Big Hill. Big Burpees. Big Picture.

QIC:  Fissure

Date: 03/26/2021

PAX: Carebear, Offset, Pink Panther, Zima, Recycle, Burrito, Blindside, Moneyball

AO: Lions Den


Stayed dry for us but ground was wet and semi humid


Grabbed our blocks and shuffle mosey’d to the big hill with a pit stop to SSH, fwd fold, imperial walker, iraqi tea time, tea pot

The Thang

This was all OYO
Ran to first light pole and returned to your block
1 burpee jump over (burpee on one side of the block, jump over block, 1 burpee
Ran to the second light pole and return to your block
1 burpee jump over, jump back, burpee, jump over, burpee (4 burpees)
You get the picture. Each return trip to your block we did that number light pole x 2 burpees with jump overs in between. Burrito tried and almost succeeded in making this complicated.

We stopped after running to the 9th light pole and completing our 18 burpee jump overs. Suckfest.

Flutterkicks x 18 IC
Big boi situps x 18
LBCs x 18 IC

Shuffle Mosey’d back to stop with a pit stop to do big boi situps with the block x 18


I recently asked a pal to analyze a specific situation and discovered he hadn’t noticed small details that I noticed. He reckoned it was because he sees the big picture. This was a good reminder that you can get lost in silly details that don’t matter and lose sight of the big picture. Try not to do that. Glad I have pals that remind me what is important.


One of those pals is Burrito. Love that guy. He teased on slack that he might show up sans pants today. He showed up in pants, thankfully.

It was suggested that maybe we need an “accountability list.” It would work like the HC list except you get to see who didn’t follow through. Of course, this suggestion was a joke but Moneyball said he already follows up with most everyone after workouts to see what happened. Moneyball gets the big picture.

Recent Backblasts

    If You Can’t Trust the Weather App, Who Can You Trust? And Other Sundry Questions Pertaining to Life with Informative Concatenations from High Impact Men (HIM) Who Do Not Do Cult(ish) Movements in the Pouring Rain All the Whilst Making Plans To Do the Aforementioned Same on the Day After Today Because F3 Is Consistent And Free;;;Whereas the Weather App Is Free But Not Consistent.

    QIC:  Gusher

    Date: 03/25/2021

    PAX: Friar Tuck (Respect), Prosciutto, Shank, Holy Kiss, Red Raider, Laces Out (Respect), Pediasure, Burrito, Mansiere, Snow Patrol, Joanna, Pound Dog, Recycle, Zima

    AO: Smackdown


    The conditions: Where does one begin in describing the contours of the weather? Things began dry and then quickly turned not dry. At one point it was not raining and then it rained. This seems simple enough. So simple one might even say, “what is there to say other than, ‘it rained?'” Well, for one, this is Smackdown and there is always much more to say. We count our words the way runners count their steps. Today, we averaged 8,232 of each per PAX. And by ‘we’, I mean Burrito had about 72,958 words. We will get to the live doppler data, for posterity’s sake, in a moment. However, these are men of the mountain and the epistemological flare is always on high octane. After comparing data in 100% rain, we wondered what the weather app meant by only 66% chance of rain? Red Raider asked, “In what other career can you maintain a job by being wrong 66% of the time?” Surprisingly, the coach of the Detroit Redwings came to mind. But the real issue is what does a job interview look like for a prospective weather man? Human Resources (HR): “Good morning, welcome to the interview, I’ve looked over your resume. Just a few questions to begin. How would you describe your strengths?” Prospective Weather Person (PWP): “I am very confident in handling percentages.” HR: “Could you give me an example of your data prowess?” PWP: “For sure, and by sure, I mean there is an 83% chance of me answering this question.” HR: “Mmm, I like that. And it turned out to be existentially 100%. Now, what would you describe as your greatest weakness?” PWP: “I care too much and I get absorbed in my work.” HR: “Ah, yes, the humble brag standard answer. That works 42% of the time, most of the time. How about your greatest strengths?” PWP: “I literally care little to nothing about accuracy and the truth. Let me illustrate, you’ve got a proper burpee form, yes? I modify it. It’s still a burpee right? That’s how I handle the weather. And I love that feeling of people checking in with me on the daily and embarking on their day in clothes chosen based on my predictions. I guess you could say my strengths are playing fast and loose with the truth. And by fast and loose, I mean I am not really bothered by misjudging things.” HR: “We really like where this is heading.” PWP: “I would say that I have thought through the predictability element. I have noticed that if the percentages for, let’s say precipitation is given in a very specific number like 18% of 91%, people tend to trust it. I rarely trade in percentages of the round numbers like 50, 80, or 100 percents. I mean, this ain’t common core.” HR: “There is a 47% of you getting this job.” PWP: “Ahh, I see what you did there, well played. I’ll be here tomorrow morning. Thank you. It will be a pleasure working with you.” (Back to regularly scheduled programming).Thankfully, the workout began with no rain. This was good for at least a 27% increase of PAX showing up to the AO. Wind was SE6mph, humidity at 95%, whatever. The Free Weather App announces Allergy Forecast as “Moderately High.” However, when searching to find out the particular pollen allergens, the data suggested low. Tree Pollen: Low. Grass Pollen: None. Ragweed Pollen: None. But you know what you else you find? The 15 Day Allergy Forecast brought to you by Claritin! Well, well, well. Actual pollen…low. 15 Day Allergy Forecast sponsored by Claritin with their Cool Mint Chewables 24-Hour Allergy Relief Immediate Cooling Sensation. First, and YHC says this from experience, never once in an anaphylactic inability to breathe because of severe allergies has the thought, “You know, I’d really love to feel more of a cooling sensation right now” ever crossed the frontal lobe. Nay! But this has in a deep wheeze, “I really wish I could breathe right now.” The Weather App is like Stockholm Syndrome. You know who you can trust? Pomade! That man is a living Live Super Doppler and has never posted in the rain, save for his second workout ever when he showed up in a poncho. After that, never. Pomade is legit. Temperature was perfect and there were a lot of puddles on the ground. Rain started to fall slowly making the Presbyterians happy, which admittedly is rare. Then the deluge came to the satisfaction of the Baptists providing them, once again, with the last word. In the end, the conditions were well nigh perfect for 37% of the time and manageable the other 80%.


    Disclaimer: Hi, welcome, Gusher here. Don’t get hurt.

    SSH (IC); Silent Forward Fold (Almost) OYO; Willie Mays Hays (IC), 3rd Grade Exercise (IC);;;;Arm Circles in a forward motion and then a not forward motion (IC)

    5 Rounds of AMRAP in Pairs of Three

    Formed five groups of three and remained in socially distanced proximity for safety, but close enough for banter. PAX alternate exercises until each member completes and then moves on to the next round. After round 5 repeat. There is to be constant movement and striving to complete as many reps as possible (hence the moniker AMRAP) while partner is running lap. We state the obvious here. And the not so obvious as mountain citizens are keen and perceptive.

    Round 1: run lap: curls: squats 

    Round 2: run lap: block bench press: SSH 

    Round 3: run lap: bent row: lunges 

    Round 4: run lap: block dips: squat jumps 

    Round 5: run lap: shoulder taps: monkey humpers


    Proverbs 15:1-2 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly. Our communication can honor or harm others. Words communicated in private can have greater power than those made in public. Controlling and guarding the tongue and using it well are no small matters in the cultivation of wisdom. How can we as leaders cultivate a habit of wise, self-controlled speech to build up and not tear down; to deescalate a situation, rather than spew out more verbal diarrhea making matters worse. We can tend to guard our words more when we are in our places of business or church, but let down our guard when home around those we love the most. Let us seek to use words well and discerningly. Sometimes the wise action is remaining silent. Sometimes it is to speak. All the time words are to used well. *This was abbreviated some due to precipitation. 



    It is truly remarkable to see the consistent quality of HIM. The impact of these men is high. So much so that someone should abbreviate this quality and subsequently standardize it for a free workout program that exists to encourage male leadership or something. Maybe even provide a source book wherein one might learn in an environment where they are free to lead. Anyway, Smackdown has these dudes in abundance. I am not sure what was falling with greater rapidity, the rain or the wisdom. YHC would even deign to say, “wisdom fell like rain.” And we all got soaked. There is a U6 Soccer Scandal brewing on the mountain. Strategies that, allegedly, were acceptably implemented in the past are now spurring discord. Emails with mysterious and conspicuous recipient omissions are being leaked. At what point in futball is a goalie necessary? What if I told you that on a beautiful mountain ridge, the beautiful game was being sullied, ESPN 30 for 30 presents, “Scandal on the Mountain.” This is something to watch as the season progresses. It was assumed that few places took youth sports as seriously as Russia, but that assumption is false. Rocky IV didn’t solve every problem between the nations. Which is its own mystery given there was only two. Is the Cold War over or is it just really cold rain? Zima is a beast. He performs every exercise with solid form at the same methodical cadence and smiles all the time. And posts basically everyday. This is not a cult, guys. Mansiere is primed to replace The Hanging Gardens of Babylon as a Legit Wonder of the World. YHC and Burrito were huffing and puffing like asthmatic wolves before the houses of pigs, while Mansiere gaped past us saying something about an injured hamstring pulled a fortnight prior. The man galloped past effortlessly. Do you ever wonder what it would have been like to have been a teammate and watch Michael Jordan play daily? Well, come to Smackdown and witness Red Raider’s squats and you will know you are in the presence of greatness. Prosciutto created an entire bench press system with concluding gym rat pectoral pounds at the end of the reps. Crafty. BoFlex Machine just got served and is on notice. Pro also fields three conference calls at a time during the workday. Proficiency. YHC dream came true at the Convergence Wednesday and finally got to meet Burrito. A day later and YHC still can’t believe his fortune. Seriously, true story. 16 months of working out at the same AO the introduction finally took place. A true legend. Holy Kiss and Pound Dog sweat from the shoulders down. Because that is what hydrated men do. Recycle apparently has roots on Signal Mountain deeper than anyone else ever in the history of Signal Mountain. There is a war, purportedly, between Thrasher and Nolan. The fronters (renters?) and the established. The lines have been drawn. Probably by Walden Town Hall. YHC learned this for the first time. Completely oblivious as his children are making wax candles and churning butter for their home education. The fields are not going to plow and harvest themselves, good folks. There is solidarity, however, in that Signalers do not pay for weather apps. We want all the luxury and accoutrements of mountain life without the cost. Stewardship matters. Lookout Mt pays for their apps with a 22% greater accuracy. Joanna continues to make gains. Not just today. But everyday. Something can be said of the greatness of each PAX today, but YHC was being pelted with rain and could neither see nor hear everything that took place. If one needs to know the blessings and benefits and the ranking system of Reese’s Peanut Butter options, Snow Patrol is your man. We await his official review of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Chocolate-Free Cup. But by all early indications, it is not looking good for Reese’s. It is being hailed as the Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cups. But what if what makes a Reese’s Peanut Butter Lover love the Reese’s PB Cup is the holy union between chocolate and peanut butter? These are the questions that need to be answered. Snow Patrol, unleash your wisdom as the heavens unleashed its rain. The world needs to know. Yes, the world needs to know.


    Convoy Saturday and Monday;;;;Smackdown Tuesday and Thursday. This is a reliable pattern.

    Recent Backblasts

      You only get wet once…….at 6:14 am

      QIC:  Blackout

      Date: 03/25/2021

      PAX: 9 Volt, Abercrombie, Clothespin, El Chapo, Deep Dish, Mrs. Baker, Rug Doctor, Thin Mint

      AO: The Battery


      As mentioned in many other backblasts before this, Blackout is on Q so it was cloudy and rainy. A whole new meaning to YOGWO as it rained for about 1 minutes of the workout and then poured during the COT. As always, weather channel app had no clue when it would rain. That said, it was warm in the mid-60s so that was good, humidity high.


      Mosey lap around Dog park and up to the top of the hill

      • Forward Fold – silent count
      • SSH – x25
      • Arm Circles – x15
      • Reverse Arm Circles – x15
      • Seal Claps – x15
      • Moroccan Nightclubs – x15
      • SSH – x15
      • 5 Burpees, 4 Burpees, 3 Burpees, 2 Burpees, 1 Burpees (OYO)
      • Mosey to coupon stack and pick out your favorite coupon

      The Thang

      Circuit One – Legs

      • Goblet Squats – x25
      • Lunges – x25 each leg
      • Toe Merkins – x25
      • Monkey Humpers – x25
      • Deadlifts – x25
      • Hot Feet – 30 seconds each foot

      Finished circuit by running down hill, 5 burpees, and back up hill

      Circuit Two – Arms/Chest

      • Incline Merkins – x25
      • Curls – x25
      • Triceps Extensions – x25
      • Diamond Merkins – x15
      • Shoulder Presses – x25
      • Plank – 1 minute

      Finished circuit by running down hill, 5 burpees, and back up hill

      Circuit Three – Core

      • Flutter Kicks – x50
      • American Hammers – x50
      • LBCs – x50
      • BBSU – x25
      • Freddie Mercuries – x25
      • Plank Jacks – x25

      Finished circuits with 3-4 minutes left. Finished up the workout with a Mercle (fancy term for circle merkins); Went in a circle and each PAX in the circle did one Merkin. Once it got back to start, started over at 2 merkins, etc. all the way up to time. In between Merkins, PAX performed SSH for 2 minutes and Imperial Walkers for 2 minutes.


      Kept today’s COT short and sweet: Don’t stress the small things in life. Keep your focus on God and your faith in addition to your family. Everything else should be lower on the priority listing. Sometimes, during work deadlines and kids sports and within all the other chaos in life, we forget to slow down and find peace in our faith and enjoy time with our family. Instead, we worry about being late, deadlines, etc. God is with us all the time and our faith will get us through all trials and tribulations!


      During the COP, it was discussed why Forward Fold was silent count; Long discussion ensued on how the plan going forward is to perform silent counts at beatdowns in which Threeskin is not present; and the opposite when he is present

      Halfway through the workout, Clothespin decided he “didn’t like the Q anymore” Q was surprised as he didn’t realize Clothespin liked him before that moment either. HA

      Apparently The Battery and Blackout both have a bad reputation for rainy beatdowns. I wish there was something we could do to curb that, unfortunately, it is what it is.

      The hill at the Battery sucks!


      3rd-F still rolling strong: Chubby’s on Monday nights at 6pm; 4/10 park cleanup at Legacy; 4/17 Habitat build; Thin Mint mentioned a potential opportunity for helping cleanup Tinsley Park at the Battery at some point in the future. Join 3rd-F channel.

      Convergence for Night Sweats went great, 80 men strong!

      Parliament – Bonsai on Q 3/25; Hacksaw – Mothballs VQ 3/25

      Recent Backblasts

        22X2s at the Battery

        QIC:  Sidekick

        Date: 03/20/2021

        PAX: Rug Doctor; Abercrombie; Mrs. Baker; 9-Volt; Deep Dish; FNG-Homer; Tinkerbell; Kashmir; Tin Snip; Land yacht

        AO: The Battery


        41 and clear


        Forward Fold ICX12; Willie Mays Hays ICX12; SSH ICX20; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; LBAC-REV-Overhead Claps-Seal Claps ICX10; Slow Squats

        Mosey to Pickle ball Courts

        Each Pax chooses a baseline, one left blank due to 11 pax instead of 12

        One PAX is on the COREt of Honor and calls 25 reps of a CORE exercise; once complete, PAX rise and run a lap plus one baseline. Rotate through in this manner until all PAX have called an exercise. We stopped after 7 rounds due to time to complete our 22sX2s

        The Thang

        Mosey over to the Pavilion

        22s X 2s is basically an 11s, but double the reps.

        Start with 20 Dercans; run to the Prius and back; 2 Squats; Run to the Prius and back; 18 Dercans; Run to the Prius and back; 4 Squats;

        Continue in this manner until you end with 2 Dercans and 20 squats

        Mosey back to the flag for 2 CORE exercises



        Parable with Jesus giving the blind man sight is relatable to our lives today. What is it that blinds us? Keeps us from seeing the true path to a relationship with Christ.


        Love my trips to the Battery. Can’t wait to be back


        Convergence at Ridgecut on Wednesday to honor Night Sweats

        Recent Backblasts

          Float Like a Butterfly, Vomit like a Drunken Bee

          QIC:  Bandcamp

          Date: 03/22/2021

          PAX: Tasty Cakes, Steam Engine, Milkman

          AO: Shothouse


          22 SSH’s in cadence

          Fire feet to Mercans, 1:48

          22 Michael Phelps in cadence

          7 Willy Maze Haze (each side, 14 total) in cadence

          7 Little Baby Arm Circles in cadence, both directions

          22 seal claps hard count

          The Thang

          We were going for a Muhammad Ali theme, so lots of boxing references. Also 60’s music…gotta love the classics.

          Train like Muhammad!
          “Run 6 Miles” —Indian Run 1x around track

          “Get Loose”—30 seconds of shadow boxing (including “dancing”) to keep heart rate up

          30 seconds of slow V-ups

          30 seconds of wide stance push-ups

          30 seconds of narrow stance push-ups

          30 seconds of fast Freddy Mercuries

          Repeat for a total of 3 times

          Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee

          22 side crunches (each side)

          22-count single slow push-up

          22 hard count mountain climbers

          22 deep squats

          22 high jumps

          22 deep squats

          22 hard count mountain climbers

          22-count single slow push-up

          22 side crunches (each side)

          Boxing Match

          Pair up

          Step 1 – track your opponent

          Person 1: 5 long jumps and back (10 total)

          Person 2: Backwards High Knees alongside person 1


          Step 2 – fight to win

          Person 1: 10 seconds of quick punches while in a deep squat

          Person 2: 360 spins, alternating directions


          Step 3 – get up!

          Person 1: 3 good burpees

          Person 2: alternating leg push-ups


          Repeat all for a total of 5 times (7 was the goal)


          There’s another mutation of COVID on the loose. We’re going to have to man up and face it, just like taking another punch to the face. If you remember the Rocky Balboa movies, the moral of the story was not how often you can beat the crap out of someone else…it’s how often you can get up after taking a beating. Sometimes all we have to do is get back up. It serves as inspiration for ourselves and others. We have to keep on keeping on.

          2 Corinthians 4:8-9 regarding Christians

          We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;

          We are called to succeed. Maybe not in the definition others have for succeed, but from a Biblical (eternal) standpoint we’re supposed to be the historical figures who stood up when things were getting rough.

          Recent Backblasts

            Ch-Ch-Cha Changes

            QIC:  Prosciutto

            Date: 03/20/2021

            PAX: A-A-Ron, Blue, Gusher, Hambone, Joanna Gainz All Day Ery Day Ery Day, Mansiere, Zima

            AO: Convoy


            Air Quality 32. It’s the lowest it’s been in a rolling 7-day span; this according to the Breezometer source. The biggest air quality offender? O3. Mansiere shared that O3 is ozone. He’s way smarter than me and I believe him. And anyone who’s anyone knows that global warming is a real thing and Ozone is a big jerk on the jerk scale. The Pollen index is also low, 0 of 5, down from 2/5 from a couple days ago; Juniper pollen is the criminal this time of year which is weird. Junipers just sorta lay there and creep. Such a quiet creep, that Juniper. Gin is made with juniper berries – so it is not entirely a failure. Also of note, Gin is simply a gender confused form of vodka; as vodka is the base of gin. Gin just has “highlights” and “accessories” which vodka does without. The most toxic masculine Gin name has got to be Beefeater, right? I mean, c’mon we all sorta know whats going on here.

            Disclaimer was low quality – let’s go with a level 32 because I lack creativity (total possible 100). It was weak. I’ve not been approached for lawsuits, so I likely said enough. Also as an aside (this has got to be an ongoing record), but we’ve had probably *6500 workouts consecutive where no one has died. That’s a record, definitely; probably.

            Pre-playlist featured a newer (more adult) Britney Spears tune with cuss words and some latin rap song my kids love because of trolls 2. let’s go.



            Forward Folds, Will Hayes, SSH, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks, High Knees, Wide High Knees, Planks

            The Thang

            I shared at the start that running would be central to the effort today. So after the warmup we did just that.
            Merkin Mile & EMO2M 4x4s
            As the emboldened title states, we ran a mile. At each quarter mile 25 merkins. The timer went off every two minutes during this mile – which meant we did a 4×4. Blue cheered when he heard we were doing 4x4s. Animal.

            Rock Pile Circle

            We “found” rocks. Did rock curls and triceps extensions. While fun on their own, made even more fun while doing them to Sam Cooke singing to us. Legendary. He’s not a gin man, you can just tell.

            And this is probably better news for the Moleskin, but the bird that nested nearby the rock pile was pissed as hell (at me). For those who don’t know, Signal Mountain is a bird sanctuary for some dumb reason, but probably not so dumb if you explained it to me. Signal Mountain is strange. Like….bird sanctuary? Why? Of all things you can be… we got bird sanctuary. I think they were just looking to boast about having another sign on Taft Hwy. Whatever. Why not just up your pizza game and kick Domino’s off the mountain? More people would like that and you could tout being a ‘Pizza City’. If they ever figure out how to get Rembrandt’s canoli’s up to Pruett’s then “Canoli City” is also within reach. Where were we?

            Oh — rocks, and yeah, the Goldilocks reference was made in conjunction with rock selection. Good thing the rocks were already pre-selected so noone had to be rock shamed. Also of note: there were no rock injuries (or deaths).

            Continued our run around, heading now toward the track; pit stop along the way for Q to catch breath and merkins

            Elevens by 2 | Standard elevens series but two exercises at each end point. End points set at 100m distance

            Start/End Point

            Start/End point 2

            Box Jumps

            Lunges (mountain count)

            Return to flag for leg lifting (Front, side and rear single leg lifts)


            Change is difficult. Change is not widely accepted or comforting.

            83% of people report being unhappy or looking for a change at work; only 12% will actively engage with their manager about a change. People will go to great lengths to keep things the same.

            Yet change is all around us. Each day is a new day, the clock resets. It changes.

            The season changes. The time changes. It’s part of life. We do not and cannot control everything.

            Change is always, change is good, change is uncomfortable and often times change is productive. Embracing change can be difficult.

            “Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future” -John F. Kennedy

            “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change” -Albert Einstein

            “If I’d asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said ‘Don’t change anything.’” -Henry Ford

            I find solace in change through scripture and faith. Jeremiah 29: 11-13 & Isaiah 41:10

            Jeremiah 29:11-13
            For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Mewhen you search for Me with all your heart.

            Isaiah 41:10
            So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

            I find comfort in knowing I am Not in control but I am content and joyful when I remember the one who knows and loves me the most is in control.


            • Mansiere is beginning to convince me that Rocky 4 never happened
            • Blue wore a 20 lb plate and made us all look like (The Count’s words, not mine; The Count’s) “big pussies”; again, not my words
            • Still not sure if Zima is bought and sold at convenience stores any longer, but our Zima is always available in the gloom
            • Ground nesting birds will rain hellfire on and about your head and make you regret life decisions if you disturb their nesting area; ask me how i know because I’m a bird sanctuary inhabitant and I know where the sign is
            • We never did find the boogie man despite many calls for him (her? they?) from the deep dark forest, but what boogie man (person? thing? they? human?) would approach a group of men in the dark blaring David Bowie? Don’t underestimate they/their intelligence.
            • Makhtar-Shoulder-Tap-Merkins don’t exist in the lexicon yet. Leave it to the creatives to give it a proper name but these things suck. Oh, I know, ‘Second Worst Merkins Ever’. “Yeah,” she said, “that’ll stick.”
            • Stonehenge was formed from F3. **browse internet**, copy/paste that. Profit – you’re welcome


            Coker family still in our thoughts, Joanna makin dem gainz all day ery day most days nah ery day and family

            Recent Backblasts

              Battery Lake Laps

              QIC: M.I.A.

              Date: 03/18/2021

              PAX: Abercrombie, Clothespin

              AO: The Battery


              It was a wonderful 60ish degrees, with buckets of water. This wet t-shirt competition had no winners; just losers.


              Side Straddle Hop x 37 IC
              Forward Fold OYO
              Willy Maze Haze x 10 IC
              Little Baby Arm Circles x 20 IC
              Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles x 20 IC
              Iraqi Tea Time OYO
              Side Straddle Hop x20 IC

              The Thang

              There was a plan A – that needed at least 4 people.

              There was a plan B – that needed the trees to have not blocked the greenway.

              Plan O (Omaha) it is:

              Each PAX completes:
              10 x Merkins
              10 x Imperial Walker Squats (hard count)
              10 x Apolo Ohno
              Followed by a lap around the skate & dog parks [~400m(thanks google maps)]
              Continue, decreasing reps by 1 each lap.


              I wanted to talk about fear and anxiety today. The weather prior to this beatdown was similar to last year, when my house and many others around it were damaged by a tornado. 5 trees fell on my house as I huddled with my wife and son praying. Anxiety kicked in during reports yesterday that there was even a chance. Worry and fear can paralyze us and keep us from living our lives. I find peace in Christ and am able to carry on through turmoil because of him. Psalm 62:8


              YHC firmly believes that Abercrombie does extra just so he doesn’t have to keep count.

              Penalty Burpees were due as the flags were with 9-Volt

              Comment received from PAX: “Great Q – Deep Dish would have loved that!” – Is this a compliment???


              Convergence at Ridgecut for Night Sweats (Cameron Coker) on Wednesday March 24th. All other locations will be closed that day.

              PAX still needed to commit to Habitat on 4/17/21 and Monday’s at Chubbies.

              It’s Raining Men!

              QIC:  Snow Patrol

              Date: 03/18/2021

              PAX: Laces Out, Prosciutto, Gusher, Recycle, Joanna, Mansiere, A-A-Ron, Zima, Jorts

              AO: Smackdown


              Wet, very wet.


              Forward Fold x10 IC
              Third Grade Exercise x10 IC
              Little Baby Arm Circles x10 IC
              Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles x10 IC
              Seal Clap x10 IC
              Overhead Clap x12 IC
              Side Straddle Hop x20 IC
              Burpees x10 OYO

              The Thang

              Musical Dora
              5 stations, 2 exercises per station. Partner up, first partner does listed exercise. Second partner runs to corner of track and completes 1 Burpee. Move to second exercise when the next song starts. Rotate stations every third song.

              Big Boys/Dive Bombers
              Squats/Alternating Shoulder Taps
              Monkey Humpers/Pickle Pointers
              Mountain Climbers/Imperial Walkers

              Worked in some songs that reminded us of the rain and thunder that passed through last night. My family helped me with this playlist so there were some curveballs thrown in.

              It’s Raining Men – Weather Girls
              Work – Pop Evil
              Thunderstruck – AC/DC
              We Will Rock You – In This Moment
              The Thunder Rolls – State of Mine
              I am A Gummy Bear – Tha /mai Kalo Paidi (my daughter listens to this song all the time)
              Eye Of The Storm – Godsmack
              The Imperial March – Celldweller
              Thunder – Imagine Dragons
              Whiskey In The Jar – Metallica

              Had a minute or so left, did LBC’s to Staind’s Mudshovel.


              Shared with the group about the first time I knew F3 was more than a workout group. I had been going to F3 for only a couple months when we took a pause because of world events. That evening I had someone reach out and ask if I wanted to work out in a small neighborhood group,. It was run very similar to F3, at that point I realized that the workout is what initially convinced me to attend, but the fellowship before, during and after the workouts is what kept me going back. If the small group would have just met up to workout and went home without any MC, I know I would have stopped coming. That is when things clicked for me. F3 has become more like a family to me. I see many of you more often than my parents, brothers, and other friends. You guys pick me up when I am having a bad day or seem off. Many of you reach out and check in if I don’t show up for a couple of days. I really appreciate all of you!


              Was partnered up with Prosciutto today. He compared the Smackdown field to a giant trough in a men’s restroom. He also mentioned a video of a man using one as a slip and slide at Wrigley field. Not sure if I will go looking for that video.


              Convergence at Ridgecut for Night Sweats (Cameron Coker) on Wednesday March 24th. All other locations will be closed that day.

              Prosciutto on Q at Convoy on Saturday.

              Time to Change the Clocks

              QIC:  Sidekick

              Date: 03/15/2021

              PAX:  Purple Rain, White Glove, Sunscreen, Sports bra, Pebbles

              AO: Beast Ridge


              57 and clear


              Forward Fold, Willie Mays Hays, 3rd Grade exercises, SSH, Seal claps, Overhead claps, Slow Squats; Mosey to the practice soccer field

              The Thang

              Mercan Clock – Assume Plank. Wherever you are pointing is 12:00. 1 Mercan, rotate to 1:00 and 1 Mercan; Rotate to 2:00 and 1 Mercan; Rotate to 3:00 and 3 Mercans; Repeat aroudnthe clock with 1 Mercan per stop at 4,5, 7, 8, 10, and 11. 6 Mercans at 6, 9 at 9 and 12 at 12

              De-escalating 4 Corners

              Using the soccer field for the 4 corners and the following format – Mosey from Corner to Corner; Corner 1 and 3 are core exercises; Corner 2 is legs; Corner 4 is upper body.

              Round 1 – 25 reps – LBC; Squats; Pickle Pointer; Mahktar NDaye

              Round 2 – 20 reps – Heel Touches; One Legged bulgarians; Freddy Mercury; Shoulder Taps

              Round 3 – 15 Reps – Big Boi Sit ups; Jungle Boi Squats; Dying Cockroach; Fingers out Wercans

              Round 4 – 10 Reps – Pretzel Crunch; Imperial Squats; Pickle Pounders; Diamond Mercans

              Dip Planks – Up position for a 10 count, down position for a 5 count; Repeat until I get tired

              Wrap up with a second Mercan Clock

              Mosey back to the flag



              Today we talked about the passage where Jesus used clay to cure a man’s blindness. I think this relates to us today in the fact that we can all be blinded by things in our lives but only truly see what’s important through our relationship with God. Good to think on


              Mercan Clock was a hit


              Convergence at Ridgecut on 3/24 in memory of Night Sweats

              Recent Backblasts


                QIC:  Sidekick

                Date: 03/09/2021

                PAX: Rodeo, Sunburn, Brain Fart

                AO: Boneyard


                50 something and nice


                Forward Fold; Willie Mays Hays; 3rd Grade Exercises; SSH; LBAC, reverse, overhead claps, seal claps, ray lewis; Slow Sqauts; Mosey to the hill

                The Thang

                RANDOM THOUGHTS

                All PAX Plank at bottom of hill; one pax bear crawls to the top and completes 5 Mercans; Resumes plank; Calls name of next PAX who repeats until all PAX are at the top of the hill.

                Move to Tennis Court

                Lunging Suicide with Burpees – Lunge to each line, 1 Burpee; Mosey back; Complete the Suicide

                Bunny Hop Suicide with burpees – Same as before but bunny hop instead of Lunge; Harder than you think

                COREt of Honor – PAX break up into the 4 corners of the court; One PAX is in the corner of Honor and calls 25 reps of a core exercise; When complete, all pax run 1.25 laps of the COREt so that the next PAX is in the corner of HONOR; Repeat until all PAX have held the esteemed seat.

                Leave the Tennis Court

                Dip Planks – Assume the dip position; hold the up position for a 10 count; hold the down position for a 5 count; repeat until i get tired.

                Mosey over to the wall – Wall sit with various are reaches and ankle touches and such. Repeat a few times

                Mosey over in front of the rec center

                Mercan 11s – Grab a curb and complete a round of 11s with Ircans and Dercans

                Mosey back to Flag – time


                Today we talk about the bible passage with Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. How people “thirst” for things (fill in your choice of material posession) while the true thirst quencher lies in a life with Jesus.


                Random workouts are my fave


                Softball died. RIP

                Recent Backblasts