Legless Burpee Square


Date: 08/7/2021

PAX: Bung, Toe Jelly, Sousa

AO: Legacy


71 Degrees, No Wind, Quiet Peaceful Morning


SSH X 15

WMH x 10

Don Quitoes x 10

LBAC X10 (fwd and rev)

Hummingbirds x10

Seal claps x10

Slow squats x10 IC


The Thang

Four cones set in diffferent spots around heritage park.

One cone in center

Run to cone 1 (20 reps) Big Boys

Run back to center (5 burpees)

Run to cone 2 (19 reps) Lt Dans

Back to center (5 burpees)

Run to cone 3 (18 reps) Murder Bunnies

Back to center (5 burpees)

Run to Cone 4 (17 Reps) Box Cutters IC

Rinse and repeat until Reps are down to 1 at last Cone.

Cone 1 (back left corner of heritage house)

Big boy sit ups

Cone 2 (on walking path under big oak tree)

Lt. Dan’s

Cone 3 (in grass field in front of front parking lot)

Murder bunnies

Cone 4 (on walking path Intersection near bridge)

Box cutters IC


We talked this morning aboout guarding our heart, our lives play out based on what is in our heart…..if we are harboring guilt, shame, anger, jealousy, lust or anything like that, those things impact shape and impact our actions toward other and our language toward others.

Each day we should look to fill our hearts and minds with God’s Grace and allow it to pour from our mouth’s, while keeping our eyes fixed on Him.

Challenge for this week to the PAX, work hard to build up the people around them, with our words and actions, being a light in our communities, homes, workplaces and just where ever we are.

Proverbs 4:23-24 Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity, keep corrupt talk far from your lips.


Great way to start off a saturday morning, with the PAX, outside of the Lt. Dans. YHC when building this workout had only done 3 reps of that exercise in prep, Thinking “yeah those arent to bad”! Well 19 of them to start out with IS NOT FUN! they really do make you “Feel like you aint got no legs”

We stayed moving the whole time, and im sure it seemed like we were following a lady around the park that was walking her dog. she probably hated us, every time we got near, her dog would freak out and would drag her all over the place. she would snatch his leash back to her to keep him from dragging her across the grass. as we were ending the beatdown, she is putting her dog in the car, she stopped us and said ‘ I really do love my dog, just aving a bad day” yes maam! we totally understand. Bung pushed hard! Did great on the runs being at the front of the pack for many of them!


Convergence with FIA next sat at miller park at 8 am

Blood drive to follow at 10

urging F3 Members to give blood early to avoid taking time slots for those outside of F3 who may want to give. Blood drive flyer on Slack.

Recent Backblasts

    11 Erections….

    QIC:  AOL

    Date: 07/30/2021

    PAX: Blair Witch, Clutch, Drool, Lockjaw, Purple Rain, Sanka, Sunscreen, Swingset, WeBlow

    AO: Ridgecut


    74 Degrees, Balmy, Very Little Breeze


    SSHX 15

    Willie Mays Hays x 10

    Forward Fold OYO

    LBAC (Fwd & Rev) x10

    Seal Claps x 10

    Chinooks x10

    21’s (With Penalty Burpees)

    The Thang

    We Had 4 Sets of cones setup on the hill behind the BX.

    We were doing 11’s

    Round 1 (Cone 1 to Cone 2) MOT – Run

    Cone 1 — Squats

    Cone 2 — Shoulder Press w\ block

    Since the exercises on round 1 were squats and shoulder press, we put those together to erect the first exercise of round 2. Squats + Shoulder press = Squat Thrusters

    Round 2 (Cone 2 to Cone 3) MOT – Rifle Carry

    Cone 2 —Squat Thrusters w\ block

    Cone 3 — Curls

    Since we added up round 1 to get round 2 exercises, we did the same thing to start round 3.

    Squat Thrusters + Curls = Head ,Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Yes we Technically should have had a dead lift and triceps extension in also, but we didn’t have time.

    Round 3 (Cone 3 to Cone 4)

    Cone 3 — Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes w\ block

    Cone 4 — Burpees


    My cot this morning is centered around thankfulness. In our daily routines, work, kids, coworkers, meetings, clients, drivers on the road who don’t know how to drive, we get caught up in all that our day entails, and those things can be good or bad.

    But sometimes it takes us taking a step back to be thankful and grateful for our day to day grind. For family, for friends, for our health, for all that has been done for us.

    Now F3 is not a Christian group, necessarily. 

    I don’t know your faith back grounds, but my faith personally is in Jesus Christ! Most days it takes time in His word to bring me back down from my worldly thoughts.

    “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

    Colossians 3:12-17 ESV


    So my challenge to you all today, don’t let this world we live in rule our thoughts and actions, be thankful, help others, love one another, and look to Christ for guidance through your throughout your day.

    Continue praying for Captain Wafer, His Family and His Daughter Specifically.


    The PAX Were not thrilled to be doing work on the hill, Especially the parts where we we rifle carrying up the hill. The Pax suggested an idea where we start at 7 and take reps down from there, and they also mentioned that we could leave half of the blocks at the top of the hill so they didn’t have to carry them. At the beginning of round 3 as YHC is demoing Head Shoulders knees and toes and explaining how round 3 was going, most of the PAX had not done that exercise before So they asked for another demo just for clarity. it was midway through the third demo when i realized that i was the only one doing any exercises, and that they just wanted the rest……….LOL

    very slick move guys!


    Legacy Park Cleanup This Saturday (6-7 am beatdown, Coffeteria 7-8, park Cleanup 8-12)

    Blood Drive for Captain Wafer Aug 14th (convergence with FIA) @ Miller Park

    Recent Backblasts

      It’s Just 5 Reps……

      QIC:  AOL

      Date: 07/15/2021

      PAX: Abercrombie, El Chapo, Pipeline, Schnitzel, Land Yacht, Cooter, Thin Mint

      AO: The Battery


      71 Degrees, Not much Wind, A little Foggy


      Forward fold

      SSH x 15

      WMH X 10

      Seal claps x10

      LBAC (F&R) x10

      Iraqi tea time oyo


      The Thang

      After warmup, we mosey’d with coupons, thru the wet, freshly mowed grass, over to the edge of the greenway.

      It’s Just 5 Reps…

      There are 5 sets of cones set up along the edge of the greenway on the backside of the dog park. each set of cones is 75 Feet apart.

      All exercise reps done with a coupon.

      Pax start at cone 1 and will do 1 curl then rifle carry their coupon to cone two where they will do two curls. Pax will continue this all the way thru cone 5. Pax will pick up 6….Then, once the 6 is in we start round 2.

      Round 2

      Cone 1, start with the 5 curls we ended with from round 1, and add 1 Squat Thruster, Repeat thru cone 5 adding 1 rep of squat thrusters at each cone, till cone 5. Pick up 6.

      Rinse and repeat thru all 7 rounds

      Adding exercise each round and 1 rep per cone. Pax will finish with the following.

      Curls 165

      Squat thrusters 140

      Blockees 115

      Bench press 90

      Flutter kicks 65

      HSKT 40

      John McCain’s 15


      Actions has been on my mind here lately so i wanted to touch on how our actions affect others….


      We have a lot of people that we deal with on a daily basis, and as much as we have to interact with others matters especially how we talk to and treat others, our actions say a lot about who we are as men, as fathers, as husbands, as leaders.

      People are always watching, they watch how we treat coworkers, our family’s , friends and even enemies. Our actions impact our relationships with other people.

      There is 4 ways you actions impact others:

      1. Your actions can reveal.

      They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. – Titus 1:16

      Actions have the ability to reveal what’s in a person’s heart. There is an expression people use: “talk a good game.” This means a person says one thing and does another.

      1. Actions can conceal.

      As powerful as actions are in revealing, they don’t always tell the whole story. Sometimes actions conceal what’s really in the heart.

      Some people act simply to create an image of who they are. They want people to applaud and appreciate them for what they do. This is their sole motivation. While the actions they take are good, they conceal the true inspiration behind them.

      1. Actions can confuse.

      f your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. – Proverbs 25:21

      Actions have the ability to confuse those around you, especially when you treat someone different than they expected or they feel they deserve. Such as:

      – when someone expects an angry response and you show them mercy, or

      – when someone wrongs you and you repay them with kindness.

      Responses like that says a lot about who we are.

      1. Actions can confirm.

      By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. – John 13:35

      Your actions have the ability to confirm the work that God is doing in your life. Such as:

      – when you respond with patience where you used to fly off the handle

      – when you exercise self-control over a habit or besetting sin that has been nagging you for years

      – when you exhibit kindness and compassion for others when you used to be self-centered

      As Christians we tend to talk the talk, but we need to follow that up by walking the walk.


      as we are standing around waiting on other pax to arrive, YHC was asked what i had planned for the workout this morning. I responded with oh, nothing much, we wont have to do more than 5 reps of any exercise at a time……. at about the 20 minute mark in the workout El Chapo speaks up and asks who invited the Q up to this AO….. That was all Abercrombie…

      With us doing our workout on the edge of the greenway, we had our fair share of runners and walkers coming thru, getting a few comments along the way from passers by, and then the runner who just passes right through and doesn’t miss a beat ignoring El Chapos quick EH attempt.

      We also had company in Millie, a dog at the dog park there with her owner, I’m sure she didn’t, but it seemed like she barked at every movement we made. who knows she could have just been joining in on the ribbing that we were giving Schnitzel for purposely breaking his block…. it was like a modern day John Henry Moment….luckily he was left with a good Half of the block to continue his workout with. Although in the end Schnitzel may have been the smart one of the group, just breaking the block the way he did just to make it lighter…(We don’t actually believe that he broke it on purpose.) But none the less he joins the ranks of Woodrider and Sousa in the broken block club. Woodrider at least broke his own block, Sousa and Schnitzel, Well Maybe They would take better care of the blocks if they had their own.


      Fallen 5 Convergance this Saturday 7-8 Ruck event after)

      Prayers for friends of Schnitzel

      Prayers for El Chapo @ Work

      Thank You Guys For Having Me up to your Wonderful AO!

      Recent Backblasts

        Track Day Burpees & Bear Crawls…..

        QIC: AOL

        Date: 06/22/2021

        PAX:M.I.A.,NutBuster, Tatonka, Oui Oui, Mayhem, Choo Choo, Blackout

        AO: Parliament


        70 Degrees, Raining Buckets at the start of the beatdown, that backed off to hardly nothing as the workout progressed.


        SSH x 15

        WMH x10

        Forward fold OYO

        SEAL CLAPS x10

        Overhead seal claps x10


        The Thang

        Pax will run laps of the track for the full time.

        Run the straights, mosey the curves.

        However in the center of the curves there are activities. On the far end of the track (orange cone) pax will do 5 burpees every time they get to the cone. On the near side of the track a set of yellow cones that the pax will bear crawl thru before they continue their mosey and runs.

        Rinse and repeat till time…. I mean this is track day.


        we talked about our Choices….

        Our every day is filled with choices.

        From the time we choose to set our alarms,

        What we wear, What we eat, drink.

        Simple choices.

        Then we have harder choices, who we are friends with, wether or not we are changing jobs, even down to our interactions with others, how we respond to them and talk to them is a choice.

        We all have the power of choice!

        But what are we choosing?

        Are we choosing things that the world says are good? Or are we choosing the narrow road?

        Matthew 7:13-14

        “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

        The choices we make that are wrong, disobedient to God, or against the inner voice of the Holy Spirit will bring the death process. Those choices release the demonic emissaries—spirits of darkness to work his havoc. They bring pain, devastation, suffering, and hurtful, lasting consequences.

        We have the power to decide which we will have.

        There are two paths; life and death.

        There are two masters; Christ and Satan.

        There are two forces; light and dark.

        • We choose the attitude we will embrace.
        • We choose to live in a Christ-like manner.
        • We choose to love, reject, forgive, or harbor.
        • We choose our actions, deeds, and behaviors.
        • We choose what we meditate on, look at, think on, and believe in.
        • We choose the direction we take, our work, and the use of our time, talent and treasure.

        Philippians 4:8

        Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

        Pay attention to your choices today, this week. They matter!


        we ended the warm up with 21’s (although not together) we did 5 penalty burpees….which is to almost be expected. i almost think we would have done the penalty burpees even if we finished perfectly…..Who Knows……


        Fallen Five Ruck Coming up July 17th, Charity Dinner on the night before the event.

        Chubbys Continues every monday night.

        Recent Backblasts

          Officers, Blocks & Bunnies

          QIC:  AOL

          Date: 06/09/2021

          PAX: Mothballs, Flemish, 9Volt, Thin Mint, Nut Buster, Toe Jelly, M.I.A., Top’em, Picabo, Clothespin, Uncle Joe, SeaGull, Escobar

          AO: Hacksaw


          72 Degrees, Muggy, But at times a nice breeze


          SSH X 15,

          LBAC X10 (FWD & REV),

          Cherry Pickers x10,

          Magic Mayhems x20,

          Seal Claps x10,

          SSH X15

          The Thang

          The Burden of a Block
          Pax were asked to pair up, Workout was dora style, however running was not involved.

          ***all exercises were to be completed with the block***

          (Exercise with * indicate block being held above the body while doing the exercise.)


          Pickle Pointers*

          Squat Thrusters

          Flutter Kicks* (Hard Count)

          Grave Diggers

          Bench Press


          Box Cutters*

          Pax 1 starts first exercise while Pax 2 rifle carries his block to end of parking lot and back, once back Pax 2 picks up on the rep count where Pax 1 left off, as he is now rifle carrying his block to the end of the parking lot and back. The Pax rinse and repeat until all reps are done and they move on to the next set of exercises. The goal of the beatdown is to not only get the reps in, but to not put the block down for the entirety of the workout. YHC kept a little extra for the pax just in case it was needed, (and it was). With 10 minutes left before time, all pax lined up on the sidewalk that runs along side the playground. Pax were to do next set of exercises till time.

          4 Murder Bunnies & 1 Blockee,

          8 murder bunnies & 2 Blockees,

          12 Murder Bunnies & 3 Blockees,

          16 Murder Bunnies & 4 Blockees,

          20 Murder Bunnies & 5 Blockees,

          then back down the ladder back to 4 & 1


          Talked about burdens…

          WE ALL HAVE BURDENS. We carry them every day.

          They can be

          • financial
          • Health related
          • Burdens at work
          • Family related
          • For some it could be extra weight that you are carrying around
          • These blocks today were a burden this morning thru every exercise that we did.

          When I started F3 six months ago, I didn’t know I needed it until I started coming regularly. But it has become more that just the first F. It has become more about the other men and the relationships that have been built thru F3.

          F3 exists to be able to plant, grow, and serve small workouts groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

          Every man out here at almost every workout each morning is going thru something.

          I have no doubt that any man out here would be here to help if needed.

          Paul’s writes in Galatians 6:2 that we are to carry each other’s burdens, in this way we fulfill the law of Christ.

          Helping others, loving others is central to being a leader. And that is what F3 is about!


          The beatdown was done in the parking lot beside the Collegedale police department, so when the pickle pointers started, the officers standing outside had their giggles. not real sure if it was the “Caw Caw” of the Seagull or just the way Uncle Joe was making eye contact with them. it would have been nice if 9Volt had worn his American flag shorts though!! at the End of the morning the PAX were all worn out, some complaining about not being able to lift their arms, which totally makes you feel good!


          Convergence June 12th AT&T FIELD, Beatdown in the morning 0700 return in the evening with the M’s & 2.0’s for the game, Fallen 5 Ruck coming up july 17th, @ The Dame, beatdown that morning at 0700 followed by the Ruck at 0830 until about 1400.

          Recent Backblasts