Silence of the Burrito, Part Deux

QIC:  Escobar

Date: 01/14/2020

PAX: Holy Kiss, Gusher, Gecko, Burrito, Whittler, Prosciutto, Friar Tuck, Blindside, Laces Out

AO: Smackdown


Perfect 60 degrees on the mountain in January for 30 minutes, then came the lightning


1 Lap around the track

SSH x 20

Little Teapots x 10

LBAC x 10

Burpee Apocalypse 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1 = 56

The Thang


Goal line is the starting point with a cone placed every 10 yards for 10 total cones (so furthest cone #10 was 100 yards away)

Perform suicides by Bernie to the cone, 10 burpees at cone, jog back to goal line, and perform 20 LBC. If you finish the drill, you have traveled 1100 yards, completed 100 burpees and 200 LBCs.

Due to Lightning, time was called a 6:00 A.M.

Gathered under the awning for a moment and decided 30 Merkins OYO where in order to close us out.

I wish we could have attempted the whole workout planned. What we didn’t make it to included: 100 yard bear crawl, 100 yard crawl bear, OR 200 yard walking lunges. Also, another round of the Burpee Apocalypse. Goal was to have each member complete 200 burpees.


“Bring it on, woman.” – Burrito on December 4th challenging myself to silence him as Q for a workout.

This was all the motivation I needed.

A simple friendly challenge that fueled me for the next month. I ran before the workouts to build my endurance and did burpees almost every other day.

Find your motivation, in any way possible. Have a goal and set a date. Work towards it and make it happen.


Not only was Burrito silenced, I’m told he almost splashed merlot. Keep in mind, this was only a 30 minute workout due to lightning. I’d bet the 2nd Burpee Apocalypse would have done the trick.

I couldn’t find my cone I left from my previous Q, I think Burrito took it seriously when I told him to keep it as an expression of my love.


None that I remember.

Recent Backblasts

    Four Corners with Field Goals

    QIC:  Laces Out

    Date: 01/07/2019

    PAX: Bumblebee, Burrito, Coypu, Ducktales, FNG-Sally, Friar Tuck, Gecko, Gusher, Holy Kiss, Pediasure, Pomade, Prosciutto

    AO: Smackdown


    48 degrees and wet but not raining


    Mosey around track behind goal posts

    15 SSH IC, 15 Finkle Swings each leg with partner, 15 SSH IC, 15 Carolina Dry Docks IC, 15 Imperial Walkers IC, 15 SSH IC

    Doing a CFP workout in light of the end of College Football Playoff and to give the PAX an experience of kicking Field Goals under pressure in the gloom: Not as easy as it looks, says Laces Out!

    The Thang

    C-“Catch Me If You Can”
    Partner up with who you did Finkle Swings with. Pax 1 does 10 merkins while Pax 2 does Bernie Sanders on the track. When Pax 1 completes merkins, he jail breaks to catch Pax 2. Switch places and rinse/repeat around track for one lap!

    F-“Four Corners”
    Start in corner of one endzone on football field with 10 merkins OYO. Mosey 100 yeards to other endzone corner. Hold plank until six arrives. 10 LBC’s OYO and jail break to other corner of that endzone. Hold Al Gore. 10 Imperial Walkers IC. Mosey 100 yards to opposite endzone. Hold Al Gore. 10 Squats OYO.

    Rinse and Repeat adding 10 reps each circuit (i.e. 20 each exercise, then 30 each exercise) as run to Four Corners between exercises.

    After each circuit of Four Corners, Pax took turns kicking field goals in the dark under pressure of Burpee penalty for missed kick while others watched! YHC experienced this pressure at the college level and thought it would make for fun morning! Each kick was from Extra Point distance (20 yards). We went 5 of 13 with lots of Burpee penalties…5 burpees for close miss and 10 for bad miss.

    At end of workout, YHC attempted 40 yard FG and naturally was “wide right.” One of my nicknames as a kicker!

    3 Minutes of Mary 12 Flutterkicks IC, 12 Hello Dolly IC, 15 Plank IC, 12 LBCs IC


    Psalm 91:1 says “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'”

    Challenged the Pax to trust in God, our rock and fortress…our rescuer and redeemer. We go through tough times in our life and we need His shelter and refuge. Shared my testimony of coming to faith in Christ in the corner of an endzone in high school and how my life was transformed forever! Let’s live for Him today and trust in His goodness.


    Burrito on Q Thursday

    Recent Backblasts

      Don’t Hold Back

      QIC:  Prosciutto

      Date: 12/26/2019

      PAX: Bumblebee, Burrito, The Count, Gusher, Whittler

      AO: Smackdown


      mid-40s, day after Christmas and no sign or promise of snow anywhere. Spring blooms will soon be here.


      A few weird running laps and then a jail break to the flag…to be discussed later

      High Knees
      Butt Kickers
      Forward Fold
      Inch Worm

      The Thang

      FiA is creative…
      3 Rounds of different Burpees and Assortment
      1 – Superman Burpee / LBC / Fire Hydrant
      2 – Star Jump Burpee / BBSU / Parker Peter
      3 – Plank Jack Burpee / Leg Raise / Superman (Hold)

      Wall Sit Superset
      Grab a wall sit and perform these three rounds
      1 – Muhammad Ali / Joe Frasier / Ray Lewis IC / Smurf Jacks IC
      2 – Muhammad Ali / Joe Frasier / Bus Drivers IC / Smurf Jacks IC
      3 – Muhammad Ali / Joe Frasier IC / Smurf Jacks IC

      Stairway Beast
      6 of each exercise all the way through each round
      1 – Bleacher Box Jump / Squats x 6
      2 – Bleacher Box Jump / Lunge x 6 (each leg)
      3 – Bleacher Box Jump / Jump Squat x 6

      Repeat 4x

      Pull Ups and Burpees
      Count off Pax for order; Each Pax takes a turn at the pull up bars
      The amount of pull ups the man of purpose takes, the pax reply with that same number in burpees.

      All total for this round- 6 guys performed 40 pull-ups and burpees collectively. We did the math.


      Saw a great clip of Nick Saban addressing his team at practice after his players had just run 5 sprints, he said this,
      “I just have one question… If you run your last sprint faster than your other five, what’s holding you back?? Your talent is your greatest nemesis when it comes to your mindset. Especially the young guys here who have talent. You’ve always been the best player on your team. And now all the sudden you’ve gotta pay attention to detail and compete with people, you don’t really know how. So, you can learn how! It’s a choice, it’s a decision that everybody can make. Don’t let your talent be your nemesis.”


      • The message I had in mind to share in the COT drove my desire to see how everyone would respond to the request to jail break at the beginning of the workout when we were fresh out of the fartsack…to test our nemesis.
      • Burrito ran extra credit sprints because he knew he could do better
      • Peanut butter M&Ms don’t make you better in the gloom
      • Mom jokes just before the prayer are… awkward. It felt right with Burrito and Whittler there. Don’t let yourself be fooled.
      • The Count is awesome; he’s a baaaad mother rucker


      Annual end of year Christmas Party 1/13; #gloomies channel on slack for more detail

      Recent Backblasts

        5 x 400 x 5

        QIC:  WuzntMe

        Date: 12/19/2019

        PAX: Prosciutto, Holy Kiss, Gecko, Burrito, Blindside, Kickback, Friar Tuck, Coypu

        AO: SmackSaw?


        Cold and clear.


        Two laps around the track
        SSH x20
        WMH x 10
        Forward Fold x10
        SSH x10
        LBAC x10
        Seal Claps x10
        SSH x 10
        Don Quixote x10
        Lewinsky x10

        The Thang

        Pick up your coupon and follow me…
        Set up shop by the bleachers.
        10 manmakers
        20 merkins
        30 Dips
        40 reverse crunches
        50 LBCs
        then run a lap. Repeat x6.

        After round one, to accommodate for time, we cut all totals in half. Made it through five total rounds before time.


        I’ve done a similar workout to this before, and I shared my sentiments as well. This is a you-v-you workout. And if you were focused only on yourself, you wouldn’t have noticed the man next to you that was going through the same strife, struggle, and difficulty that either you were, or were set to, go through. It’s easy as men to become isolated. But I challenge you to take a look around and see who is traveling the same road you are, and how you can encourage them. How is someone else encouraging you? The enemy wants you isolated and alone so he can have your wife, and take your kids. Don’t buy the lie that you must stay alone.


        Burrito has ruined lasagna for everyone – even though Mama Pro said never to eat lasagna after 6. Requests to see the Heisman have been largely denied.

        The men of SmackDown donated a trunkload full of clothing. Mad respect.
        Prayers for families dealing with illness.


        No workout on Christmas Day. Convergence on 1/1 at Lion’s Den.
        Gloomies upcoming during the LSU/Ohio State game.

        Recent Backblasts

          Kickback VQ Cakewalk

          QIC:  Kickback

          Date: 12/17/2019

          PAX: Pediasure, Gusher, (The one and only) Burrito, Bumblebee, Holy Kiss, Laces Out, Prosciutto, Curd, Gecko, Sidekick

          AO: Smackdown


          Light rain, around 40 degrees, slightly breezy


          15 side straddle hops
          10 forward folds
          3 multi directional lunges

          One minute plank
          10 walkout push-ups
          10 little baby arm circles forward
          10 little baby arm circles reversell
          10 Maroc in night clubs
          OK that’s warm up let’s short mosey

          The Thang

          Sprint half lap to bleachers
          30 dips
          Box jumps to top of bleachers
          15 decline Merkins
          Indian run one lap
          Repeat bleacher routines
          Pull-up bars
          Wide grip, not so wide grip, chin up, five each
          Your partner does block press
          Ab circle if needed to finish out time


          The best leaders are good followers.

          Recent Backblasts

            Burrito Sings the 12 Days of Christmas

            QIC: Co-Q (Whittler & Prosciutto)

            Date: 12/12/2019

            PAX:Blindside, Burrito, Curd, Friar Tuck, Gusher, Holy Kiss, Laces Out (Respect), Newport, Prosciutto, Whittler

            AO: SMACkdown


            29 degrees and snow laying around still taunting us. More on the moon phase, later…


            Warm up lap commenced

            10 Imperial walkers, 1 8C BB

            20 3rd grade exercises, 10 IW, 2 8CBB

            30 arm circles, 20 TGE, 10 IW, 3 8CBB

            40 SSH

            The Thang

            It being December 12th, it made a little sense to just go with it; after each set, race around the bleachers and back to startex; Al Gore for six. Long Slow Squats were in cadence.
            12 Days of Christmas
            1 Worst Merkins Ever
            2 Pull Ups
            3 Donkey Kicks
            4 Mountain Climbers
            5 Long Slow Squats (even though Burrito insisted Deep Slow Squats)
            6 Burpees (aka “Boys of Burpin'” – aye, Burrito)
            7 Plank Jacks
            8 Flutter Kicks
            9 Carolina Dry Docks
            10 LBC
            11 Monkey Humpers
            12 Shoulder Taps


            Every December, my family and I read a chapter of Luke each night leading up to Christmas. Last night we were reading Luke chapter 9 and this jumped out to me. Luke 9: 57-62

            Following Jesus
            57 They were all going along the road. Someone said to Jesus, “I will follow you any place you go.” 58 Jesus answered, “The foxes have holes to live in. The birds have nests to live in. But the Son of Man has no place to rest his head.”59 Jesus said to another man, “Follow me!” But the man said, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”60 But Jesus said to him, “Let the people who are dead bury their own dead! You must go and tell about the kingdom of God.”61 Another man said, “I will follow you, Lord, but first let me go and say good-bye to my family.”62 Jesus said, “Anyone who begins to plow a field but keeps looking back is of no use in the kingdom of God.”

            Prosciutto Hot Take:

            Too often, we tend to put other things, worldy things, in front of what’s most important. The Christmas holiday, and the commercialization thereof, is such an aversion and disruptor to what we ought to be doing instead; focusing and serving your creator FIRST and above ALL things.


            • There’s just something about 10 and Smackdown… Guys randomly drop-out willy nilly but we always end up scratching a 10 each Tues/Thurs; except sometimes.
            • Burrito has a great memory; kept us all on track by singing each of the exercises
            • About Burrito’s singing voice, “You have the voice of an angel. I mean, it’s like Fergie meets Jesus.” – Dale Doback
            • Whittler exiting stage right didn’t stop Burrito from telling Whittler Mom jokes; which was weird
            • Burrito loves staring deeply into his neighbors eyes during side planks – his unsuspecting neighbor (this time) was Gusher.
            • The moon was so bright this morning it looked like Burrito’s mom bent over showing her nekked backside


            Clothing/Coat drive is ongoing through end of December
            Signal Mountain Social Services Social this weekend at Nolan
            The Point is having a Coffee House gathering this weekend

            Recent Backblasts

              Every Time PAX Meet in the Rainy Gloom an Angel Gets His Wings

              QIC: Gusher

              Date: 12/10/2019

              PAX: Burrito, Prosciutto, Holy Kiss, Gecko, Friar Tuck, Blindside, Sidekick, FNG-Curd

              AO: Smackdown


              A nice wintry 57 degrees with rain and moist ground; no concern for flooding as we are on the high ground, yet we showered the valley with blessings


              A comfortable lap around the track; Imperial Walkers – 20 (IC); Willie Mays Hays – 15 (IC); Third Grade Exercises – 20 (IC) Baby Arm Circles – 15 (IC); Reverse Baby Arm Circles – 15 (IC); Cherry Pickers – 15 (IC)

              The Thang

              Followed the Star for a Christmas around the World with Facts/Myths about the Life of Good Ol’ St. Nick
              Smackdown Christmas tree rested like Stonehenge in the center of the Playing Field with Four Stations at each corner, representing the four corners of the world (more realistic if one is flat earth/metaphorical for the “world is round” folks). PAX begin with 5 Burpees at Stonehenge and then move to Station 1, returning to center for 5 more burpees before heading to Station 2. This pattern continues through Station 4 and then the 5th bonus station at the Smackdown Bowflex Fit Station (or “bleachers” for those who prefer word economy). Each Corner Station offers four gifts for the PAX of 25 reps each.

              Station 1 Gift Basket: Merkins; Squats; Squat Position Jab punches (2 count); SSH

              Station 2 Gift Basket: Plank Jacks; Frog Squats; Squat Position Upper cuts; LBCs

              Station 3 Gift Basket: Diver Bombers; Squat Jumps; Squat Position Ray Lewis; Smurf Jacks

              Station 4 Gift Basket: Mountain Climbers (2 count); Bonnie Blairs (Single); Squat Position Seal Clap; Big Boy Sit Ups

              Bowflex Station Gift Basket: Incline Merkins; Dips; Box Jump to Top; Toe Merkins…Repeat with 15 reps of Incline Merkins and Dips; Toe Merkins 20.

              Thang Fact/Myth Trivia: Station 1 – St Nicholas was 4th century bishop and defender of truth (Fact) and punched a heretic in the face (you decide whether fact or myth…either way our jabs were motivated by truth). Station 2 – in honor our man Friar Tuck we appreciated that St. Nicholas was the patron saint of archers (fact). Station 3 – there was no trivia at this station because YHC underestimated the pain of 25 dive bombers. He said negative things to himself silently while others, namely Burrito, made impressive midwife sounds. Station 4 – The legendary origin story of secret gift giving through the upper portion of one’s home (probably mythfactical) and learned about dowries.

              Mary: Flutter Kicks; Dolly; Rosalita (High Dolly); Freddie Mercury; Heal Touches; Pickle Pointers; LBCs


              On this VQ, YHC referenced his receiving a 9.3 month EH from his relentless brother, F3-Soaker. After exhausting every excuse, approached the gloom for the first time in September and gratitude and outlook increased for the good. Another brief personal example of how Smackdown has been a positive change, pointed the Pax to Philippians 2 and Paul (and Gecko’s) basis for encouraging one another to be more attentive to others than self. The basis is what makes Christmas so astounding and what motivates the other 11 months of the year. If Jesus who is God did not consider his deity a thing to flaunt but took on flesh to meet our greatest need, then we, too, can consider others. Expressions of thanks to the guys for coming out in less than welcoming weather to support the VQ. And big props to FNG-Curd and Holy Kiss for increasing the flock.


              YHC needs to spend more quiet time in the Exicon. Got a bit confused with the boxer that corresponds to the jab or the upper cut. Joe Louis and Joe Frazier and the Detroit Red Wings were all mentioned at this point. The patience of the PAX is appreciated. Mom joker were dropping like rain during the Marys, you know who you are. Station 3 was horrible and almost took all the joy out of the season. There are many kinds of cheese. Spelling lesson ensued, curd is a substance mainly of casein, whereas kurd is a people group. We welcome the FNG-Curd from Wisconsin. Whittler was saving lives from unexpected dead things and he, Whittler, was missed by all, especially by Burrito. Fissure modeling leadership by taking care of family…was also missed.


              Forgot to mention the new Third-F channel on Slack. If not forgotten, it would have been included here.

              Recent Backblasts

                BU-BURPEE, BU-BURPEE, BU-BURP (Smackdown)

                QIC: John Doe

                Date: 12/05/2019

                PAX: Laces Out (R), Newport, Pomade, Holy Kiss, Gecko, Prosciutto, Gusher, Burrito, Kickback  

                AO: Smackdown


                Pleasantly warm compared to the norm. It was actually warmer on the Mountain then it was down in the flat country


                Quick Mosey around the 400m track, SSH – 20 (IC), Forward Fold – 10 (IC), Willie Mays Hayes – 10 (IC), Third Grade Exercises – 10 (IC), LBAC -10 (IC), Rev LBAC 10 (IC)

                The Thang

                Burrito set the expectations high when he challenged any Q to get him to be quiet during a workout. Although no Q can control each individual’s intensity, we can certainly accept a challenge. FWIW I love the Chatter!

                Burpee Apocalypse – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…simply put that’s (10+1)/2 x 10

                ROUND 1

                Burpee to Broad Jump (Burping Broad) in repetition to the 50 yd line; followed by 20 Air Squats, and sprint back to the start or 50yds if you’re following the math (LBC’s while waiting on the six)

                Walking Lunges to the 50yd line; followed by 10 dive bombers, and sprint back to the start…again that’s 50yds for math purposes (Hold Plank while waiting on the six)

                ROUND 2

                Burpee to Broad Jump (Burping Broad) in repetition to the 50 yd line; followed by 20 Air Squats, and sprint back to the start or 50yds if you’re following the math (LBC’s while waiting on the six)

                Walking Lunges to the 50yd line; followed by 10 dive bombers, and sprint back to the start…again that’s 50yds for math purposes (Hold Plank while waiting on the six)

                Burpee Apocalypse (Again) – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…for you math wizzes that’s 55 total (Lead by the one and only @Gusher in prep for his upcoming VQ)

                Closed with a PAX choice and PAX lead Mary


                Contribution vs Capacity – talked about how each individual has their own unique capacity to themselves, and the amount we contribute can very. Many times we don’t contribute to the full length of our capacity. However, when we do contribute more (increase that intensity) and get closer to our capacity then we can really stretch ourselves and grow.

                Not sure it all came out that when standing in the middle of the circle, buts that at least the replay in my head:)

                BALL OF MAN: Circled up and Burrito closed us out in prayer


                Does a lot of grunting count here? That and straight up silence were most of the noises heard. Well, and how my highschool whooped McCallie in baseball every year.


                Gusher VQ on Tuesday at Smackdown – Come support him!

                Recent Backblasts

                  A Herd of Turtles Stampeding through Peanut Butter

                  QIC:  Burrito

                  Date: 12/03/2019

                  PAX: Friar Tuck, Blind Side, Kickback, Holy Kiss, Prosciutto, Whittler, Milk Man, (Anal) Fissure, Gecko, Gusher, Pomade, Laces Out, Sidekick (Money Ball — in spirit)

                  AO: Smackdown


                  Let’s just say no one volunteered to stick their tongue to the flag pole.


                  1. 400-Yard Warm-Up Mosey Around the Track

                  2. Willie Mays Hayes (x12) “I hit like Mays, and I run like Hayes.”

                  3. SSH x21 (Q led in cadence for first 5, then silence until 21). If we all stop in cadence, no penalty (we did it on first try!)

                  4. Nick Saban (10-count) (bend forward and hold your ankles). Also could be called the Andy Dusfresne.

                  The Thang

                  Rocky Relay of Pain

                  • Divide into teams of 3. Two team members at one goalpost, other at the opposite goalpost. Goal is to run 15 120-yard sprints, totaling one mile.
                  • One man does exercises (alternating between coupon curls and coupon squats) at one end of field, second man runs the 120-yard dash, then tags the third, who has been doing exercises at the other end of the field (alternating between Merkins and LBCs).
                  • Each man runs 15 sprints, with an exercise between each, alternating ends of the field.

                  Crappy Partner Exercises

                  • Next, partner exercises: (1) 50-yard wheelbarrow, switching off at the halfway point.
                  • Then, 50-yard crab walk back.

                  In retrospect, this was horrific. HORRIFIC. 50 yards is forever for both of these exercises.

                  Ab Circle

                  • Finished with 5-6 minutes of ab exercises (PAX choice x 1 minute/20 reps), then mosey back to the flag.

                  A few thoughts:

                  (1) being Q is awesome (and 10x harder than I thought it would be). I can’t wait to do it again, and make everyone miserable.

                  (2) Bluetooth speakers are for the birds — my Rocky music fell a bit flat. We listened to a lot of YouTube ads while doing curls.

                  (3) Whittler is my best frenemy.

                  (4) Prosciutto likes to be touched — a lot. Like, everyone should hug him every time they see him henceforth.

                  (5) Big shout out to those who drove up to God’s Country from Peonville to partake (Milk Man, Friar Tuck, Anal Fissure, Sidekick, Blind Side — I hope I didn’t leave anyone out).

                  (6) Fissure is really fast. The white Usain Bolt.


                  Who would have ever thought? My first F3 (over a year ago) was a disaster. These guys were total freaks. I wanted no part of the cult. I kept expecting David Koresh to appear and hand me a Solo cup. My aim for the next six months was to troll all living F3 frat boys.

                  But then, I went back. Why? I’m still not sure, but I did (Side note — Prosciutto confessed he hoped I never came back, because my negativity would kill the positive vibe). Hahahahahahahahaha! Now, I can’t get enough. I’m thankful for F3 — it’s improved my faith, my marriage, not to mention my rockin’ bod.


                  Blind Side is from Mississippi. He’s not used to cold weather, so he dresses like Ralphie’s little brother in A Christmas Story.

                  Gecko — huge improvement from last week’s FNG appearance to today.

                  Friar Tuck — way to hang, Clydesdale. The man never gives up; proud of your effort today.

                  Whittler, congratulations. You now have made my top 10 list of favorite general surgeons in Chattanooga.

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Burrito wore pants this time

                    QIC: Whittler

                    Date: 11/26/2019

                    PAX: Burrito, Gusher, Kickback, Pomade, Holy KISS, Newport, FNG-Gecko

                    AO: SMACKDOWN




                    Warm up lap

                    Forward fold


                    Willie mays

                    Arm circles

                    Ray Lewis

                    overhead clap

                    seal clap


                    The Thang

                    Indian Run warm up
                    Burpee Mile

                    10 burpee box jumps, dips, merkins


                    8 burpee box jumps, dips, merkins


                    6 burpee box jumps, dips, merkins


                    4 burpee box jumps, dips, merkins


                    we then paired up and headed to the shed. One partner did wall exercise while the other did another off the wall. All done to 10 count

                    Wall plank with blocks

                    Alternating shoulder taps

                    Wall merkins with block

                    Wall squat with block

                    Squat with curl

                    Squat with press


                    Flutter kick ring of fire

                    Baby shark

                    American hammer



                    This week is about being thankful. Instead of focusing on what we don’t have, let’s try to focus on what we do have.

                    Prayers for Prosciutto and his mother


                    Apparently I’m not friendly enough in the morning and don’t talk to strangers enough

                    Trust me, I’m ok.

                    Burrito gets the award for best encourager today


                    Turkey day convergence at Hill City

                    Recent Backblasts