Detention’s turn to fly

QIC:  Sidekick

Date: 02/17/2021

PAX: Snatch, Dundee, Gretel, Ponce, Blue, Deer Jack, NordicTrack, Roomba, U-Turn

AO: Detention


35 degrees and raining. Perfection


SSHICX20; Willie Mays Hays ICX10; Forward Fold OYO; Left over Right OYO; Right over Left OYO; Seal Claps ICX12; Overhead Press ICX12

Mosey with Block to the far parking lot, down the hill, around the track

The Thang

Spread Eagle

All PAX spread out along the edge of the big lot; Walk to the middle of the lot and place your block; walk back to the edge.

All rounds will follow the same general sequence: travel to block, exercise with block, jail break to opposite side track; 10 Mercans; repeat back across the lot to your starting point; run a lap around the track

Round 1

Bear crawl — 20 Block Squats — Jail break — 10 Mercans — Bear Crawl — 20 Block squats — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

Round 2

Lunge — 20 Block press — Jail break — 10 Mercans — Lunge — 20 Block Press —Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

Round 3

Crawl Bear — 110 Blockees — Jail break — 10 Mercans — Crawl Bear — 10 Blockees —Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

Round 4

Reverse French Lunges — 20 Block Curls — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Reverse French lunges — 20 Block Curls — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

Round 5

Traveling Burpees — 20 Kettle Bell Swings — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Traveling Burpees — 20 Kettle bell Swings — jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

Retrieve Block and mosey back around the track, back up the hill, to the original starting position


Enjoyed my morning at Detention. The crew did a great job hanging with a long mosey carrying a block and a tough beatdown.
I talked about Lent today and the three aspects 1. Sacrifice. 2. Prayer. and 3. Helping those less fortunate. These are the three things we talk about in the Catholic church around Lent as we prepare for Easter


Great fun had by the QIC


Recent Backblasts

    Recycle Signal

    QIC:  Recycle

    Date: 03/02/2021

    PAX: Burrito, Hambone (RESPECT), Shank, Gusher, Pomade, Joanna;Formally known as Joanna makN dem Gainz all day ery day, ery day, Friday, Pelt, Coney, Mansiere, Jenny Craig, Holy Kiss, Red Raider, Zima, A-A-Ron, Truck Stop, Pound Dog

    AO: Smackdown


    Nice clear 35 degree morning. Some parts of the grass still wet from the weekend’s rain. Beautiful morning for a mosey.


    FF OYO
    WMH x10 IC
    TGE x10 IC
    IW x10 IC
    MCPU x10 IC
    LBAC x10 IC
    Rev x10 IC
    SC x10 IC
    OP x10 IC

    The Thang

    Recycle Signal

    Mosey to Whittler’s house:

    25 monkey humpers in the front yard

    Mosey to Brow Estates entrance:

    Burpees 5
    Lunges 10 (single leg)
    Imperial Walkers 15 (count right leg)
    Merkins 20
    Plank Jacks 25
    Squats 30

    Mosey to Pruetts:

    B 10
    L 15
    I 20
    M 25
    P 30
    S 35

    Mosey to the loftiest recycling center in the Chattanooga area: Recycle Signal

    B 5
    L 10
    I 15
    M 20
    P 25
    S 30

    OYO mosey back to the flag

    PAX partner up… Dora 150 Big Boi Situps with a mosey across the field and back

    Flutter kicks x20 IC
    Heel touches x20 IC
    Pickle pointers x11 IC



    Another week, more stories about how adult men don’t have meaningful friendships and 15% of American adults are suffering post traumatic stress just from the pandemic alone.

    I make no secret about why I post with F3: the impact on my mental health has brought me out of a dark place in my life that was caused by an emotional and tragic loss……multiple losses of men that I served with in the Marine Corps.

    There is no shame in taking care of your mental health regardless of what our society might tell you. Don’t neglect it! Talk to someone if you need. Attend more beatdowns during the week. It has absolutely changed my life!


    Burrito was there.

    Still trying to EH the officers of the Signal Mountain Police Department that we run into on our #Smackdown adventures. We are failing so far.

    Red Raider does twice as many reps as you. But it’s because he can’t count.

    Moseying around the neighborhood gives us Mountain folk great opportunities to discuss how much better we are.


    Smackdown tshirt in the works….look for the announcement on Slack soon. Thanks to Hambone for all the work he has put in!

    The Count brings it to #Smackdown on Thursday

    Recycle and Hambone 1 year anniversary Co-Q at #Lions-Den this Friday

    Dundee Qs #Convoy this Saturday

    Recent Backblasts

      The Burpee EMOM

      QIC: Blue

      Date: 3-2-21

      PAX: Milkman, Hasbro, U-turn, Roomba, Geek Squad, Slois Lane, Doogie, Cleaver

      AO: The Huey


      A little chilly this morning at 36°, cloudy skies but the moon was visible. Winds were slightly more than a gentle breeze.


      Some light stretching with some more stretching, some shoulder exercises and then some SSH’s to finish out the warmup.


      Started with a mosey around the track and the back lot doing 3 burpees EMOM, made two laps.

      Second, we murder bunnied from the edge of the track to the love shack and back. Then grabbed our coupons and slow moseyed to the Love Shack.

      For the final round, so to speak, we did a “Top Gun” routine. 12 min with 3 Burpees EMOM, while doing…….

      • 10 Curls
      • 10 Deadlifts
      • 10 Tricep Ext
      • 10 Shoulder Press
      • 10 Squats

      On repeat.

      About halfway through we had to pay the toll for a Beer Truck, 5 Burpees, then while doing those a Red Bull truck drove by, so the toll for that was 5 Navy Seals.

      To finish for time, we did a round of burpees with each of the PAX calling “down”


      Confirmation Bias……….

      We see the things we want to see, the things that confirm our assumptions and our preferred way of looking at the world. Whatever is received is received according to the manner of the receiver. Basically we all see things according to our own experiences in life. So the person standing/sitting next to you is doing the same thing……….so offer Grace.

      Mumble Chatter

      Not much that I heard, maybe some low grumbling from the back when I called an exercise, but most of the PAX were too focused on the burpees to say much of anything

      The Burpee Mile……..Round 2

      QIC: Blue

      Date: 3-1-21

      PAX: Dundee, U-turn, Friar Tuck, Mr. Clean

      AO: Detention


      Rain, rain, rain, & more rain…………but only a slight drizzle during the Q. A warm 61°, but very very very moist.


      Stretching, some more stretching, some SSH’s and some Burpees.


      Lap 1 – Manmakers

      With coupon, moseyed around the track stopping 4 times doing 5 Manmakers each time for a total of 20. Finished the lap with 5 Burpees OYO & 10 CPR’s OYO.

      Lap 2 – Deconstructed Burpees

      • 10 Squats
      • 10 Leg Thrusts/Groiners
      • 10 Merkins
      • 10 Leg Thrusts/Groiners
      • 10 Jump Squats

      Finished the lap with 5 Burpees OYO & 10 CPR’s OYO.

      Lap 3 – Body Bag Builders

      Moseyed around the track stopping 5 times doing 2 Body Bag Builders at a time for a total of 10 Body Bag Builders. Finished the lap with 5 Burpees OYO & 10 CPR’s OYO.

      Lap 4 – 4×4’s & Kraken Burpee’s

      Moseyed around the track stopping 6 times I think, alternating 1 4×4, then next stop 1 Kraken Burpee (burpee with 3 hand release Merkins…… “release the kraken”). Finished the lap with 5 Burpees OYO

      That’s time.


      Grace………..extending grace to those who we feel are the least deserving, but need it the most. Mr. Clean thanked everyone who reached out or helped in some way while he and his family were quarantined with Covid.

      Mumble Chatter

      Not much in the way of chatter, the PAX were definitely singing my praises and how happy they were to be in the gloom for a Blue’s Q.

      Bonus Beatdown – Flatlands Edition

      QIC: M.I.A.

      Date: 2-27-21

      PAX: AOL, Mothballs, Seagull

      AO: Hacksaw – OTB


      Perfect gloom except the absence of a Shovel Flag.


      Mosey with coupons over to the pickle ball courts.
      Outside courts:
      20 x SSH
      Forward Fold
      Iraqi Tea Time
      10 x LBAC
      10 x Reverse
      10 x Seal Claps
      10 x Michael Phelps
      Run a lap around the courts/train area ~400 meters

      The THANG

      Pair up
      100 Head Shoulders Knees & Toes
      Partner 1 – 10 x HSKT
      Partner 2 – Toe Raises
      Flapjack and continue until 100 complete per team
      Jog to the end of the playground and back through lot (~200M)

      200 Triceps Extensions
      Partner 1 – 20 x Triceps Extensions
      Partner 2 – Raggedy Anns
      Flapjack and continue until 200 complete per team
      Jog to the end of the playground and back through lot (~200M)

      300 Curls for the Girls
      Partner 1 – 30 x Curls
      Partner 2 – Step ups on coupon
      Flapjack and continue until 300 complete per team
      Jog to the end of the playground and back through lot (~200M)

      400 OH Press
      Partner 1 – 20 x Overhead Press
      Partner 2 – Imperial Walkers or Hillbillies (dealers choice)
      Flapjack and continue until 400 complete per team


      Thankful for an organization that encourages not only bettering ourselves, but pushing others to do the same. YHC is grateful to be connected with others who not only lift up each other, but give you the opportunity to meet more men to share that impact.

      Prayer requests and praises

      Mumble Chatter

      At least one of the PAX today cannot count. Said PAX enjoyed saying random numbers to make sure he was not alone.

      PAX were all huge fans of the Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (yes its in the exicon).

      Penalty burpees for the lack of shovel flag will be completed by YHC after BB posted.

      The Convoy Burpee Mile

      QIC: Blue

      Date: 2-27-21

      PAX: Hambone, Recycle, Pound Dog, Gusher, Prosciutto, Zima, A-A-Ron

      AO: Convoy


      A warm, moist morning up on the mountain at 54°F and a slight mist. Luckily the rain held off for the hour we were there.


      Some stretching, a few shoulder warmups, some more stretching, then some SSH’s.

      The THANG

      Stayed at the parking lot just in case of rain so we could get to the covered area of the school. 1 lap around the lot equaled 0.3 miles measure by odometer on my vehicle.

      -Lap 1 Manmakers

      Traveled around the parking lot edge w/ coupon and stopped twice doing a total of 20 manmakers for the lap. Back at the start before lap 2, 5 Burpees OYO

      -Lap 2 Deconstructed Burpee

      Traveled around the lot stopping 5 times to do

      • 10 Squats
      • 10 Groiners
      • 10 Merkins
      • 10 Groiners
      • 10 Jump Squats

      Finished the lap with a set of 25 curls and 5 Burpees OYO

      -Lap 3 4×4’s

      Traveled around the lot stopping to do sets of 5, for a total of 10 4×4’s. Split the last set into two stops doing 4 reps then 1 rep. Finished the lap with a set of 10 CPR’s and 5 Burpees OYO. May have stopped another time for an additional set of 5, but I don’t remember well enough so not going to count it.

      -Lap 4 Bodybuilders

      Traveled around the lot stopping twice to do two sets of 10. Tried calling an 8 ct. cadence on the second set, only to have Recycle take over. Definitely need to work on that one. Finished the lap with 5 Burpees OYO.

      -Lap 5 Navy Seals

      Traveled around the lot stopping a few times to do 1-2 Navy Seal (aka “Baby Seal” – Recycle) for a total of 10 reps. Finished the lap with 5 Burpees OYO & maybe 5 Manmakers OYO, my memory is a little foggy.

      -Lap 6 Contra Burpee

      Traveled around the lot stopping 10 times. A “Contra Burpee” is a burpee that increases the number of merkins consecutively each rep. 1st Burpee = 1 Merkin, 2nd Burpee = 2 Merkins…….etc. finished the round with 5………….Big Boy Sit-ups OYO.

      Then we did sets of 5 Big Boy Sit-ups OYO & 5 Captain Thor’s for a total of 10 of each. Then 5 Burpees OYO, and finished with 15 Monkey Humpers.

      Sets of 10 Monkey Humpers were thrown in whenever a random car would drive through the parking lot going by us. Which we did roughly 3 times I believe.


      Vulnerability…………we are taught as men to not show any vulnerability because it’s a sign of weakness and as men that’s just not what we’re supposed to do, right?!? It takes more strength to confide in your brother next to you, or whoever you chose, than to just bottle it up inside. Prayer requests included Snowcream, Bobbit, Mr. Clean, & El Chapo?

      Mumble Chatter

      Not much in the way of memorable chatter. I kept everyone moving enough with no 10 counts. Definitely a “Beatdown” worthy Q. I kicked my own butt this morning.

      Kamala Harris Would be Proud!!!

      QIC:  Clothespin

      Date: 02/26/2021

      PAX: Woodrider, WuzntME, Coldplay, Blackout, Abercrombie, John Doe

      AO: Parliament


      Some rain but lots of enthusiasm… Being under the school awning was not conducive to the workout……


      SSH 25 arms up while running

      WMH 12 arms up while running

      MNC 15 Keep arms up while running

      BABY ARM CIR 15 Keep arms up while running

      BABY ARM CIR REV 15 Keep arms up while running

      SEAL CLAPS 15 Keep arms up while running

      TEA POTS 12

      The Thang:

      The Crabwalk up the bleachers sucked couldn’t get a rhythm going….

      Bleacher work:

      Round 1: Bear crawl up bleachers step down with a squat on the way down.

      Round 2: Crab Walk up the bleachers step down with a squat on the way down.

      Round 3: 5 dips each step on the way up walk down steps

      Dora: While partner is doing exercise other goes out approximately 75 yards do 4 squats and come back.

      50 burpees

      100 Merkins

      200 SSH

      300 LBC

      400 Imperial walkers


      1 Minute Plank

      BBS 25 IC

      1 Minute Plank

      Flutter Kicks (lead by the man himself… Coldplay!)

      1 Minute Plank

      LBC 40 IC

      1 Minute Plank

      Kamala Harris….(Heels to Heaven) 12 OYO

      Forward fold IC

      Slow WMH IC

      Slow Teapots IC


      S.S. Leadership

      1. I am the captain of my ship.
      2. I am in Ship Shape
      3. I chart my course
      4. I set sail
      5. I am a good crew mate.
      6. I lend a hand on deck
      7. I check my compass
      8. I persevere through storms.

        There is an elementary school in Cleveland that has this as a mural on the wall. It really stands true for all ages. Be the leader that you are called to be. Be a leader to yourself, to your family, to your friends and your coworkers. F3 is a leadership group, take that and apply it in your life. Push through the storms in life. Bad weather is where your leadership shines!


      The mumble chatter was real this morning especially during the Mary session. I really enjoyed the banter back and forth. Examples below:

      We rename “Heels to Heaven” to “The Kamala Harris” because we lay on our backs with our legs up and “push” our way to the top.

      Abercrombie was offended by the above conversation….

      “I want to be a senator”……….


      Pray for ElChapo, Keep Chubbies and Habitat for humanity in mind, Mayhem on Q at Battery tomorrow (2-27-2021)

      Recent Backblasts

        Bernie MASH – Legacy Edition

        QIC:  [Seagull]

        Date: [02/25/2021]

        PAX: THA Flock

        AO: [Legacy]


        [Gloomy with a chance of Sunrise]


        [Take a clockwise Mosey lap around the Heritage House trail, to showcase the 4 stations of the Trail for the Beat-Down.

        Do 20 O-Y-O Merkins, Aquamans, Squats, Hundreds, then do a forward fold and backwards bend x2.
        Then do Shoulder Work: 7 Exercises. Keep your Arms raised the whole time. Hold 45. Forward Arm Rolls. Backwards Arm Rolls. Shoulder Presses. Chinooks. Cherry Pickers. Hold 45.]

        The Thang

        [Bring an Extra Pair of Quads!]
        Bernie MASH – Legacy Edition
        [Do it Dora style with a partner.

        Each group does a collective 100 Merkins at station 1, then Bernies to station 2. Each group then does a collective 100 Aquamans, then Bernies to station 3.  Each group then does a collective 100 Squats, then Bernies to station 4.  Each group then does a collective 100 Hundreds, then Bernies to station 1. 

        Each group, then in the same pattern, does a collective 80, 60, 40, and then 20 of each of the exercises, with Bernies in between each exercise station. 

        If a group finishes before the rest, that team does lunges from station 1 to and back from the Heritage house, giving enough time for the other groups to finish, or for time to be called.]


        [Most men spend their lives in futile rebellion against things they cannot change, and they live in passive resignation to the things they can change, and they never attempt to learn the difference, living in chronic guilt and self-doubt.]

        Recent Backblasts

          Mind Games

          QIC:  Prosciutto

          Date: 02/23/2021

          PAX: A-A-Ron, Friday, Gusher, Hambone, Holy Kiss, Joanna (Makn Dem Gainz Makn It Rayn ErryDayAllday AllGasNoBrakes LaserShow), Mansiere, Pomade, Pound Dog, Recycle, Red Raider, Shank, The Count, Truck Stop, Zima

          AO: Smackdown


          For what it’s worth, the Q’s wardrobe selection was not calibrated with the degrees on Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit’s temperature scale this morning. Short pants in sub-40 (by the measurement) is perplexing with regard to ‘The Steve’. While I could chalk it up to oversight or to knowing the thing that the rest of the crew didn’t know beforehand: constant movement and activity increases blood flow and we can all speak from experience on what blood flow does for our *ahem* limbs cardiovascular system (forgive the unintended sophomoric reference, Nopeton; we are all there are adults, here)

          And so went the 1“Disclaimer” and pronouncement of events to follow

          1 Disclaimer maybe missed the target, and words like ‘love’ and ‘feelings’ were inserted and therefore it was effective as (spoiler alert!) no one died. Add a notch to the ‘W’ column


          Word association time!

          Stretching = midwife noises = soft tortilla = absent = silence = golden


          Fwd Fold / WMH / Windmills / Good Mornings / SSH / Mtn Climbers / Plank Jacks
          Warm-up Lap

          The Thang

          Circle-up at each corner and await for six and next instruction
          4 Rounded Corners
          At each rounded corner of our more or less non-standard track, exercises will be performed to a total of 70 reps, broken down incrementally. 20-10-5, 20-10-5 or some variation thereof

          First Rounded Corner: Block Curls (20-10-5, 20-10-5)
          2 lines for a Native Lap around, at the 3/4 mark of the lap – line up and 50 yard sprints; continue running past first rounded corner and proceeding to the next rounded corner

          Second Rounded Corner: Merkins (5-10-20, 5-10-20)
          2 lines for a Native Lap around, at the 3/4 mark of the lap – line up and 50 yard sprints to the 3rd rounded corner

          Third Rounded Corner: American Hammers (20-10, 20-10, 5-5)
          2 lines for a Native Lap around, at the 3/4 mark of the lap – line up and 50 yard sprints to the 4th rounded corner

          Fourth Rounded Corner: Squat Jumps (10-20-5, 10-20-5)
          2 lines for a Native Lap around, at the 3/4 mark of the lap – line up and 50 yard sprints to the start

          One more lap around making stops at each rounded corner; perform 20 reps per corner and mosey OYO to the next rounded corner
          1: Burpees (20)
          2: Merkins (20)
          3: American Hammers (20)
          4: Squat Jumps (20)

          4 minutes of mary
          Leg Lifts
          BBSU OYO
          Flutter Kicks until time


          Struggled at times with confidence and losing the mind game. This poem helped me. Don’t let yourself lose the battle in your mind before the battle ever begins.

          If you think you are beaten, you are;
          If you think you dare not, you don’t.

          If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,
          It is almost a cinch you won’t.

          If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost;
          For out in this world we find
          Success begins with a person’s will
          It’s all in the state of mind.

          If you think you’re outclassed, you are;

          You’ve got to think high to rise.
          You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
          You can ever win the prize.

          Life’s battles don’t always go
          To the stronger or faster man;

          But sooner or later the person who wins
          Is the one who thinks he can!

          “Thinking” by Walter Wintle


          Pre-beatdown playlists are just as crucial as the actual beatdown playlist. Don’t lose that opportunity to break out some Color Me Badd or New Kids on the Block. Conjuring images and scenes about 8th grade dance or ‘this was my first cassette tape’ builds bonds faster than the actual boot camp.

          I can’t think of a better soundtrack to rep 20 burpees after 270 reps and suicides than the dulcet tones of Alice in Chains. Fitting for the mood. Recycle is a winner amongst winners in this category of playlist curation.

          Still on the topic of Recycle – he shows up wearing his Prosciutto gold beads. Which then, begs the question, ‘Who do you have to kill to earn those gold beads?’

          How about my guy Gusher interrupting his pre-F3 rounds on the track to help with the block setup? Get the picture, I show up, start blaring NKOTB and Color Me Badd and he still sticks around and then humors me with Gusher trivia; indeed an exceptional HIM.

          If you need a great pizza-making song, let me know. I got you.

          Mansiere’s part of some fine Greek royalty (East Ridge Portofino’s); Who said Meds can’t bake? Love it when the Greek’s feign Italiano.


          Upcoming Q’s; Whittler @ Smackdown Thursday, Blue @ Convoy this Saturday; Several options off-mountain to support your Signal Mountain bros!

          Recent Backblasts

            Sousa’s Monday “Fun”-Day

            QIC:  Sousa

            Date: 02/22/2021

            PAX: Ramrod, White Glove, John Doe, Radar, Purple Rain

            AO: Beast Ridge


            Light Drizzle with plenty of puddles to make you blow a tire.


            SSH- 20 count

            SSH- 30 count

            SSH- 40 count

            Forward Fold- Slow 10 count

            Third Grade Exercise- 10 count

            Bonnie Blairs in Cadence- 10 count hard count

            World’s Greatest Stretch- 10 count both sides

            Monkey Humpers- 15 count

            The Thang

            “Something Fun”

            Start with an Indian Run, Run toward Front of park and circle back

            Once Back, 10 Burpees

            Another Indian Run, Once back 9 burpees,

            Rinse and Repeat until down to 1 burpee.


            We rolled the workout dice, after each man had a roll, we took a lap, we got through about two rounds of this before Time was up!


            Sometimes in life you have to do something fun. I don’t just mean do something different to make things more enjoyable or to simply pass the time, I mean something fun that is exciting and genuinely brings joy to your soul. This may be bringing donuts home to the kids, it may mean taking a day off work just to be dad and spend time with your family. It may be planning a day trip, weekend trip, or 7 day vacation. Be wise with your spending but allow yourself to have a good time occasionally and don’t worry about spending a little money. If you are wise and are good stewards with your money, regardless of what you make you should have some fun money budgeted in anyways. Have fun, and enjoy life the responsibly the way we were designed to do. The Thang sucked at first, so the audible was “Strategically placed” to allow for some “fun” even in the wet gloom!


            Called some audibles on warmup exercises. We may have almost gotten hit by a couple different cars, but luckily there were some “real leaders” there that prevented this from happening as my young and reckless Q style almost cost us a couple PAX. Lesson learned “Always run against traffic, never with!” and Lesson understood moving forward! All in all, it was a great beatdown to start off the week!


            Jump on the 3rd-f channel and get involved with Chubby’s Homeless Ministry every Monday at 5:30 pm!