An Ode to the BLT

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 08/05/2021

PAX: Cooter, Deep Dish, El Chapo (Respect), Pipeline, Schnitzel (Respect), Thin Mint (Respect x 2)

AO: The Battery


There were conditions. They were favorable. Not as favorable as bacon, but favorable nonetheless.


… The usual… lets get to the bacon.

The Thang

Broad Jump 10 Yards
Burpees x 10
Big Boy Sit Ups x 10
Ballerina Squats x 10
Repeat 3x
Bear Crawl back to the starting point (30 yards)

Lunge walk 10 Yards
LBCs x 10
Lt. Dans x 10
Low Country Crab x 10
Repeat 3x
Bear Crawl back to the starting point (30 yards)

Traveling Burpee 10 Yards
Travoltas x 10 (easy count)
Twinkle Toes x 10
Triple Merkin Burpee x 10
Repeat 3x
Bear Crawl Back to the starting point (30 yards)

Repeat Bacon, because… bacon

Just enough time left for

Abs – Flutter Kicks 30 x IC & LBC 30 x IC


Be Present. Whether in important business dealings, a date with the M, in the gloom, or playing with kids.

You can’t impact others or love others well if you aren’t paying attention to them.


PAX were fairly quiet today. Too much counting involved. The exception, of course, was Deep Dish. He got happier the more burpees were mentioned.

PAX were generally all excited for more bacon. Not so much the extra tomato mentioned.

There was great shaming at the inclusion of avocado, but YHC wouldn’t know how to respond if some derision wasn’t thrown his way during a Q.

The title would be “A Sonnet to the BLT” but YHC didn’t have the requisite verses.


8/14 – Convergence/Fund Raiser for Capt. Wafer’s Family. Give blood or money if you can. Just like voting, you can do it early and often.

Webbicides in the Weeds

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 07/13/2021

PAX: AOL, Blackout, Cleaver, Gretel, Hasbro, Hoveround, Slois Lane, Spooner, U-turn

AO: The Huey


70’s with some wet ground. The height of the grass was the most commented upon condition.


The standard stuff. SSH, LBAC, WMH, FF

The Thang

Two Flags are the start line with cones set up approximately every 10 yards marking out 100 yards in total.

Webbicide 1
Run to Cone 1 (10 Yards) 1 x Burpee
Return to Start 4 x Mountain Climbers (HC)
Run to Cone 2 (20 Yards) 2 x Burpees
Return to Start 8 x Mountain Climbers (HC)
Repeat Until Cone 10 (100 Yards) 10 x Burpees and 40 x Mountain Climbers

Webbicide 2
Repeat the same sequence above with 1 x Big Boy Sit ups & 4 x Flutter Kicks

Webbicide 3
Planned for 1 x Merkin & 4 x Shoulder Taps but due to time constraints shoulder taps were omitted and most PAX completed 1/2 or so of the Merkin ladder


During a recent COT, YHC heard a PAX talk about sacrificial love. As a Christian (YHC believes this applies to all Faiths) we are taught that the greatest love is to lay ones life down for your friends (John 15:13) but YHC wanted to challenge the PAX to not take this as a challenge to be willing to die for your loved ones by jumping in front of a bullet, or car, but to live for your loved ones, by putting them first and spending quality time with them doing things for them rather than for yourself. YHC doesn’t need to often push my wife from in front of oncoming traffic, but needs to spend more time emptying the dishwasher.


Everyone got wet. Some, who refused to stay in the grass due to humidity, the rest of us because of the knee height grass YHC was determined to play in.

While YHC scouted options other than the tall grass to perform todays beatdown, other PAX offered lots of suggestions, they were ignored.

Spooner stole YHC’s cell phone and speaker. Thankfully all goods were returned in good order. (Seriously… thank you for noticing they were on the hood of your car!)

Gretel was like a kid in a candy store. The delight on his face when YCH said we would run through the grass, and do burpees was great. It intensified with little giggles when flutter kicks were announced. YHC was unaware that it could further crescendo… then came the Beer Truck followed IMMEDIATELY by a Red Bull Truck. Lets just all be thankful those silkies were below the grass line.

Gretel’s demeanor returned to more composed (still undignified) level following the final relevant trucks through the remainder of the ab’icide, but when the group started doing merkins he perkily posited “Guys, you can just thank of it as lots of burpees with an increasing number of merkins!” It was Christmas in July!


3rd F opportunity at Chubbies on Monday nights. Reach out to John Doe if interested and available to serve.

7/31 – Legacy Park clean up

8/14 – Convergence/Breakfast/Blood Drive for Captain Wafer’s Daughter

Baker/Burpee Day


Date: 06/26/2021

PAX: AOL, Blackout, Choo Choo, Escobar, Gilligan, Mayhem, Rollback, Sousa, The Count, Toe Jelly

AO: Legacy


Warm & a touch muggy. There were so many complaints about today, but its fair to say none were about the conditions.


SSH – 10 IC
LBAC – 26 IC
Reverse AC – 26 IC
Overhead Claps – 26 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs – 26 IC
Seal Claps – 26 IC
Forward Fold – It is possible there was a count of 26 – but it was internal
WMH – 10 IC

The Thang

Partner up – Not needed for all exercises, but exercises with rep counts are completed as a group 50/PAX so there the whole group finishes together

  • Bearmuda Triangle – 1 Burpee , Bear Crawl 10m 2 Burpees, Bear Crawl 10m…. continue up to 10 Burpees
  • American Hammers – hard count – 50/PAX
  • Kraken Burpees – 50/PAX (crowd pleaser) Burpee with 3 hand-release merkins
  • Elevens – start with 10 Ballerina Squats & 1 Diamond Merkin Overhead Clap (hard count)
  • Reverse Crunches – easy count – 50/PAX
  • Dive Bomber Circle – Reach 200 reps as group
  • AMRAP – Big Boy Situps for 2 Min
  • Ye Olde Favorite – Burpees 50/PAX

With just over a minute left we did an extra minute of burpees just to round out the hour.


June 26 is the day we celebrate the adoption of our son. The M and I fostered him for 10 months prior to the inaugural Baker Day. I am grateful for all the people who supported my family during the months & years that lead up to that day. Having volunteered around the foster care system since, I am thankful for all the people that do all of the selfless work that takes care of children who may have had no people directly providing a support to these kids.

I have noticed a lack of men leading in this area so I wanted to encourage the PAX that there is an impact to be had in our relationships. Even if your family doesn’t go this route, kids who are in horrible circumstances are all around us. We lead and live our examples everyday.


Oh where to begin. There were several comments today questioning YHC’s parentage, but they were taken as the compliments intended.

Choo Choo noted, quite adeptly, that when YHC mentioned the last of the morning’s bear crawls at the end of the Bearmuda Triangle (yes it’s an F3 thing also this thing), there was no mention of the end of burpees for the day. Also…

Spirits were high as the PAX completed the last of the American Hammers. Alas…

After the demonstration of the Kraken Burpees Escobar and Toe Jelly started checking to see if they could make it to Battlefield before their STARTEX.

Around 10 Kraken Burpees Escobar remembered why June 26 was familiar to him. He had a flashback to the burpees he delivered to the Hack Pack a year ago.

Around 20 Kraken Burpees YHC was told he was number 1 by at least one PAX. The finger chosen was questionable.

At 30 Kraken Burpees YHC blacked out.

Around 40 Kraken Burpees YHC came to with the realization that Gilligan’s hair was still perfectly quaffed. Even after his 50ish Kraken burpees and the other burpees before that… amazing.

With the Kraken beaten back, YHC decided to audible and drop the Diamond Merkins to Overhead Claps. Most of the PAX, being the HIM they are did the Diamonds anyway (shine on).

The Dive Bomber Circle (ode to Radar) was a hit. Mayhem had a NICE time.

YHC was not, in fact, stuttering when more burpees were announced. Happy B B B Baker Day!

YHC admits his search for an exercise starting with a Y was somewhat desultory. However, when half of the b b b burpees were completed for Ye Olde Favorite Burpees, Blackout nearly incited a mutiny suggesting Yoga.

YHC finally points out there was a completely burpee-free option planned if John Doe had posted.

Don’t worry about scheduling a vacation next year on 6/26 AOL – it’s a Sunday. And you too are number 1.


Fallen 5 Memorial Ruck and convergence – July 17, 0700-0800 convergence beatdown at The Dame, rucking event to follow. First beatdown is free, register for the rest here:

Flag Day Fun

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 06/14/2021

PAX: Bobbitt, Boner, Cleaver, Dundee, FNG-Happy Ending, Mayhem, NordicTrack, Ponce, Slois Lane, Snatch, FNG-Spooner, U-Turn

AO: Detention


Low 70’s with just enough humidity (97%) to make you question if it was raining.


  • SSH x 20
  • LBAC x 20 / Reverse x 20 / Seal Claps x 20
  • WMH x 10
  • Forward Fold – OYO

The Thang

PAX moseyed to the track with enough coupons for half the PAX

Pair up for a Dora Style workout based on time (songs as timer)

PAX 1 Complete Exercises Listed below during the song
PAX 2 Run a Lap

Curls for the Girls
Triceps Extension
Lion King (Full Disclosure – my hamstring cramped up as I typed this word)
Captain Thor
Overhead Press
Goblet Squats

Also, for an extra bit of flair, a 80 70lb sandbag was passed around for the group doing the exercise. When it comes to you, do 10 Deadlifts and pass it on to the next PAX in the circle.

At the end of the Goblet Squats song, YHC stopped the running and had all PAX finish up together with 2 minutes of 8 Count Body Builders.


COT today was about the DRP & “Get Right”. YHC saw a paraphrase of Q1 from Italian Job – “An unfit man is unfit to lead. If a man cannot control what he puts in his body or how he uses his body, why should he be trusted with others? You have to get right before you can lead others. It takes daily discipline, but its worth it!”

DRP – (Q1.1)

“Each morning, we all face the decision whether to take the Red Pill or the Blue Bill. The first is hard-true and the second easy-false. The Red forces a man to hike up the rocky path toward the EQV, while the Blue lets him mosey down the smooth trail to Mascot-life and chronic Sad Clown Syndrome.
A man’s first Red Pill is the toughest to swallow because it causes Disruption to the status quo in the form of Movement. And while it doesn’t get easier, it does get better. The second, third and thousandth Red Pill is just as tough to swallow as the first, but that initial Movement gives birth to Acceleration which leads to Momentum and Momentum ultimately leads to joy.”

Thankful for each of the HIM who came out (and those who wanted to but truly could not). Its because of each other man that the DRP get easier to swallow for YHC. Also, a reminder that HC’s aren’t for the guy giving it.


YHC felt as though he was royalty today, being on Q at a prestigious AO, then not even having to drive himself to the beatdown with Mayhem, acting as the “Q-feur” today. YHC also has to admit that the word chauffeur was looked up for spelling and etymology with an attempt to properly hyphenate the bastardization used above (YHC wholly loves and adopts this).

Boner and Ponce had some epic foot races. Ponce was able to push the fleet of foot Boner better than the rest of the PAX, and did it while being nearly thrice his age. Sorry for the reminder.

The 80 70lb sandbag used was short 10lbs mainly because YHC didn’t want to expend the effort to fit the fill bag in the main bag and get it to zip. This decision may have been a turning point in NordicTrack’s day, however, as the topic came up several more times. YHC was thankful for this “decision” when carrying the sandbag up the stairs after the beatdown.

In other news (totally unrelated to NordicTrack or the service he served in), today is the 246th Army Birthday and YHC and the other Army veteran (Welcome Happy Ending) at the beatdown did not feel a need to constantly remind everyone. So there is that.

Thanks for the welcome Detainees. Hospitality was in full force with two guys from the other side of the river, and each of them having an FNG. Everyone felt the welcome… and the humidity.


Fallen Five Ruck 7/17 Beatdown followed by Ruck at the Dam

3rd-F channel on Slack for Chubby’s homeless ministry

Blockees AND Burpees

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 06/04/2021

PAX: AOL, Bandwagon, Escobar, Mayhem, Mothballs, Oui Oui, Ramrod, Rollback, SeaGull, Sousa, Spread Eagle, Toe Jelly, Uncle Joe

AO: Hacksaw


Humid and warm. No complaints from the PAX about the temperatures. Just about the exercises.


Mosey to the flag

  • SSH x 20
  • FF OYO
  • WMH x 10
  • LBAC x 28
  • Reverse x 20
  • Humming Birds Seal Claps x 14
  • SSH x 20

The Thang

PAX to complete:

10 x Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
20 x Merkins
30 x Curls for the Gurls
40 x LBCs
Run a lap around the flag poles

A timer went off every 1:20 or 1:40 (alternating to keep things fresh) alerting the PAX it was time to do 3 Blockees – if away from your coupons on a lap do 3 burpees.

Oui Oui – Scissor Kicks
Mothballs – 25 Big Boy Situps
Mayhem – Plank until time


Shared a quote from a book titled How to Lead When You Aren’t In Charge.

The premise of the first chapter is that there are two primary ways to lead: to lead by leveraging influence or by authority.

“If you fail to leverage influence when you aren’t in charge you will have no influence when you are in charge”

Challenged the PAX to consider how they lead in their work places, homes, families, etc.


With only 5 HCs the YHC adapted his intended beatdown from a DORA style exercise to the format given.

Don’t play Smashing Pumpkins songs if Sousa is holding your coupon… unless you want several smaller coupons.

Mayhem is considering opening a personal coupon delivery service. Hit him up on slack for more side-hustle ideas.

Shouts of acclimation were heard at regular intervals when the buzzer sounded. Everybody loves burpees & blockees.

Hummingbirds have now been stricken from YHC’s personal exicon. Totally befuddled to discover that they actually move their wings in a figure eight pattern. YHC cannot live with that kind of lie. Thank you Escobar for your leadership.


Lookouts Convergence on 6/12; Beatdown at 7 am; game that evening family friendly $25 per head; Fallen Five Ruck 7/17 Beatdown followed by Ruck at the Dam

3rd-F channel on Slack for Chubby’s and Habitat opportunities.

Choices Were Made

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 05/21/2021

PAX: Brain Fart, Hanson (Respect), Rodeo, Sunburn (Respect), VSquared

AO: Boneyard


Perfect weather – low 60s & (relatively) low humidity


SSH x 20
WMH x 10
Abe Vigoda x 6
LBAC x 10 / Reverse x 10 / Seal Claps x 10/ Overhead Claps x 10

The Thang

Drop blocks by workout station, run a lap identifying the PERFECT spot to do some SSHs (10 in case you are curious)

Two Choices were given to VSquared – He chose CPRs

10 x CPR (Curl-Press-Raise with block)
run a lap performing 10 x SSH at approximately half way

11 x CPR
run a lap performing 10 x SSH at approximately half way

12 x CPR
run a lap performing 10 x SSH at approximately half way

13 x CPR
run a lap performing 10 x SSH at approximately half way

14 x CPR
run a lap performing 10 x SSH at approximately half way

15 x CPR
run a lap performing 10 x SSH at approximately half way

Ran to pick up the 6 and choose again – This time VSquared chose Blockees

10 x Blockees
run a lap performing 10 x SSH at approximately half way

9 x Blockees
run a lap performing 9 x SSH at approximately half way

8 x Blockees
run a lap performing 8 x SSH at approximately half way

7 x Blockees
run a lap performing 7 x SSH at approximately half way



We make tons of choices each day. The choice to be at this workout was made 4 or 5 times (including at least 3 times today).

In Joshua 24 were asked to choose whom we will serve. Choices have consequences.

We make choices on what we eat, who we choose to associate with, how we respond to an unreasonable child, and how we speak to others. Those choices have an impact on us. We often quote (or see it printed on F3 T-Shirts) that Iron Sharpens Iron, but we have to be willing to make the choice to sharpen others and to be willing to be sharpened.


Grateful for the PAX that came out this morning – YHC got to meet several guys, and it was a push to be at the top of his game (questionable bar height).

The PAX were all given respite from the monotony of this beatdown by with the (semi)regularity of the bus schedule. Bus Burpees are a fun tradition. YHC may invite the PAX of Hacksaw to adopt a tradition similar with Little Debbie truck, also that location may be changed without notifying YHC (is being “Burritoed” a common term?).

The other PAX raised the bar by asking YHC to modify up continually… shout out to VSquared and Rodeo who wanted more SSHs and who wanted the CPR counts to increase rather than decrease… YHC doesn’t want to miss opportunities like that to get better (or opportunities to write parenthetical remarks).


Lots of opportunities to get together outside the normal gloom coming up.
Memorial Day Convergence (Mustache Required – Sleeves Optional)
Lookouts Convergence – June 12
Fallen Five Ruck – July 17
Chubby’s Every Monday
Habitat for Humanity July 10

Jurassic Park Day at Legacy

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 05/20/2021

PAX: AOL, Blair Witch, FNG – DOA (Respect), Gilligan, Mayhem (Respect), Radar, Ramrod (Respect), Sousa, Snow Bunny, The Count (Respect x 2), Uncle Joe

AO: Legacy


Low 60s and very little wind. It was a perfect morning to move around. The PAX later wished we had in fact moved around.

Disclaimer was disclaimed – mission statement stated.


SSH x 20
WMH x 10
LBAC x 10 / Reverse x 10 / Seal Claps x 10/ Overhead Claps x 10/ Chinooks x 10/ LBAC (Yes… again and eyerolls were welcome) x 10/ Reverse (you get it) x 10/ Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 / Recover was called to the apparent relief of several PAX

The Thang

Lazy Dora

Partner Up –
Partner 1 Completes 1/10th of total counted exercises (i.e. 5 Burpees in first round, 10 merkins in second round, etc.)
Partner 2 performs non-counted exercise
Switcheroo and repeat until total is reached. Perform non-counted exercise until 6 is in.

Round 1
50 Burpees

Round 2
100 Merkins
High plank

Round 3
200 Squats
Al Gore

Round 4
300 LBCs
6 Inches (starting position for flutter kicks)

Round 5
400 Gorilla Humpers
Hold Gorilla Humper Starting Position


Big Boy Sit Ups – Start at 10
Dive-Bombers – Start at 1
A roughly 20 yard run between


Recently read this book and Bible verse, so YHC totally stole this whole COT from Chappie at F3 The GritMill, a Mustard Seed AO in Delaware (dele – where?), when I saw it.
TClaps and credit given:

“In Sacred Romance, John Eldredge writes: “As a young boy, around the time my heart began to suspect that the world was a fearful place and I was on my own to fund my way through it, I read the story of a Scottish disc thrower from the nineteenth century. He lived in the days before professional trainers and developed his skills alone in the highlands of his native village. He even made his own discus from the description he read in a book. What he didn’t know was the discus used in competition was made of wood with an outer rim of iron. His was solid metal and weighed three or four times as much as those being used by would-be challengers. This committed Scotsman marked out in his field the distance of the current record throw and trained day and night to be able to match it. For nearly a year, he labored under the self-imposed burden of the extra weight, becoming very, very good. He reached the point at which he could throw his iron discus the record distance, maybe further. He was ready.

The highlander traveled south to England for his first competition. When he arrived at the games, he was handed the official wooden discus—which he promptly threw like a tea saucer. He set a new record, a distance so far beyond those of his competitors that no one could touch him. For many years he remained the uncontested champion.”

Something in our hearts ought to connect with this story. That’s how you do it: Train under great burden

That’s why we workout the way we do, day after day. It’s a great burden. Maybe the burden is simply getting up at O-Gawd-Thirty, but it is a burden nonetheless. That’s why we ruck with greater weight than the usual rucking events, we carry heavier burdens in training so that when we face the test of an event the burden is, well, not so burdensome. That’s why we train ourselves to do hard things, to embrace doing hard things. F3 workouts are essentially designed by the Q’s to be somewhat burdensome for the sole purpose that they makes us stronger, train us to endure, so that we will be better able to translate facing those burdens to walking through and enduring the heavy things we face in life: Maybe its your marriage, a wayward teenager, something in the workplace; whatever it is we are training not only physically to face them, but more so we are training spiritually, mentally, and emotional to be able to endure and come our victorious and better for having faced whatever we faced in that season.

Romans 5:3-5 says, “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,  and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

These verses tell us we know there is produce to behold in our suffering: Endurance. Character. Hope.”


PAX were generally encouraging of today’s Q until the COP began. Only one murmur of complaint during SSH when surpassing 10, comparing YCH to John Doe – harsh.

Multiple grumbles during the shoulder blasters…. YHC called some foul names including some which one should hesitate to type here (Mr. Clean & Coldplay).

The fervor of the collective PAX was quelled when it was announced that only 50 total burpees were required (a bow was taken…. or maybe that is just what YHC looks like when trying to start a burpee).

The threat of violence seemed to have passed until PAX groaned (unenthusiastically) at the prospect of resting from squats in the tree-hugging position (Uncle Joe was close by guessing sycamore but incorrect apparently the exercises’ name sake preferred the popular (vote) tree.

YHC was amazed at the relaxation of the PAX when told to “hold 6 inches” between sets of crunches tensions seemed relieved – nay jovial. There was, however, a bit of confusion as most of the PAX were apparently unsure of how to gauge such a distance. All were quelled when YHC demonstrated.

YHC was prepared to step down the exercises to a lower repetition count until Uncle Joe pressed to see what exercise would be completed 400 times. Thank you for your determination to get better.

Also, The Count can’t count… or at least firmly believes that no-one else can.

The 11’s at the end were going to involve merkins, until at the last moment YHC realized that Radar, and his undying love for dive-bombers were present. Why not give him that simple joy.


Lots of opportunities to get together outside the normal gloom coming up.
Memorial Day Convergence (Mustache Required – Sleeves Optional)
Lookouts Convergence – June 12
Fallen Five Ruck – July 17
Chubby’s Every Monday
Habitat for Humanity July 10

Keep It Simple Stupid

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 04/30/2021

PAX: BM&E, Lanyard, Shrooms, Sunscreen

AO: Ridgecut


60ish and perfect



Willie Mays Hays

Forward Fold

LBAC (forward and non-forward)

Mosey to Lutefisk’s house and back to coupon stack

The Thang

Split the PAX into two groups (3 and 2)

Group 1 – Perform exercise listed below
Group 2 – Run to the end of soccer field, do 3 burpees, mosey back

PAX completing exercises did the below exercises, which rotated every 3 minutes.

Shoulder Press – with coupon
Imperial Walker Squats
Plank Jacks
Extensions of the Triceps


KISS – “Keep it simple stupid” is something I first heard in college, but something I still need to be reminded. I tend to overcomplicate workouts, make elaborate plans, even drag out discussions with a toddler. Sometimes its best if I simplify and take a more direct approach and this applies to quite a few facets of life.


YHC was happy to meet some PAX that I haven’t gotten a chance to post with previously.

One of YCH’s favorite games is to ask a question like “how did you get your name?” while PAX are doing Manmakers… and trying to breathe.

Lanyard will likely start carrying sod from Ridgecut to all future beatdowns. He is a big fan of the healing properties of the turf apparently.

Lunges Lunges Lunges

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 04/08/2021

PAX: 9 Volt, Abercrombie, Blackout, Clothespin, Deep Dish, El Chapo, Mrs. Baker, Thin Mint, Wuzn’t Me

AO: The Battery


Option A: 60ish

Option B:Twas a forecast called for rain, but a more fair morn hasn’t been seen by mine eyes.


Lap around the dog & skate park


Willie Mays Hays

Forward Fold

Arm Circles of the little Variety (forward and non-forward)

Iraqi Tea Time

The Thang


Split the PAX into two groups of 5

Group 1 – Lunge from first light pole to second light pole
Group 2 – Big Boy Situps

When group one arrives at lightpole, they begin Big Boy Situps and Group 2 begins lunges.

Repeat alternating between Big Boy Sit-ups, Squats & Merkins.

PAX all moseyed back to the shovel flags and circled up for Usain Bolts

Usain Bolts

PAX calls exercise – all other PAX completes exercise while that PAX runs a lap around baseball field (~1/4 mile)

Groundhogs – 9 Volt
Inverted Planks (or flutter kicks…) – Deep Dish
Planks – Mrs. Baker
SSH – Abercrombie

Last minute and a half were finished off with more lunges.


Self reflection is all well and good but we are all too good at dismissing what we see. Sucking in our stomach at the mirror, justifying our actions, or dismissing our behavior because of the behavior of others.

We could all improve ourselves greatly if we stop minimizing our failures & shortcomings, and acknowledge them. As a Christian, I believe minimizing my sin comes to easily. James 4:8-9 describe how we should behave when we recognize sin:

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and joy to gloom.”


YHC promised Blackout we wouldn’t lunge the entire workout… He didn’t agree that YHC lived up to his word.

Deep Dish, Blackout and Wuzn’t Me have requested more lunges. The next trip to The Battery for YHC will meet their requirements.

The goal for the beatdown was to give PAX plenty of opportunity for MC. The goal for Abercrombie was to cause all other PAX to hold their breath as long as possible.

Clothespin can lunge faster than he runs.

When YHC and Blackout decided to 5k5a at the last minute, they made a grave error by not inviting the other PAX. Pitchforks and torches were getting prepped.


No news is good news?

Laps and Legs

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 04/03/2021

PAX: McFly, Radar, Seagull, Sousa, Tatonka

AO: Legacy




SSH x 20 IC

Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC

Forward Fold OYO

Calf Stretches

Iraqi Tea Time

Lap around the Heritage House

The Thang

Leg Stations

Each Pax picked a station – marked by cones
Station 1 – Run a lap around the Heritage house (This is the control station – Pax rotate stations when Pax at this station completes lap.

Station 2 – Imperial Walker Squat

Station 3 – Jump Rope

Station 4 – Blockees

Station 5 – Step ups on park bench

Station 6 – John McCains with 40lb Sandbag


Good Friday memorializes the crucifixion of Christ and Easter is the celebration of His return. Being the Saturday in between I thought on what the followers of Christ must have felt in those two days, and how Saturday must have been a day of dread and lamenting. Today we (Christians) celebrate the weekend, knowing the end of the story, although the followers of Christ had missed the warnings.

Whether you are a Christian or not, we can all make the same choices every day. We can choose to dread the future and live in despair, or we can choose to look forward to the coming days with anticipation. Joy is a choice. James 1:2-4


There is no 7th station. YHC cannot count.

Don’t ever yell “Let’s Go!” around Tatonka unless you want him to start running.

Radar is a huge fan of the sandbag – YHC plans to note this for all future Q’s.

The stations were a solid opportunity for mumblechatter… unless you were the one running the lap.


Park workday at Legacy 4/10

Opportunity to serve the family of Night Sweats through yard work – see Announcements channel.