Impact and Influence

QIC:  Mr. Clean

Date: 08/20/2022

PAX: Blue, Boomhauer, Doogie, Fivehead



Humid. Humid as if the Convoy Ultimate Frisbee Dudes were pissing off the mountain…


The disclaimer…

The Thang

Completed the following in AMRAP format for 6 minute sets w/a mosey up the hill to the Stop sign in between each.

Set 1
15 — Jump Squats
15 — Hard Count Lunges
10 — Merkins
20 — LBC’s

Set 2
30 — Hard Count Mountain Climbers
20 — Squats
10 — Leg Raises
10 — Plank to Pikes

Set 3
30 — SSH’s
30 — Plank Jacks
20 — BBSU’s

Mosey to the Stop sign. Complete the 2 Steps Forward/1 Step Routine with the neighborhood mailboxes.
2 Steps Forward — complete a set of 5 Monkey Humpers. Increase by increments of 5 each time we moved 2 steps forward.
1 Step Backward — Each time we went backward we completed: 5 Squats, 5 Monkey Humpers, 5 Hard Count Lunges


Recently, I posted on Slack, tagged a few guys in particular that my son seems to speak about on a regular basis. This was simply a segway into speaking of the impact each of us carry as leaders in our community. I took the time, especially on a Saturday morning, to reiterate the importance of remembering the influence we always have whether we realize it or not.



Blue was there, so….


Blocks, Burpee Laps, and Bleachers

QIC:  Blackout

Date: 08/19/2022

PAX: 3-Phase, Caulk Talk, Cavity Search, Cheney, Chiclet, Choo Choo, Cooter, Face Plant, iLean, Pipeline, Sniffer (sort of), WreckedEm

AO: Parliament


Perfect, one might have assumed it was Fall….wait, Nevermind, still humid


  • Mosey to track pad
  • FF – oyo
  • SSH – x25
  • WMH – x10
  • Burpees (5,4,3,2,1)

The Thang

ROUND 1 – Intervals (50 seconds on, 10 off)

  • Curls
  • Incline Merkins
  • Shoulder Presses
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Curls
  • Incline Merkins
  • Shoulder Presses
  • Flutter Kicks

Run Lap around track; Every 100m, do 5 burpees. Equals 1/4 mile and 20 burpees

ROUND 2 – Intervals (50 seconds on, 10 off)

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Toe Merkins
  • LBCs
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Toe Merkins
  • LBCs

Run Lap around track; Every 100m, do 5 burpees. Equals 1/4 mile and 20 burpees

ROUND 3 – Intervals (50 seconds on, 10 off)

  • Curls
  • Decline Merkins
  • Shoulder Presses
  • BBSU
  • Curls
  • Decline Merkins
  • Shoulder Presses
  • BBSU

Run up and down steps on bleachers; x2


Spoke about “being present” , used the example of when I took a new job to be in town with my family and quickly realized that there is a HUGE difference in being there physically and being present. Challenged the PAX and myself especially to be present; in interactions with spouse, children, colleagues, anyone whom you are interacting with, etc. This is key in building and sustaining relationships and respect. I have struggled with this as many others likely have as well.


Too much to remember…for starters, Sniffer showed up in a button down with a water and watched the beatdown. Gotta love the dedication! Also, he filmed WreckedEm 5 minutes late calling him a homo….very Parliamentesque


2nd F and 3rd F channels.
CSAUP and Announcements channels

Recent Backblasts

    Phil Collins Day – A day which will live in infamy [tribute]

    QIC:  Prosciutto

    Date: 08/19/2022

    PAX: Bernie, FNG-Headgear, Full Moon, Hurt Locker, Love Boat, Manscaper, Mr. Burns, Ricki Lake, Quackers (Respect), Roundup, Term Limit, Toe Jelly, Tube Squeeze, Uncle Joe, Weblow, Woodrider, WuzntMe, Zoosk

    AO: Hacksaw


    To start, the weather… which was spectacular; mid/high 60’s and a large volume of floating precipitation (some call it relative humidity, but what is that even, really?). When I’m in the mood to have a bit of fun, I think about RELATIVE part of relative humidity. Take this example. On occasion, you may be asked

    “How are you?” or in Soddy-Daisy, they say, “How yins bin gettin along?”… to which, your relative humidity response is, “Relatively speaking, sir/madam/it/they, we are 70%. AveryLouise-ElizabethGrace just had a tooth pulled by an orthodontist we named this morning ‘Headgear’. Our youngest, SterlinJoe MapleGlaze has really taken a liking to fishing this summer. So, relatively good”.

    — Or, how about this’n…

    Let’s say I need to buy a set of tires and am looking to see what it’d cost me for my 2003 ‘Champagne’ (Desert Sand) Honda Accord (real nice) …. the Soddy-Daisy inquiry goes like this,

    “2003 Hyundai, you sed? When you fixin’ to grow a set and buy a truck with real man attitude and knob’d tar’s, wussy boy? You even go by a boy, anyways? Not with that stupid sensible family sedan. Grow a set ‘nden come see me. Y’aint wastin’ my time no more. Also, humidity ain’t kin to no’one, what’s all that relative booshit?!”

    Relative Humidity would say: “That response seems to be 80% fair, 40% inaccurate and 11% laced with American badass. By the way, I drive a Honda, not a Hyundai.”

    I digress, this is supposed to be about the conditions; but the reader can obviously … err, how do I put this… Relate.

    YHC had anticipated rain, but alas The Steve was incorrect in its position last night, promising 60% chance of it. A big fat zero amount of precip this morning made Prosciutto 99% unhappy. YHC must’ve learned the nursery song wrong, “Rain rain come today, come back again everyday. Make our day great okay, rain rain come today.” Happiness doesn’t look to tomorrow, though, right? OOH! WAIT UNTIL THE END!

    Aside from the weather and “conditions” report. Can we talk about the sound of the traffic over dey? Seriously, I’m hoarse from over-projection in cadence and instruction. They’s too many houses up-in the Collegedale city limits. That, or Collegedale parkway is too convenient for the rural folks (who talk like the Soddy’s). It’s gotta stop.

    The grass where we laid / flopped around / sometimes just had conversation while laying around, seemed to be recently trimmed which was just great because gobs of grass down your Fabletics go nowhere but straight to one’s arsehole; couple that with the relative… ahh, you get it. That’s a gift that keeps on giving, if you ask me. But you didn’t. You want to know what we worked on? Guess what, it’s coming. And it wasn’t our feelings. Maybe, perhaps, our relative feelings?

    Foot hydration score was relatively 65 out of a total possible 99. You see, the relative scale doesn’t allow for such upper boundary readings (or lower for that matter), so you can remove the 100 and the 0 from any relative scale. They’re far-too exact. This relative stuff is just as inexact as it is inaccurate.


    1/2 mile jaunt to and around the flags, then some stretching, mid-wife noises, SSHs, 3rd Grade Exercises, WMHs, discussion on tappy-taps (wtf?), YELLING CADENCE BECAUSE OF THE TRAFFIC — CAN YOU EVEN READ THIS, IT’S SO LOUD?!

    The Thang

    Must say — was thinking this one up for a few weeks since I know the Hacksaw faithful are a demanding bunch of athletic prestige.

    Like LA Gear commercials used to say, “If you don’t come strong, you don’t come at all.”
    4 bang ladder
    Ladder to 11, like any old ladder routine, but with a pack of four exercises and a surprise on the other end. 1 and 10, 2 and 9, 3 and 8, 4 and 7… and so on.

    1 – HR Merkin, SSH, Bonnie Blair, X-Factors
    -run to the far cone-
    10 SSH and 1 Blockee (yes, just one, Zima; it’s okay this way)

    Repeat until flip flopped

    4 Jail breaks in between at YHC call


    James Oppenheimer wrote:
    “The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise man grows happiness under his feet.

    Today, you have today. Tomorrow is tomorrow. Save tomorrow’s worries for tomorrow — don’t miss out on your chance of happiness today. For today, every second, every moment today you have the choice to choose happy. Grow your happiness today (now) and happiness in the distance will find you; rain or no rain. Compound it like inflation and spread it like butter.


    On this day in 2022, Prosciutto’s Phil Collins Day Q goes on record as the greatest day in Hacksaw AO history

    Them: “This is the greatest workout we’ve ever had at Hacksaw”
    Me: “I know. Relatively speaking.”

    Even though I had to endure a one-way 26 mile drive to your land of disenchantment, I did enjoy my time. Missed a few friendly faces which would have widened my scope to yell more loudly, but I’d do that for y’all if it ever came to it. But, I’m just not sorry enough that you missed what some say was the greatest event in Hacksaw’s history. Second only to my last Q here by a few relative degrees. Most of you missed that, too. ::peace-sign::


    Iron Pax “Challenge”, Chubby’s ongoing efforts, Chinese Metal Rock concert October 2nd (see Full Moon for details)

    Recent Backblasts

      CP at The U

      QIC:  Clothespin

      Date: 8/15/2022

      PAX: Tube Squeeze, Peffercorn, Pill Mill, Picabo, Hurt Locker, Roscoe, Rebar, Term Limit, AOL, Seagull

      AO: The U


      Nice upper 60s not too humid!


      Mosey around parking lot
      Forward Fold
      Willy Mayse Hayse 10 in cadence
      Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
      Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence
      Moroccan Night Club 15 in Cadence
      Seal claps 15 in cadence
      Downward dog to hissing cobra while stretching calves

      The Thang

      Probably my favorite routine
      Escobar Strikes Again

      As the pax are working out pass the heavy sandbag around and each pax completes 10 deadlifts. Continue to pass the whole time.
      100 Merkins
      100 BBS
      100 SSH (Hard Count)
      100 Biceps Curls (W/ Coupon)
      100 Imperial Walkers (Hard Count)
      100 Bench Press (W/ coupon
      100 Flutter Kicks (Hard Count)
      100 Squats (w/ Coupon)
      100 Reverse Crunch
      100 Overhead Press (W/ Coupon
      100 Toe Merkins (W/ Coupon)
      100 LBC
      100 Triceps Extensions (W/ Coupons)
      100 Coupon Step-Ups


      S.S. Leadership

      1. I am the captain of my ship.
      2. I am in Ship Shape
      3. I chart my course
      4. I set sail
      5. I am a good crew mate.
      6. I lend a hand on deck
      7. I check my compass
      8. I persevere through storms.


      There was a lot of “this sucks” and “doesn’t he know we start slow on Mondays?”!!! I take that as compliments just so you know!!!
      Happy Birthday AOL!!!


      Grow Ruck 31 9-9 through 9-11, Chubby’s, Convergence 9-5-2022 at Parliament.

      Recent Backblasts

        So, who was on Q at Anvil?

        QIC:  Clothes……  M.I.A.

        Date: 08/082022

        PAX: Clothespin, Cooter, Mayhem, Shake N’ Bake, Mr. Clean, Blackout, WuzntMe, Cheney

        AO: Anvil/Poundtown


        Typical Balmy August morning 73 degrees and moist


        Clothespin led off the morning with the introduction of M.I.A. (ha ha suckers) as the Q and madness ensued.
        Same crap as usual….

        The Thang

        There may have been a little bit of trickery going on at Poundtown this morning…..
        I eat Krakens for Breakfast!
        Split into groups of 2 (we had 1 group of 3 because of an uneven #)
        Mosey 200 yards each pax does a Kraken Burpee. Rinse and repeat increasing by 1 Kraken Burpee until time is called. Stay with your group and pick up the 6!


        Lots of good things in the COT today alot of which needs to stay in that circle. Most important thing discussed was accountability and forming shield locks! We have a great asset with F3 and it needs to be used and spread!


        Lots of talk about bait and switch and sabotage during the thang today… I don’t know why.
        I wondered if a couple of guys were going to survive a WuzntMe fart…..
        There was a sweaty Cooter in my group so I feel like it was the best…. Just saying


        Clothespin is on Q at the Battery tonight. (Yes really!), Chubby’s, GrowRuck 31 in Woodstock, GA 9/9/2022, Labor Day Convergence at Parliament!!!

        Recent Backblasts


          QIC:  Clothespin

          Date: 07/28/2022

          PAX: Abercrombie, WuzntME, Oakgasm, Wet Dream, Pipeline, Cooter, Mrs. Baker, Cock-6, Cheney, Duvet

          AO: The Battery


          Humid and Hot.

          same shit, different day
          rude slang An initialism of “same shit, different day,” meaning one’s situation is no better or more exciting than it has been in previous days. The initialism is used primarily in text messages and online communications.A: “Hey, Tom, it’s been a while. How are things?” B: “Eh, same shit, different day. How about you?”A: “How was work today, honey?” B: “Same shit, different day. Nothing ever changes in that place.”
          See also: differentsame


          Mosey over to grassy spot
          Beast Pose

          The Thang

          Same Sh@! Different Day
          I wanted to spread the Hell from Monday Afternoon to the morning crew!

          Hatching Butterfly
          From the seated position place the bottom of your feet together as you would do if performing the butterfly stretch. Raise hands directly over your head, lay back as if performing a WWII sit-up and return to the starting position with hands over your head. 20 OYO

          Failure to Launch
          Hold Al Gore while Q counts down from 10. At Lift-Off, explode up into a tuck jump, immediately returning to Al Gore upon landing. Repeat until unable to leave the ground (usually around rep 8 or 9, depending on count speed) We did 8.

          Fire Drill
          PAX in a circle, chopping feet or high knees. Each PAX calls out “Fire” all PAX hits the ground rolls right, merkin, roll back left, another merkin, then back up chopping. Go around the circle with the “stop, drop and roll” until all PAX have called “Fire”.

          Mosey up the hill the back way through the playground!

          Hair Burners
          To push weight plates (10s, 25s, 35s or 45s) across the ground in a parking lot or around a track for a given time or distance. An Area 51 Tiger Rag special. 4 Out and back using blocks

          Manmaker Merkin
          High plank with coupon (cinders are great) laying to your right side. Perform a Merkin. Reach under your body with your left hand and drag the coupon to the opposite side of your body. Flap Jack. Repeato. 15 OYO

          Merkin Jack
          Just as the name suggests. This is a merkin with a plank Jack at the bottom of the merkin. It is done on a 4 count. Down on 1 / Legs out on 2 (while in the bottom of the merkin) / Legs in on 3 / Up on 4

          Murder Hornet
          Take on the Killer B’s Routine from Iron Pax ’19 but with a cinderblock coupon. Pax line up at the start. Murder Bunny 10 yards then: 10 Man Makers, 10 Lunges w/coupon, 10 BBS w/coupon. Repeat til 30 yard line. Once complete: Bear Crawl + Coupon Drag back to starting line. Rinse and Repeat the whole thing. (We did Manmakers as Thrusters with the block going all the way to the ground.)


          S.S. Leadership 

          1. I am the captain of my ship.
          2. I am in Ship Shape
          3. I chart my course
          4. I set sail
          5. I am a good crew mate.
          6. I lend a hand on deck
          7. I check my compass
          8. I persevere through storms


          Gloom horns abounded this morning!
          Abercrombie and WuzntMe were warned and showed up anyway…. Retards (yes I’m kidding….maybe)

          Recent Backblasts

            None of us do Manmakers Correctly

            QIC:  Clothespin

            Date: 07/25/2022

            PAX: Ducktales, NordicTrak, Mr. Clean, Abercrombie, Blue, WuzntMe

            AO: The Battery


            Humid and Hot. Not of bad as recent heat.

            Huh! They wanted Hell Week……


            Mosey over to grassy spot
            Beast Pose

            The Thang

            We are all wrong about proper Manmakers

            Hatching Butterfly
            From the seated position place the bottom of your feet together as you would do if performing the butterfly stretch. Raise hands directly over your head, lay back as if performing a WWII sit-up and return to the starting position with hands over your head. 20 OYO

            Failure to Launch
            Hold Al Gore while Q counts down from 10. At Lift-Off, explode up into a tuck jump, immediately returning to Al Gore upon landing. Repeat until unable to leave the ground (usually around rep 8 or 9, depending on count speed) We did 8.

            Fire Drill
            PAX in a circle, chopping feet or high knees. Each PAX calls out “Fire” all PAX hits the ground rolls right, merkin, roll back left, another merkin, then back up chopping. Go around the circle with the “stop, drop and roll” until all PAX have called “Fire”.

            Mosey up the hill the back way through the playground!

            Hair Burners
            To push weight plates (10s, 25s, 35s or 45s) across the ground in a parking lot or around a track for a given time or distance. An Area 51 Tiger Rag special. 4 Out and back using blocks

            Manmaker Merkin
            High plank with coupon (cinders are great) laying to your right side. Perform a Merkin. Reach under your body with your left hand and drag the coupon to the opposite side of your body. Flap Jack. Repeato. 15 OYO

            Merkin Jack
            Just as the name suggests. This is a merkin with a plank Jack at the bottom of the merkin. It is done on a 4 count. Down on 1 / Legs out on 2 (while in the bottom of the merkin) / Legs in on 3 / Up on 4

            Murder Hornet
            Take on the Killer B’s Routine from Iron Pax ’19 but with a cinderblock coupon. Pax line up at the start. Murder Bunny 10 yards then: 10 Man Makers, 10 Lunges w/coupon, 10 BBS w/coupon. Repeat til 30 yard line. Once complete: Bear Crawl + Coupon Drag back to starting line. Rinse and Repeat the whole thing. (We did Manmakers as Thrusters with the block going all the way to the ground.)


            S.S. Leadership 

            1. I am the captain of my ship.
            2. I am in Ship Shape
            3. I chart my course
            4. I set sail
            5. I am a good crew mate.
            6. I lend a hand on deck
            7. I check my compass
            8. I persevere through storms


            I thought there would be more running…
            None of us know how to actually do Manmakers.

            Recent Backblasts

              Fallen Five 2022

              QIC:  Clothespin

              Date: 07/16/2022

              PAX: [Abercrombie, Cooter, Pipeline, MollyMaid (R), Mr. Clean, Gretel, Loveboat, Rocketman (RR), Coin Purse, Manscaper, PianoMan, Centerfold, Goo-Goo, She Shed, Squirt, Roundup (R), Face Plant, Transplant (R), Stork (R), Ponce (R), Church Mouse, 8 Seconds, Starbucks, Term Limit, Spooner, Pink Panther, Sniffer, Shamu, Sojourner (RR), Cart Girl

              AO: Hot Dam


              Typical hot humid and sunny July morning!

              • Sgt. Carson Holmquist – 25, survived by wife Jasmine, son Wyatt, and daughter Wrylin (whom he never met). Deployed to Afghanistan twice as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. He was so proud of being a Marine that when he finished boot camp, he returned to his hometown of Grantsburg, Wisconsin, and paid a visit to his high school dressed in his formal blues. A bald eagle is said to have followed the funeral procession and watched the burial perched in a tree above.

              • Petty Officer 2nd Class Randall Smith – 24, survived by wife Angie and daughters Lyla, Eila, and Kyla. He loved baseball and the song “Sweet Caroline.”

              • Gunnery Sgt. Tommy Sullivan – 40, was deployed twice during the Iraq War and received two Purple Hearts. The Pentagon said he had been enlisted nearly 18 years. Described as a “Marine’s Marine.”

              • Lance Cpl. Skip Wells – 21, was known for always smiling, even at 3AM wake-ups. Wells loved flag football, Nerf guns and U.S. history. He dreamed of being a drill sergeant.

              • Staff Sgt. David Wyatt – 39, survived by wife Lorri, and two children. Wyatt served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. As a young man, he was known to run up mountains, just for fun seeking to be the fastest. Wyatt directed his junior troops to clear a nearby neighborhood park that was packed with children. In the face of danger, he thought of others.



              Mosey down parking lot and back up grassy hill.

              Third Grade Exercise 15 in cadence

              5 burpees 

              SSH 20 in cadence

              5 burpees

              Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence

              5 burpees

              Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence

              5 burpees

              Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence

              5 burpees

              Cherry Pickers 15 in cadence

              5 Marine Corps Push-ups

              The Thang

              Nice Tie Manscaper

              Growing up Routine :

              When you are born you don’t just start walking so we went through the progressive stages of moving while growing up.

              25 Aquamans to simulate being laid on your belly as a child

              15 BBS to represent sitting up

              Bear crawl from placed cones to curb to represent that crawling phase.

              Duck walk from curb to center island to represent the toddler stage.

              Mall Walk back to comes because you have mastered walking finally!

              Move on to stations.


              Spend 5 minutes at each station will make 1.5 trips around before time for Mary. Mode of transport is Bear crawl for half and Bernie for the rest. Read printed biography for one of the Fallen at each station!

              Station 1:

              • Merkins-20 on your own

              • Burpees-5 on your own

              • Baby Crunches-20 on your own

              • Air Squats-20 on your own

              • SSH-25 in cadence 

              Station 2:

              • Divebombers-15 on your own

              • Burpees-5 on your own

              • Freddie Mercury-16 on your own HC

              • Lunges-14 on your own HC

              • SSH-25 in cadence 

              Station 3:

              • Aquaman-15 on your own

              • Burpees-5 on your own

              • Big boy situps-15 on your own

              • Diamond Merkins 15 on your own

              • SSH-25 in cadence 

              Station 4:

              • Wide Merkins-15 on your own

              • Burpees-5 on your own

              • Captain Thor 15 on your own

              • Imperial Walkers 15 on your own

              • SSH-25 in cadence 

              Station 5:

              • Decline Merkins-12 on your own

              • Burpees-5 on your own

              • Pickle Pointers-12 on your own HC

              • High knees-20 on your own HC

              • SSH-25 in cadence


              • Downward Dog
              • Cobra 
              • 1 minute Beast Pose
              • 30 second Plank
              • Flutter Kicks 15 IC
              • V-ups 15 IC



              John 15: 12-13

              This is my commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends. The men we remembered today paid the ultimate price. They paid that while saving and helping others because thoughtless act off terror. We live in the greatest nation in the world. We have the freedom to do whatever we want to do. We have that because of men and women who fight for those freedoms. Because of men like the ones we remembered today


              Manscaper was overdressed with the tie…..


              [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

              Recent Backblasts

                Burpees are almost the only exercise you really need

                QIC:  Gretel

                Date: 06/27/2022

                PAX: Spirit Fingers, Back Pew, Pink Panther, Thermostat, Transplant, Ohms, Friar Tuck, Blindside, Offset, Sand Bag

                AO: Lions Den


                Clear, muggy




                3rd grade

                shoulder blaster

                Imperial Walkers


                Mosey to home bleachers

                The Thang

                Burpee ladder of 3s:

                Start with 3 burpees then run a bleacher, then adding 3 burpees each set with a bleacher in between…so then 6 burpees, bleacher, 9 burpees, bleacher, 12 burpees, etc…..up to 21 burpees then working your way back down by 3 with a bleacher in between each set of burpees….if you finish then start working your way back up until 6 is in.

                Mosey back to the flag when time is up.


                I wake up every day with the full expectation to do things on my own. Yes, we have our support systems…God, spouses, family members, F3 brothers…but self reliance gives me the freedom to dictate my own goals and how I will achive them instead of waiting on someone else to do things for me.


                Lions Den has the best stadium for running bleachers, the classic concrete-only style, no need for silly aluminum seats.

                Hi Back Pew, glad you could join us


                July 4 – Independence Day convergence and reopening of Anvil

                July 16 – Fallen 5 convergence 0700-0800, ruckership to Marine Corps reserve center following beatdown

                July 23 – Lookouts convergence 0700-0800 at AT&T field, 2nd F event at the game that evening, link to purchase tickets on #2nd F channel

                Chubby’s ministry ongoing – every Monday except the first Monday of the month, details on #3rd F channel

                Recent Backblasts

                  Blackjack with Blackout

                  QIC:  Blackout

                  Date: 06/22/2022

                  PAX: Cavity Search, Chiclet, Face Plant, John Doe, Pocket Taco, Roundup, Second Base, Sniffer

                  AO: Parliament


                  Nice and humid, with phone weather alerts related to poor air quality; Like breathing in water.


                  Mosey to Parking Lot in front of school

                  • FF – oyo
                  • WMH – x10 IC
                  • SSH – x25 IC
                  • Arm Circles -x10 IC
                  • Reverse Arm Circles – x10 iC
                  • Mini Burpee Apocalypse (5,4,3,2,1)

                  The Thang


                  PAX started at one end of the parking lot; PAX performed 20 BBSU and then ran to the other end of the parking lot and performed 1 Merkin. This was repeated (19/2,18/3…..1/20)

                  After every second round, PAX performed 5 buy-in Burpees before starting the next round

                  Totals: 210 BBSU; 210 Merkins; 50 Burpees

                  PAX moseyed to bleachers and did two steps forward and one back on the way up; squat on each bleacher on the way back down. PAX moseyed to track circle and performed a “Circle Merk” up to 5 reps; PAX held plank until their turn to Merkin


                  Faceplant: 20 Pickle Points oyo
                  Second Base: 20 Monkey Humpers oyo
                  Cavity Search: Plank for time (About 45-60 seconds)


                  Read a couple of bible verses and a quote on consistency:

                  1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lod knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain”

                  Galations 6:9: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up”

                  Quote of unknown origin: “Consistency is what transforms average into excellence”

                  Really been thinking lately on consistency, not just in the family realm and physical fitness realm but in the spiritual realm as well. The unfortunate reality is that we live in a society now that de-values both hard work and commitment along with steadfast faithfulness. Don’t let that deter you from maintaining your consistency, especially in your walk with Jesus. As leaders of men, our families, our colleagues, etc. we are called to remain consistent in all aspects of our life but especially in our faithfulness. A consistent Christian scares our society to death, so let’s make them sweat!


                  John Doe finally got to experience my VQ from two years ago! Thought I would be nice and re-issue it for him.

                  Turns out muscle failure is REAL; 210 merkins, I can barely type this backblast today.

                  Some PAX got excited when they thought they heard me say “Circle Jerk”….It was really “Circle Merk” thanks Cavity Search for clearing that up.


                  2nd-F Channel
                  3rd-F Channel
                  July 4, Anvil re-launch Convergence
                  July 16, Fallen Five Ruck
                  July 23, Lookouts beatdown and 2nd-F event

                  Recent Backblasts