53rd aniversary of the 25th aniversary of Perl Harbor

QIC: 9-Volt

Date: 12/07/2019

PAX: Deep Dish, El Chapo, Mrs Baker, Clothes Pin, Topless, Sandwich, Shotput, Porkbelly

AO: The Battery


“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.


Mosey around the dog park and finish in the Skate park on side labeled “Taste Great”
PAX lines up on one end of the skate park & performs the “Tastes Great” exercise. Then PAX immediately runs to opposite side of park and performs the “Less Filling” exercise. Repeat

BAC Fwd15SSH10
BAC Rev15SSH10
Seal Clap15SSH10
Fwd Fold10SSH10
Military Press15SSH10

The Thang

Without any rest PAX moves on to second list of exercises

Plank Jack20Squat20
Peter Parker15Imp Walker15
Burpee10Bonnie Blair10
Merkin10High Knees10
Mt. Climber10Calf Raise30
Bear CrawlLunge
Carolina Dry Dock10Sit Ups15
100’s10Box Cutter10
American Hammer10Dive Bomber10
Freddie Merc10Flutter Kick10

Repeat until end of time (We got 2 1/2)


Words of wisdom – “Don’t let Deep Dish determine the count on 100’s”


12/23 Clown car to “The Asylum” in Knoxville to support Abscess
12/24 Christmas eve workout at the Battery

Recent Backblasts

    A Thankful Co-Q Anniversary

    QIC: Co-Q (Iron Butt & Skitch)

    Date: 11/28/2019

    PAX:  Lady Scot, Hobo, FNG-Peekaboo, Care Bear, Sunburn, Pink Panther, Katrina, Training Wheels, Whittler, Burrito, Lanyard, FNG-Root Canal, Woodchuck, Early Bird, Lord Lindsay, Jazzy Jag, Cowbell, Gru, Back Pew, Swingset, Snow White, Ringwald, Hansen, Sherlock, Moneyball, Vaccine, Venus, Deep Dish, Lutefisk, Sunshine, Bullpen, Pebbles, Iron Butt, Skitch

    AO: Hill City


    Thankfully not raining.


    IB welcomes PAX, gives disclaimer, and leads 1st warmup in parking lot – SSHs + about 5 stretching exercises – to allow time for stragglers and holiday visitors.

    Mosey to Great Hall. Skitch leads 2nd warmup in Great Hall – about 5 warmup exercises including SSHs, wallsits, wallsits + shoulder press.

    The Thang

    Climb steep hill next to Great Hall leading up to Market Street Bridge and help each other over railing/wall onto Bridge which begins the Path of Thankfulness.

    Skitch says in honor of first Thanksgiving Indians, we will do Indian run mosey across bridge until wooden section. Thankful for their kindness to the Pilgrims.

    IB says in thankfulness for Pilgrim’s faith and courage, we will lunge across the wood portion of the Bridge.

    IB says in thankfulness for the freedoms we have in this country, easy group Mosey together across the remainder of the Bridge.

    We walk down the Passage steps to the railings and Skitch explains the Trail of Tears Passage and that we are thankful for forgiveness and grace, and that we don’t have to pay for our sins or the sins of our forefathers. Lead PAX in 5 incline pullups at each railing level, while others do wall sits in the Passage while waiting for their turn.

    Mosey over to base of Ross’ Landing steps and IB says thankful for resources and provision from God: 10 burpees OYO facing toward the Tennessee River.

    Skitch says thankful for city of Chattanooga. Box jump up Ross’ Landing steps with 10 Merkins or 10 dips at each level going up OYO.

    Mosey along street toward Walking Bridge, Riverwalk, and then underneath Walking Bridge to the base of the zig-zag path below Hunter’s Museum. Hold Al Gore until 6 in.

    Skitch instructs PAX to form a line and then OYO alternate up the zig-zag path: Zig (lunge) & Zag (bear crawl) while silently thinking about the people and growth in their lives that they are thankful for from this past year. Once complete, walk up together to the metal bridge.

    PAX get into groups of 5 (or 4, as needed) and take turns carrying each other across Bridge. The PAX being carried verbally shares about 1 or more person and/or growth he is thankful for from the past year. Once done sharing and once said PAX is carried at least 30 to 45 seconds, switch to carrying new PAX. Continue in such thankful/sharing/carrying pattern until all have shared, then mosey across the remainder of the bridge.

    Any groups that finish bridge before others, go back and mosey alongside groups finishing up. Mosey to start in parking lot. Time.


    The Word was given throughout the workout in lieu of 10-counts, all centered on thankfulness. Final closing thought is that thankfulness components include: (1) something good has happened to you (2) you acknowledge the good (3) you acknowledge that you are not the source of the good & (4) you acknowledge you don’t deserve the good. Encouraged PAX to practice these components of thanks throughout the day and year.

    CIRCLE OF TRUST: Ringwald announced that he is passing the AOQ Hill City baton to Skitch starting the first of the year. Ringwald has grown and encouraged and nourished Hill City PAX faithfully and is entering new season of leadership in his home with the arrival of firstborn in February. Ringwald will continue to serve and post in Hill City and across F3 Chattanooga region. Thankful for Ringwald’s faithful service. Skitch is looking forward to serving Hill City PAX in new role.
    BALL OF MAN: Prayer.


    We covered a lot of ground and burned nearly 34,000 calories as a group prior to Thanksgiving dinner. Burrito is addicted to F3 and completed 9th post in a row. Over 10% of the 34 PAX belonged to the Skitch & Hobo clan. Skitch and Iron Butt’s one year anniversary with F3. Thankful.



    Recent Backblasts

      11s with a side of bear meat

      QIC: Sidekick

      Date: 12/02/2019

      PAX: Gru, Mayhem (R), The Count (RX2), Best in Show (R), Peanuts, Swisher, Dolly, Vaccine, Swipe Right, Stars, Walla Walla, Jazzy Jag, Fast Lane, Sparky (R), Red Tees, Plunger

      AO: beast Ridge


      37 and a Wintry Mix Falling


      SSH ICX25; Forward Fold ICX10; LBAC ICX10; Reverse ICX10; Morrocan Night Club ICX10; Shoulder Press ICX15; Willie mays hays ICX12; SSH ICX20; Slow Mercans ICX10

      The Thang

      Indian Run the long way around to the soccer field

      Stop off at bleachers and count off by 3s.

      Group 1 – 20 Incline mercans on bottom step; Group 2 – 20 Decline Mercans on 3rd Step; Group 3 – 20 big Boys on top step

      Mosey to bath House for some Wall sits with arm movements

      Mosey back to steps and repeat the group exercises

      Mosey to the corner with the Hill

      11s with a side of Bear Meat

      Basic 11s – 10 Mercans at the bottom and 1 Monkey Humper at the Top, work your way through the progression until you reach 1 Mercan at the bottom and 10 Monkey humpers at the Top

      Bear Crawl up the hill, Crawl bear down the hill

      Mosey back around to the bath house for some more Wall Sits

      Mosey back to the flag



      Nothing substantial today. Proud of the numbers at the Beast and happy to see the growth. Keep it up and keep bringing guys out


      Nobody was happy with the bear crawls. Or the Crawl bears actually. Candu needs to up his grunting game in exercises, Mayhem is coming for that belt. The Count needs to be renamed because he obviously can not count.


      No news! Hallelujah

      Recent Backblasts

        Carols at the Commons

        QIC: Mayhem

        Date: 11/29/2019

        PAX: Red Tees, 9-Volt (R), Clothespin, Cavity Search, Peanuts, Money Ball, Bernie, Wuzntme, Deep Dish

        AO: Hacksaw


        Great weather for F3! Cool mid 40s. No rain


        Mosey to flag pole and circle up

        SSH x 21 IC; WMH x 11 IC; Don Quixote (Windmills) x 11 IC; Side Straddle Skips – CCW/Right x 11 IC; SSS CW/Left x 11 IC; LBAC forward x 11 IC; LBAC back x 11 IC; MNC x 11 IC; Chinooks x 11 IC; Shoulder Press x 11 IC; Worlds Greatest Stretch – Left leg forward – Hold IC x 11, WGS – R x 11 IC, 21 + 5 Penalty Burpees (Thank you Deep Dish!)

        The Thang

        Indian Run to Imagination Station Playground with extra credit if you can sing ‘Joy to the World’ while running – no takers (Had to go back to parking lot and frogger across the road since construction has path under road blocked)

        Intermediate Upper Body Work

        Pair up and find a place for pull-ups: Each PAX perform 5 Pull-Ups and 10 Merkins Each swapping out – 2 Rounds

        Hallelujah Indian Run to Founders Hall Pavilion and each HIM grab a Concrete Paver off of pile and proceed to bottom of small hill behind Pavilion.

        7s as follows

        Round 1 – Manmakers with Pavers at bottom / Bernie up hill to large rocks/ Freeze Frame Mtn Climbers on Large Rocks / Mosey down until rep count flipped. Hold AG until 6 is in.

        Round 2 (Had to modify to 5s for time) – Paver Squats at bottom / Bear Crawl Up (Lots of weeping and gnashing of teeth when this was announced) / Incline Merkins at top / Mosey down. Hold AG until 6 in.

        Replace Pavers on pile and line up in parking lot for Snake Run (Indian Run weaving in and out) back to Domino’s Parking Lot.

        Circle up for 5 MOM

        Pointers/Bird Dogs – On hands and knees, raise opposite hand and leg straight out (like a hunting dog pointer) and hold 30 sec followed by reps of bringing elbow and knees together x 10 IC. Switch sides and do the same.

        Pretzel Crunches R&L x 11 IC

        100s x 20 IC



        It’s Christmas Time!! Take time to consider Emmanuel (God WITH Us). Humbled himself and came to the earth He created to live among us and demonstrate ultimate love.

        Due to F3 Brain, forgot to connect the leadership principle of “taking responsibility” in contrast to Adam . Adam made a mess and tried to run/hide from it (what BOYS do). Jesus came to clean up a mess he didn’t make (what MEN do)…but since I know everyone will read this back blast 😉 …there ya go!

        Prayers for Pro’s Mom and 10yo son of a friend of mine (Isaac) diagnosed with leukemia a year ago. Has battled for the past year going through chemo and thought they had it licked. Testing from spinal tap check up last Monday revealed he has relapsed and appears worse than original. Will now need to begin even more aggressive treatment including bone marrow transplant and even then 5 yr prognosis is bleak…they are telling him today. :((


        Indian Runs and crossing a street are not compatible. Bear Crawls to Christmas music apparently leaves one conflicted. Also, note to self…never ask Deep Dish for a 10 count or perform any exercises involving penalty burpees when he is present. Dude is a glutton for punishment!


        Slow news day…

        Recent Backblasts

          Apocalypse? No, just Black & White Stripes and Hills in the City

          QIC: John Doe

          Date: 11/26/2019

          PAX: Threeskin, Flemish, Ringwald, Pink Panther (R), Money Ball, FNG-Moses, Sunshine, Callahan (R), Coypu, FNG – Clink, Sherlock, Oil Can, Bullpen, Back Pew, Red Tees, Fissure, Hobo, Plunger, Lutefisk, Kowbell, Cyanide

          AO: Hill City


          Cool 38 degrees, clear skies with the smell and sounds of downtown


          SSH – 20 IC, Forward Folds – 10 IC, Third Grade Exercises – 10 IC, Willie Mays Hays – 10 IC, LBAC – 10 IC, Rev LBAC – 10 IC, SSH – 20 IC, Mosey to the field

          The Thang

          Burpee Apocalypse – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (hold Al Gore waiting on the 6) then Mosey to Walking Bridge

          Count off by 4 = 4 groups of 4 and 2 groups of 3

          Front Row – Ladders (20yd, 40yd, 60yd, 80yd)

          2nd Row – Dive Bombers while front row does ladders

          3rd Row – Bonnie Blairs while front row does ladders

          4th Row – Aquamans while front row does ladder

          Hold Plank waiting on the 6….shift up in rows with the person doing ladders goes back to the 4th row. Rinse and repeat.

          Note: We did this once all the way through and partially on the second (due to time) with the only modification being Fire Hydrants verses Aquamans in round 2

          Mosey Back to start for Jackie Chan’s

          Jackie Chan:

          30 seconds each Exercise (in order). Rest 1 minute and repeat. Total of three Blocks. Exercises Included: Hammers, Leg Raises, LBC, Heel Touches, Crunchy Frogs, and 100s


          22 men strong with 2 FNGs. Talked about taking the next step when unsure. Related it towards cliff jumping. Can be intimidating and full of fear at first but once you take that step and jump, it can be invigorating. Challenged everyone to take that first step whether it be in a new career, a tough conversation with a friend or family member, or in approaching that difficult client.


          @Threeskin wore his referee jersey to make sure the Q was staying within the rules of engagement for what’s considered to be an appropriate F3 workout. #wherewasthewhistle?


          Thanksgiving Day Convergence at #HillCity – lead by @Iron But and @ Skitch

          Recent Backblasts

            A Sufficient Thanksgiving Warmup

            QIC: Fissure

            Date: 11/27/2019

            PAX: Burrito, Red Tees, Moneyball, Iron Butt (Respect), Chief, U-Turn, Ringwald

            AO: Lions Den


            Mid 50s and WET


            SSH x 6 IC then Burrito led us in SSH x 20 IC (crushed it)
            Mosey toward middle school with a pit stop under cover to get in a SUFFICIENT WARMUP
            SSH x 20 IC
            Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
            Windmills x 10 IC
            Baby arm circles x 10 IC then reverse
            Moroccan night clubs x 10 IC
            Seal claps x 10 IC
            Good mornings x 10 IC
            SSH x 10 IC
            Burrito then promptly stepped in a two foot puddle and almost fell
            Mosey to the hill. I love hills.

            The Thang

            Did I mention I love hills?
            Facing the mighty hill we first cranked out 40 merkins then back down and did 15 more for good measure.
            Run to 8th light for 10 HALF burpees (promised Burrito there would be no burpees. Not that he cares because he’s a man and loves doing hard things. Anyway, half burpees aren’t burpees so I’m not a liar), then back to start for 1 merkin. Half burp reps decrease as the merkin reps increase always adding up to eleven with the uphill and down in between. You know the drill. We started on your own but came together toward the middle of the THANG and shortened the running distance then increased it as we neared the finish line. SO MUCH FUN RUNNING UP AND DOWN HILLS.

            No, really. I love hills.

            We made it back to the track parking lot with enough time for Burrito to close us out with 25 SSH in cadence. He’s gonna crush it at his VQ Tuesday at Smackdown. You should come.


            We chatted briefly about that daily effort to get our bodies in better physical shape. If you’re currently enjoying the gloom a couple days a week then consider upping it to 3 or 4. Challenge a buddy to x number of merkins every night, etc. ” the HIM (having turned Pro) is focused on gradually but consistently Accelerating his fitness level rather than merely staying in shape. Staying in shape is what Amateurs try to do. “


            It was WET today. Thankfully, it wasn’t cold out there but I imagine we all had to try a little extra to depart the fartsack.

            Burrito is featured a lot in this backblast but how can he not? The man kept us on our toes throughout the workout and even took his shorts off at one point.

            Ringwald graced us with his presence. It only took me typing “Roll Tide” in the Lions den slack channel to make it happen. I’m sure he was still coming so I’m really just a sucker. GO TIGERS.

            Props to Iron Butt and Red Tees for showing up a little under the weather.


            Thanksgiving convergence TOMORROW at Hill City 0530-0630

            Recent Backblasts

              Farmers never had to work this hard

              QIC: Jazzy Jag

              Date: 11/27/2019

              PAX: 9-Volt (R), Vaccine, Swipe Right, Bernie, Threeskin, Clothespin, CavitySearch, FNG-Miranda, WuzntMe, FNG-ShipLap, Toe Tag

              AO: Hacksaw


              Water was only 5-6″ deep in parking lot due to rain


              PAX had a healthy warmup of complaining about rain before COP started

              SSH x 41(!) IC

              Frogger across street to other parking lot

              Squat x 10 IC

              LBAC x 15 IC

              Reverse x 15 IC

              Moroccan night club x 15 IC

              Overhead press x 15 IC

              Boat/canoe x 10 IC

              Merkins x 10 IC

              Mosey to the bottom of Holy Hill, then back to pavilion area

              The Thang

              PAX grabbed 2 cap blocks from large stack by pavilion, brought them to Christmas light path
              Farmer’s carry with fun stops
              4 posts spread ~10 meters apart

              Post 1: 10 manmakers

              Post 2: 15 tricep extensions

              Post 3: 20 overhead squats

              Post 4: Plank for the 6

              Farmer’s carry blocks from one post to the next

              Other side of pavilion- 4 more posts

              Post 1: 10 face-smashers (lay down, blocks held overhead, lift to directly above your face)

              Post 2: 15 kettlebell swings

              Post 3: 20 curls

              Post 4: Plank for the 6

              Repeat 2 more times, for 3 total circuits

              PAX returned blocks to the pile, then moseyed back to parking lot



              Q discussed busyness and rest, and how we are all so busy all the time. This is not a good or healthy thing. This can be seen especially when you have difficulty resting – your mind goes to what you should be doing, what the next goal is, things you need to get done. We have trouble turning our minds off and truly resting, but this is key for life balance. Q encouraged everyone to find time to get true rest over the holiday, and assess if it made you feel nervous, jittery etc. This could be a sign you need to reorganize/reprioritize your life. Real rest ensures you have extra juice in the tank when you need it – for family, community etc.


              Several South Park references were heard, including “back to the pile!” I guess it was because of all the sweaty men breathing hard from exertion.

              Pax were very impressed that Fissure’s 40 SSH out of the gate was topped today – 41 is the new number to beat.

              Major props to 2 FNGs who came out on a day like this.


              Tomorrow – Convergence at Hill City – be there

              Recent Backblasts

                Burrito wore pants this time

                QIC: Whittler

                Date: 11/26/2019

                PAX: Burrito, Gusher, Kickback, Pomade, Holy KISS, Newport, FNG-Gecko

                AO: SMACKDOWN




                Warm up lap

                Forward fold


                Willie mays

                Arm circles

                Ray Lewis

                overhead clap

                seal clap


                The Thang

                Indian Run warm up
                Burpee Mile

                10 burpee box jumps, dips, merkins


                8 burpee box jumps, dips, merkins


                6 burpee box jumps, dips, merkins


                4 burpee box jumps, dips, merkins


                we then paired up and headed to the shed. One partner did wall exercise while the other did another off the wall. All done to 10 count

                Wall plank with blocks

                Alternating shoulder taps

                Wall merkins with block

                Wall squat with block

                Squat with curl

                Squat with press


                Flutter kick ring of fire

                Baby shark

                American hammer



                This week is about being thankful. Instead of focusing on what we don’t have, let’s try to focus on what we do have.

                Prayers for Prosciutto and his mother


                Apparently I’m not friendly enough in the morning and don’t talk to strangers enough

                Trust me, I’m ok.

                Burrito gets the award for best encourager today


                Turkey day convergence at Hill City

                Recent Backblasts

                  1st Anniversary Domestic Beatdown

                  QIC: Abscess

                  Date: 11/23/2019

                  PAX:  Deep Dish, Fissure, The Count, Mayhem, 9Volt, Clothespin, Bubbles, Shotput, Three Skin, ElChapo, Gru, WuzntMe, Topless, Sandwich, PorkBelly, Bernie, Topless, FNG-Floaties

                  AO: The Battery


                  Raining like pouring piss out of a boot.


                  25 SSH
                  10 Burpees
                  10 Tempo Merkins
                  9 Burpees
                  10 Tempo Merkins
                  8 Burpees
                  10 Emperial Squat Walkers

                  The Thang

                  Painful Abscess

                  Grab a Coupon off of the trailer. Mosey with coupon over your head to Hell Hill
                  Do escalator up the hill:
                  1st Cone 10 burpees
                  2nd Cone20 Merkins
                  3rd Cone 30 star jumps
                  4th Cone 40 squats
                  Go to 1 cone do exercise then back the go to 1st cone do exercise then proceed to 2nd cone and do exercise and back. Repeat process until through all 4 stations. Modes of Transportaion vary!
                  Once all 4 completed grab Coupon and go to the top of the hill,

                  On top of the hill:

                  Trifecta battle buddy up -100 curls, 100 presses, 100 triceps (using Coupons)
                  Battle Buddy runs down and does 10 Dive bombers. Switch places! Rinse and repeat until all reps have been cumulatively finished. Once completed, get coupons, and mosey down the hill toward the pavilion. Stop and drop coupons in a strategic place for later use.

                  In the pavilion:
                  Do 11s with Box jumps and Big Boy Situps

                  Then mosey back out to parking area and do360 degree bear crawls with burpees at the direction change!

                  Battle Buddy back up:
                  One buddy does Hi Knees while the other holds a low squat with a coupon for 30 seconds then partners change places. Rinse and repeat. Once finished, line up at cones placed along the edge of the parking area. (10 cones placed approx. 12’ apart)

                  Frog jump between the cones and do a merkin at each cone. Go up and back then mosey to the flags for Mary.

                  15 Tempo BBS
                  15 leg tempo leg lifts (legs at 90 degrees then 45 degrees and then 6” off the ground holding different intervals of time)


                  The mission of F3 is plant grow and serve small Mens workout groups to invigorate community Leadership

                  You’ve planted, growing , now time to serve

                  Service and leadership go hand in hand

                  First keep doing what your doing coming out

                  FITNESS is important but why is it necessary to be fit mentally, physically, and spiritually
                  It’s not about you being in shape for you it’s about serving others and helping others get better

                  How do we serve? First God, second family, third our brothers….notice I don’t say work
                  Anything else is a distraction

                  The best way to grow is to serve.
                  Hebrews 6:10
                  Galatians 5:13
                  This Holiday season there will be opportunities
                  So keep coming out and make the EH
                  2020 motto is serve


                  Something about the rain must have caused fissure to lose his shirt. The sight really caught the Count’s attention especially during the Hi knees partner exercises. Clothespin showed everyone that shorty can get low.


                  Thanksgiving at Hill City, El Chapo VQ in December

                  Recent Backblasts

                    10 or 11 bites at a time…

                    QIC: Threeskin

                    Date: 11/25/2019

                    PAX: Best In Show, Chavez, Dolly, Early Bird, Fissure, Lanyard, Jazzy Jag, Mayhem, FNG – Plunger, Gru, John Doe, Stars, Swing Set, Swipe Right, Toe Tag, Vaccine

                    AO: Beast Ridge


                    38 degrees and moderate humidity, let it snow!


                    Let there be Side Straddle Hops! 100IC

                    SSH x 10 mosey
                    ‘lil babe’ arm circles
                    SSH x 10 mosey
                    ‘lil babe’ arm circles – other way
                    SSH x 10 mosey
                    Mayhem’s Moroccan Night Club
                    SSH x 10 mosey
                    Military Press
                    SSH x 10 mosey
                    Seal Claps
                    SSH x 10 mosey
                    Tea Pots
                    SSH x 10 mosey
                    Good Mornings
                    SSH x 10 mosey
                    Willie Mays Hays
                    SSH x 10 mosey
                    3rd Grade Exercises
                    SSH x 10 mosey

                    The Thang

                    WARNING: Only complete once you are warm.
                    11 Elephants

                    1st Set: hold position
                    Partner 11s:
                    Curls & 8 Count Body Builders & Mtn Climbers
                    Mosey to SSHs

                    2nd Set: swap position

                    3rd Set: swap positions til time

                    We didn’t break a world record, but we will try again…


                    How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time…
                    600 SSHs – If I told you before we started would you have thought we could have done it?
                    Learn to pace yourself, learn to reach out to others, and learn to maximize the time you have. Achieving your goals will become a natural way to live and work.


                    It takes a lot of SSHs to sharpen some guys.

                    PAX just couldn’t get enough SSHs so we did more. Not saying “in cadence” is a hard habit to break.

                    Some where close to splashing merlot on the 8ct BB rounds 🍷

                    0 modifications by the Q. One PAX decided to modify 8ct BBs with a jump. 🤦🏼‍♂️


                    Thanksgiving at Hill City on… if you don’t know by know I can’t help you.

                    Recent Backblasts