The 12 Days of PAXmas

QIC:  Tatonka

Date: 12/9/2020

PAX: Coldplay, Cavity Search, Crawdaddy, John Doe, Wrecked Em, Toe Jelly, Meow Mix, Blackout, Bonsai

AO: Parliament


A balmy 27 degrees Fahrenheit with clear skies.


Mosey for a lap around the track

SSH x 10 IC

WMH x 10 IC

LBAC x 10 IC

Reverse LBAC x 10 IC

Seal Claps x 10 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC

Forward Fold x 10 IC

The Thang

Q Note to Pax: There are 12 business days left until Christmas.

Q promised anyone who showed up that they would get presents today. Q prepared 12 wooden blocks painted to look like presents with an exercise written on the bottom. Q instructed first Pax to go and select a present and then reveal to the group what exercise we would be performing. In the following rounds a different Pax would select a different present and reveal a new exercise. We would complete that exercise followed by the previous exercises from the already revealed blocks (similar to the song the 12 Day of Christmas). In between rounds, the Pax that opened their present would select an exercise to lead the group in before moving on to the next round. After all, this time of year is about giving just as much as is it about receiving.

12 Days of PAXmas
Round 1:

American Hammers x 10

Pickle Pointers x 10 IC (Toe Jelly)

Round 2:

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

American Hammers x 10

Squats x 10 IC (Blackout)

Round 3:

Squats x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

American Hammers x 10

Flutter kicks X 10 IC (Wrecked ‘Em)

Round 4:

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

American Hammers x 10

Burpees x 10 (John Doe)

Round 5:

Lunges x 10 each leg

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

American Hammers x 10

Leg lifts x 10 IC (Crawdaddy)

Round 6:

Dive Bombers x 10

Lunges x 10 each leg

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

American Hammers x 10

Jane Fonda x 10 each side IC (Cavity Search)

Round 7:

Box Cutters x 10 IC

Dive Bombers x 10

Lunges x 10 each leg

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

American Hammers x 10

Lap on the track (Coldplay)

Round 8

Dips x 10

Box Cutters x 10 IC

Dive Bombers x 10

Lunges x 10 each leg

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

American Hammers x 10

Diamond Merkins x 10 (Meow Mix)

Round 9:

Burpees x 10

Dips x 10

Box Cutters x 10 IC

Dive Bombers x 10

Lunges x 10 each leg

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

American Hammers x 10

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC (Bonsai)

At this point we were running short on time so Q decided to finish with a single set of the remaining 3 presents the Pax had not unwrapped yet

10 x Big Boi Sit Ups

10 x V-Ups

High Knees until time was called


I was driving down the road recently and an odd thought popped into my mind about how in a way I’m thankful for Covid. Without Covid and all the changes that stemmed from it, I would have never found F3. I shared my story of signing up for a 5k that, due to Covid, got changed to a virtual event in which I was instructed to submit a time by a certain end date. I waited until the last possible day to submit my time, so I woke up that morning and decided to head to the local high school track to run. Upon parking John Doe and Coypu were in the parking lot waiting to begin Coypu’s VQ that morning. John Doe asked me if I was here for the F3 workout. I responded with, “I have no idea what that is.” The EH occurred after that and I showed up the following Tuesday.

In a men’s group from church, we have been studying the book of Ephesians. In the first chapter, Paul prays that the people would know great hope and have enlightened hearts. Often God doesn’t want to alter the circumstances of our lives, but to alter the way we see those circumstances by changing our hearts. Through this, setbacks become opportunities to further put our faith and trust in Christ. I challenged the Pax to try to view every situation through the lens of an enlightened heart and in doing so grow stronger in their faith.


Coldplay will do burpees for anyone… except John Doe

More chatter about Blackout’s “White Wig” beanie that may need to become part of the Q uniform (Q-niform?) for Parliament

Cavity Search tried to game the system by calling a 10 count for his in between round exercise – I appreciate that cleverness very much.


Toys for Tots drive still occurring, get with Coldplay or another AOQ if you want to donate anything

Weekly 3rd F with Chubbies is still occurring on Tuesday’s through the end of the year. John Doe is flying solo as of this writing for next Tuesday.

John Doe is looking into more 3rd F opportunities with Habitat for Humanity since there was a lot of interest

Legacy Launch still scheduled for Christmas Eve with Sousa and Ramrod on Q. Off the books beatdowns are occurring leading up to the official launch

F3 10 year anniversary has been postponed until October.

Recent Backblasts

    Dust in the Wind with master trumpeteers….and a few curls for the girls

    QIC:  Blackout

    Date: 12/7/2020

    PAX: Escobar, Seagull, Oui Oui, Bandwagon, Sex Wax, WreckedEm, Toe Tag, Slim Shady, Bernie, Uncle Joe, M.I.A., AOL, Abercrombie

    AO: Hacksaw


    A bit nipply out, wait, what did I say nipple? I meant nippy out! There was a bit of nip in the air though. Although once the exercises started, it became a little hooter, I mean, hotter than we anticipated. Clark Griswold described the weather conditions perfectly….

    In all seriousness, it was a nice 45 degree, windy day. Lots of smells in the air this morning as well.


    Mosey to flagpoles with coupons from parking lot

    • Forward Fold – silent count
    • Willie Mayes Hayes – x10
    • Arm Circles – x15
    • Reverse Arm Circles – x15
    • Seal Claps – x15
    • Raise the Roof – x15
    • SSH x25
    • Forward Fold – silent count
    • Mosey one lap around flagpoles

    The Thang

    We did four round of interval exercises around the flagpoles and moseyed a lap after each round. Majority of exercises done with a coupon The intervals spanned anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute and rest was usually around 10 seconds between each exercise. This was not exact because (refer to Backblast from Friday) the Q’s interval timer free trial was up. The Exercises were as follows in a shuffle format:

    • Curls for the girls
    • Incline merkins
    • Goblet Squats
    • Triceps extensions
    • Skull crushers
    • Rows
    • Flutter Kicks
    • Curls for the girls
    • Elf on the shelf
    • Shoulder Presses
    • Lunges
    • Big Boy Sit ups
    • Decline Merkins
    • LBCs
    • Curls for the girls
    • Curl Presses
    • Freddie Mercuries
    • American Hammers
    • Curls for the girls

    After fourth round mosey, we did one set of 10 Burpee block-overs. Do 1 burpee on left side of block, then jump over block and do 1 burpee on right side. Ten total.


    • Superman x10 in cadence (Abercrombie)
    • Flutter Kicks x20 in cadence (MIA)
    • Freddie Mercuries x16 in cadence (Seagull)
    • Scissor Kicks x a lot (Oui Oui)


    Shared some of the same discussion with PAX today as I did Friday at Parliament. Spoke on the book Freed to Lead and the discussions it has surrounding relationships. These are compared to a sifter, much like when you are cooking meat and you sift out the fat. After sifting, all that remains are the solid pieces of meat. In your life, when hard times hit, there will be a lot of “fat” relationships in your sifter that fall out of the sifter. The more solid relationships you can build and sustain, the more substance remains in the sifter. Thanked my F3 brothers for being a solid piece in not only my sifter, but everyone of their brothers in the COT this morning as well. See Friday back blast for more discussion on this.


    Turns out block interval work brings out a wide variety of sounds and smells, mostly painful sounds and bad smells. No music was needed as we had our own flatulence orchestra this AM. It became a bit of a game to see what % of PAX would offer up their own unique sounds and smells. I believe we hit over 75%. Good for the PAX that we hit majority so that no names have to be listed. Additionally, crop dusting was a common occurrence on the mosey laps.

    As M.I.A. eloquently put it, thank goodness this backblast is the last backblast we have to experience from this beatdown.

    One PAX in particular had comments about the speaker used for music, please note these speakers are still on sale at DG for $2.99!

    About halfway through, PAX asked if Q was making this work out up as we went, to which the response was “yessir”

    Skull crushers and laughing don’t make a good combination. There were almost concussions. Refer to paragraph 1 of this Moleskin for what caused the laughter.


    Toys for tots ongoing this week. Get them to AOQ at any location. This is the last week to bring these. Let’s give these kids some joy this Christmas.

    Chubby’s still ongoing for the rest of 2020 every Tuesday at 5:30. Donations needed include blankets, jackets, etc. especially due to the cold weather. Woodrider and Shawshank on tomorrow, anyone can join them. Reach out to John Doe for more info.

    Two VQ’s upcoming: Oui Oui at Hacksaw Wed. 12/9 and Meow Mix at Parliament Tues. 12/8

    Recent Backblasts

      Your Shot House Dose

      QIC:  GeekSquad 

      Date: 12/7/2020

      PAX: Cleaver, Hasbro, Milkman, Ponce De Leon, Sherlock,

      AO: Shot House


      Disclaimer: This is F3, I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, modify if necessary, IF injury should occur, we will help you in whatever way possible to your car.


      Mosey to Middle School parking lot carrying coupon

      Warmup ALL IC x 15-20
      Mountain climbers
      Proscuitto’s Gold Chains
      Moroccan Night Clubs
      Forward LB Arm Circles
      Backward LB Arm Circles
      Overhead Presses

      The Thang

      Parking Lot Party at HMS ( All Stations AMRAP for 30 sec)

      1. Lunges
      2. Merkins
      3. Overhead Presses
      4. Bonnie Blairs
      5. Alternating Shoulder Taps
      6. Shrugs
      7. Frog jumps 10 out Bear Crawl back
      8. Plank jacks
      9. Carolina Dry Docks
      10. Take a lap around the parking lot

      11. Squats
      12. Diamond Merkins
      13. Bent over rows
      14. Imperial Walkers
      15. Infinity Planks
      16. Tricep Extensions
      17. Reverse lunges
      18. Hand release merkins
      19. Take a lap

      20. PAX choice exercises for 30 sec each x 5 PAX members

      Mosey back to the parking lot carrying block and finish with round of marys

      (All Exercises during mary until Q says time)

      Pretzels Left leg / Pretzels Right Leg
      butt kickers
      heel touches

      Plank until time expires


      Our mission:

      F3 is a men’s workout group, with the mission to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

      I want to challenge you in the area of leadership and specifically to lead in the little things.

      HCs are important to the Q. We have been slacking with those lately.

      Another few ways to lead in the little things is to pick up the six, encourage each other during the workout, connect outside the workout time & to step up and Q at other locations.

      These are all good ways to live the mission and get the most out of F3.

      Recent Backblasts

        No matter how you slice it, it still sucks

        QIC:  Sidekick

        Date: 12/04/2020

        PAX: Limp Lips; Sunburn; Hansen

        AO: Boneyard


        41 degrees (which feels like 80 after 4 days in the low 20s); occasional drizzle but mostly dry


        SSH; Forward Fold; Willie Mays Hays; Supermans; Slow mercans; Slow squats

        Mosey lap around the ball fields terminating at the workout station

        The Thang

        Tabata Time

        10 stations set up; 30 seconds AMRAP; 5 seconds for rotation.

        1. Mercans
        2. Run
        3. Rest
        4. Dying Cockroach
        5. Block Curls
        6. Box jumps
        7. Pull ups
        8. BBSU
        9. Block press
        10. Block Squat

        PAX picks their poison and the fun begins. Perform exercise for 30 seconds, then rotate in the 5 allotted seconds; start again.

        30 seconds was not realistic for the run, so the plan was to use up the rest and rotation time for the lap. We achieved that a few times, but not every time. End result was 4 full rotations through the 10 stations.

        As the title states; regardless of how you break these up, they still suck.


        Dealing with adversity is one of the key attributes in effective leadership. How you handle adversity says a lot about you. Can you accept accountability? Can you focus on a solution instead of seeking out blame? Can you remain calm and level headed? Can you ask for help? All good questions to ask when reflecting on your own experiences


        The lap around the field is much further than I originally thought.


        [Legacy launching soon in Brainerd

        Recent Backblasts

          1 Year of Coldplay’s BS

          QIC:  Coldplay

          Date: 12/4/2020

          PAX: Clothespin, Vaccine, Oui Oui, Bandwagon, M.I.A., Uncle Joe, Toe Jelly, Toe Tag, WuzntMe, Escobar, SeaGull, Sex Wax, Snow Patrol, Picabo, Go Blue, Mayhem, Bernie

          AO: Hacksaw


          Surprisingly warm-ish considering the week we’ve had. Rain was threatening, but never happened


          Mosey to flag pole for all the standard warm-up activities. Ended with a set of 21’s, but the QIC couldn’t count. Penalty burpees ensued.

          The Thang

          Mosey to the pavilion behind the Collegedale police station. Performed step-ups on the picnic tables to AD/DC’s rock anthem “Thunderstruck” with a deep squat on the word “Thunder”.

          Mosey to the Commons pavilion where someone had decorated with lights and placed X’s on the pavement for perfect social distancing.

          Performed 1 round of Tabata workout (30 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest). 12 rounds, 8 minutes.

          Mosey around parking lot.

          Performed 1 round of Sally to everyone’s “enjoyment”.

          Mosey around parking lot.

          Performed Mary to time, PAX led.

          Attempted another set of 21’s. Penalty burpees ensued.


          Today marked 1 year of F3 for the QIC. Very thankful for the F3 brotherhood and support. Obviously, Proverbs 27:17 applied here; “Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.” Here’s to another year of getting sharper.


          Bandwagon wanted a 2nd chance at 21’s, but the results were the same. We probably need to make this a staple until we can consistently count to 21.


          Toys for Tots drive in full swing with 1 week left.

          Blanket drive for Chubby’s.

          Happy Hour next Friday

          Recent Backblasts

            HIIT and Run with really loud music

            QIC:  Blackout

            Date: 12/4/2020

            PAX: Bonsai, Shawshank, 9 Volt, Woodrider, Cavity Search, WreckedEm, Tatonka, John Doe 

            AO: Parliament


            A beautiful, brisk 48 degree morning. A 25 degree increase from just two days ago. Nice breeze, a little drizzle, and plenty of mumble chatter.


            Mosey one lap around track

            • Forward Fold x10
            • Willie Mayes Hayes x10
            • Arm Circles x15
            • Reverse Arm Circles x15
            • Seal Claps x15
            • Rockin’ Nightclubs (for Coldplay) x15
            • SSH x25
            • Forward Fold Silent Count

            The Thang

            We did three rounds of “HIIT and run” with eight (sort of) exercises each round followed by some running.

            Round 1 (each exercise 45 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest; interval style)

            • Mountain Climbers
            • Squats
            • LBCs
            • Merkins
            • High Knees
            • Forward Lunges
            • Flutter Kicks
            • Shoulder Taps
            • Reverse Indian Run one lap (PAX in front dropped and did three burpees and then ran to catch up with line)

            Round 2 (each exercise 45 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest; interval style)

            • Diamond Merkins
            • Calf Raises
            • Freddie Mercuries
            • Burpees
            • Plank (PAX choice high or low)
            • Reverse Lunges
            • Big Boy Sit ups
            • Imperial Walkers
            • Indian Run one lap – normal style

            Round 3 (each exercise sporadic followed by sporadic rest periods because free trial of interval timer expired after only two rounds!)

            • Jump Squats
            • LBCs
            • Burpees
            • Hundreds
            • Merkins
            • Big Boy Sit ups
            • Indian Run two laps (first lap: Reverse Indian run PAX in front dropped and did 5 squats and then ran to catch up with line; second lap: normal style Indian run)

            Two Minutes of Mary

            • LBCs – 20 OYO (Shawshank)
            • Box Cutters – 20 in cadence (9 Volt)
            • Freddie Mercuries – 20 in cadence (Bonsai)


            Spoke about just finishing the book Freed to Lead. Talked about the relationship section of the book in which relationships in your life are compared to being in a sifter of sorts. Basically, just like when you cook meat and drain the excess fat, the only thing left in the sifter is the solid meat that didn’t fall through the cracks. The more solid relationships you can build in your sifter and the more fat that gets weeded out, the easier hard times, inevitable as it may be, become. This is because you have a foundation in the sifter of God, family, close friends, and F3. I talked about how F3 has added significant layers to my personal sifter and thanked all the men for being great friends and accountability partners, not only to me but to each other. Closed with reminding PAX to focus on those relationships in the sifter that are most solid and won’t fall through. For those relationships are the ones we will lean on when facing tough situations in our lives.


            John Doe (AKA Yondo) and WreckedEm had many a comments regarding music volume from my speaker, which started out to be relatively low in volume. (This is because my interval gentlemen calling out ques to start and rest was set to lower music volume so he could be heard be default). Second round, I turned this setting off and Voila, we had very loud music. PAX then noted we couldn’t hear the interval ques, so it was not a good situation. Third round, my free trial of interval timer ran up, so we had only music and my lovely voice calling out ques, with no particular rhyme or reason. Anyhow, turned out my speaker is on sale at Dollar General for $2.99, go get one today!

            Q was only called names once, this was during the second or third round of burpees. It was probably warranted.

            Q wore white toboggan. In the spirit of the White Wigs of Parliament, it was decided this was to be passed around as the new Q hat so that everyone knew who the judge was that day. Jokes of course, Q did not part with the toboggan.


            Toys for tots ongoing, bring to any workout and give to AOQ. The more the merrier!

            Chubbys homeless ministry has four more Tuesday opportunities this year and will then switch to one day a month in January. If you haven’t been, try and get out there!

            Recent Backblasts

              Round and Round We Go!

              QIC:  GeekSquad 

              Date: 11/21/2020

              PAX:  Hambone, Joanna, Pound Dog, Prosciutto, Red Raider, Whittler

              AO: Convoy


              Disclaimer: This is F3, I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, modify if necessary, IF injury should occur, we will help you in whatever way possible to your car.


              Da Warm up in parking lot
              To Today it was a Good Day- ice Cube
              Da Warm up
              SSH x 15
              LB arm circles forward then backward x20
              Moroccan Night Club x 20
              Overhead Presses x 20
              Cherry Pickers x 20
              Prosciutto’s Gold Chains x 20
              SSH x 14
              Windmill x15
              Willie Mayes Hayes X 15
              Imperial Walkers x 15
              SSH x 11

              Mosey to the track

              The Thang

              1 Indian run lap around the track – to Insane in the brain

              1st 2 laps around track mosey to bleachers and do 20 box jumps (to jump around), 30 dips & 50 LBCs
              then a lap and 50 squats, 36 mountain climbers, 14 burpees at the bleachers again

              3rd / 4th Lap
              15 Carolina Dry Docks, 24 step ups & 36 Freddie Mercury’s (2nd time monkey humpers to The Humpty Dance.
              then 30 Count lunges, 25 Peter Parkers, 15 Dive Bombers and mosey another lap

              Mosey back to the parking lot and finish with round of marys

              Heel touches x10
              Pretzels 1 leg x10
              Pretzels 2nd leg x10
              Pickle Pointers 3rd leg x10
              Pickle Pounders x10
              Hello Dollys x10
              Box Cutters x10


              The strength that comes from choosing to be thankful during the hard times.

              It was a week ago Thursday, I got the call that Jennifer’s dad was called home to be with Jesus, much sooner than we imagined he would be. It has been a hard week, but it has led me to being intentional about focusing on what I am thankful for. This Thanksgiving will be different from all the ones before it, due to COVID, 2020, and the passing of my father in law, but I draw my strength from my faith in God that Jesus Christ is my Savior and my Deliverer. I dig deep within like we have over the past hour to push through the difficult times and yet choose to be thankful for them because I know they make me stronger. Much like in a workout, when we allow our muscles to be stretched and push ourselves mentally to not stop when it gets hard, we can be thankful afterward for what we learned and for the strength that comes when we need it most! My advice is to remember: It may be painful for a little while, but it will eventually pass and on the other side you will become stronger.

              Romans 5:1-8

              “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare evenq to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
              Romans 5:1-8 ESV

              Recent Backblasts

                Eleven, Thirty, Twenty (The Day and the Rep Counts)

                QIC:  GeekSquad 

                Date: 11/30/2020

                PAX: Postman, Milkman, Roomba, Cleaver, Sherlock

                AO: Shot House


                main gate was locked, so we took the long mosey way around, chilly, but the rain held off. low 50s

                Disclaimer: This is F3, I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, modify if necessary, IF injury should occur, we will help you in whatever way possible to your car.


                Da Warm up on parking lot

                All IC

                SSH x 11
                Forward Fold x 11
                Willie Mayes Hayes x 11
                Imperial walkers x 11
                Mountain Climbers x 11
                Iraqi Tea Time x 11
                Windmills x 11
                SSH x 30
                Forward Arm Circles x 11
                Reverse Arm Circles x 11
                Overhead Seal Claps x 11
                Regular Seal Claps x 11
                Moroccan Night Clubs x 11
                Cherry Pickers x 11
                Chinooks x 11
                SSH x 20

                The Thang

                Mosey the long way around to the track then…

                Four Corners

                Started at Bleachers – box jumps up- mosey back down, box jumps up and mosey back down then Bernie to first corner of track (Station 1)

                1st (ALL AMRAP for time intervals)
                60 seconds – merkins
                60 seconds – monkey humpers
                11 burpees
                Lunge to next station

                60 seconds – shoulder taps
                60 seconds – LBCs
                15 burpees
                Jail break to station 3

                60 seconds – Plank Jacks
                60 seconds – Squats
                15 burpees
                Gorilla hops to next station

                30 seconds – Carolina Dry Docks
                30 seconds – Flutter Kicks
                Mosey back to start. – ran out of time here


                COT – take care of yourself right now. Don’t let your guard down. There’s another spike in positive cases. Be a good soldier. Be steadfast, stand firm, immovable. “If you are not firm in faith, you’re not firm at all.” – my pastor, F3 Blindside Paul challenged his brothers (the believers ) in Corinth with similar words recorded in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV

                Recent Backblasts

                  *One Thankful Q and 200 Solemn Block Swings

                  QIC:  Prosciutto

                  Date: 12/01/2020

                  PAX: Afterbirth, Bumblebee, Coypu, Friday, Gusher, Hambone, Jenny Craig, Joanna, Mansiere, Natty Light, Recycle, Snow Patrol, Tonka, Whittler

                  AO: Smackdown


                  28 with light precipitation. That was enough degrees for 15 to appear at Smackdown; many of those were more than 5 minutes early.

                  One was multiples of 5 early and his pre-F3 laps around the track appeared to be effortless; so much so; that even several others joined in on that fun.,;..<

                  Of the 15 that did show, there was one who was not there. He who shall not be mentioned further. In case you were wondering who he is, here’s a hint; his name does not appear in the PAX line above. Start there and work backwards. Or as Dr. Stephen Covey coined with his phrase, “Begin with the end in mind”.;

                  The cloudburst of precipitation is only explained by the snow rituals my children perform when even the slightest flake falls from the heavens. There are some who might suggest that these false rituals are a display of the devil’s hand; I prefer to blame it on their 1/32nd (~3%) genetic makeup of indigenous people. The genetics manifest themselves in interesting forms, don’t they? For example, neither of my children make meatballs nor bedeck themselves with gold jewelry;;; yet they’re 50% Italian AT A MINIMUM!??!! I’m incredulous to this fact.

                  For those interested; the rituals (in no particular order);;;.:;:;
                  1) Place a silver spoon under the pillow next to the pillow you intend to lay your head
                  2) Turn your bedroom apparel ensemble inside out prior to evening retirement
                  3) Flush ice cubes down the toilet; how many ice cubes? — my children believe the more you flush the more snow there will be; be careful if you’re home is plumbed with an advanced septic system; henceforth and therefore – Precipitation!!


                  Off the cuff and quickly counted for the exacerbation of bloodflow

                  SSH x 20 (speed count at the half) IC
                  High Knees x 12ish IC
                  Forward Fold to silent count to allow for mind-clearing breathing work
                  Hamstring stretch/pull; R/L
                  Windmills x 10 IC
                  SSH x 10 IC

                  Split the group into two lines for an indigenous peoples run (in honour of my offspring and pay our respects to the real ones who came before us)

                  The Thang

                  On the track, facing the field, the PAX aligned and adhered to distancing guidelines as prescribed by the scientists who know everything about this pandemic yet the most important thing; how to get rid of it entirely. Not bitter; just cold.
                  Block swings serve as the anchor point of suckitude throughout the entire workout’s revolutions because; as with many things, it’s nice to have some consistency mixed in with change. Block swings; ;do not change.

                  5 Block Swings
                  5 Called Exercise (CE)
                  10 Block Swings
                  10 CE
                  15 Block Swings
                  15 CE
                  20 Block Swings
                  20 CE
                  10 Burpees
                  Bear Crawl 15 yards; Lunge 15 yards; Return to Starting point
                  That’s one round.

                  The called exercises that we got to:
                  1) Hand Release Merkins
                  2) Goblet Squats
                  3) Alpos
                  ** Broke up the monotony with another indigenous run. 3 ten-counts and back to it
                  4) Curls

                  3 MOM
                  LBC IC
                  Flutter Kicks IC
                  Pretzel IC


                  Ecclesiastes 4:10
                  “If either of them falls down,
                      one can help the other up.
                  But pity anyone who falls
                      and has no one to help them up.”

                  My 6 year anniversary in F3 was this past Saturday. To celebrate? I bowed out of my Q at Convoy. I don’t have any great joke to tell or funny story as to why. The truth is I failed to realize I was on Q until I saw the message on slack stating such; I was unprepared. I reached out to Burrito to inform him of such and he coordinated a fitting alternate; to whom I believe helped me as I fell. This two-man network, summed up the verse above perfectly and provides a clear illustration and embodiment of my experience with F3.

                  There’s no mishap or uniqueness here, it is not germane to only this one situation; this system of fellowship and accountability is working exactly as intended. F3 has been a cornerstone of my life for the past several years. It is that for the very reason of what Hambone did for me on Saturday, and will likely do again for another in due time. This is likely because of what has been done on his behalf or FOR him.

                  As men continue to F3, they begin to realize that where they may have once come to F3 to better themselves, over time, there’s a seemingly surreptitious shift away from self-improvement and the mission becomes the benificence of others. Real great groupa guys here. I never fear a time when I fall and no one is there to help me up. That will never be a worry again in my lifetime. Here’s to 6 plus 60 more years!


                  200 block swings sounded like a good idea at the time; on second thought?

                  Apparently the battle for the Cy-Hawk trophy is a deeper-seated rivalry than some of the more well-known rivalries; e.g. Auburn-Alabama, Red Sox-Yankees, Duke-North Carolina. Were you to mistake an Iowa State fan for an Iowa fan – he may never trust you again – he may never return to F3 – he might try to harm you. Send chocolates and flowers, if only you’re empathetic enough.

                  It was quiet this morning; but why? Like the age-old question of how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop — the world may never know.

                  Pre-F3 laps in the winter create fellowship opportunities you didn’t know could happen – and you warm-up. Skip this if you don’t like a win-win.

                  2:35am texts are the best kind of preparation for your COT

                  Long live 90’s rock playlists and *Ben Folds for his masterful abilities


                  #Heritage launch, Toys for Tots, Jenny Craig on Q Thursday

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Can’t wait to AMRAP up 2020

                    QIC:  Fissure

                    Date: 11/28/2020

                    PAX: Flyby, Oil Can, Ole Mess, Nemo, Goose, Snooki, Iron Butt

                    AO: The Landfill


                    High 40s and clear, overnight rain had ground wet


                    Mosey from pavillion down to the middle lot on the sidewalk
                    SSH, Fwd fold, Iraqi tea time, SSH, Imperial Walkers, tea pots, SSH
                    10 x air squats, 10 x thrusters, 10 x hand release merkins, 10 x jump squats, 10 x overhead claps

                    The Thang

                    Mosey down to bottom gate area
                    10 x air squats, 10 x thrusters, 10 x hand release merkins, 10 x jump squats, 10 x overhead claps
                    Sprint uphill ~120 yards to crosswalk, mosey back down to gate area
                    Rinse and repeat three times staying at the crosswalk after the 3rd sprint
                    walk uphill toward middle lot about 30 yards then mosey to middle lot
                    10 x air squats, 10 x thrusters, 10 x hand release merkins, 10 x jump squats, 10 x overhead claps
                    Mosey up the sidewalk stopping at each light for two reps beginning with air squats, next light thrusters, then hand release merkins, then jump squats, then overhead claps, etc etc until reaching the pavillion

                    10 minutes AMRAP
                    10 x air squats
                    10 x thrusters
                    10 x hand release merkins
                    10 x jump squats
                    10 x overhead claps

                    10 minute plank hold, when plank form breaks:
                    4 x burpees
                    6 x hand release merkins
                    8 x alternating lunges (each leg one rep)

                    20 x big boi situps
                    20 x v-ups
                    20 x big boi situps
                    20 x v-ups
                    20 x big boi situps


                    Shared a quote from Stephen Schwarzman and we discussed for a minute.
                    “There is nothing more interesting to people than their own problems. Think about what others are dealing with, and try to come up with ideas to help them. Almost anyone, however senior or important, is receptive to new ideas provided they are thoughtful.”


                    Nemo multitasked during our AMRAP time asking Oil Can his thoughts regarding Chinese tariffs on Australian goods. Surprisingly thoughtful dialogue ensued.

                    Always a good time when Ole Mess shows up. Plenty of SEC vs. ACC mumble chatter today.

                    Recent Backblasts