NYD 2022 Convergence

QIC:  NordicTrack

Date: 01/01/2022

PAX: Mansiere, WuzntMe, Pebbles, Shake n Bake, 9 volt, 8 seconds, Burrito, Dolly, Warlord, Blue, Mayhem, Lanyard, Dundee, John Doe, Sousa, u-turn

AO: Anvil, Convergence


Warm and 70 degrees


Typical warm up. Some SSH, some burpees, and some limber up exercises.

The Thang

Dora, run across the football field as the travel.
Dora 2000

200 Merkins
200 Squats
200 BBS
200 Toe Merkins
200 Monkey Humpers
200 Carolina Dry Docks
200 Mountain Climbers
200 American Hammers (HC)
200 Lunges (EC)
200 SSH


Most New Years resolutions fail. There are many reasons, but it may be because we focus too much on cutting out things to achieve our goals. Instead, focus on what we need to add to meet our goals. This can be for weight loss, fitness goals, or any number of goals we have.

Recent Backblasts

    Hacksaw Men Love to Bear Crawl!

    QIC:  Abercrombie

    Date: 12/31/2021

    PAX: Bernie, Cooter, Escobar, Full Moon, M.I.A., Oui Oui, Picabo, Seagull, Tinder

    AO: Hacksaw


    Mid 50’s, nice breeze, few wet spots in the pavement, PERFECT CONDITONS


    •Side Staddle Hop (25 IC)

    •Forward fold to calf stretch

    •Calf raises (50 regular, 50 pigeon, 50 duck, 50 regular)

    •Mosey to the Collegedale Library

    •Motivators (We counted down from 10)

    •LBACs (10 IC)

    The Thang

    Bear crawl in cadence with Merkin. This was miserable, but we made it to 100 merkins!

    Bear crawl Indian run (Bataan Death Crawl). Pax in the front yells “five!” (I come from the Battery and that’s as high as we can count). This is a signal for the Pax in the back to complete 3 burpees and run to the front of the line and yells “Five!”.

    Killer B’s

    •Broad jump to 1st cone

    •10 Burpees

    •10 Bonnie Blairs

    •10 Big Boys

    •Bear crawl back

    We only completed one round of Killer B’s

    Dora Bear Crawl: One Pax Bear Crawls while the other curls for a total of 100

    Mary: Picabo (Plank) Cooter (Heel Touches) TIME!


    For the COT, I wanted to put in a plug for the Q Source at Chic-fil-a following Monday morning beatdowns.  Q Source is leadership study materials developed by the co-founders of F3.  I shared highlights from the chapter on Influence (Q2.2).  Basically, there are two primary ways to influence people to an advantageous change: words (and the way you say them) and deeds (the behavior you model).  A high impact man understands that movement must be voluntary for it to result in a true advantage, and he can not compel movement through the force of his will.

    Anyway, its good stuff.  If you have never attended, you are missing out. 


    Ok, I probably had one of my biggest laughs during this Q. At one point during the bear crawl merkins, I turned around to realize that I was the only one actually doing anything; the entire pax was just walking behind me counting cadence. What a bunch of wise guys!

    I’m not sure if the motivators actually motivated anyone, but I am sure that everyone pushed themselves and got a little bit better this morning.


    Convergence tomorrow! Be safe tonight.

    Recent Backblasts

      At Least it Wasn’t Raining

      QIC: M.I.A.

      Date: 12/30/2021

      PAX: 9-Volt, Abercrombie, Cooter, El Chapo, Man Bun, Schnitzel, Woodrider, WuzntMe 

      AO: The Battery


      The conditions of this week made the Q happy. The PAX may or not feel the same.


      Hand Release Merkins,
      Flutter Kicks,
      It was all downhill from there.

      The Thang

      The PAX split into two teams. One team only had 4 people, but that team had Abercrombie, so they were still better off.

      Each team member manned a station and rotated stations when the control station completed the workout prescribed.

      Heat 1
      Control – Army Crawl 10 yards and back
      OH Press w/ coupon
      Hand Release Merkins

      Winners: 1 Round of Maker Boilers
      Losers: Stayed at home in their Fartsack

      Heat 2
      Same as Heat 1

      Winners: 1 Round of Boiler Makers
      Losers: Stayed at home in their Fartsack

      Heat 3
      Control – Dying Seal 10 yards
      Curls for the Girls
      Flutter Kicks

      Winners: 1 Round of Indigenous Lunge Line
      Losers: Stayed at home in their Fartsack

      Heat 4
      Same as Heat 3

      Winners: 1 Round of Maker Boilers
      Losers: Stayed at home in their Fartsack

      Heat 5
      Control – Shrimp 10 yards
      Curls for the Girls
      Flutter Kicks

      Winners: 2 Minutes of Mary
      Losers: Inverted plank


      “A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
      YHC didn’t know the source of the quote until typing this, but was not expecting a French aristocrat.

      This time of year is a great time to both set and review goals. Goals are not the same as resolutions. New Year’s resolutions seem to be putting off action to start when it seems it will be convenient. A year though, or a month, or a week can be a convenient time to set a time frame for a goal.

      It is important to set goals to improve yourself in your physical health, your relational health and your spiritual health. Evaluate your circumstances and make a goal to improve each of them.


      It didn’t rain a single drop during the workout. Were there seven idiots sitting in the rain for coffeeteria, though? Absolutely.

      Before the beatdown, Woodrider observed the setting up of the apparatus the PAX would crawl under for the army crawls and mused on the time to commute to Legacy.

      There was mumble chatter during SSH, this is to be expected.
      There was silence when YHC announced hand release merkins to follow up.
      There was grumble chatter when Flutter Kicks were announced next. Grumble chatter still ensues.

      A few of the PAX really nailed some of these new modes of transportation. For example, Man Bun can army crawl faster than YHC can jog (not a high bar, but he cleared it easily).

      YHC announced that the “Dying Seal” could be named by the PAX who best completed the exercise. 9-Volt won hands down. While he may not have been the fastest, definitely the most fun to watch.

      At some point during a boiler maker Woodrider was apparently inserted into Man Bun’s “V”.

      All the PAX who participated today were Winners.

      A few definitions for the uncouth:

      Boiler Makers – PAX form a single file line and assume a plank position. Rear most PAX Bear Crawls to the front, repeating in the style of indigenous persons ambulating quickly.

      Maker Boilers – The same as a Boiler Maker, however the front most PAX Crawl Bears to the rear of the line.

      Dying Seal – This name is not set in stone, but the workout will be repeated… many times. PAX lays perpendicular to their planned route of travel. Legs and Head held from the ground as though preparing to do crunches. PAX rocks forward from shoulders to hips while rocking shoulders side to side in order to propel themselves. No part of the PAX other than their back should touch the ground. Words really cannot describe. Please see 9-Volt for a demonstration.

      Shrimp – PAX lays flat on their back with the right foot planted beside their left knee, pushing with the right foot the PAX propels themselves on to their left side moving backwards. Alternating between legs, this makes for a slow, but ineffective mode of transportation.


      Convergence 1/1/2022 at Anvil at 0700.

      12 Mile Ruck starting at Hacksaw at 0530 12/31/2021

      Apply Truth with Grace

      QIC:  Mr. Clean

      Date: 12/30/2021

      PAX: Dundee, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Milkman, Oil Change, Sherlock, Starbucks, U-Turn

      AO: The Huey


      Fog so thick it felt of mist, and frankly, it became mist eventually. Low 60’s on the temp gauge.


      SSH x15 IC
      Wilie Mays Hayes x12 IC
      Windmills x10 IC
      Forward Fold OYO
      Shoulder Blaster

      The Thang

      When 90’s rap began to play, the Pax decided there would be a theme to this workout. Apparently, YHC is known for themes in his workout….

      7 of Diamonds
      Thanks Blue for allowing me to look over that VQ of yours way back when, so I could steal a little genius…
      7 Burpees
      Bear Crawl the Laterals & Mosey the Lengths
      14 Lunges (Hard Way)
      Bear Crawl the Laterals & Shuffle the Lengths
      21 Squats
      Bear Crawl the Laterals & Bernie the Lengths
      28 Monkey Humpers
      Bear Crawl the Laterals & Bear Crawl the Lengths
      Totals — 28 Burpees, 56 Lunges, 84 Squats, and 112 Monkey Humpers

      Mosey to the Love Shack.

      22’s w/a Merkin Mortar

      2 BBSUs at Love Shack

      Mosey to Memorial for 5 Merkin Mortar Set

      Mosey Half Lap — 20 Mountain Climbers (hard way)

      Mosey Back to Memorial for 5 Merkin Mortar Set

      Rinse and Repeat the above routine until time..


      I like to aggravate our dear beloved Blue about his messages about Grace, but we all know it is needed and needed now more than ever. If you’ll indulge me, I would like to add to that idea. I heard a great message regarding both truth and grace. We as a Pax agreed that we feel honesty is extremely important in maintaining integrity, so how about this idea?
      Truth is often to harsh for people while Grace is often too compromising. Apply these two together and we can really develop quality interactions with our fellow man.

      The above was my message. I added a little more of a personal story afterward regarding a character trait but will keep it brief here. Selfishness is not viewed a positive trait. A self-serving purpose, too, is often viewed as a negative motivation/means to an end. Either way, should this occur, make sure the end both justifies the means and helps all parties involved grow.


      Overall, it was of great quality at certain times. I think I will just keep it “close to the vest” for the 8 other men who defeated the fartsack this Gloom…


      Convergence 01/01/2022 at Anvil (Central High School)

      Recent Backblasts

        Huey 20211228

        QIC:  NordicTrack

        Date: 12/28/2021

        PAX: FNG-Coolio, u-turn, Dundee, Hasbro, Milkman, Shaken N Bake, Blue, 8 Seconds, Ducktales, Geek Squad, Doogie, Oil Change, Willie Loman

        AO: The Huey


        Nice morning. 61 degrees. Low humidity.


        Standard warm up routine. SSH, 3rd Grade, Shoulder blasters. Oh, and 15 burpees.

        The Thang

        Partner Exercise
        Begin by lapping around the track. Stopped at 4 stations and did 5 burpees to remind everyone where each station is. Ended up doing 15 burpees at one stop because 2 Bud Light Trucks came by, so we did not do burpees at station 4.

        Everyone partnered up. Each person was responsible for doing all the reps. The partner was for encouragement and accountability. Q called an exercise, the group then performed that exercise at each station. At the end of each lap, plank/Al Gore for the six, then everyone gets a new partner.

        Exercises were:

        25 Merkins

        25 Squats

        25 BBS

        50 Monkey Humpers

        Ended with Circle Merkins


        We work 1/3 of our lives. We should not spend this time doing something you hate. If you dread going to work, consider why you are doing it.


        [The “Moleskin” aka the “NAKED-MAN MOLESKIN” is the portion of the Backblast in which the Q describes interesting things about the Workout that are at least partially true.]


        [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

        Recent Backblasts

          It’s that time of year already!?

          QIC:  Bonsai

          Date: 12/21/2021

          PAX: Cavity Search, Picabo, Sousa, Tatonka, Toe Tag

          AO: Parliament


          Not bad at all, once you got moving.


          Side Straddle Hops

          Hold Plank till late PAX falls in

          Forward Fold (IC)

          Baby Arm Circles (Forward and Back)

          Seal Claps

          Rockin’ Night Clubs

          Willie Mays Hayes

          The Thang

          Glow sticks were placed on the track to mark 5 lines for suicides. In between each full set of suicides PAX performed an exercise from the list below, starting the first exercise with 20 reps and increasing by 20 reps for each exercise (final exercise = 100 reps):

          Squat Jumps
          Bird Dogs
          Imperial Walkers

          PAX who finished held plank until Q called everyone in for 5-Minutes of Mary.

          Toe Tag – American Hammers
          Cavity Search – American Hammers
          Sousa – Aquamans
          Tatonka – American Hammers
          Picabo – 1-min Plank


          It is difficult to live as a christian, but it is incredibly easy to become one. All that God asks is that we confess we are sinners and believe in Jesus.

          Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9-10a

          This is an option available to everyone at all times. You are never more than one step away from salvation. No matter how much you have messed up, how bad your sins are, you can be saved in a moment.

          Recent Backblasts

            If You Had an Unlimited Amount of Legal Tender to Spend at Office Supply Could Putin Still Help You through Law School? Yes, He would Farmer Carry You all the Way to the Finish Line;;;Juris Doctor Style

            QIC:  Gusher

            Date: 12/21/2021

            PAX: Burrito, Mansiere, Squirt, Yellow 5, Shank, Mox, Zima, Pound Dog, Pomade

            AO: Smackdown


            The conditions were stellar for a Christmas week gathering of middle-age men stretching and moving together. The temperature was an honest 37 degrees, and honestly, it felt like it as well. The sky was clear and the visibility reached the stars. Aviation Data Service putting out some good news for pilots and some reassurances for those passengers in economy class popping dramamine with hopes of a safe trip through the skies. Flight METAR text for the morning is KCHA 211153Z 00000KT 10SM FEW045 BKN120 BKN180 05/02 A3007 RMK AO2 SLP185 T00500022 10050 20039 58015. I really have no idea what that means, but the pilots are nodding their heads like “yeah,” co-pilots moving the gears like, “yeah.” Speaking of stars — and you know you were speaking of stars — the aforementioned 37 degree temps had a tropical flair to it. Like the em dash, it was a comfortable 37. But back to the star conversation and maybe its just the season with the Star of Bethlehem firmly implanted on the gray matter — and speaking of Gray with another em dash — YHC is well nigh convinced that gazing on the galactic lesser lights, one star moved across the darkened canvas of the expanse above and settled over a place that was not so much like Bethlehem, but more like Epcot and the heart became strangely warm (nod to our Methodism and our boy JWesley). There, YHC mused quietly, lay Recycle all bundled up and getting some extra shut-eye because no doubt, he has a fast pass. There was virtually no wind this morning, save that which broke through bowels of men, and by men YHC means one man, as they he moved into the crouch position of the block swing. Calm with the occasional gust. #blessed.


            Standard Smackdown Mosey Lap because repetition is where traditions are made; SSH; WMHays, IraqiTT; Folding forward, Arm circles forward, unwind it, ray lewis it, gather at the coupons in a predestined place alongside a track that is sharper than a knife (see ray lewis).

            Farmer Carry Because Signal Mountain is the Mountain of the People

            Gotta get those forearms worked in order to write all those Yuletide Thank You notes.
            Round 1: 3 cycles: Goal line PAX 20 Merkins/20LBCs on repeat until carrier returns;;;Moving PAX farmer carries to 50yrd line, does 20 curls and farmer carries back

            Round 2: 3 cycles: Goal line PAX: 20 PJacks/20BBSU on repeat until carrier returns;;;;;;Moving PAX farmer carries to 50yrd line, does 20 block swings and farmer carries back

            Round 3: 3 cycles: Goal line PAX 20 Squats/20Leg-Ups on repeat until carrier returns;;;::::;;;;Moving PAX farmer carries to 50 yrd line, does 20 thrusters and farmer carries back

            Round 4: 3 cycles: Goal line: 20 ShoulderTaps/20Flutter on repeat until carrier returns;;;;;”’;;;;; Moving PAX farmer carries to 50yrd line, does 20 block squats and farmer carries back


            Ecclesiastes 3:11

            [11] God has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

            All of our times/circumstances are beautifully planned by the Lord, yet are incomprehensible in their scope. And when he says God has set eternity in our hearts he is talking about the whole issue/matter of desire/pursuit and what we think will make us happy or fulfilled. Throughout Ecclesiastes, the writer is on a quest to find the meaning and purpose of life. He seeks it in knowledge, work and the things that successful work brings, and pleasure. But each of these in themselves cannot satisfy or fulfill or provide purpose because they are all finite. But if it’s eternity that has been set in our heart, then nothing finite or temporary will satisfy or fulfill. The only source of satisfaction for the eternity within us is the eternal God. Our chief desire should be the Giver and not the gifts. The answer is not to disdain knowledge, work, or pleasure, but to see them as gifts and means to praise the Giver. May our desires/pursuits reflect that and may we work hard to steward the gift well, while we desire that which is ultimate.

            CS Lewis’ much quoted statement. 

            “It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”

            So, just a reminder for pursuing the proper balance, focus, desire, pursuit. It’s got to be something bigger than anything temporal. I find myself thinking too much on the gifts and not the Giver. Maybe I’m alone in that. Maybe not. There’s something outside of us that we need to find. 


            The mosey lap around the atrophied track was silent. This evoked a sense of panic within the introverted breast of the Q. Silently, questions began to form in the cranium and fears began to swell with the immoveable force of a tsunami. Confusion settled in as there was frustration at the mixed metaphor between reality of life on a ridge and tsunami at the ocean. Obviously YHC began to fear for Recycle’s safety in the case he was planning of deep sea fishing excursion. But all of this inner monologue was brought to a screeching halt as we formed up for some warmup movements in the shape of a rhombohedron. It is always remarkable how the command to circle up can turn into almost anything other than a circle. Mansiere, the man who dispenses more knowledge than a PEZ, can break the silence with a piercing question that may at first blush seem purely hypothetical. Alas, this man trades in reality and brass tacks is his currency. If you had an unlimited amount of money to spend on office supplies, what would you choose? These are the fundamental realities. Plato positing from his cave could never concoct a mind-bending question as this. YHC fears his own first thought betrays his dearth of office understanding. Immediately, the Q lost cadence imagining a lifetime supply of Pilot G-2 0.7 multi-colored pack of pens. Mansiere and Burrito went straight to noice cancelling headphones and standing desks and mats for ergonomic chairs to roll upon with ease. Did YHC’s thoughts fast pass to the CoT with the words of CS Lewis “your office supply desires are too weak?” Yes, but then Mansiere affirmed the 0.7 ball point, which does surpass all others for its writing and underlining capabilities. Jay Bilas gushes at the Pilot G-2 0.7 potential and wingspan. Burrito chimed in with his affinity for 0.5 lead pencil to which he was resoundingly admonished as the discussion did not center on pencil. There are no scantron tests here. Then whilst carrying coupons the way a farmer carries something in each hand, Pomade announces that he is leaving the Port. Completely befuddled, the eaves dropping began. “What is this Trent Pomade is pontificating about?” He’s talking about cruise ships. Negatively at that. Now, Pomade is as cool and laid back as the mountain fog on a Wednesday morning. He settles in and crushes every workout in good weather so one can understand the perplexity here. There is no vacation spot more calm and laid back than the cruise ship. YHC would have guessed Pomade to be the King of the Lido Deck. It is not always wrong to be wrong, but this time, YHC could not be more wrong. Wrongness reached its limits with this one. The 24 hour buffet options are not enough to sway Pomade. The man loves land. And you cannot condemn a person for that. While the visibility upwards seemed limitless, things get murky when looking to the left. But one PAX three over said something about “hangover” and “Sunday night” and “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Now, F3 is a true judgment free zone. Planet Fitness may plaster this phrase all over their purple walls, but who wants to pay a monthly fee to have people tell you they won’t judge you when you can come to F3 for free and not be judged? Seriously, this is free of charge and free of judgment;;;;and you can drop your coupon as hard as you want on the ground. Burrito went to law school and two things got him through those years. “Hardwork and dedication?” you ask. “Wrong.” Putin and Creed. YHC cannot remember the precise details. There was a lot of discussion about Creed and something about human clay and a paper route in a suped up Mustang with Bose speakers. Honestly, things began to get a little dicey because YHC never really listened to Creed. I believe in good music that is varied. Then Burrito demanded that YHC has, in fact, listened to Creed. This dogmatism and enforced acceptance of past experiences, one guesses, is where Putin comes into the picture. Apparently Camp Vesper Point, a youth rally in nashville, and Jump Little Children have a lot in common. I do hope it is not the hallucinogens JLC may have been known to digest in the mid ’90s South Carolina music scene. Squirt is a beast and one will be bettered if paired with him for any exercise pairing. There are seven point nine billion people in the world according to the Worldometer. Ten showed up to Smackdown. Some had to miss because of circumstances that demanded absentia. You know who you are and you are not forgotten. The ten, plus the excused absences, make up quite possibly the best of the best of the seven point nine billion. It is a privilege to move about the track with these HIM. Is it the most wonderful time of the year? Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. And let it be stated again for the record, Zima is the coolest. The Outkast once asked, “now, what cooler than being cool?” “Zima,” was the answer André 3000 was looking for. He never found it and that is why they broke up. Do not forget your history. Coffee is now done.


            Playlist from high school (92-95) and there will be no apologies for that.

            Recent Backblasts

              Leg Day Dora at Lion’s Den

              QIC:  Blackout

              Date: 12/20/2021

              PAX: Back Pew, Friar Tuck, Pink Panther, Roomba, The Count, Transplant

              AO: Lion’s Den


              Low 30s. Cold, but we made sure to move around to stay warm. Very minimal wind.


              Mosey to Track

              • FF oyo
              • WMH x10 IC
              • SSH x20 IC
              • LBAC x 10 IC
              • RBAC x 10 IC
              • 10 Tempo Merkins IC

              The Thang

              PAX partnered up in one corner of the track for DORA style exercises. One PAX perforemd exercises below (Cumulative reps per pair) while the other ran the length of the track and then ran back. Exercises were as follows:

              • Bonnie Blairs – 75 reps HC
              • Reverse Lunges – 100 reps HC
              • Air Squats – 150 reps
              • Pickle Pointers – 200 reps
              • Toe Merkins – 250 reps
              • Pickle Pointers – 200 reps
              • Air Squats – 150 reps
              • Reverse Lunges – 100 reps HC

              Q called the DORA with 5 minutes left. Lunged 25 yards on track and then performed wall squats for 1 minute; Lunged 25 years back to corner of track. Wall sits until time.


              Spoke about the Christmas Story in Luke and how it has got me thinking about the plans we make for our life and how we sometimes stray from God’s plan to make our own. In the story of Jesus’ birth, Mary was a young teenager when she was approached by the angel telling her she was to give birth to the Messiah. The reality is, Mary had plans. She was to merry Joseph, grow up and start a family. She must have been terrified. However, she did not let the fear overcome her, she stuck with the plan that the angel laid out for her. So many times in life, the reality is that we make our own plans. We know how we want our days, weeks and even years to end up. In the end, we must shift our way to thinking to allow God’s plan to enter our hearts, especially when we least expect it. We must allow God to interrupt our lists and our plans so that we can live in glory for him. My challenge to myself and all PAX in attendance was to be open to interruption from God’s plan. It is always better than our own plan even when we don’t feel like it is.


              First three PAX to show up (myself included) are all dealing with upper body injuries/pain of some sort. PAX asked Q to modify with less upper body. Turns out Q already had a Leg Day planned. Worked out great!

              PAX are well aware of their own limitations….especially when it comes to 200 pickle pointers. “We will never last that long”


              Chubby’s Helping Chatt’s Homeless Ministry on Monday nights 6-8pm.

              See 2nd-f and 3rd-F channel for opportunities as they arise.

              Fourth-F weekend in May, reach out to WuzntMe for details.

              Convergence Christmas Eve at 0700 at Anvil and New Years at Anvil time TBD

              Recent Backblasts

                Musical Chairs – Track Style

                QIC:  Blackout

                Date: 12/14/2021

                PAX: AOL, Cavity Search, Face Plant, iLean, Mandela, M.I.A., Tatonka, Toe Tag, WeBlow

                AO: Parliament


                Stupid Cold


                Mosey to Track

                • SSH x20
                • Willie Mayes Hayes x10
                • Forward Fold OYO
                • Arm Circles x10
                • SSH x25

                The Thang

                Workout consisted of splitting the 400M track into four quadrants (2 straightaway quadrants and 2 curves). PAX ran (it is track day after all) until whistle blew from Q. Q had watch set to blow whistle at 2,3,4, and 5 minute intervals. Once whistle blew, PAX did the following depending on where they were on the track:

                • Quadrant 1: 25 Burpees
                • Quadrant 2: 50 Merkins
                • Quadrant 3: 50 Squats
                • Quadrant 4: 50 BBSU

                Q went until he had been in all four quadrants and then switched the exercises above to 10, 25, 25, 25 for remainder of time. Did this for 30 minutes.

                Finished with two laps of Indian Runs followed by a final blow of the whistle in the burpee quadrant for 10 burpees. Closed out with 100 Toe Merkins for fallen F3 brother from F3 Franklin.


                Shared some words about being willing and able to “have the hard conversations”. So often, I get caught up in letting others handle it or avoiding those conversations when it comes to situations that are unjust or potentially could cause conflict. As leaders, one of the things we need to be able to do is to hone our skills in that area so that we can have those hard conversations. The reality is, we live in the 21st Century where nearly everything is considered offensive. We can’t let that stop us from starting the hard conversations, calling out what is unjust as unjust when we see it and making the tough decisions if needed after those conversations. This is great skill to work on for myself and many other PAX of F3 Chattanooga.


                Discussed this workout plan with MIA at work day before, he said he would come because he like the concept. I did not, however, disclose the rep counts, which was a point of contention at the beginning…..

                Lots of good run groups formed with MC abound.

                Cavity Search got stuck with 25 burpees back to back, he thought it is because I was doing it on purpose, but really he is just very skilled at keeping the same pace in his laps. I call that skill, not coincidence!


                See 2nd-f, 3rd-F and 4th-F channels for information

                Christmas Eve Convergence at Anvil 7:00 am Friday 12/24

                Recent Backblasts


                  QIC:  Mr. Clean

                  Date: 12/13/2021

                  PAX: Back Pew, Friar Tuck, Pink Panther, Spirit Fingers, FNG – Snoozy, Thermostat, Transplant

                  AO: Lions Den


                  31 Degrees. Frosty.


                  SSH x20 IC
                  Forward Fold OYO

                  The Thang

                  Predictable Ladders

                  15 Reps of Each Exercise
                  1. Shoulder Press
                  2. Bent Over Rows
                  3. Curls
                  4. Kettle Bell Swings
                  5. Merkins
                  6. Wide Merkins
                  7. Diamond Merkins
                  8. Leg Raises w/block
                  9. Heel Touches — Hard Count
                  Short Mosey Around Parking Lot
                  Rinse and repeat this routine dropping one rep.

                  It was after the round of 13 reps Back Pew “wondered” if anyone has ever done one of these very predictable workouts, and then suddenly changed it to “freak everyone out”. Feeling obligated to honor this “request”, we took a bit of a detour on the mosey. –Insert– “Thanks goodness, we are now back in our safe space” -Pink Panther.

                  Unbeknownst to the Pax, I already had some “unpredictability planned involving the hill by the JROTC tower.

                  For rep sets 12, 11, and 10, we interspersed them among Block Bears up and down the hill, as well as, Murder Bunnies up and down the hill.
                  75 reps of each exercise completed.
                  We finished with 5 blockees due to the missing flag.


                  Yesterday during a run with longest grade of the run, I developed my COT for this morning. Yes, that’s the complete truth. As I was running up hill, I thought of those most important to me including the men of F3; because, hey I probably don’t make it up that hill without them.
                  Growing up, my daddy always said; “ain’t no hill too high, son”. I’ve finally realized that I actually love the uphill run. Hills really get a bad rep from most runners. Those who run avidly and those who do so begrudgingly tend to have a similar outlook on hills: they suck.
                  Here is the thing: they don’t suck. Why? At the top, we have a glorious view not seen from the valley. At the top, we realize something difficult was accomplished. At the top, we realize the difficulty actually makes the view even sweeter.
                  Embrace the hills in your life, look to complete them with more speed and/or efficient the next time you face one.



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