400s and Burpees -Couch Potato 5/14

QIC:  CouchPotato

Date: 05/14/2020

PAX: BandCamp, U-Turn, Gretel, Slois Lane, Milkman, Dundee, Ducktales, GeekSquad, SpongeBob, Pumpkin

AO: Huey


Perfect weather, 59 degrees cool and dry


2x 400 meter laps while conducting an explanation of the workout of the day, quick stretch

The Thang

Spartan Challenge
This workout was a timed event as follows…

(1x 400 meter, + 30 Burpees) repeat 4x for time. Each member kept their own time to compare to future running of this event. Early finishers did bonus rounds until 0550 and then finished with the following Mary…

  1. In and Outs -25
  2. Seated Bicycle – 25 each way
  3. Crunchy frog – 25
  4. Cross leg /Wide leg situp -reach up first then to opposite toe
  5. Fifer scissors – slow flutterkicks -25
  6. Hip rock and raise
  7. Heels to heaven
  8. Roll up v-up combo
  9. Leg climb
  10. (American Hammer)Mason twist

Groupies, Mania, & A Fandemic – The Battery (5/14/20)

QIC:  John Doe

Date: 05/14/2020

PAX: Deep Dish, El Chapo (R), Threeskin, Clothespin, Mayham (R), 9 Volt (R), WuzntMe

AO: The Battery


Beautiful morning, just perfect, absolutely perfect! There was the sound of cheers, claps and screams covered with signs of creativity and adoring fans.


SSH (IC) – 30; Third Grade Exercises (IC) – 10; Forward Folds (IC) – 10; Willie Mays Hays (IC) – 10; LBAC (IC) – 10; Rev LBAC (IC) – 10; SSH (IC) – 30

The Thang

After the groupies settled down a little we were able to rock


Set One:

4 Exercises Descending Time Intervals:

60,50,40,30,20,10 seconds

20 seconds rest in between

Cotton Eyes Joes

High Knees



Set Two:

20 seconds each exercise. 10 seconds rest in between

Mtn Climbers (3x)

Windshield Wipers legs side to side (3x)

40 seconds rest (jog in place)

Set Three:

20 seconds each exercise. 10 seconds rest in between

Apollo Ono (3x) – Burpees as the Modification

Bonnie Blairs (3x)

60 seconds rest

Set Four:

20 seconds each exercise. 10 seconds rest in between

Jack Knife Crunch (3x)

Heel Touches (3x)

40 seconds rest (Jump in place)

Set Five:

20 seconds each exercise. 10 seconds rest in between

Dive Bombers (3x)

Aquamans (3x)


QIC talked about comfort, fear and peace. Especially how it resignates in throughout in our current state with COVID-19. How comfort and fear can be that sucking sound we hear that takes us away from our purpose and ultimately peace. Encouraged PAX to seek that continued peace and not let over-comforts or fear steer us away
BALL OF MAN: Mayhem lead us out in Prayer


What can I say? The men of The Battery have a special place in the QIC’s heart. The fact that they went to drastic measures to make signs and cheer me on for a welcome back Q just warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye. You should’ve seen the commitment. Highly recommend touring this AO. The Mania and Fandamonium is strong!


Battery is now 3 days a week (T/R/S); Mrs. Baker is next Q on Staurday (5/16/20); 3rd-F looking to start back up in June

Recent Backblasts

    Iron Pax top 40 countdown

    QIC:  threeskin

    Date: 09-28-2020

    PAX: Fissure

    AO: Anvil


    Finally Fall


    2 minute COP:

    SSHs IC
    All kinds of Arm Circles
    Good Mornings
    Willie Mays Hays

    The Thang

    We just wrapped up another Iron Pax for better or for worse: lets recap
    IP Wk 0-4 Best of the Best
    400 meters: Week 0
    EMOM + AMRAP: Week 1
    43 minutes: Week 2
    Simple: Week 3
    No Murder Bunnies: Week 4

    In this order:
    Run 1 lap (2 minutes)
    EMOM: (1 minute)
    3 Burpees + Squats

    Run 2 laps (4 minutes)
    EMOM: (2 minutes)
    3 Burpees + Squats
    3 Burpees + BBSups

    Run 3 laps (6 minutes)
    EMOM: (3 minutes)
    3 Burpees + Squats
    3 Burpees + BBSups
    3 Burpees + Merkins

    Run 4 laps (8 minutes)
    EMOM: (4 minutes)
    3 Burpees + Squats
    3 Burpees + BBSups
    3 Burpees + Merkins
    3 Burpees + Bonnie Blairs

    Cool Down Lap


    Anyone who imagines less undoubtedly deserves less.
    Have a growth mindset.


    Where to begin…


    Great fall lineup at Anvil

    4 year anny soon!

    Recent Backblasts

      “Offseason” over for Hill City (3/12/2020)

      QIC:  Ramos

      Date: 05/12/2020

      PAX: She Shed, Deerjack, Pink Panther, Dolly, Sunshine, Free Candy, Wort, CareBear, Sherlock, Back Pew, Milkman, Slois Lane, Hobo, Skitch, Dirk, Moneyball

      AO: Hill City


      71% visible waning gubbious moon on a cool, overcast morning.


      Mosey around field
      Seal Claps
      Third Grade Stretch
      Forward Fold

      The Thang

      200 Merkins, 300 LBCs, 400 Mountain Climbers.

      Other Partner does 30 lunges out then jailbreaks back.

      5 minutes of AMRAP

      30 seconds of Burpees, 30 seconds rest.


      Regular low plank

      High plank shoulder taps

      American (not Turkish) Hammers


      15 Burpees for a “fun” finish.



      My “Turkish Hammers” gaffe caused an uproar from all our patriots in the PAX. American hammers are way heavier they told me.


      Recent Backblasts

        Musical Chairs…but better!

        QIC: THE Jasmine Jaguar

        Date: 5/13/20

        PAX: Swingset, Free Candy, Dolly, Lanyard, Tinkle

        AO: RidgeCut


        Completely average in all respects


        SSH x 20 IC

        Squat x 10 IC

        Good mornings x 10 IC

        LBAC x 15 IC

        Smurf jacks x 10 IC

        Windmills x 10 IC

        Helicopters x 10 IC

        Overhead press x 15 IC

        Nolan Ryans x 10 IC

        Merkins x 10 IC

        SSH x 20 IC

        The Thang

        Flags were set in a circle in the soccer field with an exercise at each. Time for some musical chairs exercises. Timer set for 1 minute on, 15 second break. PAX run laps of the circle for a minute, 15 seconds to find the exercise they want, perform the exercise for one minute, 15 seconds to walk/recover…and repeat. 12(?) total rounds completed.





        Back extensions on bleachers

        Flutter kicks



        Pickle pointers



        Diamond merkins


        Side plank

        Mountain climbers


        Q had some rambling thoughts about current events. Many arguments are had about issues as if things are black and white. We put people in a box based on the beliefs they express. If they think businesses should reopen “they must not care about people dying of corona.” If they think people should stay home “they must not care if I lose my job.” It is much more effective and productive to start discussions based on common ground. “We both agree that restarting the economy is a good thing. And we both agree that preventing people from getting corona is a good thing. We just disagree about how much weight to give each position.” This is a much more compassionate way to relate to people, instead of defining people by their positions.


        Free Candy loves those side planks.

        All PAX enjoyed trying out Helicopters- we won’t say whose was best.

        The burpee station was shockingly unpopular.


        No workout at RidgeCut on Thursdays from now on. Just Wednesday and Friday. Tell your kids, tell your wife, tell your husband, cause we’re gonna see you out there.

        Recent Backblasts

          The HACK is BACK – HIIT Style – Hacksaw

          QIC:  John Doe

          Date: 05/13/2020

          PAX: WuzntMe, Meow Mix, Furley, Snow Patrol, Cold Play, Mr. May, Clothespin, Bernie, FNG – Dimples, 9 Volt (R), Toe Tag, WreckEm, Rollback, El Chapo (R), Focker, Gaylord, Mayhem (R), Escobar

          AO: Hacksaw


          Absolutely Beautiful! Couldn’t have been any nicer. 19 men in the wild ready to get after it.


          SSH (IC) – 30; High Knees – 30 seconds; Butt Kicks – 30 seconds; Jump Twists – 30 seconds; Leg Swing – Front to Back (right Leg) – 30 seconds; Leg Swing – Front to Back (left leg) – 30 seconds; Leg Swing – Left to Right (right leg) – 30 seconds; Leg Swing – Left to Right (left leg) – 30 seconds

          The Thang

          Bringing the Hack Back – Burpee Apocalypse: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

          Tabata – Underwood Style
          30 seconds on 10 seconds off (5 rounds/ 4 times each Exercise)

          Rd 1

          Rev Lunge (Right) – 30 sec

          10 second rest

          Rev Lunge (Left) – 30 sec

          10 second rest

          Repeat 4 times


          Merkins – 30 seconds

          10 second rest

          DDPs (Diamond Merkins) – 30 seconds

          10 second rest

          Repeat 4 times


          Curtsy Lunge (Right) – 30 seconds

          10 second rest

          Curtsy Lunge (Left) – 30 seconds

          10 second rest

          Repeat 4 times

          Rd 4

          Bottom Half Burpee – 30 seconds

          10 second rest

          Cross Body Plank – 30 seconds

          10 second rest

          Repeat 4 times


          Thanked everyone for joining me this morning. It was great to be back at the home AO and see all these faces. Applauded everyone for being there. Asked the PAX to raise their hand if they hadn’t been working out like they’ve wanted over the past 6 weeks. Shared about some OTB stuff during the hiatus, specifically around G4 and apologized for not standing tall and providing an avenue for guys on this side of town. Encouraged the PAX to stay with F3 and continue the momentum they started today. Keep coming! We want to see you. Left everyone with my senior quote and one I try to live by even to this day. “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden
          BALL OF MAN: All PAX took a knee and WreckedEm lead us out in prayer


          A lot of wild things being said and at least 5 t-shirts were made, mostly by the ever so witty WuzntMe. Again just like at The Huey everyone requested a link to download the music playlist. Was definitely a crowd favorite


          The Battery added Thursday; Lions Den added Wednesday; Escobar – Next Hacksaw Q; 3rd-F looking to start back in June

          Recent Backblasts

            Clothespin’s 1st Virtual Q

            QIC:  Clothespin

            Date: 04/18/2020

            PAX: Iron Butt (RR), Mayhem (R), Gretel, Shotput, Topless (R), two others

            AO: Virtually-The-Best-AO


            Cool Rainy Virtual Battery Reality couldn’t have mimicked normal Battery weather any better!


            Third Grade Exercise 15 in cadence
            SSH 20 in cadence
            Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence
            Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
            Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence
            Cherry Pickers 15 in cadence
            Moroccan Night Club
            Seal claps 10 in cadence

            The Thang:

            Sort of Burpee Mile:
            Routine 48 burpees, Maybe close to 1 mile run. Done as 12 burpees, mosey 2.5 minutes x4. (make sure 6 is in from burpees mosey together)

            ATMs 3 Rounds:
            Routine All done in order, with no rest, without leaving plank position. Can be scaled using higher reps. 15 Alternating Shoulder Touches In Cadence (4-count), 10 Tempo Merkins (down on the 1-2-3, up on 4), 10 fast Merkins. That’s 1 complete round.

            Alabama Ass-Kickers 3 Rounds:
            Down on all fours, kick each leg individually up and back. 4-count on each leg – 1 up, 2 extend, 3 back to up position, 4 down.

            Aiken Legs 3 Rounds:
            Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 SSH

            Groundhogs 10 3 Rounds:
            Divebomber with a look

            Boat / Canoe (Crunchy Frogs) 10 OYO:
            Mary The Boat position would be while on six with legs pulled up to chest and arms beside body. Canoe is when legs and back are straightened while keeping both off the ground. Q calls out Boat or Canoe.

            Big Boy Situps:
            20 IC

            1 minute

            30 IC

            Boxcutter 15 IC:
            Mary AKA Upstate Boxcutter. This ab exercise starts on your 6 with legs together 6 inches, out like a Dolly for 1, up for 2, back together for 3, and down without touching the ground for count. Can also be reversed from 6 inches, feet up together, feet out, down, back together at 6 inches for count. Feet are moving in a square


            F3 Chattanooga has shined with the recent weather events and the Covid 19 situation. I am extremely proud to be part of this group of men. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to show the light of Jesus to the world. This group and all of their volunteer work shows the leadership of you men!
            BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


            “Never thought I would want to go back to burpees” was the statement during ATM’s!
            I am a little camera shy but we made this work! I can’t wait to let-er-rip with you guys again!!!


            Keep getting with it boys!!!

            Recent Backblasts

              Logs, Logs, Logs at The Battery

              QIC:  Mrs Baker

              Date: 02/15/2020

              PAX: Schnitzel, Snow Patrol, Cold Play, Shotput, Retred, Deep Dish, Clothespin

              AO: The Battery


              Cold and clear


              SSH 20x, Slow Merkin 10x, SSH 20x, Slow Squat 12x, Mosey @ 200yds, Willy Mays Hayes 10x, SSH 15x, forward fold 10 count, SSH 15x, Deep Squat stretch, mosey back to truck to retrieve logs.

              The Thang

              Pair men up by height and choose a 8″ by 6 foot log for every pair.
              Logs, Logs, Logs
              Mosey up the Greenway with log on right shoulder, left shoulder and overhead, stop every 2 minutes or so and do one of the following exercise with the log: Front Squat, overhead press, situp, deadlift, back squat, merkin with feet on log, floor press, toe merkin, sit-up. Having covered about a mile and 30 minutes, stop at the grassy area under the pine trees for phase 2

              Log flip Dora:
              Each pair of men to complete 100 merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups and 300 squats while the partner flips the log end over end across the grass alternating each 25 yard crossing. Log flip requires a clean and press to get it over.


              Just a reminder to persevere. We are all in this life for the long haul. Each day has plenty for us to take care of, but we can’t go all in and burn out. Keep the long view and know that our life is in God’s hands and he is in control.
              BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


              That was a good challenge and most everybody agreed that we could do it again.


              Recent Backblasts

                Peace be with You

                QIC:  Prosciutto

                Date: 03/23/2020

                PAX: Best In Show, Candu, Clothespin, Ducktales, Escobar, Fissure, Gecko, Gusher, Holy Kiss, Mayhem, Peanuts, Threeskin

                AO: Virtual


                Virtual Reality conditions in effect. Beware of your virtual surroundings, phishing, viruses and bugs


                SSH, Good Mornings, Willy Mays Hayes, SSH, Arm Circles, Ray Lewis

                The Thang

                Super 1: (Legs)

                • Wall Sit for time (1 min)
                • Smurf Jacks x 15 OYO
                • John McCains w/ coupon x 15 OYO
                • Squats w/ coupon x 20 OYO
                • Bonnie Blairs x 20 OYO
                • 10 Burpees

                  >1 minute out and back run

                Super 2: (Cardio)

                • High Knees for time (1 min)
                • Mtn Climbers x 15 OYO (count one leg)
                • Plank Jacks x 15 OYO
                • Wide High Knees x 15 OYO
                • SSH x 15 OYO
                • 10 Burpees (two Merkins)

                  >1 minute out and back run

                Super 3: (Arms)

                • Curls w/ coupon x 20 OYO
                • Overhead Press w/ coupon x 15 OYO
                • Tricep Extension w/ coupon x 20 OYO
                • Incline Merkin x 15 OYO
                • Decline Merkin x 15 OYO
                • Makhtar N’Diayes x 10 OYO
                • 10 burpees

                  >1 minute out and back run

                Super 4: (Core)

                • Flutter kicks w/ Coupon overhead x 12 IC
                • American Hammers w/ Coupon x 12 IC
                • Left Plank for time (1 min)
                • Right Plank for time (1 min)
                • Side Bend (L/R) with coupon/weight x 12 OYO
                • 10 burpees (two Merkins)

                  >1 minute out and back run

                Super 5: (Birthing)

                • Outer Leg Raise (L/R) x 25 OYO
                • Fire Hydrants (L/R) x 15 OYO
                • In and Outs x 15 OYO
                • Pickle Pounders x 15 OYO

                  >1 minute out and back run


                Matthew 5:9
                Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called the Sons of God.

                This past week’s sermon from Father/Pastor Blindside (Same) Greer highlighted this verse and he did a much better job explaining. Obviously – the verse and his message – it was poignant and applicable in this time of our lives given the current events. Everyone’s life has changed. Everyone has changed their normal routine and everyone is accepting this differently. Some are scared, some are timid, some are angry…

                One thing I’ve noticed is the way others seem to be treating one another out in public. It no longer feels like the South, where folks often give a friendly nod or a “Hows your day?”, holding doors open.

                I know that in our daily lives we are all being instructed to distance ourselves which causes us to sometimes see others as a threat. During these times, we should embrace this and become peacemakers in our routines. Even more than ever, should we go out of our way to offer a ‘Hello’ or even just a friendly gesture. If you just ask someone how you can help, that often times translates into a peace-offering. That’s simple and something we can all try to focus on every day, but especially in these days.

                Another something Blindside said this past weekend that really stuck with me, “Troubling times and Opportunity often run on parallel tracks”, like in the sense you might think of two trains running parallel. While the Hamill rd Train crossing doesn’t have an exit or overpass, in life we do. Seek opportunity through Peace.


                • Shirtless = Magical
                  • Ducktales = Mike Holtzhower
                    • Shirtless Ducktales = Magic Mike
                      • Any questions?
                • Good thing Mayhem isn’t in full stereo in all workouts; mid-thang sounded like the emphysema was starting to set in
                • Virtual beatdowns are weird, but effective
                • Some guys have early 2000 model Champagne Hondas in their garage, some have Land Rovers; F3 spans all things great and small


                Noting the above comment about chaotic times and opportunity, encouraged me. I knew I was missing F3 in my life and thought others might feel the same.

                Trouble – F3 has been suspended
                Opportunity – Virtual AOs

                Check preblasts and slack and get involved. SYITG

                Recent Backblasts

                  Social Distancing in Soddy

                  QIC:  Red Tees

                  Date: 3/19/2020

                  PAX: U-Turn, Ducktales, Geek Squad, Milkman, Friar Tuck

                  AO: Huey


                  Nice warm morning. I I was running late.


                  We warmed up with some SSH, a little stretching and a little mosey to Roxanne

                  The Thang

                  We made our way to the pavilion after our Roxanne mosey and broke up into pairs. We completed 100 dips, 100 monkey humpers, 200 flutter kicks, 200 squats and 100 incline merkins between partners. While one partner exercised the other partner did 10 step ups on the picnic table benches and the we switched. We did stop briefly during the Dora to do burpees to “Bleed it Out” by Linkin Park (one burpee every time Chester sang bleed it out). After we completed the Dora we did a Native American jog to the parking lot and back and then moseyed back to the pavilion. There we fought COVID-19 by one partner sitting on the wall and punching while the other partner defended themselves by doing 30 Freddy Mercury’s and then switched. We ended with a round of merkins while the group held plan and then werkins while the group help plank and then Captain Thors but only up to 5 (1 big boy set up and 2 American Hammers, multiply the reps by the number you are on).


                  It’s a crazy time, but I keep reminding myself of Philippians 4 where we are commanded to not be anxious about anything but to rely on the Lord. He is all sovereign and all good. As we practice social distancing let’s use the time to get closer to Him and our families and work on the parts of ourselves that need tending to. If you can support a local business, do it. People are going to be hurting for work and income and if we are able to help others we must.
                  BALL OF MAN: There were lots of prayer requests for loved ones going through everything from cancer treatment to treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis and for the men who aren’t able to be near their families because of where they live and just the age and risk group loved ones are in.


                  It was a good workout all the way around. I love the normalcy of seeing the guys and us struggling through this first part of our day. The spacing in the name-a-rama was bit excessive and the no touch fist bumps were a bit odd (actually just made me feel like a lame white dude who isn’t coordinated enough to land a fist bump, but it’s all good).


                  We are on hold with officially sanctioned F3 workouts until the 30th. Tough call, but keep working out, hitting each other up on Slack and keep each other in our prayers.

                  Recent Backblasts