance of another two light poles and do 2 burpees…continue on until you have made 11 stops for a total of 66 burpees. After each stop, we held plank until the entire PAX was done–b/c we are a team!
According to Prosciutto, “we got our kicks on Burpee Route 66”.
We needed to catch our breath so we grabbed a 10 count before moseying back to the concrete stairs near the bottom of Mt. Madoriyama.
“Stairway to 7” (thanks either Prosciutto or Angus for the name–you guys were feeling very creative today)
-At the bottom of the stairs, do 7 incline merkins, then box jump up 1 stair, then do 7 dips, then box jump up 1 stair…repeat that order to the top…We held plank until the PAX was done!
We took a slow mosey to the LOVE SHACK where we grabbed a partner.
-One partner did a wall sit while the other ran to the bottom of Mt. Madoriyama…Bernie Sanders’ed up the Mt and then ran back to switch with his partner.
-Weezy Jefferson / IC x 15
-Alphabet / Apparently I forgot that K still belongs in the Alphabet.
-Passed the baton to Angus and Prosciutto for our final 2 excerises:
(Angus) // American Hammer / IC x15
(Prosciutto) // Hollywoods / IC x12, each side
The 2 FNG’s were bestowed the names: Mr. Clean (looks just like the real one) and Abacus!
Prayer requests:
-Gus // transition to Memphis
-Angus and Abacus’s wives are pregnant
-Laces Out’s cousin battling cancer
-Snowflake // VBS this week

Operation Red Wings

Conditions: Clear Skies, 60 Deg F
This Thursday morning began with 6 PAX posting at Hill City. Delta and Prosciutto met up at the Italian’s residence for a little clown car car-pool action, but YHC needed the extra 15 minutes in the fartsack and ended up having to make the trek to Hill city on his own. YHC has been out of town on a little vacation and missed the past two posts…one of those posts happened to be Memorial Day so what better way to make up his absence on such a glorious day than to honor our heroes with a little MURPH action? FNG Rainman didn’t know what he was getting himself into, but he showed true courage and had himself one hell of a day (Excellent work Rainman).
Here’s what went down:
The workout started with a little disclaimer and a short 0.5 mile mosey to The Walking Bridge via Manufacturers Blvd. and Frazier Ave. Upon, arrival at The Walking Bridge YHC instructed the PAX that we were going to be doing the Murph Challenge to honor our Veterans for Memorial Day.
Here’s a little summary of the Murph Challenge at Hill City:

  • 0.5 Mile Mosey (Hold Plank until 6 arrives)
  • Carolina Dry Docks / OYO x 25
  • Merkins / OYO x 50
  • Squats / OYO x 75
  • 0.5 Mile Mosey (Hold Plank until 6 arrives)
  • Carolina Dry Docks / OYO x 25
  • Merkins / OYO x 50
  • Squats / OYO x 75
  • 0.5 Mile Mosey (Hold Plank until 6 arrives)
  • Carolina Dry Docks / OYO x 25
  • Merkins / OYO x 50
  • Squats / OYO x 75
  • 0.5 Mile Mosey (Hold Plank until 6 arrives)
  • Carolina Dry Docks / OYO x 25
  • Merkins / OYO x 50
  • Squats / OYO x 75

TOTALS: 2 Miles, 100 x Carolina Dry Docks, 200 x Merkins, 300 x Squats
LBC’s / IC x 15
V-Ups / OYO x 15
Hello Dolly’s / IC x 15
Freddy Mercury’s / IC x 15
Pickle Pounders / IC x 15
COT – Countoff, Nameorama, Shoutouts/Requests, Prayer
Prayer Requests: Angus’s Family (they’re having a baby), Prosciutto’s friend (kidney dialysis, cancer), Laces Out’s Cousin (Cancer), Early Bird’s Mom (Laser Eye Surgery)
“Anything worth doing is worth over-doing”

Escape to Juarez Valley

Beautiful sunshine, slightly humid. Warm enough snowflake has finally lost his hoodie.
Welcome and Disclaimer 

The Thang
Four Pax mosey around do a few side straddle hops at the base of Big Grass Hill. Trembling in its shadow they knew what YHC had in store as soon as we lit out in that general direction. The best way to get the blood flowin’ is to get the blood flowin’. We kick off this bright and balmy Saturday with a few side straddle hops and an immediate sprint up Big Grass Hill. This provides a bit of enlightenment, the hill don’t get easier but your view gets a whole helluva lot better. If thats not a truthnugget I don’t know what is.
Stretch-o-rama / COP
With a glorious view out over the trees with the sun continuing to rise we held each for a 20 second count. Deep breaths in between to get our minds right. YHC was feelin a bit like a yogi.
– Toe Touch
– Loose Hang
– Baseball stretch
– Quad Stretch
– Upward Reach
– Tricep
– Across Chest Arm Stretch
With the weinke in mind YHC modified the ever so popular and surprisingly complicated “warm up” to better suit the main event.
– SSH x 20
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– High Knees x 20
– Wide High Knees x 20
– SSH x 20
– Ass Kickers x 20
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– Squat Jumps x 15
– LAC x 20, forwards and backwards
– Chinooks x 20, 1 way
– Moroccan Night Club x 20
Long mosey around and hold up at the top of the big field.
Escape to Juarez Valley
This workout is allegedly adapted from inmates that occupy Juarez Valley, one of the deadliest places on earth. YHC’s version of the Juarez Valley Challenge consists of ascending and descending repetitions in an alternating fashion. The repetitions are performed in descending order on all odd-numbered sets and on even-numbered sets, reps are performed in ascending order until you make a full swap.
Today the gloom was happy to entertain a whole lotta merkins and squats, each PAX was instructed to pick a “cell” which in our case was a parking spot and begin the beat down as follows:
20 merkins / 1 squat (walk to the other side of the cell between each exercise) repeat until you get a full swap.
19 / 2 , 18 / 3, 17 / 4, 16 / 5, 15 / 6, 14 / 7, 13 / 8, 12 / 9, 11 / 10, 10 / 11, 9 / 12, 8 / 13, 7 / 14, 6 / 15, 5 / 16, 4 / 17, 3 / 18, 2 / 19, 1 / 20
YHC and PAX were winded, a TenCount was required.
With plenty of time left, YHC took off on a mosey down the sidewalk 10 BBS at each lamp post until we get down to the Little Grass Hill. Take a run up and head to the lower pavilion.
YHC calls an audible –
10 Dips, 10 Squats, 10 Dips, 10 Step ups, 10 Dips, 10 Box Jumps
Rinse and Repeat.
With “Plenty of Time” we head up to the top pavilion for some 6MOM.
Naked Man Moleskin
YHC is incredibly proud of the growth shown by all PAX in our AO. With a lot of faces coming and going but we’ve got a strong core stepping up to lead us all to become stronger men together. Keep it up.
_Angus Out

The Inaugural Run…

The Scene: According to Prosciutto, it was mid-50’s with a slight breeze…beautiful morning for me to lose my F3 virginity by Q’ing for the first time.
Warm Up: Welcome // Disclaimer // Mosey to under the bridge
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
Baby Arm Circles (forward and backwards) IC x 15
Moroccan Night Club / IC x 15
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
Mountain Climbers / IC x 15
Dot Drill / 20 on your own
High Knees / IC x 15
Wide High Knees (Gus’s favorite) / IC x 15
Imperial Walkers / IC x 15
The Thang // Mosey to along the river walk
Modified DORA: (Partner up)
Partners will work together to accomplish:
100 Merkins, 150 LBC’s and 200 Squats
One partner will work on the exercise while the other partner runs to the first light pole and does 3 burpees and runs back. Once they get back, they switch.
Mosey to the base of Mt Madoryama…
Bear Crawl to the first light pole and lunge back x 4
Mosey to the bottom of the concrete stairs (down next to the lagoon)
Box jump to the top…after each stair you jump, do 1 dip…adding 1 dip to each stair you jump…example: after the 1st box jump, do 1 dip…after the second box jump, you do 2 dips…and on and on you go to the top.
PAX lined up for a Indian Run around Renaissance Park back to the Love Shack
Merry (At Love Shack)
Pickle Pounder / IC x 15 (everyone tried hard not to make eye contact)
Flutter Kicks / IC x 15
Freddie Mercury / IC x 15
Hold Low Plank for a 20 IC count
Hello Dolly / IC x 15
Rosalita / IC x 15
Box Cutters / IC x 15
Crunchy Frog / IC x 15
Gus’ Transition to Memphis
Proscuitto’s family friend
Laces Out cousin // cancer, surgery in September
Word of the Day // One of the symbols for F3 is the shovel…God placed Adam in the garden and gave him the mandate to cultivate and make the rest of the earth flourish and look like Eden. We, as men have also been given the God-given mandate to cultivate our world and make things flourish. So, let’s grab our shovels and go to work. Let’s reject passivity and apathy and cultivate in the places God has placed us…In our homes, with our wife and kids, in our church, in our neighborhood, in our work environment, in F3…It’s so easy to abdicate our role and to slide into passivity; that is why F3, this band of brothers is so important. To help hold each other accountable and help us be the men that God has called us to be…Don’t give up men…the world has enough “boys who can shave” who have abdicated their roles, who are cultivating in the wrong places and the world is not flourishing as a result. May that not happen to us…Let’s grab our shovels and go to work; for the glory of God and for the good of those around us.

To The Bridge

The Scene: 65 and beautiful. It’s a great day to be alive, so let’s go to work men…
The Warm up: Welcome / Disclaimer / Mosey to under the Bridge 
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
Mountain Climbers / IC x 15
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
High Knees / IC x15
Wide High Knees / IC x 15
Dot Drill / 20 on your own
Side Straddle Hop / IC x15
Ring of Fire / Circle up…one by one, each man calls out an exercise. He then bear crawls around the group while they execute that exercise.
The Thang:
Since this PAX was made up of elite athletes, I called an audible and lead us towards that beautiful bridge over troubled waters for a little more cardio that was planned.
Hit the Walnut Street bridge and started with:
10 Burpees, followed by a little mosey
20 Merkins, followed by a little mosey
30 Squats, followed by a little mosey
Held a low plank for a 20 count and then headed back to do it all over again
30 Squats, followed by a little mosey
20 merkins, followed by a little mosey to the end of the bridge where we started
10 burpees
Mosey’d to the river side of Coolidge Park to utilize the park benches
Incline Merkins x 15
Step ups x 30
Decline Merkins x 15
Dips x 15
Mosey back towards Mt. Madoryama…In honor of Memorial Day, Democracy and Merica, we took a vote to take the long or short way back…long way wins.
Halfway back, we stopped to hold a low plank for a 20 count
Ended up at the foot of Mt. Madoryama…
Bernie Sanders up the Mt. with a run down x 2
Merry at the Love Shack
-Each man took a turn leading a exercise that made our abs burn and made our wives happy!
Prayer Requests:
Gus // Transition to Memphis
Laces Out Cousin // Cancer, surgery set for September
Prosciutto’s friend
Word of the Day: Matthew 20:26-28 // Whoever wants to become GREAT must be a servant…just as the Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.