Character Builder

QIC: Holy Kiss

Date: 01/23/2020

PAX: Prosciutto, Whittler, Pomade, Burrito, The Count, Pediasure, Bumble Bee, Steam Engine, Gusher

AO: Smackdown


It was a balmy 38 degrees on our mountain retreat but we got warm pretty quickly.


Warm up lap around track

Little Baby Arm Circles X15 and reverse X15, Willy Mays Hays X10, Imperial Walkers X10, SSH X25, Third Grade Exercise X15

The Thang

7 of Diamonds

Round 1 (Arms)
Station 1: Merkins X7 and Bernie Sanders to Station 2

Station 2: Worst Merkin Ever X7 and Bernie Sanders to Station 3

Station 3: Clerkin X7 and Bernie Sanders to Station 4

Station 4: Blockee X7 and Jail Break to Station 1

Round 2 (Legs)

Station 1: Lunges X 14 (each leg) and Jail Break to Station 2

Station 2: Box Jump Bleachers X 14 and Jail Break to Station 3

Station 3: Burpees X 14 and Jail Break to Station 4

Station 4: No Surrender X 14 and Bernie Sanders to Station 1

Round 3 (Abs)

Station 1: LBCs X 21 and Bernie Sanders to Station 2

Station 2: Flutter Kicks X 21 and Bernie Sanders to Station 3

Station 3: V- Ups X 21 and Bernie Sanders to Station 4

Station 4: Flutter Kicks X 10 & Dolly X 11 and Jail Break to Station 1

Round 4 (Character Builder)

Station 1: Partner Burpees X 28 and Jail Break to Station 2

Station 2: Bear Crawl Length of Bleachers and Jail Break to Station 3

Station 3: Partner Burpees X 28 and Jail Break to Station 4

Station 4: Bear Crawl Length of Bleachers


A man’s character is defined by the things you do and the decisions you make when no one else is watching. It is having the integrity to make the hard choices when there are no repercussions and accountability.

To quote Honest Abe “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it and the tree is the real thing”

We all have different “shadows” of how we act and appear as husbands, fathers, in the workplace, and around friends. Those are a lot of “shadows” to manage. My challenge to the PAX is to just focus on strengthening your “tree” or the true character of the man and your “shadows” will fall in to place.


I wont mention names.. Ahheemm… Prosciutto, Whittler, Burrito… but there was some question about the accuracy of the exercises. Just to rest your mind at ease… straight from the F3 Exercise List… I’m not one to say “I told you so” but I told you so!

Worst Merkin Ever: 1 Wide Arm Merkin, 1 Regular Merkin, 1 Diamond Merkin performed in succession with no break in form = 1 Worst Merkin Ever.

Clerkin: A merkin with a clap, either OYO or with a partner.

Blockee: Burpees with cinder blocks. With your cinder block drop down and do a Merkin on the cinder block. Return to the standing position and press the cinder block above your head to complete one rep.

No Surrender: Begin the no-surrender in the standing position with your hands locked behind your head and elbows pointing outward.4 count: 1.Go down on left knee, then 2. down on the right knee so now you’re on both knees. 3.Then stand back up on left leg then 4. up with the right leg. After half the desired reps, switch the starting leg so that you don’t favor one side.

Recent Backblasts

    Nolan Richardson was Honest

    QIC:  WuzntMe 

    Date: 1/22/20

    PAX: Toe tag, Peanuts, swiperight, vaccine, bernie, fastlane, MaYhem, clothespin,  snow patrol, coldplay, speed trap

    AO: Hacksaw




    Mosey to Sherriff’s Lot

    SSH x20
    5 burpees OYO
    SSH x 20
    Imperial Walkers x15
    SSH x20
    Forward Fold x10
    Mountain Climbers x15
    SSH x20
    5 burpees OYO

    The Thang

    Grab a block and a partner for the Nolan Richardson

    50 Manmakers

    100 Abyss Merkins on block

    150 block shoulder presses

    200 lunges

    250 Flutter Kicks

    300 LBCs

    350 Shoulder taps

    Partner A runs lap around flags while partner B does exercises. Switch.


    The other day, my M told me I looked like crap. She said I looked like I needed rest, and insisted I fartsack on Tuesday morning. She was right. I’ve had a hellacious project wrap up, and my exhaustion showed.

    In that moment, my M was not nice, but she was honest. My brother once told me that being nice isn’t a virtue, but that being honest is. I challenge the Pax to surround themselves with people who can be honest with them, and to be honest with others when possible. As men, we tend to think that we should just keep working at something, when in actuality, we can be at risk of exhaustion. I needed to hear what my M had to share. Maybe someone needs to hear you.


    Very little mumble chatter. When time was called, I did hear something along the lines of “oh thank God for small victories.” I’ll take it.

    Chamber music promised, chamber music delivered during Countarama.


    Sale creek convergence 2/8. Looking to get a 2.0 campout scheduled for end of March.

    Recent Backblasts

      Nobody Counts Like That

      QIC:  Echo

      Date: 01/22/2020

      PAX: Ducktales, Hardtail, Hasbro, Milkman, Mr. Clean, Postman, Threeskin

      AO: Liberty Crick


      45 degrees colder than last week’s post. TN weather throwing out Powerball numbers.


      Arm Circles x50 OYO

      Seal Clap, Overhead Claps, and Seal/Overhead Clap Combo x30 IC

      Running in Place

      The Thang

      This was Echo’s first Q. For most, more posts and more convo would have occurred ahead of time. However, with military experience. Might as well jump in and see where we were.

      Panther Mile
      Loop around Coppinger –> Rock Creek –> HWY 27 (there is a sidewalk) –> Patterson Rd –> Finish at Startex.

      Raider Course
      Echo put us through the Raider Course…Low Crawls, frozen monkey bars, frozen pull-up bars, frozen wall, another frozen wall, frozen climbing rope, frozen monkey ropes….finish


      It is hard to get up, get out, and fight through this weather, but everyone who showed is not better for it.


      Threeskin — This course is perfect…especially for a convergence, in the summer, on a Saturday

      Several Pax on Course: NOPE…


      Please check out the poll on Sale Creek channel. Name options: Liberty Creek, Liberty Crick, and The Creek.

      Continue to EH anyone on the “Northern End”

      CONVERGENCE — 02/08/2020 AT SALE CREEK!

      Recent Backblasts

        Color Ernest Shackleton Impressed

        QIC:  Gusher

        Date: 01/21/2020

        PAX: Laces Out (Respect), Whittler, Friar Tuck, Pomade, Burrito, Blindside, Prosciutto

        AO: Smackdown


        Not even Shackleton would launch his ship in this stuff, but we’re the PAX of the mountain and we will embark. Weather app says chill index is very cold…understatement. Weather app says conditions are no good for running…underestimated the men of Smackdown. Weather app also says Dry Skin Index is of very high concern. Don’t know what that means. But its pretty cool in a creepy way the weather app has a skin index. Glad it wasn’t around during middle school.


        Easy lap around the track to get the blood moving

        SSH (20 IC); WMH (15 IC); IW (20 IC); 3rd Grade Ex (15 IC); LBAC Forward (10 IC)/Reverse (10 IC) Took a nice jaunt across the field to where the coupons mysteriously formed into a Stonehenge of sorts. So we moved them. We get things done.

        The Thang
        One Mile with exercises (AMRAP- style)

        Pax counted off by threes to alternate exercises until everyone completes lap. We do this four times for a mile. Goal is to keep moving and get as many reps as possible before traveling PAX return.

        Lap 1: Run lap, merkins (amrap), SSH (amrap)

        Lap 2: Run lap, LBCs (amrap), Squats (amrap)

        Lap 3: Run lap, Block Curls (amrap), Mountain Climbers (amrap)

        Lap 4: Block Squats (amrap), Dips on the Bleacher (amrap)

        Brief Stop at the Bowflex: Incline Merkins (10 IC), Box Jump to Top, Toe Merkins (30 OYO)

        Mary: Flutter Kick (20 IC); Freddie Mercury (20 IC); Heal Touches (20 IC); Shoulder Taps (10 IC)


        Continued reflection on the Landfill Tran-Situation (basically any opportunity to remind everyone to go back and read the backblast because it is gold-plated gold). Driving home from the Landfill, YHC remembered a brief prayer made by a minister who was robbed and it highlighted two qualities: grace and gratitude. All kindnesses and blessings, and even hardships that teach us things like endurance and perseverance, are graces. Whether that be trying tests of faith or peaceful moments of blessings. Our response in all things should be gratitude. The 18th century prayer is as follows: “Let me be thankful, first, because he never robbed me before; second, because although he took my purse [old English use of wallet or European man-satchel], he did not take my life; third, because although he took all I possessed, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.” That final petition is poignant. The only difference between a thief and one who does not thieve is grace. Not because I am better. Grace and gratitude.

        BALL OF MAN: It was cold. I don’t think anyone would have complained if we held on to this position a little longer than what would be socially acceptable.


        It was bone-chilling; one possible suggestion was to Ball of Man the entire workout, maybe an eight-legged race, or something. It was good to have Burrito back after his Kevin Duranting around Nashville. He is home where he belongs and where he is embraced both literally and figuratively. Laces Out is a half marathon machine bringing Racoon Mt. to its knees. California will be getting some wild fire this week, but not the dangerous forest kind. Maybe some west coast handsy type stuff. Biggie Smalls ain’t dead.


        No news is good news.

        Recent Backblasts

          It was cold, cold, cold, cold…….

          QIC:  Toe Tag

          Date: 1/20/2020

          PAX: Chavez, Fauker, Swisher, Zipper, Fastlane, Swipe Right, Peanuts, Jazzy Jag,  Iron Butt, MayHem, Lanyard, Swingset and Evita

          AO: Beast Ridge


          It was a perfect 24 degree morning with lots of comrades joining in the gloom.


          SSH, 3rd grade exercise, Forward Fold, SSH, Little Baby arm circles, forward and backward, Seal claps, Moroccan night club, and some more SSH’s. Mosey around to the parking lot by the pavilion.

          The Thang

          Objective to keep moving and stay warm
          We had 4 stations set up in the parking lot and we divided into 4 groups. Each station had 4 different exercises which consisted of anything from Merkins, to Plank Jacks, to BB sit ups, to Burpees. We did one of the exercises for 1 minutes, ran one lap around all the cones and moved on to the next station.

          Rinse and repeat from station to station while running a lap in between each minute of exercises. By the time it was all said and done we had completed 11 different exercises and 10 laps before the mosey back to the parking lot.



          Every year I try and choose a word that defines my year for me. This year the word that I have been given is the word “discipline.” On this cold weather it took the discipline of the people around me and the fact that I knew they were counting on me for me to show up.

          I am a work in progress and some days I have the discipline I need and other days I don’t but I am thankful for this group of men holding me accountable and lifting me up when that discipline is not there.


          No transvestites were present…… at least not that we could tell, with all those layer of clothes we had on.


          Discussed the 3rd F and the ability to put our faith into action by helping to volunteer to deliver clothes and supplies to the needy. This partnership is to come alongside the folks of Chubby’s BBQ on Tuesday nights if interested.

          Recent Backblasts

            Around the World in 45 Minutes

            QIC:  El Chapo

            Date: 1/21/2020

            PAX: Clothespin, Mrs. Baker, Deep Dish, Pokey , Topless

            AO: The Battery


            Chilly 22 degress with a wind chill. There was the aroma of Twix in the air.


            After a short mosey to The Shawnee Ba Ba Global Airport we prepared for a long flight by doing the following warm-up exercises: Side Straddle Hop x 10, Forward fold x10, Willy Mays Haze x10, Side Straddle Hop x 10, doing the
            LBC’s x 15, Reverse, Cherry pickers x 10, Chinook x10 , Third Grade Exercise x 10, Side Straddle Hop x10

            The Thang

            Around the World in 45 Minutes
            First stop Canada: While in Canada the travelers used a manual chair lift by lunging to the top of hell hill. Once on top of the hill the travelers performed 5 Chinooks. We did this three times.
            2nd stop Europe : Germany & France . Fitness often looks different around the world. In some countries, people prefer to get their fitness outside rater than the gym. Parkour is huge in France. Parkour uses builings. parks and streets like a gym. We used the skate park obstacles for the French portion of our workout. Box jumps X20, Step ups X20 Burpees X10 , Incline push ups x 15. (we did this 2 times) with a quick mosey around Europe) .
            Germany -In Germany (Cologne in particular) offer out-of-the- box workouts as well as skateparks and indoor/outdoor climbing walls. We used the skate park for Decline push ups X20, Burpees x 15, Big Boy Sit up’s X20 , more step up’s X15 . & 10 Side Straddle Hop X10 . We did 2 laps around the skatepark(Our Europe) and repeated the exercises one more time.
            3rd &final stop China – we departed Europe by way of a mosey to the pavilion (.Chinese pagoda) While in China we used an 11 minute Tai Chi video to learn 5 different tai chi moves.


            Love your neighbors. Learn something new about your neighbors everyday.. This is a big world and people around the world love to work out. It is interesting to see the unique approaches to exercise, and it can alson be an inspiration to switch your workouts up and learn new things about the world at the same time.
            BALL OF MAN: Prayers for Topless( family issues) , Clothspins son Trygg has undergone for scans that went well but revealed a couple of new health issuses that will need to be addressed . Prayers for El Chapo’s brother Christopher who is continuing to struggle with chemotherapy treatments.


            Tai Chi exercises would be best to do in the spring


            3rd F … Helpin Chatts Homeless tonight Q – John Doe
            Relay for Life meeting 1/28 at the Hampton in Cleveland 5:30-6:30pm

            Recent Backblasts

              Did I ever tell you about the time a transvestite stole all our stuff at the Landfill?

              QIC:  Sunburn

              Date: 01/18/2020

              PAX: Pink Panther, Money Ball, Radiohead, Skitch, Prosciutto, Fissure, Uncle Fester, Fly By, Gusher

              AO: Landfill


              A little cold but the wind died down, we beat the rain and it didn’t take too long to warm up.


              Forward Fold, Morning Stretch, 3rd Grade excersise. Calf Stretch, Slow Merkins, Little Baby arm circles, forward and backward. Carolina Dry Dock, Upward Dog, Downward Dog etc. Mosey downt to the bottom gate.

              The Thang

              Mountain Climb – Slow & Steady
              Be serious-Do you think anyone is reading this? I think everyone is scrolling to the bottom to here the story of the transvestite who stole our stuff.

              Starting at the bottom of the hill, leg kick toe toaches to 2nd pole. Lunges to 5th pole then Bernie Sanders up to last pole. 5 Burpee’s. Repeat sequence up to next level.

              High Plank, low plank, merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, Air Squats.

              Repeat sequence of toe kicks, lunges and Brenie Sanders around dog park.

              Suicides in parking lot. – 10 Burpees run to opposite end and 1 Air Squat, Run back and 9 Burpees, 2 Air Squats. Etc. Etc until you’ve finished 1 Burpee and 10 Air Squats.

              Mosey back up to main parking lot. LBC’s, Planks High/Low etc.

              Merkin Countdown: 10 merkins, run around end of lot and 9 Merkins etc. etc.

              This is when all hell broke loose.


              I have no idea what went on during the COT. Fissure, Money Ball and I were out fighting crime. I think Skitch led it and prayed for the safe return of our stuff (This prayer was answered in 10 minutes)


              Just your typical day at the Landfill.

              Thank God Radiohead had a BM or we may not be here today, well at least a few phones, jackets and car keys.

              Here we are just doing our thang and Radiohead comes walking out of the bathroom post BM saying “I hope you didn’t leave stuff up there on the picnic tables. Someone just drove off with a bunch of stuff, he kind of looked like a transvestite.” Our first reaction was to run up and check our stuff becasue who these days doesn’t leave their phones, car keys and sweatshirts unattended in a public park while working out a half mile down the hill. Still no reaction to the words “he kind of looked like a transvestite”. I could only think of my new I-phone and now regretting not buying the insurance. The police were called as we stood around in disbelief that some had no way to get home because their keys were stolen, some of us were in despair that our phones were now gone and my whole worklife is on that thing and I had a busy day a head of me, while others were now shivering because they no long had a sweatshirt to keep them warm.

              It was a this point our resident technoweenie Prosciutto reminds us that our phones can be tracked. Immediatly Fissure calls mama at home to find his phone and me, (Sunburn) calls son, (Ascot) to track mine. He and the daughter in law had just downloaded some find your friend app so they could keep track of us. Well Ascot wasn’t answering but we took the locaiton given by Mrs. Fissure and Sunburn and Fissure took off in pursuit to locate the perv….I mean perp.

              Fissure and I figured out which way to go and ran into a Red Bank Police officer who had someone pulled over but ends up wrong person. Meanwhile Money Ball shows up in his fancy new F150 with Ascot blowing his phone up with my phone location. I commence to call Ascot who is totally confused but I tell him don’t ask questions just direct us. So like the obedient child he’s always been Ascot directs us to the location my phone is pinging and we come around the corner to see the light colored Ford SUV as discribed by Radiohead post BM.

              We go charging up the hill with Money Ball behind us in his fancy new F150 and slide in sideways blocking the driveway and we jump out like Crockett and Tubbs chasing smugglers and that’s when Radioheads words come back to me, “he kind of looked like a transvestite” Yes folks, there she was in all her glory, pink dress, blue eye shadow, red lips and harry arms. At first we thought it was Red Tees but then we realized Red Tees has much nicer skin. We must of scared the perp becasue she immediatly stretched out her hands with the loot and said she came back to call the cops becasue she thought someone would be missing them and maybe someone left them there overnight.

              We called the cops who apparently don’t know their own streets becuse I had to walk down to Dayton Blvd and flag them down as they were looking for us. We chose not to press charges, a police report was made and we returned with our phones, keys and sweatshirts to live another day. This my friends is how F3 lore is made.

              As we returned and told our war stories with the remaining PAX at the AO Skitch had the best question of the day, “Did you invite him to F3?” Remember PAX, always be recruiting. F3 is a men’s workout group, with the mission to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. Leadership by many this morning led us to reunite with our possessions. Never take anything for granted. I’m sure the rest of the PAX from todays workout did the same as I did. We went home, we hugged our loved ones and held them in a long embrace with tears in our eyes and telling them how much we love and appreciate them. Be safe out there friends, appreciate what and who you have in your life, but most of all, DON’T LEAVE YOUR STUFF ON A PICNIC TABLE IN A PUBLIC PARK! this time it was a transvestite, next time it could be a unicorn.


              Nothing to report here.

              Recent Backblasts

                The Mountain Between Us

                QIC:  Sunburn

                Date: 01/02/2020

                PAX: Burrito, Blindside, Bumblebee, Friar Tuck, Holy Kiss, Money Ball, Laces Out, Pomade, Prosciutto, The Count, FNG-Thighmaster, Whittler

                AO: Smackdown


                A bit chilly but we survived.


                Wrong Way Lap on track. SSH’s, WMH’s, TGE, LBAC, forward, reverse, Overhead Press, Morocan Night Clubs, Seal Claps

                The Thang

                Is this what you call a stadium?

                Box Jump to top (All 5 levels) 10 Merkins @ Top / LBC’s at Bottom – Repeat 5 Times

                Another wrong way lap and we’re behind the bleachers:

                Suicides with Air Squats x 10, Suicides with walking lunges x 3, Suicides and return for 10 burpees.

                To the goal line we go for 20 yard walking lunges, broad jumps with Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks and smurf jacks in between. Bear crawl to about the end and we are done.


                Since it’s the begining of the year we’ve been talking goals and commitments. Today we talked about each day we have the opportunity for a new begining. We cannot rewrite the past, we cannot go back and change a situation that’s happened in the past that we’ve regret. What we can do is go from this point forward to make the right choices, do the right things and continue to move forward in our pursuit of bettering ourselves. We can learn from our mistakes and bad decisions in the past but don’t dwell there. Most importantly, one of the things that hold us back from moving forward and growing is that we have not forgiven ourselves for those shortcomings of the past. In order to grow and move forward we need to know we have been forgiven by Our Father and now we need to forgive ourselves.


                I’m a little disappointed I was not presented with a smoking jacket with the Smackdown Logo, however I am thrilled that they would allow someone that lives on the other mountain to come over and Q for them. I haven’t lived in this town long but I do know the labels given to these two communities. new money vs old money but truth be told, when working out in the gloom everyone is just trying to make it to the COT. Money is overrated anyway so stay away from debt, it’s not your friend.

                Little known fact. My goal was to keep Burrito as quite as possible. No-one caught on that every time Burrito started to talk his non-sense I called out 5 burpees. Wouldn’t you know it during the COT Burrito got one of his stupid awkward jokes in which certainly was cringe worthy.

                *Full disclaimer: Excersises described in The Thang may or may not have happened. At my advanced age I could have written the back blast right after the workout and still not gotten it right. So, most of it happened at some point during the beatdown and some of it I just made up because it sounded good.


                Gloomies – Burrito to MC and what a job he did!

                Recent Backblasts

                  Greater Love Hath No Man…

                  QIC:  Lutefisk 

                  Date: 01/17/2020

                  PAX: Peanuts, Angel Hair, Walla Walla, Snow Patrol, Coldplay, Wuzntme, Mayhem, Bernie, DNF, Annie, 9 Bolt, Three Skin, Speed Trap, Toe Tag

                  AO: hacksaw


                  Brisk and cool like the mountains of Norway on a warm summer day.


                  Circled around the flag. A few merkins, arm circles, and burpees later we were ready to roll.

                  The Thang

                  My Brother’s Keeper
                  PAX started at one of the two ends of the line of flags. They then completed one of the follow sets of exercises in order to progress to the next flag. However, the goal was for EVERYONE to finish, which meant that PAX who got ahead were encouraged to switch with whichever PAX was at the 6.

                  Burpees – 5

                  Merkins – 10

                  Bonnie Blairs – 10

                  Squats – 15

                  Lunges – 15

                  Crunchy Frog – 20

                  Leg Lifts – 20

                  LBCs – 25

                  Once every PAX had made it through, every circled around the final flag where we completed 30 burpees (with the encouragement that PAX who finished first could help other PAX complete their tally) and then completed a plank/squat variatio


                  Hacksaw is named after Hacksaw Ridge, where Desmond Doss, a combat medic and pacifist due to religious beliefs, saved the lives of dozens of soldiers (both American and Japanese) during World War 2. He was a man who embodied the verse, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” In the example of Desmond Doss, however, we see the term “friends” as we know it extended to not only those who were his personal friends but all humanity.

                  In Ephesians 2, Paul writes, ” For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility (v. 14)… And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near (v. 17).” Paul speaks of how Christ came and preached peace to those who were far off (the Gentiles) and those were near (the Jews), making them in to one man and breaking down “the dividing wall of hostility.” The Jews and Gentiles were people groups that were culturally, religiously, politically, ethnically, and socially different from one another, and yet Christ broke down the walls of hostility and preached peace to both.

                  The Japanese and Americans were different culturally, religiously, politically, ethnically, and socially, and yet Desmond Doss broke down the walls of hostility in the moment of chaos and preached peace to both.

                  As we enter in to 2020, where we in American have sectioned ourselves off culturally, religiously, politically, ethnically, and socially from one another, building dividing walls of hostility, can we choose to lay down our lives for our friends, those around us, and preach peace to both those who are near (those who think, look, act, and speak like us) and those who are far (those who do not think, look, act, and speak like us)?

                  We will never see someone for who they truly are (how Christ sees them), if we look at them through a wall. So, in 2020, may we be bridge builders, not wall builders. May we be focused on being good listeners and not being right. And may we preach (model and show) peace (love without conditions, selflessness, respect) those who are near and those who are far.


                  Mayhem served Hot Chocolate communion during the COT. It was magic.


                  OTB AO Saturday at NGa Brainerd Baptist Campus from 7-8.

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Daily Deal in the City of Hills

                    QIC:  Skitch

                    Date: 1/16/2020

                    PAX: Dirk, Goose, Hansen, Hobo, Kowbell, Oil Can, Sinai, Sunshine, Wort 

                    AO: Hill City


                    It didn’t rain. It was a fine day for January.


                    Something like: SSH x 20 IC. Forward Fold x 10 IC. Imperial Walkers x 10 IC. SSH x 15 IC. You know, the normal. Mosey to Bridge Rocks.

                    The Thang

                    Skitch used one of his Christmas gifts
                    Learning the Dexicon
                    PAX took turns dealing from the F3 Workout Deck:

                    17 Monkey Humpers; 18 backwards lunges; 20 Incline Merkins; 14 Heels to Heaven; 25 Squats; 15 Oblique crunches, each side; 100 Baby Arm Circles – 50 4-counts each direction; 19 Low, Slow Squats; 25 Plank Jacks; 25 Burpees; 17 Derkins; 25 Mountain Climbers; 100 SSHs (50 4-counts); Four sprints (half way from Bridge Rocks to end of lights, then the remainder, then half way back, then all the way back); 100 M (est) Lunge Walk; 14 Carolina Dry Docks; 60 sec low plank; 2 to 12 (varied by PAX) hand clap merkins; 17 LBCs; mosey to start. Time.


                    We have very little control over the events in life and each day. Yet we have a lot of control over how we respond to them. Do we work with diligence, are we faithful to the task at hand? How do we respond to unexpected words or actions from our boss or our kids?

                    BALL OF MAN.


                    There is an F3 deck of cards. There is a dexicon that explains the deck. We knew most of the ones we pulled. Heels to Heaven hurts the spine on concrete. 50 SSH’s is a lot. The HIM present responded well to what they were dealt.


                    Candu has a new puppy. There will be a convergence and a CSAUP in the future.

                    Recent Backblasts