Going to Home Depot

QIC:  Clothespin

Date: 01/28/2020

PAX: DeepDish, Topless, ElChapo, MayHem (R), 9Volt (R), Mrs Baker (R), Escobar, 

AO: The Battery


Cold (not for long) and stinky


  • Lap around dog parks circle back around the flags
  • Third Grade Exercise 15 in cadence
  • SSH 20 in cadence
  • Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence
  • Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
  • Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Seal claps 10 in cadence
  • SSH 15 in cadence

The Thang

Mosey in two minute increments with exercise between. Went down to Home Depot and back (roughly 2 miles) on the greenway.

  • Mosey 2 minutes 10 Burpees
  • Mosey 2 minutes 15 Merkins
  • Mosey 2 minutes 15 lbc
  • Mosey 2 minutes 20  slow squats
  • Mosey 2 minutes 15 bigboy situps
  • Mosey 2 minutes 15 Merkins
  • Mosey 2 minutes 15 lbc
  • Mosey 2 minutes 20  slow squats
  • Mosey 2 minutes 15 bigboy situps
    Strecthes the last couple of minutes around the flags: Forward fold, Willie Mayse Hayse, calf stretches. Alot of us had either ran or rucked before the workout I wanted to take some time to stretch our legs before the work day.


Take the time to love your family and push yourself in everything. We all have people that we have lost contact with. Give them a shout or hit them up on Facebook. You never know when they are not going to be there anymore.

[The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


I am proud of these men for pushing themselves. I am proud of them for being leaders! There was no “6” today everybody helped everybody and really embodied the spirit of F3!


Convergence Feb. 8 at Salecreek, Relay for Life meeting tonight 5:30 Hampton Inn, 9Volt on Q Saturday!

Recent Backblasts

    Simple Spicy Spartan

    QIC: Couch Potato

    Date: 01/27/2020

    PAX:  U-turn, DuckTales, Burrito, GeekSquad, Gruber, Radiohead, Milkman, FriarTuck, 

    AO: Huey


    Perfect weather for the end of January, 43 degrees, no wind and dry


    400 meters on the track at warm up pace, Bear Crawl, Gorilla then stretching consisting of chicken wing, cross body arm pull, forward fold, surfer, pyramid

    The Thang

    1. 4 rounds for time of the following
      1. 400 meter sprint +30 Burpees
      1. In and Outs -25
      2. Seated Bicycle – 25 each way
      3. Fifer scissors – (slow flutterkicks) -25
      4. Leg climb -25 each side

    Recent Backblasts

      “Insert Creative Backblast Title”

      QIC:  Jazzy Jag

      Date: 01/21/2020

      PAX: Pebbles, SwipeRight, Vaccine, Peanuts, Dirk, Jabooti, Sunburn,

      AO: Boneyard


      Not the coldest morning of the year, but not far off.


      SSH x 20 IC

      Squat x 10 IC

      LBAC x 15 IC

      Reverse x 15 IC

      Smurf jacks x 10 IC

      Moroccan night club x 15 IC

      Overhead press x 15 IC

      Monkey humpers x 10 IC

      Merkins x 10 IC

      SSH x 20 IC

      The Thang

      Boneyard gets Hurpees

      Mosey to front of school 

      10 hurpees (partner burpees, jump is over your partner while they are in plank)

      Mosey to picnic tables, pick a bench

      4 exercises – box jumps, merkins, calf merkins, dips

      One round, 10 reps of the easy version of each exercise, followed immediately by one round of the hard version of each exercise

      Mosey to track

      10 hurpees

      Mosey to picnic tables, repeat exercises

      Mosey to front of school

      10 hurpees

      Mosey to picnic tables, repeat exercises

      Mosey to parking lot

      5 hurpees



      Q had a recent personal loss, and did not take advantage of the support of community. Give people around you the opportunity to support you when you need it, and look for opportunities to support others.


      Hurpees were a huge hit in the Boneyard. PAX had difficulty focusing in the clamor for more hurpees.

      Is it just me or is the Boneyard the gloomiest/darkest AO around?


      OTB in Sale Creek, OTB in N GA, check Slack for details

      Recent Backblasts

        Gloom to Day (Landfill, 1/25/20)

        QIC:  Skitch

        Date: 01/25/2020

        PAX: Pink Panther, Care Bear, She Shed, Moneyball, Sunburn, Uncle Fester

        AO: Landfill


        Not as gloomy as last week.


        SSH x 20 IC, Forward Fold x 10 IC, Toe merkins x 10 IC, 20 merkins OYO, Low Slow Squats x 10 IC, Burpees x 5 OYO. Group PAX mosey with the tire. Group PAX mosey with the tire with a PAX on top. Mosey with the tire + one coupon each. Deposit coupons. Deposit tire. Mosey back for coupons each. Deposit coupons. Mosey to Dog Park.

        The Thang

        A modification of prior Landfill games…

        Man Checkers

        Each PAX advance to the next black or red square. Do 10 merkins or 10 squats or 5 burpees on said square. If no coupon is on your square, advance to the next black or red square. If 1 coupon on square, advance 2 squares, depositing coupon on 1st square before advancing to 2nd square. If 2 coupons on square, advance 3 squares, depositing a coupon on the 1st and 2nd square before advancing to 3rd square. On your destination square do your 10 merkins or 10 squats or 5 burpees. If your destination square is occupied by another PAX, skip that square and advance to the next unoccupied square. At any point if you are the 6 and there are coupons on any square behind you, you may go back and collect those coupons and mosey all the way to the 1st unoccupied square ahead of the front PAX. First PAX to reach tire, carry or roll tire to the top of the Big Thank You and then roll it down the hill. From where it ends up, carry or roll tire to another PAX and swap places. PAX receiving tire carries or rolls tire up hill, etc. Rinse and repeat until all PAX reach pavilion. Return remaining coupons. Modify as necessary.

        Mosey to base of the Big Thank You. Bernie up the Big Thank You. Hold plank until 6. Karaoke and Bernie and bear crawl the field/ridge until pavilion. PAX take turns leading Mary (pickle pointers, bicycles, etc.) while Q retrieves flag from vehicle thereby rescuing PAX from burpee penalties. Low plank until analog time called.


        The Night and Day Paradigm (from The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn):

        “Which comes first”, he asked, “the day or the night?”

        “The day,” I answered. “Night comes when the day is over.”

        “That’s what most people would say. And that’s how most people in the world see it. Day leads into night. But it’s not how God sees it.”

        “What do you mean?”

        “If the day leads to night, then everything goes from light to darkness. Everything gets darker. Everything is in the process of darkening. And so is the way of the world. We go from day to night, from youth to aging, from strength to weakness, and ultimately from life to death. From day to night. It’s the way of the world, but it’s not the way of God. When God created the universe, it was not day and night. It is written, ‘There was evening, and then there was morning.’ The day began with night. There was night and then there was day. In God, it is the night that comes first.”

        “…Each day begins at sunset. There is evening then morning. The world moves from day to night. But in God, it is the opposite. It goes from night to day…from darkness to light. The children of this world live from day to night. But the children of God live from night to day. They are born again in the darkness and move to the day. And if you belong to God, then that is the order of your life. You are to go from darkness to light, from weakness to strength, from despair to hope, from guilt to innocence, from tears to joy, and from death to life. And every night in your life will lead to the dawn. So live according to God’s sacred order of time…that your entire life be always moving away from the darkness and to the light.”

        We then noted briefly that F3 always begins in the gloom and moves toward the day — in fact, our HC the night before may mark the beginning of our day…

        Numberama, namearama. Prayer requests of gloom and dawn, ever moving toward the growing day.



        Skitch fell again. This time no one saw it, so the only proof he had was that he was covered in mud. The rules to Man Checkers need to be simplified. We modified. There were many burpees done but we didn’t count them all. Tires coming down the Big Thank You are a force to be reckoned with and add mild peril appropriate to Man Checkers. No one stole any phones because no one left phones on the tables. We had no Friendly New Guys. Or Gals.


        The million burpee challenge is growing…

        Recent Backblasts

          this is not DRAFT: Milkman (Huey – 10/28)

          QIC: threeskin

          Date: 01/20/2020

          PAX: Mr. Clean, Ducktales, Couch Potato, The Count, Milkman, Steam Engine, Spackler, U-Turn, Lloyd, Band Camp, Clothespin

          AO: Huey


          Coldest beatdown I have had in a long time.


          threeskin’s normal warm-up, lots of SSHs, but never more than 20 in cadence

          The Thang

          Rock Around The Clock
          the lamp posts mark each hour of an analog clock
          1 Broad Jump then Lunge from 12 to 1 – run back
          Pickle Pointers until the last man returns and calls 10 IC

          2 Broad Jump then Reverse Lunge from 12 to 1 – run to hour 2 then back to 12
          Plank Leg Lift until the last man returns and calls 10 IC

          3 Broad Jump then Willie Mays from 12 to 1 – run to hour 3 then back to 12
          Imperial Walker until the last man returns and calls 10 IC

          4 Broad Jump then Lunge from 12 to 1 – run to hour 4 then back to 12
          Pickle Pointers until the last man returns and calls 10 IC

          5 Broad Jump then Reverse Lunge from 12 to 1 – run to hour 5 then back to 12
          Plank Leg Lift until the last man returns and calls 10 IC

          6 Broad Jump then Willie Mays from 12 to 1 – run to hour 6 then back to 12
          Imperial Walker until the last man returns and calls 10 IC

          7 Broad Jump then Lunge from 12 to 1 – run to hour 7 then back to 12
          Pickle Pointers until the last man returns and calls 10 IC



          Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.


          We were all just glad the count survived. Proof that his activity that morning were not healthy. ha!


          [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

          Recent Backblasts

            Evil Siri and a CMU

            QIC:  Mrs Baker

            Date: 01/25/2020

            PAX: 9 Volt, Deep Dish, Clothespin, Schnitzel, Biscuit Ring, FNG – Perogi , El Chapo, Bubbles, Fast Lane, Topless, Three Skin, John Doe, Shotput

            AO: The Battery


            Light Rain, cool, not terrible


            In Cadence: SSH 20, Forward Fold 10 count, SSH 15, Slow Squat 15, SSH 10, Willy Mays Hayes 12, SSH 10, Slow Merkin 10, SSH 15, Arm Circles 12 each way

            The Thang

            Group Mosey to upper parking lot and retrieve CMU. Meet up in a line on the curb near the pool. The magic number of the day is 8.
            Evil Siri and a CMU
            Each exercise to be completed with 8 reps then sprint across the parking lot and back to your CMU. Rest until the top of the minute and perform the next exercise called out by the timer. Enjoy the peaceful Eagles tunes

            Military press CMU
            Freddy Mercury
            Floor Press CMU
            Step Up 8 per leg
            Leg Lift
            Decline merkin
            Goblet Squat
            Box cutter
            Military Press CMU
            Imperial Walker
            KB Swing CMU
            Single leg squat with toe on CMU
            Hello Dolly
            Bent over row
            Goblet Squat
            Bird Dog
            Military merkin

            Break for 10 count
            Sumo deadlift high pull
            Leg lift
            Incline Merkin
            Mountain climbers
            Imperial walker
            Military Press CMU
            CMU jump over
            Freddy mercury
            Floor Press
            Step Up
            Leg Lift
            Decline merkin
            Goblet Squat
            Box Cutter
            Military Press
            Imperial Walker
            Incline merkin


            Glad to have the company and support this morning. I have taken on a commitment to read the bible through this year. I am a Christian and have thought for a number of years that I need to read The Book for myself. I have tried a number of times but always seem to get bogged down in February and give up. I am re-committing and ask you, my brothers, to help hold me accountable and ask me about my progress as the year progresses. I have an app based plan that breaks the bible up into different sections so hopefully that helps me stay focused and on track. I recommend that each of us think bout our faith and re-commit to the things that support us in demonstrating and expressing that faith.

            [The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
            BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


            Typical chit chat but mostly everyone got enough to get their heart rate up and shed a few clothes along the way.


            Convergence Feb 8 so no Battery workout that Saturday morning.

            Recent Backblasts

              Just a Birthday at The Battery 1-18-20

              QIC:  John Doe

              Date: 01/18/1981

              PAX: Threeskin, Shot Put, Schnitzel (R), 9-Volt (R), FNG-Thin Mint (R), Mrs. Baker (R), Bubbles (R), Topless (R), Clothespin, Biscuit Ring, El Chapo, Deep Dish, Toe Tag

              AO: The Battery


              Cool crisp morning with some cloud cover


              Mosey 1 lap around the skate park, SSH – 20 (IC), Forward Folds – 10 (IC), Third Grade Exercises – 10 (IC), Willie Mays Hays – 10 (IC), LBAC – 10 (IC), Rev LBAC – 10 (IC)

              The Thang

              Burpee Apocalypse
              10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

              Sorta Dora

              Counted off into three groups – roughly 4 men per group

              Three cones stationed 39 feet apart

              Station one – 13 Merkins

              Station two – 13 Dive Bombers

              Station three – 13 Aquamans

              Ran lap around skate Park after station three

              Rinse and Repeat (Did this a total of 6 times)

              Circled up for a quick HIIT: 39 seconds of each exercise (2 times)

              • SSH
              • Air Squats
              • Flutter Kick to Jump Squat
              • Burpees

              Finished with PAX Mary


              Being that it was the QIC’s 39th birthday, I talked about the meaning behind the Angel number 39. The number 3 being associated with creativity, self-expression, enthusiasm, expansion, and growth. While the number 9 is the number of Spiritual Laws, unity, generosity, inner-wisdom, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, divine purpose and soul mission

              Tied these numbers into the 3rd-F mission and how it resonated with me on personal level. Encouraged the PAX to look for their own generosity and giving, and how they can help others.

              BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


              Being that I’m super late on getting this done, my short term memory loss has caught up to me. I’m sure there were some 9-Volt gems that were thrown out


              Sign Up to Q a 3rd-F at Chubby’s

              Mrs. Baker next up to Q

              Recent Backblasts

                HIIT Em High BURP Em Low – Hacksaw 1-24-20

                QIC:  John Doe

                Date: 01/24/2020

                PAX: Hostess, Toe Tag, Walla Walla, Fast Lane, Bernie, Snow Patrol, Cold Play

                AO: Hacksaw


                High 30s to Low 40s with some light rain


                Mosey to Police Parking; SSH – 15 (IC); Forward Folds – 10 (IC); Third Grade Exercises – 10 (IC); Willie Mays Hays – 10 (IC); SSH – 15 (IC); Mosey to Pavilion

                The Thang

                Mixed in some old with the new

                Burpee Apocalypse
                Burpees – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

                HIIT Training
                4 Exercises repeated for 6 Rds

                • Side Straddle Hops
                • Flutter Jump Squat
                • Apolo Ohno’s
                • Mountain Climber

                Rd 1 – 60 sec per exercise; Rd 2 – 50 sec per exercise; Rd 3 – 40 sec per exercise; Rd 4 – 30 sec per exercise; Rd 5 – 20 sec per exercise; Rd 6 – 10 sec per exercise

                *20 Seconds rest between each round*

                Burpee Mania
                Half PAX does Burpees for 1 minute while the other Half PAX rests, then switch and repeat (Did this 2 times – Goal was 5 times – ran out of time)

                Mosey back from Pavilion to Parking lot for COT


                Talked about Givers Gain mentality and tied it into the 3rd-F with the homeless ministry. Made a request for each PAX member to find two Tuesdays a year to go and serve in partnership with Chubby’s
                BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


                Searched high and low but no transvestites here either. Compliments were given to the chef for keeping everyone dry. Curse words were thought with each Burpee


                3rd-F Q Opportunity still available for February; Convergence on 2/8/20 at Liberty Creek AO; OTB N GA on Saturday – new location

                Recent Backblasts

                  Pass the Torch (or Sandbag)

                  QIC:  Mayhem

                  Date: 01/23/2020

                  PAX: VILA, Sidekick, Evita, Gobbler, Babel, Jabooti, Doodles, Lutefisk

                  AO: Ridgecut


                  Low to mid 30s, clear with no precip…quite balmy compared to the last couple days!


                  Mosey around soccer field x 1 and circle up
                  SSH x 20IC, WMH x 10IC, SSH x10 IC, FF x 10IC, Burpees x 10 OYO, SSH x 10 IC, WGS R&L x 10 IC, LBAC Right Forward/Left Back x 10 IC, LBAC , Reverse x 10IC, Seal Clap x 10IC, Seal Clap OH x 10IC, Shoulder Press x 10IC, SSH x 10 IC

                  Mosey to side parking lot around light poles. Line up for parking lot suicides.
                  Long Suicides starting from Island closest to freeway to other island at other end of the parking lot with two light poles in between.
                  First Pass – MOT Jail Break, 10 Count, 5 Burpees OYO
                  Second Pass – MOT Big Skip, 10 Count, 5 Burpees OYO

                  Mosey to base of Cock Hill…

                  The Thang

                  Line up PAX from Oldest to youngest (YHC – 53 to Lutefisk – 25)

                  Cock Crows to welcome us – 5 Inchworms
                  Hill (not Circle) of LIfe
                  Three sets of cones spaced to divide up HoL into 1/3s. All Pax start at bottom. While remaining PAX perform a either Merkins, Hold Plank, or LBCs and next to Oldest (“on deck”) performs Mountain Climbers, Oldest begins by Bear crawl to first set of cones, Jail break to second set of cones and mosey to the top to find 80lb Sandbag. Oldest then carries 80lb sandbag all the way down the hill to remaining PAX and picks up the next oldest. Remaining PAX switch to different exercise and continue until next oldest returns. In meantime, Oldest carries 80lb back up to first set of cones while next oldest bear crawls. At first set of cones, both PAX (oldest and next oldest) jailbreak (but mostly just walk) carrying the 80lb sandbag together. to next set of cones. Then Oldest moseys to top while next oldest carries sandbag rest of the way to top alone. At top, Oldest performs curls with two 25lb dumbbells until next group returns. Process repeats until all PAX are up the Hill. After the initial 25lb dumbbell curls, PAX at top perform either, SSH, BB Sit-Ups or Shoulder Press, rotating with each new group. Due to time had to have two youngest come up together. Collect cones, meet in parking lot for 1-2min of alternating Plank and Side Planks. Time.


                  Theme of the Thang inspired by 2Tim2:2  “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 5 Generations represented from the “many witnesses” of those that have come before to those “others” still yet to come. Be faithful in doing your part and pass the torch (sandbag) 😉

                  BALL OF MAN: Evita closed us in prayer.


                  Great to have Sidekick back in the mix!!! He has definitely been missed by many. Suspect it is that time of year where all the enthusiastic fitness resolution makers are hitting a wall. 9 is a decent number but compared to normal turnout at Ridgecut lately a bit down. Or…I’m just a terrible Q no one likes :(( Doing LBACs with one arm going forward while other going back not as easy as it sounds.


                  2/8 Convergence in Sale Creek, Sign up for 3rd F on Tuesdays, Saturday NGa OTB moving to Gilbert Stephenson Park this week with Best In Show on Q.

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Character Builder

                    QIC: Holy Kiss

                    Date: 01/23/2020

                    PAX: Prosciutto, Whittler, Pomade, Burrito, The Count, Pediasure, Bumble Bee, Steam Engine, Gusher

                    AO: Smackdown


                    It was a balmy 38 degrees on our mountain retreat but we got warm pretty quickly.


                    Warm up lap around track

                    Little Baby Arm Circles X15 and reverse X15, Willy Mays Hays X10, Imperial Walkers X10, SSH X25, Third Grade Exercise X15

                    The Thang

                    7 of Diamonds

                    Round 1 (Arms)
                    Station 1: Merkins X7 and Bernie Sanders to Station 2

                    Station 2: Worst Merkin Ever X7 and Bernie Sanders to Station 3

                    Station 3: Clerkin X7 and Bernie Sanders to Station 4

                    Station 4: Blockee X7 and Jail Break to Station 1

                    Round 2 (Legs)

                    Station 1: Lunges X 14 (each leg) and Jail Break to Station 2

                    Station 2: Box Jump Bleachers X 14 and Jail Break to Station 3

                    Station 3: Burpees X 14 and Jail Break to Station 4

                    Station 4: No Surrender X 14 and Bernie Sanders to Station 1

                    Round 3 (Abs)

                    Station 1: LBCs X 21 and Bernie Sanders to Station 2

                    Station 2: Flutter Kicks X 21 and Bernie Sanders to Station 3

                    Station 3: V- Ups X 21 and Bernie Sanders to Station 4

                    Station 4: Flutter Kicks X 10 & Dolly X 11 and Jail Break to Station 1

                    Round 4 (Character Builder)

                    Station 1: Partner Burpees X 28 and Jail Break to Station 2

                    Station 2: Bear Crawl Length of Bleachers and Jail Break to Station 3

                    Station 3: Partner Burpees X 28 and Jail Break to Station 4

                    Station 4: Bear Crawl Length of Bleachers


                    A man’s character is defined by the things you do and the decisions you make when no one else is watching. It is having the integrity to make the hard choices when there are no repercussions and accountability.

                    To quote Honest Abe “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it and the tree is the real thing”

                    We all have different “shadows” of how we act and appear as husbands, fathers, in the workplace, and around friends. Those are a lot of “shadows” to manage. My challenge to the PAX is to just focus on strengthening your “tree” or the true character of the man and your “shadows” will fall in to place.


                    I wont mention names.. Ahheemm… Prosciutto, Whittler, Burrito… but there was some question about the accuracy of the exercises. Just to rest your mind at ease… straight from the F3 Exercise List… I’m not one to say “I told you so” but I told you so!

                    Worst Merkin Ever: 1 Wide Arm Merkin, 1 Regular Merkin, 1 Diamond Merkin performed in succession with no break in form = 1 Worst Merkin Ever.

                    Clerkin: A merkin with a clap, either OYO or with a partner.

                    Blockee: Burpees with cinder blocks. With your cinder block drop down and do a Merkin on the cinder block. Return to the standing position and press the cinder block above your head to complete one rep.

                    No Surrender: Begin the no-surrender in the standing position with your hands locked behind your head and elbows pointing outward.4 count: 1.Go down on left knee, then 2. down on the right knee so now you’re on both knees. 3.Then stand back up on left leg then 4. up with the right leg. After half the desired reps, switch the starting leg so that you don’t favor one side.

                    Recent Backblasts