Blood Sweat and Tears (and other fluids)

QIC: 9-Volt

Date: 4/27/2023

PAX: Ricki Lake, Term Limit, Full Moon, Ram Rod, Pipe Line, Glitter Bomb, Bernie, Joe Jelly

AO: Hacksaw


I got soul and I’m super bad – James Brown


PAX Meet at the pavillion with blocks

SSHIn Cadence20
Willy Maze HazeIn Cadence10
Forward FoldIn Cadence
(As God intended)
Down Dog
Up Dog
Tea Time
Runner’s Stretch
Baby Arm Circles – FwdIn Cadence10
Baby Arm Circles – RevIn Cadence10
Seal ClapIn Cadence10
SSHIn Cadence

The Thang – Soul Train Tribute

The PAX may use a block for extra resistance

Exercise Qty
Block Lunge10Each Side
Split Calf Raise- straight leg 10Elevate one foot on a bench. Keep leg straight
Split Calf Raise- Bent Leg10Elevate one foot on a bench. Keep leg bent
Block lift 10Sit on bench, put toe in block, lift with ankle
1 leg squat10Stand on block put one foot in air, lower until it touches the ground
Angled calf raise20Back against wall at angle, plant heel and toe raise
Squats w/block20
Lounge Act20Each side
Monkey Humpers20
Belly Flop Flutter Kick20Lay on your belly
Touch Rafters10Jump up and touch rafters
Jump Rope1 Min
Standing leg lift10each side
Repeat above exercises once
Extra Credit was given for farting while performing standing leg lifts
Contestants were disqualified if they shit themselves
(Pipe Line)

The soundrack for this morning festivities was inspired by watching Soul Train every Saturday during the 70’s


Pay attention to all the muscles we used today that you didn’t know you had. If you are unballanced you should feel it tomorrow.

Great sphincter control was demonstrated by all in attendance


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