Hair of the Merkin Dog that bit you!

QIC:  Clothespin

Date: 02/29/2020

PAX: DeepDish, Mrs Baker(R), 9Volt(R), Shotput, Bubbles(R), Snow Patrol, Mayhem(R), ElChapo(R), Schnitzel(R)

AO: The Battery


Cool, Sunny with a hint of dog squeeze in the air!!


Run partially around the big circle the opposite direction as usual
SSH- 25 IC
Willy Mayse Hayse – 12 IC
SSH- 20 IC
Forward Fold- 15 IC
SSH- 15 IC faster pace
Abe Bagota- 10 IC
SSH- 20 IC
Baby Arm Circles- 12 IC forward
Baby Arm Circles- 12 IC backward
Moraccan Night Club 15 IC
Overhead Seal Claps 10 IC
Mosey around to first station

The Thang

The expression the hair of the dog, for an alcoholic drink (or in this case Merkins) taken to cure a hangover, is a shortening of ‘a hair of the dog that bit you’. It comes from an old belief that someone bitten by a rabid dog could be cured of rabies by taking a potion containing some of the dog’s hair. The correlation suggests that, although alcohol may be to blame for the hangover (as the dog is for the attack), a smaller portion of the same will, paradoxically, act as a cure. There is, it should be added, no scientific evidence that the cure for either a hangover or rabies actually works.

Six stations set up around loop that goes around the big dog park and the skate park. Mode of transportation between the stations was running, on the east end was bernie and the west end was karaoke! I cut the number by 5 on the third and fourth loops.
Station 1- 25 merkins (first loop)
15 Diamond Merkins (second loop)
Station 2- 15 Aquamans (first loop)
15 Divebombers (second loop)
Station 3- 25 SSH IC (first loop)
50 Imperial Walkers (second loop)
Station 4- 12 Burpees (first loop)
Up-Downs (second loop)
Station 5- 25 squats (first loop)
20 lunges (second loop)
Station 6- 15 Carolina Drydocks
30 100’s IC
We went three and a half loops then moseyed to the pavilion for a little change of pace. Under the pavilion we did:
15 Dips IC
20 Step ups OYO
Grabbed a rock and did:
15 curls IC
15 overhead presses OYO
We moseyed back out to the parking lot for some Bataan Death March we went two loops around the same circle where the stations were set-up. Made sure everyone got to do burpees twice. We then finished our fourth loop around the stations and went back to the pavilion for some more Mary.
15 Big boy sit-ups
10 dying cock roach
10 Oblique crunches each side
Moseyed back to flags for COT


It is better to forgive and forget. Call up that persons that you may have had a disagreement with and work it out. Touch base with that family member you haven’t talked to in a while and work things out. Life is to short to waste it on petty crap!
[The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


“Lady what do you feed that dog!”– ElChapo


Clothespin on Q again Tuesday 3-3-2020

Recent Backblasts

    Don’t go whistling Dixie on Missionary Ridge (see if you want to hear the tune)

    QIC:  Peanuts

    Date: 01/16/2020

    PAX: Fissure; Jabooti; Fastlane; Lanyard; Early Bird; Evita; Homeschool; Misfire; Babel; Countdown; Spangled; Swisher; Swingset; Free Candy; VILA; 9 Volt; Lutefisk; Doodles; Mayhem; Gobbler (FNG); Fully Monty (FNG); Zipper (FNG)

    AO: RidgeCut


    I got a lot of problems with you people.


    SSH x 15 IC;

    Fwd Fold x 10 IC;

    Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC;

    LBAC x 10 IC, RLBAC x 10 IC, Shoulder Press x 10 IC, Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC

    Mosey to Church and do some Iron Chair

    The Thang

    Battle Above the Clouds
    Mosey over to the Hill. Pax pair up. Pax 1 bear crawls up the Hill in a zig zag fashion while Pax 2 does 15 Merkins & 15 LBCs. Upon Pax 2 completing the exercise they jailbreak to Pax 1 to relieve them and swap out.

    423 vs. 706 Civil War

    Divide up in groups of two and either join the North (423) or the South (706):


    Pax 1: 20 squats; 20 lunges; 20 Bonnie Blairs

    Pax 2: Hold Plank

    Rotate until you get to 423


    Pax 1: 25 Flutter Kicks; 25 Hello Dollys; 25 Reverse LBCs; 25 Leg Lifts

    Pax 2: Hold Al Gore

    Rotate until you get to 706

    Upon completion, rotate to the other area code (423 to 706/706 to 423).

    Finish the Thang with a 10 count followed by jail-breaking back up the Hill.


    Finished up with the Circle of Trust and Ball of Man.


    First time I’ve ever seen an FNG bring an FNG – kudos to you Gobbler or maybe Full Monty. What came first the chicken or the egg?

    Recent Backblasts

      Leap Day

      QIC:  threeskin

      Date: 02/29/20

      PAX: Burrito, She Shed, Doodles, Nemo, Ole Mess, The Count, Sidekick, Radiohead, Rocketman, Flyby, Pink Panther, Prosciutto

      AO: Landfill


      Coldish – not freezing


      Been a while since I’ve been in a true COP, so I created one. Had some built in leaping mosies to highlight blocks one, two, and three.

      SSH IC x 10
      Little Baby Arm Circles x 10
      SSH IC x 10
      Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles x 10
      SSH IC x 10
      Tea Pots x 10
      SSH IC x 10
      Milatart Press x 10
      SSH IC x 10
      Good Mornings x 10
      SSH IC x 10
      Willie Mays Hays x 10
      SSH IC x 10
      Squats x 10

      The Thang

      Leap Day can only mean one thing. We must leap… a bunch

      But first! Curly Apocalypse!!!!!!

      Title of exercises or routine
      Progress through 3 stages of activities at a blistering pace.
      Blocks 1, 2, and 3 are staged along the edge of the hill.
      Staging area is near the pavilion. Pair Up

      Leap to block one: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
      – run down to swings: one pax low rows while other mountain climbs
      – run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers

      Leap to block two: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
      – run down to rocks: one pax curls while other presses
      – run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers

      Leap to block three: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
      – run down to swings: one pax squats while other mountain climbs
      – run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers

      Leap to block two: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
      – run down to rocks: one pax curls while other presses
      – run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers

      Leap to block one: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
      – run down to swings: one pax low rows while other mountain climbs
      – run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers

      Winners get to alternate curls (Curly Apocalypse)

      Repeat the exercises with a couple of mods.

      Mary: Flutter Kick Apocalypse!!!!!


      Count and Name: MmmHmm – Even mathletes can do it.

      The math of leap year is crazy interesting. The reason is to keep the summer solstice in the right spot of the middle of the year. Sometime we need to make a leap of faith to keep out center in the right place. If we let things drift over the years we can get out of sync. Know when you need to leap and make the move.


      Flyby Flewby

      Nemo and Ole Mess were very thankful (so thankful they don’t even know) they led the whole way and didn’t have to hear anything about Burrito expelling fluid before the in-laws showed up.

      Sidekick argued that he can miss the first 25% of a second hour workout and because that is still longer than 2 45 minute work outs and get credit for all the work. What say you Peanuts?

      It was noted that flutter kick apocalypse had likely never been put together. Everyone was in favor of the partner curly apocalypse.

      The merits of going down a hill when you have to go back up were argued.

      The goals for that sport with the funny spotted ball were reported missing.


      Praises! Pro’s momma, and Threeskin’s 2nd Cuz
      Both followed by Burrito asking forgiveness.

      Attention to Details – Count The Burpees!!

      QIC:  The Count (Respect Respect)

      Date: 02/27/2020

      PAX: (11 PAX) Dolly, Doodles, Home Alone, Lanyard, Oiler, Sparky, Swing Set, Tinkle, Training Wheels, Villa, Wuzn’t Me

      AO: Ridge Cut


      34 Degrees, Windy but Dry!


      SSH, Forward Fold, Finkle Swing, Willie Mays Hayes, Chest Stretch…

      The Thang

      6 Stations on one side of field w/Coupons, and 6 Stations directly across field at about 30 Yards (Burpee Stations). PAX pair up and line up across from each other. First Partner does 20 reps of exercise while partner does AMRAP Burpees. Flip Flop 3 times. Rotate to next station Rinse and Repeat. Station 1 – Squats – Station 2 – Overhead Press – Station 3 – Lunges – Station 4 – Curls – Station 5 – Tricep Extensions – Station 6 – Flutter Kicks w/ruck extended above. At the end of the exercises Burpee’s were counted up. In all 420 was best guess.


      BALL OF MAN: Countorama, Nameorama,

      The object was keep to keep count of the Burpee’s. The lesson is that leaders have to be diligent in keeping their eyes on the “Details” . In leadership those in charge must not allow distractions to obstruct the team from achieving the goal. As you throw different obstacles and distractions into the mix (adding a station, moving between station to station, etc.) Individuals lost counts along the way thus we had to rationally take a good educated guess. Just a simple example what happens when your not focused on the details.

      Prayer Requests lifted up to those present and to our brothers in the F3 Nation


      It was brought to my attention that I say on occasion “Stop Being a P_ _ _ y”. I want you all to know that it’s said out of love and to motivate… But seriously, some of you guys have real crappy form! 🙂 LOL…


      [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

      Recent Backblasts

        What Goes Down Should Come Back UP!

        QIC:  GeekSquad

        Date: February 27, 2020

        PAX: Bandcamp, Cable Cutter, Couch Potato, Ducktales, Hasbro, Milkman, Snowflake & U-Turn 

        AO: The Huey 


        33 degrees. Windy and cool, but not too bad.


        SSH x 25

        Mountain Climbers x 15

        Proscuitto’s Gold Chains x 15

        SSH x 25

        Merkins X 15

        Moroccan Night Clubs X 15

        SSH X 25

        Forward LB Arm Circles X 

        Backward LB Arm Circles


        The Thang

        The Thang – Field Trip
        30 sec each exercise: 2 Exercises per stop; 1 in plank position and 1 upright (what goes down to plank, comes back up to upright exercises)

            Stop #1 Burpees & Bonny Blair’s – jump Lunges – 30 sec / each
            Stop #2 Plank jacks & Squats jump Lunges – 30 sec / each
            Stop #3 Alternating Shoulder Taps & Mile High Monkey humpers 30 sec / each
            Stop #4 Dive bombers & One legged Bulgarians 30 sec / each
            Stop #5 Peter Parkers & Overhead Presses 30 sec / each

        Mosey to Pavilion
             Wall Sits & Bus Drivers – 30 sec / each
             Muhammad Ali’s & Joe Frazier’s – 30 sec / each
             Indian Run with Speaker back to startex. Handoff Speaker to next person in line

        What I can remember, “We like to Move it, Move it!”; “So just Chill to the next episode (between stops)”

        Recent Backblasts


        “A negative attitude is like a flat tire, before you go anywhere you have to change it,”
        I consider myself a positive person and I fight the urge to get sucked into negativity. However, when I am not intentional about it, I tend to be received as supporting negativity. And sometimes, I do allow myself to get sucked in.
        I cannot tell you how many times I have dreaded a workout because I was tired physically or mentally and yet pushed through it and afterward was glad I did.
        If you ever stop pushing yourself, you will cease know what you are truly capable of. Embrace the suck. What people will always remember is not what you said but rather your attitude when you were faced with difficult times and change.
        Be a difference maker by choosing to have a good attitude in all that you do!


        What I can remember, “We like to Move it, Move it!”; “So just Chill to the next episode (between stops)

        Recent Backblasts


          HaCkEd By Mo3Gza HaCkEr

          HaCkEd By Mo3Gza HaCkEr

          HaCkEd By Mo3Gza HaCkEr #Free Arabe/.

          HaCkEd By Mo3Gza HaCkEr


          [Weather conditions, moon phase, sights, smells, questions, concerns]


          [Details of the warm-up]

          The Thang

          Title of exercises or routine
          [Description of exercises]


          [Insert any wisdom you’d like to share]
          [The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
          BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


          [The “Moleskin” aka the “NAKED-MAN MOLESKIN” is the portion of the Backblast in which the Q describes interesting things about the Workout that are at least partially true.]


          [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

          Recent Backblasts

            The W Road, Fog and Mud…Oh My!

            QIC:  Red Tees

            Date: 2/25/2020

            PAX: Holy Kiss, Prosciutto, Gusher, Whittler, Pediasure, Burrito

            AO: Smackdown


            It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…nah just kinda foggy but pretty comfortable for February. I did pick the muddiest and most uncomfortable places to do our workouts in an AO with pretty good facilities overall…That’s me, I could screw up a rock throwing contest.


            SSH’s, Forward Folds ham string stretches and Willy Mays Hayes as well as some planks and merkins on a track that was not made for planks and merkins, but our guys were tough. Arm circles forward and reverse as well as cherry pickers.

            The Thang

            We started with an Indian Run and burpees around the track. Then we partnered up and moseyed to the bleachers. The good men of Smackdown had some coupons for us and while one pax did 2 rounds of box jumps up the bleachers the other pax did their share of 100 dips, 150 monkey humpers, 200 flutter kicks 250 squats and 200 curls all utilizing the cinder blocks. In the middle of the Dora we stopped to do the Roxanne shuffle made popular by Free Candy and burpees to I Won’t Back Down, because it popped up in the playlist I made, and it’s a great way to know\ck out 19 burpees a man toward our million burpee challenge. We ended with Mary which included crunches heel touches and Freddie Mercuries.


            The Good Lord gives us new mercy and blessing each day. The men who came out to push themselves and each other were a blessing to me. Friar Tuck needs to be lifted up for healing his knee and just encouragement to keep coming out and modifying. We love ya brother, We want to remember Laces Out and his mission in Uganda and the transition in leadership happening there. We want to pray for the man or woman that God has in line to take on the leadership of that mission. God is all good and he works all things for good for those who love Him. It’s in his time and for his purposes, we just have to have faith and follow Him. Also keep Pro’s mom in our prayers as she is having another medical procedure on her road to recovery. The transition of going from being cared for by your parents to caring for them is odd and a learning process for us all I would imagine, but from what I know of Prosciutto he will handle whatever comes with grace and care.


            I was late because the Q should be there to welcome everyone and I was the last there. I took us to the muddy spots of the workout area, had us doing push ups on the roughest part of the track and I think the lady walking on the track may have called the neighborhood watch because of the loud music I was playing. Luckily all the guys gave me grace for my missteps, worked their butts off and were really encouraging one to another. I can’t wait for Pediasure’s VQ (you will do great, my wife and I were in Kenny Hammontree’s Sunday School class with you and your wife a few years ago, we have to get him out there at some point) and it was awesome to see Whittler and meet Gusher and Holy Kiss. Burrito as always it’s fun posting with you and Prosciutto you are a machine.


            Join the bone marrow registry. Issac Miller needs a match in the next month. Go to to get a kit and get on the registry.

            Recent Backblasts

              Wait…Which Pole Are We Running To?

              QIC: RED TEES

              Date: 02/24/2020

              PAX: Jabooti, Early Bird, Toe Tag, Snow Patrol, Money Ball, Swing Set, Fast Lane, Mayhem, The Count, Cold Play, Sparky, Oiler, Peanuts, Home Alone, Best in Show

              AO: BEAST RIDGE


              It’s shocking how the rain stops at 5:29am


              It was a warm up like most Beast Ridge warm ups I’ve been involved in. We started with side straddle hops and I had to try a 21 which I thought we might fail once I got the group to “2” in the out loud count and we were a bit off beat and I KNEW we were going to fail at my silent count of 20 and at least two of the Pax proudly exclaimed “21”! 5 burpee penalty enforced.

              The Thang

              I’m like a cat in may ways. Nimble, love milk, aloof at times and hate getting wet, so I moseyed us over to the pavilion to do our thang even though it wasn’t really raining. We paired up, shockingly I think this is the first time at Beast Ridge that Peanuts and I were not paired up, (team Red-Nuts is a formidable duo), and we embarked on a musical Dora. One pax ran 20 yards and did 5 merkins and back to the pavilion while the other pax did their share of 100 dips, 150 monkey humpers, 200 flutter kicks, and 250 squats. Money Ball did more than his fair share of our Dora because I had to keep monkeying with the music…I owe you brother.

              After that each team did 30 crunches while the other partner sat on the wall (rinse and repeat x 3). The group then did the burpee dance to I Won’t Back Down (19 burpees) in honor of The Count being there because Tom Petty’s mom used to work at the police department he worked at in Florida (I think that is the story he told me once any way). We then did an Indian Run in which we did two merkins before we sprinted to the front of the line for a couple of rounds and finished up with a merkin/plank/ab beat down.


              I am so thankful for the men the Lord has brought into my life through F3. The accountability, fellowship and support in doing life is a true blessing. I am so thankful for the grace and mercy the Lord shows me each day and the prayers I see being answered for the men in our groups. I encourage all of our guys to put their faith in the Lord and give their worries and anxiety to Him. No matter what is going on here we destined for heaven and an eternal life beyond what we could ever imagine here if we just follow Him as our savior. EB’s wife is having some surgery and the Count’s brother is still in need of our prayers.


              Nobody knows which light pole to stop at in the parking lot at Beast Ridge when doing any exercise and I know it’s not just when I am Q 🙂 The Count tried to shame all of us by saying he and Home Alone finished the Dora first with a combined age of 77 and Money Ball was quick to do his mental math and realize ALL the rest of us had a combined age for the most part beyond 77 (He and I were 85 for instance). Sparky never stopped…keep it up brother. Peanuts was right on time at 5:34. Giving Back Pew a run for his money on that Gloomy for 2020.


              Join the Bone Marrow Registry guys. Keep Isaac Miller in your prayers. Sign up for the 3rd F service and please go donate blood to support our 100 gallon challenge. The group code is 9004117.

              Recent Backblasts

                My Playlist has more than 4 songs!!!

                QIC:  The Count (Respect/Respect)

                Date: 03/28/2020

                PAX:  FNG-Amir Rehiem(Jordache), FNG-Jeremy Kennedy(Ruby), 9-Volt (Respect), Annie, Clothes Pin, Cold Play, Deep Dish, El Chapo (Respect), Escobar, Fast Lane, John Doe, Mayhem (Respect), Miss Baker (Respect), Peanuts, Runner Up, Snow Patrol, Swipe Right, Three Skin, Toe Tag, Vaccine, Wuzn’t Me

                AO:  Hacksaw


                37 degrees and dry


                PAX all circled in P/L by flag (Domino’s), Used 30 lb Sandbag and passed from one PAX to another counter clockwise (increasingly speeding up), after 2nd pass, reverse clockwise. Next, SSH (I/C 20). Mosey toward Memorial Park, around path and under street near PD P/L and Pavilion.

                The Thang

                HIIT meets Merkin Mania
                Under Pavilion using picnic tables and P/L (about 35 yards)
                PAX pair up and split up. First PAX go to Pavilion and Second PAX to P/L. First PAX performs 7 Merkin Exercises (using proper form) as quickly as possible 10 Reps each. 1)Merkin – 2)Incline Merkin – 3)Decline Merkin – 4)Diamond Merkin – 5)Werkin – 6)Ranger Merkin – 7)Chuck Norris Merkin. Second PAX in P/L is doing Bernie Sanders approximately 35 yards and quick Mosey back to start (Rinse and Repeat 3 times). Flip Flop with First PAX and Rinse and Repeat. When both PAX have completed Merkins and Bernie all PAX meet in P/L circle up. Slow Squat (I/C 20 Reps), Alternating Lunges (I/C 20 Reps). That Completes round 1. Rinse and Repeat for round 2 (Only change, add 10 Burpees. Round 3 move faster and do 5 Reps / 2 Bernie’s and add 10 more Burpees. Mosey back to Memorial Park and circle Flag Pole for Mary’s: 10 (I/C) of following Mary’s: LBC’s, American Hammer, Freddy Mercury’s, BBS, Heals To Heaven…. ENDEX


                Enjoyed a Good Pre F3 ruck of 5 miles with Clothes Pin and Mayhem. They were very happy to hear that I had planned an easy workout. I probably should have said it was easy to plan the workout. What a difference in the meaning changes just my moving a couple words… 🙂
                BALL OF MAN: Had several Prayer requests and a praise for a little boy who appears to be healed from cancer. We also want to find a match for the little guy Mayhem has been keeping us up to speed on. He needs a Bone Marrow match! PRAY PRAY PRAY


                We welcome to the F3 Chattanooga and F3 Nation “Ruby” and “Jordache” Funniest comment came from “Jordache” (who by the way wore jeans to the workout). He said he thought it was going to be easy. I guess he was planning to go to work right afterwards since it was Friday and probably “Casual Day” he wasn’t going to shower… LOL. Also, when I asked him how he was feeling during some Bernie….He said, “I feel Nauseous”! Put a smile on my old man face!!


                [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

                Recent Backblasts

                  Total Body Jackedness

                  QIC:  Sidekick

                  Date: 02/25/2020

                  PAX:  Backfire; Pebbles; Jabooti; Doodles; Fissure; Vsquared; Dirk; The Count (RX2); Jazzy Jag; Teflon – FNG

                  AO: Boneyard


                  51 and NOT RAINING


                  Forward Fold ICX15; Third Grade Exercises ICX15; SSH ICX15; Slow Squats ICX15; Slow Mercans ICX15; Seal Claps ICX15; Overhead Press ICX15

                  The Thang

                  F3 Multiplicity
                  Title of exercises or routine
                  Challenge #1

                  Mosey to the Apparati

                  Split off into pairs, 5 Groups

                  Group 1 – Pull ups – 10 Reps – This is the 6

                  Group 2 – Dips on bars – AMRAP

                  Group 3 – Big Boy Situps – AMRAP

                  Group 4 – Cardio bikes – AMRAP

                  Group 5 – Step ups with block/corn – AMRAP

                  Once the pull ups complete their reps we all run up the path to the pillars and back down.

                  Rotate through each station with a lap in between until all stations have been completed.

                  Challenge #2

                  Hands Up Mercan Dora

                  Stay in your pairs – Dora to 100 Hands Up Mercans – Run to the bike rack and back

                  Challenge #3

                  Suzuki Quad-burner

                  Wall sit – Man on end picks up the block and does one overhead press then passes it down the line – man on other end repeats and passes back down the line


                  Wall sit – Various arm positions and movements in a non perverted or molester way with your neighbors


                  Circle Up and pull plank – One man performs 3 deep squats with Corn on your back – pass off to the next man – work around the circle until completion

                  Mosey to the flag


                  LBC ICX20; Dying Cockroach ICX15; Pretzel crunch ICX8 each side; Flutter kicks ICX15


                  Push yourself to do things outside of your comfort zone when there is some self improvement available on the other end. CSAUP was this for me. I was a whiny toddler multiple days ahead of Saturday for lots of reasons. Mainly because it was going to suck and I didn’t want to do it. When it was all said and done, it did suck, but I enjoyed it thoroughly and being able to say I did it feels great.


                  Pebbles is fast. PAX do not like hands up mercans. File that away for later…


                  Recent Backblasts