Legs Gone in 60 seconds

QIC:  Ducktales

Date: 10/24/2020

PAX: Roomba, Geek Squad, Milkman, Hasbro, Cleaver, Blue, Slois Lane, Doogie, Dundee, NordicTrack, U-Turn, Postman

AO: Huey


Shirtless weather


Mosey to backlot, music was not started yet and Geek Squad thought he may just be carrying a speaker with no tunes all morning.

The Thang

Leg day HIIT (Gone in 60 second theme guys)


60 seconds regular squats

30 seconds jump squats

30 seconds rest

60 seconds left leg forward lunges

30 seconds jump squats

30 seconds rest

60 seconds right leg forward lunges

30 seconds jump squats

30 seconds rest

30 seconds jump squats

30 seconds rest

60 seconds sumo squats

30 seconds jump squats

30 seconds rest

60 seconds wall sit

30 seconds jump squats

30 seconds rest

60 seconds plank

Part 2 kill your Calves

50 seconds calf raises, then 10 seconds rest

40 seconds of each calf raises, then 10 seconds rest

30 seconds of each calf raises, then 10 seconds rest

20 seconds of each calf raises, and then 10 seconds rest

Added per Blue’s request holds IC, single leg alternating.

Mosey to back lot 60 second box jumps

Mosey to back lot for part 3


10 squats mosey to other end of lot

1 burpee, etc

Mosey to basketball quart for ring of mericans

Mosey back to flags for pretzels IC to close out.


Borrowed from Louisville Growruck cadre Dredd- “You can do anything for 60 seconds.” No matter how hard it is.


I’m a fan of the F3 podcast check out this recap of Growruck Chat was unable to represent in Louisville this year due to Covid aaand injuries. Sooo I. The words to live by keep accelerating, keep training. Here is the recap from louisville sounded fun and the F3 Chattanooga clown cars are in the making. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/podcasts-from-f3-nation/id1218921251?i=1000495557252

… . IMDB Nicolas Cage

And the best thing I did not know about him Where’s my Oscar?

Pro- left those different font sizes JUST for you bro.


U-Turn Huey Q Thursday

Beer run soon!

Slois VQ next week at shothouse

Recent Backblasts

    Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters

    QIC:  Blackout

    Date: 10/26/2020

    PAX: Escobar, Oui Oui, Bandwagon, Toe Tag, Abercrombie, Woodrider, Shawshank

    AO: Hacksaw


    Mid to high 60s with some fog and a lot of humidity.


    Mosey to flag from parking lot

    • Forward Fold x15
    • SSH x20
    • Willie Mayes Hayes x10
    • Third Grade Exercises x10
    • Arm Circles x15
    • Reverse Arm Circles x15
    • Seal Claps x15
    • Rockin Nightclubs x15
    • SSH x15

    The Thang

    Song: Proud Mary by CCR

    For length of song, do gas pumps. When artist says “Rolling” do big boy sit ups. Song was 3:07. 21 big boy sit ups in all

    Song: Medicine Man by Band of Heathens

    For length of song, do plank jacks. When artist says “I’m your Medicine Man” do regular merkin. Song was 4:11.

    Song: Thunderstruck by AC/DC

    For length of song, do imperial walkers. When artist says “Thunder” do deep squat. Song was 4:52. 19 squats in all.

    Moseyed from flags under tunnel to pavilion.

    Song: Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr.

    For length of song, do lunges. When artist says “Ghostbusters” do incline merkin. Song was 3:59. 18 incline merkins in all.

    Song: Run through the Jungle by CCR

    For length of song, do step-ups or box jumps. When artist says “Run through the Jungle” do monkey humper. 9 monkey humpers in all.

    Moseyed from pavilion to flags.

    Song: Tubthumper by Chumbawumba

    For length of song, do SSH’s. When artist says “Get Knocked Down but I get up Again” do burpee. 27 burpees in all.


    • 100s in cadence x15 (Abercrombie)
    • Scissors x20 OYO (Oui Oui)
    • Pickle Pointers x15 in cadence (Bandwagon)
    • American Hammers x20 in cadence (Toe Tag)
    • Dead Roaches x15 in cadence (Escobar)


    Spoke about becoming more aware of hobbies or activities in our life that drag us down emotionally or mentally. Talked about the football game Saturday and noted that I was getting more and more frustrated as the game went on. My daughter finally said let’s go do something else Dad since we know how this will end. It really made me wonder how much of my time is devoted to things that I know will frustrate me in the long run. Could be using that time and energy for something more productive.


    PAX noted that on last song, it was actually Burpees with an occasional SSH instead of the other way around.

    Had a couple people running on track during Ghostbusters song so I’m sure they got a good laugh in, Oh and had to do some pickle pointers before we finished.


    Battery 2 year anniversary workout and Beer Run both on 11/14 (Saturday)

    Third F Chubby’s on Tuesdays, contact John Doe.

    Join Networking group on Slack for information on that event.

    Recent Backblasts

      Mall Walking 6

      QIC:  Clothespin

      Date: 10/26/2020

      PAX: Fissure, Threeskin

      AO: Anvil


      Darn Q rucked before the beatdown and brought in the fog!


      SSH 25 IC
      Mosey the straight to corner
      Forward Fold
      Willy Mayse Hayse
      Mosey around corner to other straight
      Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
      Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence
      Cherry Pickers 15 in cadence
      Military Press
      Mosey back to starting point

      The Thang

      Had to loosen up Fissures hips…

      Round 1: 1 lap (after exercise)
      • Merkins-20 on your own
      • Baby Crunches-30 on your own hard count
      • Slow Air Squats-20 on your own
      • SSH-25 in cadence

      Round 2: 1 lap Bernie the corners (after exercise)
      • Divebombers-15 on your own
      • Freddie Mercury-15 IC
      • Lunges-14 on your own
      • SSH-25 in cadence

      Round 3: 1 lap Mall Walker (after exercise)
      • Aquaman-15 on your own
      • Big boy situps-20 on your own
      •Gorilla Humpers 25 IC
      • SSH-25 in cadence

      Rounds 4: 1 lap Skip on the straights low slow shuffle the corners (after exercise)
      • Magic Mayhems 20 OYO
      • Pickle Pointers 20 IC
      • SSH-25 in cadence

      •Jane Fondas 15 each side IC


      “A leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”–Douglas MacArthur
      Be the leader that steps up for your family and coworkers. Be the man to jump in the trenches with your men. Treat people as you would want to be treated!
      [The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
      BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


      I am the Mall Walking 6 — Fissure
      This is the “Sexual round” — Clothespin
      Is that what you call it at home? — Threeskin
      Usually but it doesn’t last this long. — Clothespin


      Battery 2 year Celebration 11-14, Beer Run 11-14, pray for our brothers that are sick and afflicted!

      Recent Backblasts

        A tour of Detention 10/26

        QIC:  NordicTrack

        Date: 10/26/2020

        PAX: Cleaver, White Lightning, Ponce, Heisenberg, U-Turn, Snatch, FNG-Wet Spot, Blue, Dundee, Mr Clean

        AO: Detention


        Cool at 64. Humid.



        LB Arm Circles

        Various Stretches

        The Thang

        Mosey between the stations as a group. Plank until the 6 is in. Then everyone perform 10 merkins.
        A tour of Detention
        Begin a group mosey around the park. 1/2 around the lap, we will stop for the first set of exercises.

        Exercises Set 1

        25 Burpees

        25 Pickle Pounders

        50 BBS

        50 Monkey Humpers

        Plank until the 6 is in.

        Next we will mosey to the picnic tables next to the Baseball fields. Plank once we arrive until the 6, then 10 merkins.

        Exercises Set 2

        25 Decline merkins

        25 Pull ups

        50 Dips

        50 Freddie Mercuries

        Next we will mosey to the hill at the top of the lower parking lot. Plank once we arrive until the 6, then 10 merkins.

        Exercises set 3

        25 incline merkins

        Bernie up to the top of the hill, then bear crawl back down

        50 toe merkins on the curb

        Bernie up to the top of the hill, then bear crawl back down

        50 American Hammers (hard count)

        Bernie up to the top of the hill, then bear crawl back down

        Next we will mosey back to the flag. Plank once we arrive until the 6, then 10 merkins. If we have time, we will do Exercise Set 4, if not we will do circle merkins until time.

        Exercises set 4

        50 Shoulder Taps (hard count)

        50 Pickle Pounders

        50 Leg Lifts

        50 squats


        Charles W. Colson was an attorney at the age of 38 when we joined President Nixon’s staff in 1969. He was at the height his career at a young age, and was known to “get things done.” The staff employed dirty tricks, planted evidence, and threatened people to help Nixon win by a landslide election in 1972. The Watergate operation and activities surrounding it led to the arrests of Nixon’s closest aids (including Colson), and later the president’s resignation.

        Colson’s story does not end here. While in prison, he was “born again” and announced that he would devote the rest of his life to religious work. He founded the Prison Fellowship Ministries in 1976. He established Justice Fellowship in 1983, a criminal justice reform group. And in 1993 he won a $1 million Templeton Price for Progress in Religion, which he donated to his ministries. Among many other accomplishments.

        Colson hit rock bottom after Watergate. He lost all credibility, his ability to practice law, and his freedom. While everyone knows about Watergate, the majority of his adult life was devoted to Christianity. He chose not to allow 3 years of his life to define him. Everyone has a choice when faced with a difficult circumstance in life. To borrow an expression, you can either be a “victim,” or a “victor” in these cases. No matter how bad a situation gets, there is always an opportunity to come out the other side stronger.

        Recent Backblasts

          The Train 10/23/20

          QIC:  DNF

          Date: 10/23/20

          PAX: Cavity Search, Crawdaddy, threeskin, Get Smart, John Doe, El Chapo (RESPECT), Coldplay

          AO: Parliament


          It’s been a warm week for October, and that is consistent with today. Low 60’s in the gloom this morning was super!


          SSH x30 IC

          WMH x10 IC

          SSH x30 IC

          Forward Fold x9 IC

          Third Grade Exercise x10 IC

          Little baby arm circles forward x15 IC

          Little baby arm circles reverse x15 IC

          Overhead press x15 IC

          The Thang

          Mosey from vehicles to parking lot near school entrance

          Q established a start line and finish line at either end of the parking lot. Exercises were run between these lines for the 45 minute beatdown

          Alternating bear crawl = attacking bear crawl (forward), retreating bear crawl (backward). Q announced motion changes forward and backward as we crawled our way from one end to the other

          25 Merkins OYO

          Sprint to other end and Bernie back

          10 Burpees OYO

          Alternating bear crawl = attacking bear crawl (forward), retreating bear crawl (backwards). Q announced motion changes forward and backward as we crawled our way from one end to the other

          Big Boi situps x10 OYO

          Flutter kicks x30 IC

          6 inches until recover (one minute)

          Freddie Mercurys x30 IC

          Twisted Scissors x20 IC

          Alternating bear crawl = attacking bear crawl (forward), retreating bear crawl (backwards). Q announced motion changes forward and backward as we crawled our way from one end to the other

          20 Merkins OYO

          20 Jump squats OYO

          Monkey humpers x15 IC

          Walking Imperial Walkers to other end

          Forward bear crawl back

          Walking lunges to half and run to end

          Reverse lunges to half and Bernie to end

          Sprint to other end and Bernie back

          Sprint to other end and Bernie back

          5 minute DORA. Partner one does burpees while partner two runs down and back. Switch

          Mosey back to vehicles.



          THE TRAIN: 

          At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel by our side. As time goes by, other people will board the train; and they will be significant i.e. our siblings, friends, children, strangers and even the love of your life. However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. Others will step down over time and leave a permanent vacuum. Some, however, will go so unnoticed that we don’t realize they vacated their seats. This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells. Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers requiring that we give the best of ourselves. The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way, love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life.
          I wish you a joyful journey for the coming years on your train of life.  Reap success, give lots of love and be happy.  More importantly, thank God for the journey!
          Lastly, I want to thank you for being one of the passengers on my train! 

          (Author Unknown)


          6 inches exercise never disappoints. PAX gets a killer ab burn out of it… while also igniting hilarious conversation. Once it starts…. it continues and stays throughout the remainder of time


          Beer run prep is this Saturday for whoever wishes to scope out Abercrombie’s farm. See channel for more info

          Small business owner support

          3rd F opportunities with Chubby’s

          Recent Backblasts

            Meat And Potatoes

            QIC:  Fissure

            Date: 10/22/2020

            PAX: Ringwald, Dolly, Pebbles, Jenny Craig, Burrito, FNG-Wuhan, FNG-Crystal, Skitch, Cupid, Chief, Lutefisk, Beaver, Oil Can, Sunshine, She Shed, Rodeo, White Glove, Captain Wafer, Bjorn, Blindside, Sunscreen

            AO: Hill City


            Low 60s and pleasant. Plenty of dew on the grass


            Mosey to Coolidge, circled up in the center of the field
            SSH x 25 IC
            Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
            Fwd Fold x 10 IC
            Iraqi tea time x 10 IC
            Slow n low squats x 10 IC
            SSH x 25 IC
            Slerkins x 10 IC
            Teapots x 10 IC
            SSH x 10 IC

            The Thang

            Spread out around the big circle in Coolidge
            Burpee Broad jumps x 15 then Squats x 10, Merkins x 10, Big Boi situps x 10
            rinse and repeat until you complete the entire circle
            Run the loop for the six
            When time called circled up in the middle of the grass again for Mary


            Big boi situps x 20, x 18
            Burrito to the center to tell jokes for a minute while we did more situps
            Big Boi situps x 14
            Flutterkicks x 15 IC twice

            Mosey back to flag


            Sometimes I’ll search for “this day in history” to find inspiration for some words of wisdom during the COT. Today I shared the story of PFC Milton Olive, the first African American man to receive the Medal of Honor in Vietnam.



            Burrito agreed to show up and abandon his Signal Mountain Amigos if he could have the floor to tell jokes at some point during the workout. So thankful for him.

            Rodeo determined that this workout isn’t his cup of tea about half way around the circle of burpee broad jumps

            Our first FNG works for the CDC and got named Wuhan. The other, Crystal, once got stopped in the airport by security because some salt in his luggage was mistaken for crystal meth. Both pretty good ones.

            Iron Butt describes my kind of workouts as meat and potatoes. Basic and simple. I like it.


            Networking lunch at the Holiday Inn downtown 11/6 check slack networking channel

            Recent Backblasts

              Lazy Doras 10/22

              QIC:  NordicTrack

              Date: 10/22/2020

              PAX: Snow Patrol, Coldplay, Dundee, Ducktales, Roomba, Radiohead, Friar Tuck

              AO: The Huey


              61, foggy.


              Drop the coupons at the picnic tables. Do a few laps with some exercises mixed in.

              The Thang

              Do as a team. Coupon needed. Switch at 1/10 the total reps needed. Only the P1 exercises count. The P2 exercises are in lieu of running.
              Lazy Dora 2400

              200 MerkinsToe Merkins
              200 Freddie Mercury’s (each left)Little Baby Arm Circles
              200 Overhead PressPickle Pointers
              200 BBSHigh Plank
              100 Decline MerkinsDips
              200 Leg LiftsLow Plank
              200 Squats (with coupon)Leg lift hold at 6″
              200 Bent Over RowsImperial Walkers
              200 CurlsPickle Pounders
              200 Shoulder Taps (each left)Supermans
              100 BurpeesMoracan Night Club
              200 Monkey HumpersSide Straddle Hops


              Concept taken from Freed to Lead:

              As men when we become adults we forget how to make friends. Most men that I know have very few close, male friends (if any). Having another man to confide in, to share in “the struggle” we call life is needed. This was one of the foundational reasons that F3 became so popular. The friends you have are like a target. The closer to the center, the smaller the number of friends, but the closer those friends are. Many of us have friends in the outer rings. Our co-workers, our neighbors, etc. I encourage you to review your friends. If you do not have anyone in the inner circle, make a conscious effort to build them. F3 is a good place to start, but any area of your life can be a good place to look.

              Recent Backblasts

                A Simple Dora VQ at Shot House

                QIC:  Sherlock

                Date: 10/21/2020

                PAX: Milkman, Lyft, Radiohead, Skitch, Hasbro, Slois Lane, Ponce de Leon, Oil Can, Hobo, Cleaver

                AO: shot-house


                Around 60°, cool, clear, perfect for bunny hops


                Mosey to track – circle up at paved area behind far goal post
                SSH x 20 IC
                Imperial walkers x 15 IC
                Windmills x 15 IC
                LBACs Fwd & Reverse x10 IC, Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
                Willie Mays Hays x 12 IC
                3rd grade exercise x 10 IC
                Forward Fold – 10 count
                SSH x 20 IC

                The Thang

                On the football field, a simple dora: one partner goes 50 yds down and back while the second partner performs exercise AMRAP, then swap places for each exercise.
                This was a little more difficult than it looked on paper

                50 yds down/back
                (repeat until time)
                Bernies down/ run backKaraokes down/ backBunny Hops down/ run back
                Flutter Kicks
                American Hammers
                Monkey Humpers
                Plank Jacks
                Frog hop ins
                Squat Jumps
                Mountain Climbers



                “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

                My VQ so thought this quote was a fit. Really appreciate all the encouragement and support from the PAX.


                Ponce said “my spine thanks you for the 200yds of bunny hops”.

                ….Your welcome. 🙂

                Recent Backblasts

                  Plank Jack Runs, Gorilla Humpers, and Hot Feet

                  QIC:  Blackout

                  Date: 10/22/2020

                  PAX: El Chapo, John Doe, Clothespin, Abercrombie, Tinkerbell, Cat5, Dark Wonka, Deep Dish, Mrs. Baker

                  AO: The Battery


                  Perfect morning beatdown weather. Low humidity and around 60 degrees.


                  Mosey from parking lot around dog park to Pavilion area.

                  • SSH x10
                  • Forward Fold x10
                  • Third Grade Exercise x10
                  • Willie Mayes Hayes x10
                  • Arm Circles x10
                  • Reverse Arm Circles x10
                  • Seal Claps x10
                  • SSH x10

                  Mosey lap around dog park and baseball field to bleachers

                  The Thang

                  Arms and Chest – Bleachers (all OYO)

                  • Incline merkins on bleachers x20
                  • Dips x20
                  • Decline merkins on bleachers x 20
                  • Dips x20
                  • Merkins x20
                  • Dips x20

                  Moseyed/Ran from bleachers up the hill next to the pool

                  Core – Top of Hill

                  • One minute of high plank on Q timer
                  • Imperial Walkers x20 – in cadence
                  • Flutter Kicks x 20 – in cadence
                  • LBCs x25 – OYO
                  • Freddie Mercuries x20 – in cadence
                  • One minute of low plank on Q timer

                  Moseyed/Ran from top of hill down around the dog park back to pavilion

                  Legs – Pavilion (all OYO)

                  • Squats x20
                  • Lunges x20 (easy way)
                  • Step-ups or Box jumps x20
                  • Gorilla Humpers x20
                  • Hot Feet right side x15
                  • Hot Feet left side x15

                  Mosey/Ran from pavilion to parking lot

                  Lined up in single file line and performed Indian Run around parking lot and dog park lap. Once the PAX in front of the line had completed the cycle (run to the front), all PAX stopped and did 5 plank jacks. We repeated this for 4, 3, 2, and 1 plank jacks. Ended up being around 3.5 – 4 laps of Indian Run and 15 plank jacks


                  Spoke on the book of Job in the scriptures. Job had it all: health, family, and wealth. On top of this, he was a very righteous man. One day, Satan took control of Job’s life and took away all his livestock, wealth, family and terrible illnesses fell upon Job. Job begin to question why God would allow such things to happen to him since it was strongly believed that God punishes the wicked and rewards the righteous, but this did not happen with Job. Job’s three friends began degrading him and telling him to confess his sins and repent so God will stop punishing him. Job maintained his righteousness. Although frustrated, Job never stepped out of the light and faith of God.

                  Three core lessons:

                  • Always trust God, even through the worst of trials.
                  • Be a good friend to those experiencing hard times. Don’t judge like Job’s friends did in the scriptures.
                  • When praying: Always give praise/thanks for three things that God has provided before you ask for one. The 3:1 ratio prayer rule.


                  After Deep Dish giving John Doe slack about not coming to The Battery multiple times, John Doe came through.

                  Low planks on concrete were not a PAX favorite (especially those with short sleeve shirts)


                  Beer Run scheduled for 11/14 at Abercrombie’s land in Riceville, TN. Everyone is welcome even if not participating in the beer part of the activities.

                  Third F still in full swing through December on Tuesday evenings. Reach out to John Doe for more information.

                  Clothespin on Q at Hacksaw Friday.

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Groundhog Day?????

                    QIC: Blue

                    Date: 10-19-20

                    PAX: Mr. Clean, White Lightning, Dundee, Heisenberg, Nordic Track, Snatch, Running Man, Cleaver, U-turn


                    A little warmer than it was Saturday, @ 56°. Clear skies and maybe a slight breeze here or there.


                    • SSH x 20 IC
                    • Quad Stretch R then L x 10 IC
                    • LBAC x 20 IC
                    • RLBAC x 20 IC
                    • Overhead Clap x 20 IC
                    • Seal Clap x 20 IC
                    • SSH x 20 IC
                    • FF x 15 IC
                    • WMH x 10 IC
                    • Burpee x 5 OYO

                    The Thang

                    Groundhog Day

                    You vs. You.

                    • 10 Merkins
                    • 10 Squats
                    • 10 BBS’s
                    • 10 Burpees
                    • 1 Lap around track

                    Rinse & Repeat over and over and over and over and over and over again………


                    I push myself and compete with myself on form constantly. I would rather take the entire 45 min workout to do 10 Merkins w/ perfect form than do 100 Merkins poorly. To add or piggyback on to Nordic Track’s CoT from last week about Kissinger, I always strive to make sure I’m doing my best in everything I do, whether its Merkins or taking out the garbage. These workouts with F3 are supposed to be the “hardest thing we have to do each day”. If we can get through a workout, the rest of our day is a breeze. So if I cut a corner, or two, or three, etc during my workout……….what’s the rest of my day going to look like? Will I cut a corner somewhere else when it “gets too hard”?