A Ring for each Finger (Since we are on Signal and everyone has excessive Jewelry)

QIC:  Sidekick

Date: 03/19/2020

PAX:  Hambone, Recycle, Pediasure, FNG – Ashley Madison, FNG – Truck Stop, Whittler, Burrito, Wake, Holy Kiss

AO: Smackdown


Warm and Wet like……



The Thang

So Chattanooga got some national press with the Colvin bros and their extortion attempts on the general public. So today we are doing the Five Finger Discount, only since it is on Signal MTN, home of the wealthiest homeys ever, we are referring to rings for fingers

Series of 5 Exercises – Burpee – Mercan – Squat – Plank Jack – Big Boy Sit Ups

Start of with reps of 1 Burpee – 2 Mercans – 3 Squats – 4 Plank Jacks – 5 Big Boys

Run to the tractor and back. This was about 60 yards each way I would guess.

Next Round was 2-3-4-5-6, then run. This was repeated up to round 10 with 10-11-12-13-14.

After Round 5 we executed a flawlessly socially distanced indian run around the track for a break. We were so excellent at this, we did it again after round 10

We then needed to end on a bonus round so we jumped to 15-16-17-18-19.

Had a little time left so knocked out some Dying Cockroach ICX12 and some LBC ICX15


Today we talked about the suspension fo workouts due to Covid 19. We talked about the process of the decision and what it means. Sorry to the 2 new guys but I am sure they will be back out after the short (hopefully) break.


So Ashley Madison (FNG) pretty much smoked us all today. I tried to keep up and stayed close but he is pretty quick on those Burpees. Burrito made more “Friends” today as he accused the other PAX of shorting their reps to get ahead of him.


Workouts now suspended for two weeks. Hope to reboot on 3/30.

Recent Backblasts

    Five Finger Discount

    QIC:  Sidekick

    Date: 03/17/2020

    PAX:  Sunburn, Ironbutt, Ducktales, Backfire, Peanuts, jabooti, Doodles, teflon

    AO: Boneyard


    Warm and Humid. Great day to sweat



    The Thang

    So Chattanooga got some national press with the Colvin bros and their extortion attempts on the general public. So today we are doing the Five Finger Discount

    Mosey to the Incline

    Series of 5 Exercises – Burpee – Mercan – Squat – Plank Jack – Big Boy Sit Ups

    Start of with reps of 1 Burpee – 2 Mercans – 3 Squats – 4 Plank Jacks – 5 Big Boys

    Run to the tractor and back. This was about 60 yards each way I would guess.

    Next Round was 2-3-4-5-6, then run. This was repeated up to round 7 with 7-8-9-10-11.

    We then needed to end on a bonus round so we jumped to 10-11-12-13-14-15.

    Mosey back to the flag


    today we talked about personal choice and doing what is best for your family with the Covid 19 Pandemic. Take care and be cautious.


    I enjoyed thsi workout and will do it again in a couple of days. Jabooti did not enjoy this workout. Back fire took off to save his dog, but left his BMW in the BY parking lot….. Risky decision.


    Stay tuned for updates on the COvid issue

    Recent Backblasts

      Doin’ It Tough at Hill City

      QIC:  Oil Can (VQ!)

      Date: 03/19/2020

      PAX: Uncle Fester, Hobo, The Count (respect x2), Free Candy, Sunshine, Iron Butt (respect x2), Goose, Blindside, Hansen, Moneyball, Stroker, Kowbell, Tinkle, Back Pew, Ringwald, Skitch, Teflon

      AO: Hill City


      Ideal. 60 degrees with a few clouds overhead.


      20 SSH IC; 10 Forward Fold IC; 10 Little Baby Arm Circles IC forward & reverse; 10 Willie Mays Hays IC; 10 3rd Grade Exercises IC
      Mosey to start of Walnut St bridge; 10 burpees OYO

      The Thang

      Split into two groups & set out two cones; second is about 1/4 way along the bridge, first is ~15 feet closer

      Modified version of Indian file. Everyone lines up and holds Al Gore. Person from the back jailbreaks to front, then shouts down for everyone to do a squat. Upon hearing down, person from the back jailbreaks to front. Continue to far cone, mosey back to end of bridge.

      Keep split into two groups.
      Group 1: Jailbreak to 1st cone, mosey back
      Group 2: Incline Merkins
      Everyone continues exercise until six is in, Groups rotate

      Group 1: Jailbreak to 1st cone, mosey back, jailbreak to 2nd cone, mosey back
      Group 2: LBCs
      Everyone continues exercise until six is in, rotate

      Group 1: Jailbreak to 2nd cone, mosey back
      Group 2: Decline Merkins
      Everyone continues exercise until six is in, rotate

      All mosey to 2nd cone & back to end of bridge

      Group 1: Mosey to 1st cone, jailbreak to 2nd, mosey back
      Group 2: Flutter Kicks
      Everyone continues exercise until six is in, rotate

      Group 1: Jailbreak to 1st cone, lunges to second, mosey back
      Group 2: Dips
      Everyone continues exercise until six is in, rotate

      All mosey to 2nd cone & back to end of bridge

      Group 1: Jailbreak to 1st cone, bear crawl to 2nd, mosey back
      Group 2: Merkins
      Everyone continues exercise until six is in, rotate

      Group 1: Jailbreak to 1st cone, crab walk to 2nd, crab walk back to 1st, mosey back
      Group 2: Hold Plank
      Everyone continues exercise until six is in, rotate

      10 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 10 squats OYO, recover. All do lunges to 1st cone, mosey back to parking lot.

      Finish the workout off with some mary’s.
      10 dive bombers OYO, 10 American Hammers IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 15 Pickle Pounders IC.


      Spoke about those who are doing it tough in the world right now, not just because of COVID-19 but from a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual challenge. Encouraged PAX to check in with someone, ask them ‘are you ok?’ and get closer to people at a time when we are all being told to distance ourselves. Wanted to acknowledge that many were already dealing with personal issues before the outbreak of COVID-19.


      Q learned that ‘doing it tough’ (translation: to be struggling) is not a term used in this part of the world.
      The smell of freshly baked donuts from across the street at Julie Darling was very real.


      F3 suspended temporarily. Maintain distance between one another & stay updated via Times Free Press (free coverage of all COVID-19 news), CDC and the WHO.

      Recent Backblasts

        Last beatdown before the offseason

        QIC:  Jazzy Jag

        Date: 03/19/2020

        PAX: Coldplay, Snow Patrol, Mr May, Peanuts, Threeskin, Lanyard, Swingset, Jabooti, Doodles, Woodchuck

        AO: RidgeCut


        Warm! Damp.


        SSH x 20 IC

        Squat x 10 IC

        LBAC x 15 IC

        Reverse x 15 IC

        Smurf jacks x 10 IC

        Windmills x 10 IC

        Moroccan night club x 15 IC

        Overhead press x 15 IC

        Nolan Ryans x 10 IC

        Merkins x 10 IC

        SSH x 20 IC

        The Thang

        PAX found an area of the parking lot that looked good for running

        30s on, 20s off running x6

        30 merkins

        Repeat running x5

        40 BBS

        Repeat running x4

        40 good mornings

        Repeat running x3

        20 squats

        Repeat running x2

        10 merkins

        Repeat running x1



        Q encouraged PAX to find people who are taking COVID-19 situation hard and find ways to support and encourage. Opportunities to serve aren’t going to fall in our laps with everyone stuck at home, but the needs are still real.


        Stay on slack and stay engaged. Look for virtual workouts to be posted and post what you’re doing OYO to encourage others.


        Maintain social distance, don’t travel, check CDC, WHO, Johns Hopkins for updates and guidance.

        Recent Backblasts

          No Spelling Bees Were Won Today in Old English

          QIC:  Gusher

          Date: 3/17/2020

          PAX: Pediasure, Recycle, FNG-Glamper, Whittler, Friar Tuck (respect), Hambone, Moneyball, Blindside, Mr. Clean, Fissure, Burrito

          AO: Smackdown


          Mildly cold, predominantly moist, extreme fog conditions, W-Road and Front of Mountain were treacherous, high risk flu, pollen count high, wind SSW 4mph, dew point at an even 48%, UV Index at 0.


          Delayed Disclaimer

          Forward Fold (IC); Willie Mays Hays (IC), Disclaimer for FNG’s arrival at 5:32am; Warmup resumed with SSH (IC); Imperial Stormkickers (IC); Baby Arm Circle (IC); Reverse Baby Arm Circle (IC); Jog around the track through the fog.

          The Thang

          Gathered in a broad circle so as to not make contact per CDC’s instructions; Gathered as a group of 12, exceeding the limit of CDC’s instructions. 50% obedience rate.
          THE PATRICK

          Plankjacks (25)

          Alternating Shoulder Tap Merkins (15)

          Twinkle Toes (25)

          Red Bull Smurf Jacks (IC was the goal)

          Imperial Walkers (20 each leg)

          Carolina Drydocks (15)

          Knerkins (10)

          Each round followed by suicides (three rounds total as St. Patrick was ardent defender of orthodox Trinitarianism)

          One Round of Burpeecide: one group does the burpeecides (10 burpees total) while other group does LBCs, then switch.

          Marys: Flutter kicks (IC); Freddie Mercury (IC)


          We are in an unusual time of anxiety and fear with this pandemic. In the Bible we are often told to “fear not” in situations that are naturally fearful. It never helps to tell people to stop fearing. There always needs to be a reason greater not to fear than the cause of the fear itself. The Bible will often say, “fear not” whatever is before you, rather, fear God. We always fear what we are most aware of. We should be live in all situations fearing God, which is to live in constant awareness of who He is. But fearing God involves not only awe of his greatness, but also trust and love. We have someone in control that is greater than the unknown before us, in this case of the virus. It is a great cause for concern and a call to exercise caution and wisdom. But we are to be more aware of God than we are of the virus.

          St. Patrick’s most famous prayer was called “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” where he prayed for courage and protection from God above. The lines shared today are: Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me. Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. We go forth in our callings with God’s protection and with wisdom from above.
          BALL OF MAN: Non contact BoM.


          Patrick is not easy to spell when it is broken down into exercises. Well, at least not easy for YHC. Burrito, of course, knows how to spell perfectly well and will humbly remind the Q. YHC is grateful. First round was almost PATRCK (Russian spelling, just ask Dostoevsky). Second round was almost PATRIK (French spelling, just ask Dumas). Final round was the correct spelling of PATRICK (Irish spelling, just ask Bono). Mumble Chatter was constant by one for whom we are all grateful. Burrito can’t count in cadence with Red Bull speed so had to modify. FNG came out in a pandemic, served in two branches of the military, flew planes, and is known mostly for glamping and can’t unsee Burrito’s pepperoni pressed against glass.


          2nd F Third Thursday is cancelled.

          Stay tuned into Slack for any changes in procedure during these interesting times. Slack will also help productivity at work from home.

          Recent Backblasts

            WuzntMe Would be Proud!

            QIC:  Clothespin

            Date: 03/17/2020

            PAX: Mrs Baker, Cold Play, Snow Patrol, ElChapo, Deep Dish

            AO: The Battery


            Warm with on and off rain.


            Third Grade Exercise 15 in cadence
            SSH 20 in cadence
            Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence
            Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
            Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence

            The Thang

            Burpee Mile

            Routine48 burpees, 1 mile run. Done as 12 burpees, run 1/4 mile x 4. (We scared up a bunch of deer during this activity!)

            ATMs 3 rounds

            RoutineAll done in order, with no rest, without leaving plank position. Can be scaled using higher reps. 15 Alternating Shoulder Touches In Cadence (4-count), 10 Tempo Merkins (down on the 1-2-3, up on 4), 10 fast Merkins. That’s 1 complete round.

            Alabama Ass-Kickers 15 OYO

            Down on all fours, kick each leg individually up and back. 4-count on each leg – 1 up, 2 extend, 3 back to up position, 4 down.

            Aiken Legs 3 rounds In the pavilion

            Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 SSH Rinse and Repeated as many times as you can.

            Finished out with:
            LBC 30 (IC)
            Flutter Kicks 15 (IC)
            BBS 25 OYO
            Forward Fold 10 (IC)
            Calf Stretch held for a 10 count each leg


            Be mindful of taking precautions with the Corona Virus going around.
            [The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
            BALL OF MAN: Pray for Deep Dish’s Grandfather, Pray for Bernie’s family, Pray for WuzntMe and his family!


            Because I was filling in for WuzntME and because it never rains at The Battery, I thought we would take advantage of the weather and do a burpee mile! The good news is no deer were harmed in the making of this workout!


            Battery going to three days in April! Ridgecut is going to Wednesday and Friday in April! Donate Blood! Volunteer for 3rd F Homeless outreach!

            Recent Backblasts

              OTB – Anvil Apocalypse

              QIC:  threeskin

              Date: 03/16/2020

              PAX: Fissure, Jazzy Jag, Pebbles, Escobar, Sidekick

              AO: Anvil


              Probably Raining… but it wasn’t! yeah!


              SSH IC x 10
              Little Baby Arm Circles IC x 10 forward and reverse
              1 Lap
              Willie Mays Hays IC x 10

              The Thang

              You heard the disclaimer, lets get to work…

              Anvil Apocalypse
              A bunch of apocalyptic stuff all split up by 1/4 miles.
              Curly Apocalypse (break timed by partner) – run
              Curl and Press Apocalypse (break timed by partner) – run
              Clean and Press Apocalypse (break timed by crunches) – run
              Thrust, Clean and Press Apocalypse (break timed by crunches) – run
              Block Burpee Apocalypse (break timed by crunches) – run


              Count & Name

              Anvil – heavy steal or iron block on which metal can be hammered and shaped.
              This is an AO where we can experience next level sharpening. The mission is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. The goal is to have greater accountability and responsibility for each other. Personally, I am challenged by complacency and would like a place where I can step up my game because everyone else is too. We should be thinking about playing up a level instead of falling into the trap of playing down. If we push each other we will continue to get better.

              Let’s talk about how Anvil can help us up our game.
              – plan your beatdowns, run it by another PAX, the AOQ
              – know your beatdown cold, be prepared, own the morning
              – maximize the word
              – it doesn’t end there – feedback (giving and getting)


              Sidekick loves deadmau5!

              Who needs thumbs… Or a back!

              This old man got a b-day whooping, way to kill it guys! Thanks for making it easy for us to keep separated. T-Claps.


              Launch Mode
              Wash Hands
              No Partner Exercises
              No BOM, COT was just as effective.

              Recent Backblasts

                Perceive, Advise, Monitor, & Adjust

                QIC:  Mr. Clean

                Date: 03/16/2020

                PAX: Burrito, Cable Cutter, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Milkman, PediaSure, Red Tees, Spackler, U-Turn

                AO: The Huey


                Upper 40’s. Damp. A bit chilly. Disclaimer was given. Respect each man’s personal space. Choose not to share coupons without judgement. NO exercises involving close contact with Pax will occur. PLEASE just use good discretion.


                The Thang

                YHC was reminded once again; that, his communication skills when Qing and explaining the routine still needs sharpening. Hey, John Doe, how bout that Burpee Apocalypse? It really does all make sense in my head.

                This was my take on the Moneyball special of “The 1,000.”

                Complete the exercise while climbing the the suicide ladder. For the Lion’s Den, MB has the Pax complete their reps before they get to the top. Today’s Pax completed suicides to a determined point and had to finish their reps before they got there.

                Merkins — 100
                Alternating Shoulder Taps — 100
                Dolly’s — 100
                Curls — 100
                Shoulder Press — 100
                Dips — 100
                SSH — 100
                Curls — 100
                Bent Over Rows — 200


                The workout description of this BB was easy, but I have been struggling as to how exactly to put the COT word into, well, words. So, if you read this, then please just show me some Grace. Also, if you read this, then I want to encourage you to attend the Lion’s Den on 03/27/2020 if you’re able.

                Throughout the last couple of weeks, I have received some advice from multiple sources including but not limited to F3 Pax. Some of this was solicited and some was unsolicited.

                Should we provide advice to someone, solicited or unsolicited, we must account for the response from the person to whom we provide advise. Why? Providing advice indicates care and love for the one receiving advice.
                If we genuinely care for someone, then we must prepare ourselves, certainly myself included, for the reaction to said advice. BECAUSE the reaction, unfortunately, may not be as we hope for requiring grace from adviser.
                Please apply this to YOUR life in the best way in which you know how. For me, it is opening my mind to advice I receive and understanding that people truly have good intentions while also tempering my reaction. For some, it may be the opposite.

                Fissure said it well to me recently; “let’s all just remember this is a volunteer organization with guys that have jobs, families, and responsibilities but united with a single positive goal: improving the world around us.”


                John Doe. Please just send me the BB’s from Burpee Apocalypse…I don’t have to explain it


                Recent Backblasts

                  Back and Forth at Beast Ridge!!

                  QIC:  Clothespin

                  Date: 03/16/2020

                  PAX: Mayhem, Cold Play, Snow Patrol, The Count, Iron Butt, Money Ball, Home Alone, Sparky, Oiler, Peanuts, Swingset, Fastlane, Blindside, Mr. May, Chaves, Toe Tag 

                  AO: Beast Ridge


                  Cool, Cloudy with a poop smell!!


                  Took a loop around kids playground in parking lot back to workout course approximately 2200′.
                  Course set up 2 stations approximately 50′ apart. Do exercise and jail break to other station.

                  SSH 25
                  WMH 12
                  FORWARD FOLD 10
                  MNC 15 Keep arms up while running
                  BABY ARM CIR 15 Keep arms up while running
                  BABY ARM CIR REV 15 Keep arms up while running
                  SEAL CLAPS 15 Keep arms up while running
                  TEA POTS 12

                  The Thang

                  Use same course as COP and run between exercises. Cut counts by 5 for the second time through!

                  MERKINS 20
                  SQUATS 25
                  GROUNDHOGS 15
                  LBC 30
                  LUNGES 20
                  SMURF JACKS 15
                  BURPEES 10
                  DIAMOND MERKINS 15
                  100’S 20
                  BBS 20
                  IMP. WALKERS 30
                  TOE MERKINS 30
                  FLUTTER KICKS 15
                  FREDDIE MERCURY 16

                  We finished by circling up and doing some stretches.
                  WMH 12
                  CALF STRETCH 10 COUNT EACH LEG
                  MAGIC MAYHEMS 15


                  Be mindful to use precautions when out this week. Pray for those affected.
                  [The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
                  BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


                  I am glad that Mayhem actually got to complete this workout this time! I made sure there were not any obstacles to jump! You can tell that Mayhem is rubbing off on these guys, they really enjoy Magic Mayhems!!


                  Battery going to three days a week in April. Ridgecut going to Wednesday and Friday in April. Donate Blood if eligible! Don’t forget 3rd F!!

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Rock’n The Jukebox – The Battery 3-14-20

                    QIC:  John Doe

                    Date: 03/14/2020

                    PAX: Clothespin, El Chapo (R), Schnitzel (R), Shotput, Bubbles (R), Retread (R), 9-Volt (R), Biscuit Ring, Furley, Cold Play, Snow Patrol

                    AO: The Battery


                    Little nip in the air with some wet on the ground, but overall fairly pleasant


                    Mosey around the skate park, SSH – 20 (IC), Forward Fold – 10 (IC), Third Grade Exercises – 10 (IC), Willie Mays Hays – 10 (IC), LBAC – 10 (IC), Rev LBAC – 10 (IC), Moroccan Night Club – 10 (IC); Mosey around the skate park

                    The Thang

                    Decided to add some music to the routine today
                    Rock’n The Jukebox

                    1) Circled up – Played “Bodies” by Drowning Pool – Continuous SSH for the duration of the song and did Burpees everytime the lyrics said “let the bodies hit the floor” for a total of 26 burpees – Ran one lap around the skate park after

                    2) Circled Up – Played “Roxanne” by The Police – continuous Mountain Climbers for the duration of the song, and Dive Bombers everytime the lyric said “Roxanne” – Ran one lap around the skate park after

                    3) Circled Up – Played “Jukebox Hero” by Foreigner – continuous bonnie blairs for the duration of the song, and air squats evertime the lyrics said “guitar” or “jukebox” – Ran one lap around the skate park after

                    4) Circled Up – Played “Hells Bells” by ACDC – continuous holding of plank for the duration of the song, and merkins everytime the lyrics said “hells bells” – Ran one lap around the skate park after

                    Duck, Duck, Exercise

                    PAX circled up and did the following variation of exercises as one member ran the group circle and got back to his respective spot. We did each exercise for 4 PAX laps

                    1. Flutter Kicks
                    2. Burpees
                    3. Apollo Ohno
                    4. Rock Balboa

                    Mini-Burpee Apocalypse – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6


                    QIC told a story about a little girl and how she displayed bravery during a challenge of hers. QIC told a recent personal story of some unfortunate circumstances that involved some vulnerability and candid conversation. We talked about being brave in situations and that no matter the outcome, sometime being brave is the WIN.
                    BALL OF MAN: We did not get close and personal but did stay in a circle for prayer


                    A lot of people pushed themselves this morning. There was a lot of respect in more ways than one. El Chapo ran down a group of runners to invite them to our workout, and they were not very receptive….which means we’ll just stay on them. Cold Play is full of jokes…especially as the workout gets tougher


                    Battery is adding Thursday morning to the schedule; 3rd-F @ Chubby’s every Tuesday 5:30-8:00pm; Pressing pause on the physical part of the ball of man;

                    Recent Backblasts