Halloween Countdown with the Spooky Q

QIC:  Band Camp

Date: 10/1/2021

PAX: Blue, Milkman, Starbucks, Lyft, Cleaver, Sherlock, LifeAlert, Money Shot, Snowcream, Tasty Cakes, FNG-OB

AO: Shothouse


The moon was out with an eerie glow, masked in part by the shadowed clouds above. A tainted breeze filled the air, punctuated by the smell of HIM tears. Howling was heard by all, though it was just yours truly in his truest form (aka the Spooky Q). Perfect for a pumpkin-spiced beatdown.


20 SSH’s in cadence

10 Windmills in cadence

10 Willy Maze Haze in cadence

Toe touches 30 seconds OYO

Cobra 15 seconds OYO

10 Michael Phelps in cadence

20 Merkins in cadence

The Thang

Make your way to the track with a coupon. Pair off into groups of 2 (Dora’s—Person A and Person B).

Phase One, the Monster Mash
Person A starts and exercise, Person B completes a movement 10 yards there and back. When Person B gets back, Persons A and B switch so that Person A completes the movement while Person B completes the exercise. Each sub-section below is completed for 5 minutes at a time:

Mummies (5 minutes)

A – mummy lifts (sit-up with block)

B – Mummy walk 10 yards and back (straight leg high kicks to your outstretched arms, no coupon)

Werewolves (5 minutes)

A – howl at the moon (dive bombers)

B – bear crawl 10 yards and back (fast, no coupon)

Vampires (5 minutes)

A – flex your wings (bent over rows with coupon)

B – fly! 10 yards there and back (long jumps, no coupon)

Spiders (5 minutes)

A – squash the spider (American hammers with coupon)

B – Spider-Man crawl 10 yards (push-up optional, no coupon)

Jog to the home bleachers with coupon

Phase 2, Trick-or-Treat Preparation

Keeping the same groups, complete these exercises for 3 minutes each, then switch. (We were only able to spend 1.5 minutes each due to time.)

A – candy bag bicep curls with coupon (5 low curls, 5 high curls, 5 full curls) until failure, alternating with front door step-ups on bleachers as needed.

B – chocolate arm dips until failure, alternating with candy apple bobbing pull ups on the bleacher railing as needed.

Phase 3, Ding-Dong-Ditch

Continuing with Dora groups, the following happens on the track without coupons:

A – holds Al Gore looking in opposite direction until B “rings the doorbell”, then tries to catch B through a jailbreak

B – starting from 20-ish yards behind A mosey’s to A and says “Ding Dong!”, then immediately bernies along track to get away from A

Once A catches up to B, the roles switch, with A starting 20 yards behind B. Once one team makes it all the way around the track to the starting point (home bleachers), the exercise is over for everyone. We were only able to get 1/4 around the track due to time.

Walk back to parking lot with block.


Before going into my Word of the Day in this post, we got to name the FNG. Welcome OB (short for OBGYN)! Brave man for coming out to a Spooky Q with yours truly, hopefully we didn’t scare OB away…

Word of the Day:

Like many of our modern holidays, halloween historically was something that embraced evils. It wasn’t until a Roman Catholic holiday was established on November 1st, 609 that the celebration changed in the western world.

So that’s the history lesson, I believe it has direct implications on our life today. As HIM’s, when we experience adversity, do we become victims of wrongs? Or do we take a bad event in history and change our perspective to build ourselves up and move forward, like Pope Boniface IV? Halloween’s true history shouldn’t be forgotten, but we shouldn’t be hampered down by that history—we can remember and should call out evils, but we can’t let it keep us from living our lives going forward. If we’re Christians, we know that the world doesn’t end until Jesus says so, we keep running the race of faith and life (1 Corinthians 9). There is a time for mourning and tearing down, but also a time for joy and building up (Ecclesiastes 3).

My wife read an interesting book review this week—the article stated we all meditate on suffering. Much of the current social justice movements focus on the suffering of the self. Christians however are called to meditate on the suffering of Christ, from there we find our identity (1 Peter 2:24). By the God of creation becoming a victim, He allowed us to overcome our personal struggles. God says we can trust in Him, not only for salvation, but for our daily life (Proverbs 3:5-6). That means God invites us out of a life of victimization and into a life of conquering for His kingdom (Luke 12:32).

On a personal level, I’ve had a lot of personal struggle being okay with my recent failures at work. But I can’t let those failures determine how I perceive myself, or else it will also impact my area of influence. Good leaders don’t get the luxury of self pity. We must be vulnerable and admit our weaknesses, but we are also charged with circling ourselves with good people who will pull us out of the muck (1 Thessalonians 5:11, Galatians 6:2).


Life Alert made sure to remind me that less than 12 hours of October had transpired and here I was leading a Halloween-themed Q. I guess the moral of the story is you never know when a Spooky Q will happen to you (just like no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!). As a side note, I dress up as characters all the time—just ask my wife about our role playing adventures. The way I see it there’s no reason to keep dress up for just one day a year when I can dress up like a scantily-clad firefighter anytime I want. If I had it my way, I’d have “Halloween” every day of the year. I’d also probably have like 10 kids by now though.

Recent Backblasts

    Hump Day Heartbreak

    QIC:  M.I.A.

    Date: 09/22/2021

    PAX: Blair Witch, Cooter, Full Moon, Mayhem, Night Fever, Pipeline, Spirit Fingers, Toe Jelly, Top’Em, Uncle Joe, WeBlow, WuzntMe

    AO: Hacksaw




    Standard Fare

    The Thang

    PAX indigenous people run to the hill increased gravity zone.

    Burp Back Mountain

    Pair up; partner 1 Bernie up hill increased gravity zone – mosey to start, partner 2 does burpees
    Repeat until each group completed 202 burpees.

    PAX indigenous people run from the hill increased gravity zone to the shovel flag.



    Be a man of your word. YCH is sure he used many more words discussing the importance of this, but the summation should suffice.


    Mostly grumbles and numbers being muttered. A few death threats. No takers from the PAX when YHC offered to clowncar up to Smackdown tomorrow.


    Chubby’s on Mondays ongoing

    Quarterly Habitat Project Ongoing

    “Misery” loves “Company”

    QIC:  Gretel

    Date: [09/17/2021]

    PAX: Brainfart, Castaway, Pebbles, Red Tees, Rodeo, Scholar, Sunburn, The Count, V Squared

    AO: Boneyard


    cool and dry




    3rd grade exercise

    mt. climbers

    LBAC forward/backwards


    mosey to the exercise equipment area

    The Thang

    QIC brought his sandbags, a 60# and an 80#. 2 PAX would do a number of reps with the sandbags while the other PAX did AMRAP of other denoted exercises

    Round 1:

    Sandbag tosses over the shoulder: 30 reps if you have the 80#, 50 reps if you have the 60#

    Other PAX completing AMRAP of 5 pullups, 10 dips, 15 air squats circuit

    Round 2:

    20 yard sandbag carry with 3 burpees over the bag at each end – 3 total carries, 9 burpees

    Other PAX completing AMRAP flutter kicks and pickle pointers to failure

    Round 3:

    Divide PAX into teams of 5, get the sandbags back to the flag by picking up and tossing them in whatever fashion you choose


    Do you have fitness goals? I have been very goal oriented this year with my fitness. I think we should be very specific with our goals, even to the point of writing them down for affirmation and accountability. I want to be able to complete 20 consecutive strict pullups and run 5 miles in 40 minutes. To accomplish this I have to be very specific with all aspects of my fitness. Working out is a given, but I also have to manage what I put in my body and plan for rest and recovery.

    Are you seeing the results you want from your hard work in the Gloom? What is holding you back from your fitness goals? Is it your Queen? Maybe its poor form or maybe you’re not “pushing yourself”. Are you getting enough sleep, rest, and recovery? These are all things that can derail your progress.


    One PAX said the sandbags should have names, and he had suggestions, just a little too colorful for regular usage. After hearing some old Metallica songs later that day, YHC decided the 80# should be “Misery” and the 60# named “Company”

    50 tosses over the shoulder with “Misery” is too many

    A civilian came in around 0545 to use the outdoor workout equipment and of course the PAX chatted him up and offered to let him join us. He appeared to be doing things along with us for a few minutes but disappeared I think after watching the sandbag work.

    Pebbles bends but does not break under the weight of the 80# bag.

    YHC is still sore 3 days later


    Chubby’s on Mondays ongoing

    quarterly Habitat project ongoing

    Rucking has been getting at least 1 weekend event going every month now for a few months in a row, check out #rucking channel if you’re interested, we always have extra bags and weights to loan out for first-timers

    Recent Backblasts

      Air is Heavy, and Perspective is Everything

      QIC: DNF

      Date: 09/20/2021

      PAX: Abercrombie, AOL, Full Moon, John Doe, M.I.A., Mandela, Night Fever, Picabo, Spirit Fingers, Top ‘Em, WeBlow, Woodrider

      AO: Hacksaw


      Consistent rain, 72 degrees.


      Mosey to flag, WMH IC, SSH’s IC, Third Grade Exercises IC, Forward Fold OYO, Air Presses IC, Seal Claps IC

      The THANG

      Single file line lunge walk to exit flag circle, side shuffle to Coast Guard, 30 merkins, run to tank, 30 merkins, side shuffle to circle entry, lunge walk into flag circle, Al Gore until six is in

      2/10 Merkins and 10/50 Air Presses… 2 merkins 10 AP’s, 4 merkins 20 AP’s, 6 merkins 30 AP’s, 8 merkins 40 AP’s, 10 merkins 50 AP’s…. and back down

      Single file line lunge walk to exit flag circle, side shuffle to Coast Guard, 30 merkins, run to tank, 30 merkins, side shuffle to circle entry, lunge walk into flag circle, Al Gore until six is in

      LBC’s x30 OYO, Flutter Kicks x30 IC, Dying Cockroaches x20 IC, 6 inches, 10 Big Boi’s

      Single file line lunge walk to exit flag circle, side shuffle to Coast Guard, 30 merkins, run to tank, 30 merkins, side shuffle to circle entry, lunge walk into flag circle, Al Gore until six is in

      Grateful Dead. PAX in plank position. Left arm up… hold, right leg up… hold, right arm up… hold, left leg up… hold. Maintain plank and rotate body 90 degrees to 3 o’clock position. Repeat limb raising and hold sequence for all four limbs. Maintain plank and rotate body 90 degrees to 6 o’clock position. Repeat limb raising and hold sequence for all four limbs. Maintain plank and rotate body 90 degrees to 9 o’clock position. Repeat limb raising and hold sequence for all four limbs. Maintain plank and rotate 90 degrees back to starting 12 o’clock position. Two merkins to finish… because why not…

      Mosey back to parking lot


      QIC shared a short word on opportunity. They are everywhere, all the time. Right now we all know that the world is in a chaotic and uncertain state. This can understandably suppress one’s ability to see opportunity or be optimistic. Still, opportunity is everywhere. Whether you are in a position to seize an opportunity (go out and take it!) or have a chance to extend an opportunity to another… stay aware, and stay ready!

      Prayers for AOL and a good doctors visit today regarding pituitary

      Prayers for M.I.A.’s wife and the elimination of her heart flutters

      Picabo took us out in prayer

      F3 S&M in the AM (with bricks)

      QIC:  9 Volt

      Date: 8/26/21

      PAX: Abercrombie, Deep Dish, Cooter, Pipeline

      AO: The Battery


      Like an armpit


      Mosey to the play ground. On the way pick up two bricks from the trunk of the sea foam green piece of shit camry

      The Q just returned to Tennessee from 13,000 feet of elevation. Lets see if it helps with cardio

      The warm up was done WITH bricks

      1. SSH IC X 15 (with bricks)
      2. Baby Arm Circles
      Fwd IC X 15 (with bricks)
      Rev IC X 15 (with bricks)
      3. FSH – Front Straddle hop (Arms as usual but legs go forward and backward) (with bricks)
      4. Seal Clap IC x 15 (with bricks)
      5. Chinook ICx15 (with bricks)
      6. SSF – Side Straddle Flop ( SSH while laying on the ground w/ shoulders off the ground)
      7. Willie Maze Haze ICx10
      5. Forward Fold IC x 10

      The Thang

      • The pullups are done in pairs with one person holding the others ankles and taking some weight off of them while they perform the pull ups. (Form doesn’t matter just make it hurt)
      • Pairs swap out when one gets tired of pull ups
      • All rounds are done for 1 minute on and 30 seconds break
      • Pendulum – Bent over in “Row” position with bricks in hands touching. swing bricks side to side trying to use shoulders.
      • Water Fall – Brick in each hand, lift to eye level with bricks close to body. Extend arms and lower slowly with arms straight.
      1Jump Rope (1Min)
      2Pull up
      3Side Raise (with bricks)
      5Hand Release Merkins
      6 Jump Rope (1Min)
      7Pull Ups
      8Tricept Ext (with bricks)
      9Pendelum (with bricks)
      10Dry Docks
      11Front Raise (with bricks)
      12 Jump Rope (1Min)
      13Pull ups
      14Moroccan night club (with bricks)
      15Water Fall (with bricks)
      16Military Press (with bricks)
      17Bent over rows (with bricks)
      18 Jump Rope (1Min)
      19Pull ups

      Rinse and repeat as necessary


      Words of wisdom

      I know you were expecting Mrs Baker this morning and had mentally prepared yourself for a ballanced, well thought out beatdown. The moral of the storie is to accept the inevitable suprises life throws at you. At the end of the day were all just insignificant specs floating through life. That is why we believe in a higher power


      No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
      Jump ropes suck
      13,000 ft of altitude is nothing compared to 100% humidity

      Recent Backblasts

        Next Exercise is a Movement So Move, Optional Cadence, And Someone Please –For the Love–Stop Saying the Early 80s Holds Superior Music Era Supremacy, And By “Someone,” We Mean Scott Simmons, Esquire, And By “We” YHC Means YHC.

        QIC:  Gusher

        Date: 08/17/2021

        PAX: Old School (Respect), Basalt, Burrito, Holy Kiss, Hambone, Warlord, Forrest, Friday, Prosciutto, 8-Mile, Mansiere, The Count (Respect Deuce), Zima, Blow Pop, Manscaper, Yellow 5, Red Raider

        AO: Smackdown


        Conditions were prime. 65 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale, that being interpreted is 18.3333 Celsius for our Canadian HIM who hail from Weescaaahhhnsin don’t you know. Rain chance undersold itself with a 91% chance of rain prediction. Yet, in reality we had a 100% chance in actuality. One can never discern whether this prediction stems from humility or insecurity. Does the rain know it will fall for sure, but doesn’t want to come across as an arrogant jerk, thus giving off a 91% chance vibe? Or, is it genuine humility? Or is the paralyzing effect of impostor syndrome? Sometimes you just want to hold a dollop of rain in the hand and whisper, “It’s ok, little fella, there is a difference between arrogance and confidence. If you let us know what you know, we would be better prepared for you. Just tell us what you are going to do. We can take it. After all, we only get wet once.” Today’s moon phase is the waxing gibbous with an illumination count at 71%. Now, here is a percentage that precipitation could learn a thing or two. Rain either falls or it does not fall. Rain is either all in, or it is literally sitting this one out. However, illumination does indeed come in degrees and percentages. The very nature of a waning or waxing moon demands an illuminatory percentage. 71% is pompously precise. One gets the sense the moon and its protuberant gibbous is great to have at dinner parties or trivia night, what with always having to be precisely right and all. Rules are rules and the moon knows how to play. We do have Fred to thank for our ideal conditions, although as storms go, Fred appears to be the six as he has been downgraded to a Tropical Depression. Fortunately for F3-Fred, there is a metaphorical convergence with FiA Storms and Grace has gained some steam to Tropical Storm status to pick up Fred. Summary: weather was nice and there was a lot of water.


        Possible confusion pertaining to commands: Notwithstanding said confusion and mixed cadence with eventual ceasing of cadence, PAX did the following: WMH (estimated 15 count), Forward Fold, SSH, 3rd Grade, Mosey Lap

        AMR(ounds)AP: Final (21) Countdown

        YHC, conscious of the rising inflation of F3 fees, seeks to maximize time and minimize idleness by passing out instructional cards on a heavy cardstock strong enough to withstand a Tropical Depression for 40 minutes. These HIM are not paying to stand around and listen to YHC bloviate instructions in an obfuscatory manner with unending circumlocutions. Time is money, so move.
        Heavy Cardstock Contents: First round begins with 21 reps each of the following: curls, block squats, merkins, Block BBSU, Block Dips, Thrusters which were horrible, Block Leg Lifts, Block Bench Press.

        After each round, PAX takes mosey lap around condensed track and finishes with 5 burpees. He decreases number of reps by one each round. As the title suggests, the goal is to perform as many rounds as possible.


        Proverbs 12:25 – Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

        We ought to strive to cultivate the habit of picking up the six in all areas of our lives. This is a point of emphasis in F3 in always being mindful of the six. There are many that surround us that are weighed down with anxieties and burdens. Let us be mindful and pick them up with a good word. Sometimes we may be the six in life, and there is no shame in that.


        As always, with Smackdown PAX there is always chatter and it is filled with wisdom. Until the moment it is not. There is one particular PAX who has an unrelenting obsession with the Rockie Franchise (6 movies, 3 spinoff movies, 1 musical, 5 novelizations, 9 video games, 3 documentaries, 1 alleged Cold War Victory, and an aggregate score of 57 on Rotten Tomatoes which seems to be very generous). This mysterious love of the moving picture appears to prejudice this PAX against good music leaving him with the conclusion that John Cafferty and his enflamed heart epitomizes the gold standard of solid tunes. This foundational presupposition, faulty though it may be, fuels this PAX to conclude confidently that the early 80s was the height of music. Look, you will get no pushback from the likes of Bananarama, but that should cause one to pause at the epistemological travesty being proffered so early in the morning. It doesn’t matter how much a flock of seagulls drop digestation on the head, nothing is further from the truth than the claim that the early 80s embodies the high point of music. To be sure, there was stellar stuff, but it didn’t arise from the likes of Survivor and their burning heart. Even the creativity is lacking. Survivor has a Burning Heart and Cafferty’s Heart is on Fire. These are literally the same message. All that is changed is the grammatical and syntactical structure. Speaking of Burrito, his SSH form is impeccable. Solid guy. Love him. He is the best. He has more best friends than Survivor has hits and Rockie has movies. The Count graced us with his presence due to the irresistible Slack EHing of Zima. The Count traverses more land in the night than Lewis and Clark surveyed in years. Truly worthy of double respect. Everyone seems to disdain Thrusters. And when YHC writes “seems” he means “this is a true statement and worthy of all acceptation” people hate thrusters. Hambone returned to the gloom and all became right with the world. Well, almost right. His return coincided with Recycle’s absence. And when Recycle sleeps, the angels cry and we are left to swim in their tears. And the angel’s had a 91% cryfest this morning one-hundred percent of the time. Yellow 5 turned 40, yet he is feeling young and spry. Gazelle like, one might say. Mansiere posted, which means 17 other guys got smarter just by osmosis of wisdom. Prosciutto and Zima know music like Mozart knows concertos. There is more to scribe no quill could contain the ink that could adequately convey the brilliance of Smackdown’s HIM. There was a lot more mumble chatter and moleskin-worthy material but YHC just finished his coffee so that brings this banal solipsistic tommyrot exercise to a close. Smackdown PAX are the best.

        Playlist: Judah and the Lion, Uncle Mingo, They Might Be Giants, Barenaked Ladies, Counting Crows, Matthew Mayfield, Trent Dabbs, The Killers, Jimmy Eat World, Jump Little Children, Rusted Root, The Black Crowes.


        Check Slack for ongoing ways to help out Lorelei. Blood Connection extending donations for the cause through end of August.

        Recent Backblasts

          AOL’s Beatdown Extraordinaire

          QIC:  AOL

          Date: 08/10/2021

          PAX: Abercrombie, El Chapo, DeepDish, Thin Mint, Cooter, M.I.A., Uncle Joe, WuzntMe, Shotput

          AO: The Battery


          72 Degrees, and muggy enough it uncomfortable..


          SSH X 15

          WMH x 10

          Don quiotes x 10

          LBAC (FWD & REV) X 10

          Overhead claps x 10


          Mosey a lap

          The Thang

          Thang 1, 11’s on the grass field next to the skate park. on one end of the field we started with Ranger Merkins and on the other end we did Flutter kicks (Cadence Count). Mode of transportation between the stations was bear crawls.

          Thang 2, BBMM’S

          Burpees 1 x N

          Big Boys 2 x N

          Merkins 3 x N

          Monkey Humpers 4 x N

          Squats 5 x N

          Where N = Number of cycles done.

          so then 2,4,6,8,10 then 3,6,9,12,15 etc.

          we took a lap between rounds 2 & 3. Pax finished 5 rounds.

          at the 3 minute mark left, Pax circled up for 2 rounds of Howling Monkeys.


          Our Days seem so fast paced, We are always in a hurry. We have to get here, we have to get there. We get so caught up in the fastness of everyday life that we forget to enjoy what we are doing right now. Its always something in the future we are looking forward to. I Helped MIA put up a new bed in his son’s room last night, im sure he feels like time is just flying by in raising his son. we hear people say, i cant wait for my son to get to this stage, or i cant wait for my daughter to do this…..

          So my challenge to you men is to be present in the time that you are in, and be thankful for where you are.


          as we started Thang 1, the sweat started rolling. doing the bear crawls on the grassy field provided us all with several comments from the pax about the choice of YHC to do bear crawls. We had a couple “Stupid” Comments that is usually reserved for Coldplay. Abercrombie also commented that it may have been them most bear crawls that he had done at one time. There was some blaming going around due to the choice of exercise, that was thrown in Thin Mints Direction….he also chose bear crawls as a MOT during the 11’s that we all did during his VQ.


          Convergence on saturday 8/14 at miller park with FIA (Blood Drive for Captain Wafer’s Daughter)

          prayer requests for Deepdish’s wife as she heads back to school (Teacher)

          MIA’s aunt, in hospital with covid

          el chapo’s dad, has aneurysm and needs surgery, prayers for room to come available.

          Recent Backblasts

            Who knew so many people rode the bus?

            QIC:  Dundee

            Date: 08/10/2021

            PAX: Blindside, Doodle, FNG-Hookah, FNG-Scholar, Moneyball, Hansen, Rodeo, Sir-Mix-A-Lot, Sunburn, Tripple, V-Squared, Waterfall

            AO: Boneyard


            72 degrees, Dew point of 60 degrees. Sweat angel weather


            SSH – 25 IC
            WMH – 10 IC
            3GE – 10 IC
            LBAC – 15 IC
            LBAC(R) – 15 IC
            MNC – 15 IC
            SC – 15 IC
            CP – 15 IC
            OHC – 15 IC

            5 Bus Burpees

            The Thang

            Pax paired off for Doracides … three cones spaced out approximately 10 yards.

            First Pax starts doing reps of the following exercises:

            • 200 Merkins
            • 300 Reverse Crunches
            • 400 Squats
            • 300 Imperial Walkers

              Second Pax runs to first cone, does a burpee, and returns; then runs to second cone, does two burpees, and returns; then runs to third cone, does two burpees and returns. After third cone, Pax switch places until all reps of an exercise are done. If a pair finishes before the rest of the Pax, they partner up to help that group complete their reps.


            As an organization whose primary mission is to invigorate male leadership, it’s worth taking the time to test ourselves on whether what we are doing is good leadership or not. That test is love.

            Do I love the mission more than myself? If you love the purpose — the goal — and hold it as more important than your own motivations, those you lead will also embrace the mission.

            Do I love my people more than myself? If you love the people who follow you more than you love yourself, they will further embrace the mission and everyone moves in the same direction.

            Do I love character more than myself? F3 refers to character in this sense as “virtue:” choosing to do the right thing when doing the wrong thing would be easier without severe consequence. If you choose virtue, your team that loves the mission and feels your respect will also choose virtue. As the leader, making the right choice provides them cover to do the same.


            Had YHC prepared a different COT, he might not have “noticed” the next two buses that went by. Few things suck like having to do burpees in the middle of a burpee beatdown.


            Convergence Saturday at 8 am at Miller Park. Breakfast and blood drive to follow. All donations go to the fund for Captain Wafer’s daughter, Lorelei. If you can donate early, please do so. Just mention F3 and Blood Assurance will donate $5 to the fund as well.

            Legless Burpee Square

            QIC:  AOL

            Date: 08/7/2021

            PAX: Bung, Toe Jelly, Sousa

            AO: Legacy


            71 Degrees, No Wind, Quiet Peaceful Morning


            SSH X 15

            WMH x 10

            Don Quitoes x 10

            LBAC X10 (fwd and rev)

            Hummingbirds x10

            Seal claps x10

            Slow squats x10 IC


            The Thang

            Four cones set in diffferent spots around heritage park.

            One cone in center

            Run to cone 1 (20 reps) Big Boys

            Run back to center (5 burpees)

            Run to cone 2 (19 reps) Lt Dans

            Back to center (5 burpees)

            Run to cone 3 (18 reps) Murder Bunnies

            Back to center (5 burpees)

            Run to Cone 4 (17 Reps) Box Cutters IC

            Rinse and repeat until Reps are down to 1 at last Cone.

            Cone 1 (back left corner of heritage house)

            Big boy sit ups

            Cone 2 (on walking path under big oak tree)

            Lt. Dan’s

            Cone 3 (in grass field in front of front parking lot)

            Murder bunnies

            Cone 4 (on walking path Intersection near bridge)

            Box cutters IC


            We talked this morning aboout guarding our heart, our lives play out based on what is in our heart…..if we are harboring guilt, shame, anger, jealousy, lust or anything like that, those things impact shape and impact our actions toward other and our language toward others.

            Each day we should look to fill our hearts and minds with God’s Grace and allow it to pour from our mouth’s, while keeping our eyes fixed on Him.

            Challenge for this week to the PAX, work hard to build up the people around them, with our words and actions, being a light in our communities, homes, workplaces and just where ever we are.

            Proverbs 4:23-24 Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity, keep corrupt talk far from your lips.


            Great way to start off a saturday morning, with the PAX, outside of the Lt. Dans. YHC when building this workout had only done 3 reps of that exercise in prep, Thinking “yeah those arent to bad”! Well 19 of them to start out with IS NOT FUN! they really do make you “Feel like you aint got no legs”

            We stayed moving the whole time, and im sure it seemed like we were following a lady around the park that was walking her dog. she probably hated us, every time we got near, her dog would freak out and would drag her all over the place. she would snatch his leash back to her to keep him from dragging her across the grass. as we were ending the beatdown, she is putting her dog in the car, she stopped us and said ‘ I really do love my dog, just aving a bad day” yes maam! we totally understand. Bung pushed hard! Did great on the runs being at the front of the pack for many of them!


            Convergence with FIA next sat at miller park at 8 am

            Blood drive to follow at 10

            urging F3 Members to give blood early to avoid taking time slots for those outside of F3 who may want to give. Blood drive flyer on Slack.

            Recent Backblasts

              An Ode to the BLT

              QIC:  M.I.A.

              Date: 08/05/2021

              PAX: Cooter, Deep Dish, El Chapo (Respect), Pipeline, Schnitzel (Respect), Thin Mint (Respect x 2)

              AO: The Battery


              There were conditions. They were favorable. Not as favorable as bacon, but favorable nonetheless.


              … The usual… lets get to the bacon.

              The Thang

              Broad Jump 10 Yards
              Burpees x 10
              Big Boy Sit Ups x 10
              Ballerina Squats x 10
              Repeat 3x
              Bear Crawl back to the starting point (30 yards)

              Lunge walk 10 Yards
              LBCs x 10
              Lt. Dans x 10
              Low Country Crab x 10
              Repeat 3x
              Bear Crawl back to the starting point (30 yards)

              Traveling Burpee 10 Yards
              Travoltas x 10 (easy count)
              Twinkle Toes x 10
              Triple Merkin Burpee x 10
              Repeat 3x
              Bear Crawl Back to the starting point (30 yards)

              Repeat Bacon, because… bacon

              Just enough time left for

              Abs – Flutter Kicks 30 x IC & LBC 30 x IC


              Be Present. Whether in important business dealings, a date with the M, in the gloom, or playing with kids.

              You can’t impact others or love others well if you aren’t paying attention to them.


              PAX were fairly quiet today. Too much counting involved. The exception, of course, was Deep Dish. He got happier the more burpees were mentioned.

              PAX were generally all excited for more bacon. Not so much the extra tomato mentioned.

              There was great shaming at the inclusion of avocado, but YHC wouldn’t know how to respond if some derision wasn’t thrown his way during a Q.

              The title would be “A Sonnet to the BLT” but YHC didn’t have the requisite verses.


              8/14 – Convergence/Fund Raiser for Capt. Wafer’s Family. Give blood or money if you can. Just like voting, you can do it early and often.