AYE – IronPax week 0!


Date: 08/25/2020

PAX: John Doe, Toe Tag, Cowbell, Coypu, Venus, FNG Tatonka, WreckedEm, Dipstick, FNG Shawshank, WoodRider, Hey Buddy, Ramrod (RESPECT), Picabo, White Glove, Coldplay, Sousa, Homewrecker, Crawdaddy, MaYhem (RESPECT), Meo Mix, Blackout

AO: Parliament


Low 70’s. No rain.


The warmup consisted of demonstration of each exercise, followed by PAX and Q completing each.

10 Air Squats, 10 Big Boi Sit-ups, 10 Merkins, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 5 Burpees

Form was main focus in the COP

The Thang

50 Air Squats
40 Big Boi Sit-ups
30 Merkins
20 Bonnie Blairs
10 Burpees
400 Meter Run

4 Rounds for time


Proverbs 11:24-25

 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
 another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.
 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

This verse is about being kind. There are many ways one can give… listening, including others, giving a compliment, telling someone about a book you think they might enjoy, sharing a joke, etc. We are influential beings, and our influence is powerful. Use it for the good, and use it often!

Recent Backblasts

Hixson High School Prom 1994

QIC:  Recycle

Date: 08/24/2020

PAX: Milkman, Hambone (RESPECT), Burrito, Magnum, Geek Squad, Postman, Hasbro, U Turn, Big Al, Mr Met, my boy Blue

AO: Shot House


72 degrees with 96 percent humidity. The air was thick and moist.

Apparently they leave the lights off after a weekend event at the stadium so we got to workout in the dark.


SSH x15 IC
FF x15 IC
WMH x15 IC
TGE x15 IC
SM x15 IC
Rev x15 IC
SSH x15 IC

The Thang

Mosey from the parking lot to the home side stands

Bleacher BLIMPS

PAX count off into 2 groups. Group 1 starts at the bottom of the stands, group 2 at the top.

PAX complete 1 set of reps and then go up or down the stands depending on where they started. 4 sets per exercise and then hold plank until the six is in.

Burpees x5
Lunges x10 (two legs is one)
Imperial Walkers x15 (two legs is one)
Merkins x20
Plank Jacks x25
Squats x30

Mosey back to the parking lot.

20 Big Bois OYO



Don’t neglect your mental health! There ain’t no shame in the mental health game and as men we tend to want to tough it out or neglect it and hope any problem goes away.

This was my first post in ten days after a little coronavirus scare and the anxiety I experienced waiting on the test results combined with not being able to post with my F3 dudes was really hard on me mentally. It was AWESOME to be back out there this morning!


DJ Geek Squad on the ones and twos spun some hella fly tunes and took us back to prom 1994:

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
Digital Underground
Montell Jordan
Kriss Kross
Ice Cube
Will Smith
Warren G

Can’t lie, I didn’t hate it.

Speaking of Geek Squad…have you ever tried to give a nice COT while he is wringing out his shirt? No human has ever sweat that much I am sure.


IronPax week 1 next week. Shot House will be a Wednesday IronPax post for the month of September.

Labor Day convergence to launch #detention on 9/7. Check Slack for all the info.

Recent Backblasts

    Aiken Birthday Burpee Mile

    QIC: Clothespin

    Date: 08/24/2020

    PAX: Woodrider, Fifty Cent, Slim Shady, Blackout, Abercrombie

    AO: Hacksaw


    Not bad but humid.


    Third Grade Exercise 15 in cadence
    SSH 20 in cadence
    Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence
    Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
    Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence
    Seal claps 10 in cadence

    The Thang

    Come to Clothespin’s Q he never runs……

    Burpee Mile:
    48 burpees, 1 mile run. Done as 12 burpees at Dominos and then every quarter mile till all 48 are complete. From Dominos to Leyland Dr. along Swinyar Dr. and back equals 1 mile. Stopped on the way back at pavilion for the rest of the thang. (make sure 6 is in from burpees mosey together) Did burpees at Dominos, commons parking lot, intersection of Leyland Dr. and Swinyar Dr. and then back at Commons parking lot to complete all 48!

    At the Pavilion:

    Gorilla Humpers:
    15 3 Rounds
    Like a monkey humper but bigger!

    Alabama Ass-Kickers:
    3 Rounds
    Down on all fours, kick each leg individually up and back. 4-count on each leg – 1 up, 2 extend, 3 back to up position, 4 down.

    3 Rounds
    All done in order, with no rest, without leaving plank position. Can be scaled using higher reps. 15 Alternating Shoulder Touches In Cadence (4-count), 10 Tempo Merkins (down on the 1-2-3, up on 4), 10 fast Merkins. That’s 1 complete round.

    Aiken Legs:
    3 Rounds done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps (or fast step-ups), 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 SSH

    Back to Dominos to complete the mile.
    Gorilla Humpers 10 last 30 seconds of time!


    Thanks for coming and celebrating my Birthday with me! Make yourself better challenge yourself at something you are not good at. Make small goals to accomplish big things. Win the small battles and you will win the war!
    [The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
    BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


    Well I ran Toe Tag off with the description of the workout…..
    Come to Clothespin’s Q. He doesn’t ever run they said….


    Ironpax is upon us!!! Lute is Home!!! Find a place and let it rip this week!!!

    Recent Backblasts

      Dora’s a Blockhead Charlie Brown

      QIC:  Sidekick

      Date: 08/21/2020

      PAX: Sunburn, Dirk, Candu, Iron Butt, Cliffhanger, Rodeo, 

      AO: Boneyard


      68 and a bit misty, but not bad


      SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX12; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX15; LBAC-REV-Morroccan Night CLub – Ray Lewis ICX12 each; Slow Squats ICX15; Mercans ICX15

      Mosey to Lot in front of rec center

      The Thang

      Dora’s a Blockhead

      We will be doing a Dora today utilizing a block per PAX

      Round #1

      160 Curls; Partner completes 20 squats; Switch; Repeat Until 160 reps are acheived

      Break Time – Indian Run down the street, left after post office, left into our lot, back in front of rec center

      Round #2

      140 Over head press; Partner completes 20 single count Imperial Squats; Switch; Repeat until 140 reps are achieved.

      Break Time – Indian Run down the street, left after post office, left into our lot, back in front of rec center

      Round #3

      120 bent over rows; Partner Completes 20 squats; Switch; Repeat until the 120 reps are achieved.

      Break Time – Indian Run down the street, left after post office, left into our lot, back in front of rec center

      Round #4

      100 Block Mercans; Partner Completes 20 single count Imperial Squats; Switch; Repeat until 100 reps are achieved.

      Break Time – Indian Run down the street, left after post office, left into our lot, back in front of rec center

      Round #5

      40 Blockies (Burpees with Block); Partner completes 20 squats; switch; repeat until the 40 reps are acheived.

      Break Time – Indian Run down the street, left after post office, left into our lot, back in front of rec center

      Mosey back to flag



      Celebrate the wins. Take the time to reflect on your hard work before moving on to the next thing.


      Charlie Brown came into play somewhere in round 2 for the Q. No where around to borrow a facility, so woods it is. That was a first.


      Dentention Convergance on Labor Day, 7 AM

      Recent Backblasts

        Active Rest

        QIC:  Fissure

        Date: 08/21/2020

        PAX: Blindside, Back Fire, Back Pew, Burrito, Friar Tuck, Oil Can, She Shed, Deer Jack, Moneyball

        AO: Lions Den


        Low 70s and drizzly


        Mosey’d the route of our thang then circled up in the middle of the parking lot
        SSH x 10 IC
        Fwd Fold x 10 IC
        Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
        Iraqi tea time x 10 IC
        Tea Pots each side x 10 IC
        SSH x 10 IC

        10 x Loaded Beast to jump squats (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcpF_Ur-Wbw)
        10 x Loaded Beast to merkins (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxH7vp0SxE8)
        10 x Beast toe touches (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDclIC864Ps)
        10 x Geckos (something like this but reach out further https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBzrJe6G6oY)
        20 seconds rest
        x 3

        The Thang

        Began at first cone in front of the middle school
        10 x Loaded Beast to jump squat then mosey’d to second cone at far end of the parking lot
        10 x Loaded Beast to merkin then mosey’d to the third cone about halfway across parking lot
        10 x Beast Toe touches and 10 x Geckos then mosey’d across the lot and up the hill 7 lights and back down to the first cone again in front of the middle school
        Some finished 3 loops before time called and we met in the middle of the lot

        10 x Loaded Beast to jump squat
        10 x Loaded Beast to merkin
        10 x Loaded Beast to Jump Squat
        10 x Loaded Beast to merkin and done


        Gave the Lions Den aoq Moneyball some positive affirmation for his intentional leadership. You won’t find somebody less in need of some positive affirmation but he had to deal with it today. He calls and texts a ton of dudes to get them out to a workout everyday. All he cares about is seeing guys get better. I really need to read the book he suggested, too, because he calls and texts me about that too! Heckuva guy.


        Oil Can is a jack rabbit and is bound to finish near the top of Iron Pax come September

        Burrito has two ears and one mouth so it should be easier for him to listen. Blindside kindly reminded him of this today and it was grand

        Burrito reminded us he’s a reverend

        Yacht rock isn’t for everybody apparently

        Just kidding about active rest day. We got after it


        Iron Pax coming near you in September

        Labor Day convergence at Detention 0700

        Recent Backblasts

          File your chimp callus

          QIC: DNF

          Date: 8/21/20

          PAX:  Rollback, Snow Patrol, Escobar, WuzntMe, Ramrod (RESPECT), Bernie, El Chapo (RESPECT), Abercrombie, WoodRider, Toe Tag, Bandwagon, Fiddy Cent, Slim Shady, Sousa

          AO: Hacksaw


          Spitting rain, cooler temperature than our average mornings as of late


          SSH x25 IC

          Willy Mays Hayes x10 IC

          Forward Fold x10 IC

          Imperial walkers x30 IC

          Honeymooners (hold until recover)

          Third grade exercise x10 IC

          High knees (continue until recover)

          The Thang

          Named a new exercise and its called “Eleven”. Done OYO. Hold Al Gore or plank when complete until the six is in

          SSH x1 Burpees x10

          SSH x2 Burpees x9

          SSH x3 Burpees x8

          SSH x4 Burpees x7

          SSH x5 Burpees x6

          SSH x6 Burpees x5

          SSH x7 Burpees x4

          SSH x8 Burpees x3

          SSH x9 Burpees x2

          SSH x10 Burpees x1

          Next was a game of 21. PAX performs SSH’s to 21. Q counts cadence only to a certain point, and is then silent. All PAX must stop with hands to his side at 21 or penalty burpees ensue. We failed twice (10 burpees the first time, 5 on the second). The third approach was an ACE

          Bonnie Blairs x30 OYO

          Squats x30 OYO

          Lunges x30 OYO

          Lap after complete, then hold Al Gore or plank until six is in

          Merkins x40 OYO

          Wide Merkins x40 OYO

          Diamond Merkins x30 OYO

          Lap after complete, then hold Al Gore or plank until six is in

          Big Boy sit-ups x10 OYO

          Freddie Mercury’s x30 OYO

          LBC’s x30 OYO

          Lap after complete, then hold Al Gore or plank until six is in

          Last exercise was Catch Me If You Can. PAX was divided into groups of two. Partner one runs Bernie lap while partner two does 5 burpees. After partner two completes his burpees he runs and tags partner one, and the roles reverse to partner two doing the burpees and partner one running bernie.


          1 Peter 4:8-10

          Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.  As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace

          Strength in versatility… that’s what this is about, and it’s something we represent well in F3 Chattanooga. We don’t all need to be the same, and have the same skills. In fact, it’s the opposite. We fill holes in our organization by coming forward with our individual skills and talents. This is one of the most encouraging things about being a part of this group. I looked around our circle this morning and spoke to MANY leadership skills that are brought by individual PAX who were present, and I stressed that we are all leaders, and its a skill that we are all passionate about and continuing to develop… together. I encouraged everyone to keep this up, and to always seek to find ways in which they want to step out front to motivate and lead our men.


          One of the rounds of penalty burpees while we played 21 was entirely the Q’s fault!! We moved on from that ridiculousness, in good form.

          Recent Backblasts


            QIC:  Back Pew

            Date: 06/27/2020

            Nemo, FNG-3 Doors Down, Skitch, Fly By, Backfire, Sunburn, Milkman, FNG-Bobber, White Glove, Fissure, Rocketman, Candu, FNG-Volley, Omaha, Coverup, FNG-Dexter

            17 Total!!

            AO: The Landfill




            • SSH
            • Forward Fold
            • 5-Burpees
            • Windmill
            • 4 burpees
            • Little baby arm circles
            • 3 burpees
            • Willie Mays
            • 2 burpees
            • Flutter kick
            • 1 burpee

            The Thang

            • 100 linked pushups. 
              • Mosey up hill/alternate squats & dips
            • Re-partner up
              • 50 linked pushups or bonnie Blairs
              • Bernie up hill/LBC’s & calf raises
            • Re – Partner up
              • 50 linked pushups or bonnie Blairs
              • Bear crawl up hill/ SSH & windmills
            • One last Jailbreak up the hill
            • Small hill Dora ideas 
              • 100 merkins
              • 200 squats
              • 300 lbc’s
            • Last event 
              • 40 yard dash races
              • Mary if any time left


            COT – Relationships

               Thoughts on 3 different kinds of relationships

            • 1. Friends

            “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” ― Charlie Tremendous Jones

            Exposure to people who are more successful than you are has the potential to expand your thinking and catapult your income. We become like the people we associate with, – Business insider

            F3 encourages Men to get better. To serve each other (Iron Sharpens Iron)

            • 2. WAG’s 
              • Im DEFENITeLY no expert I’ve learned a few things in 23 years. (Mostly what not to do).
                • Real forgiveness
                  • Not the one where you file away for later
                • Communication.
                  • Must be intentional. Doesn’t come easy
                • Make time. 
                  • I play tennis. 
                • Love the wife and the kids love you, love the kids and the wife loves you…. Awesome loop when it works ….. terrible when it doesn’t.
            • 3. God
              • F3 not Christian but many faiths. Almost all believe in some type of higher power. 
              • Im a Christian and am guided by a personal relationship with a savior. This to me is the most important relationship. 



            Recent Backblasts

              We’re gonna need more duct tape

              QIC: 9-Volt

              Date: 08/20/2020

              PAX: Deep Dish, El Chapo, Mrs Baker, Clothes Pin, Schnitzel, Baby Shart, Blackout, WreckedEm, Thin Mint, Abercrombie, 

              AO: The Battery


              When the moon is in the Seventh House
              And Jupiter aligns with Mars
              Then peace will guide the planets
              And love will steer the stars


              Mosey to the top of Mount Evil
              Everyone grab two bricks
              Circle up around the sound—– Commodores “Brick House” playing in the background

              SSHWith Bricks10
              Cobble Stones(3rd grade exercise- With Bricks10
              Brick ShittersWillie Maze Haze – With Bricks10
              Little Baby Brick CirclesDuh
              Brick ClapsSeal Claps – With Bricks10
              SSHWith Bricks10

              The Thang

              PAX lines up on West side of parking lot, performs exercise as a group then mosey out and back across lot between exercises

              Brick FlysOn back , arms on ground, bring bricks together25
              Brick Side RaiseStanding, arms at sides, raise bricks over head25
              Brick Front RaiseStanding, hands @ waste, raise bricks to 90 deg in front25
              Brick Tricep extensionTricep extension – With bricks20
              Brick CrawlBear crawl with brick in each hand (across parking lot)25 yrd
              Brick HammersAmerican hammers – With Bricks20
              Masonry Sit UpsBig boy sit ups – With bricks20

              At this point the PAX was tired of holding bricks so everyone was given two strips of duct tape to secure them to their feet

              Imperial Brick WalkersImperial walkers – With Bricks20
              Brick CyclesFreddie Mercury – With Bricks20
              Flutter KicksFlutter kicks – With Bricks10
              Flutter Kicks (Again)Flutter kicks – With Bricks and swearing10
              Jane FondaJane Fonda – With Bricks (While staring at neighbor and Listening to “You Sexy Thing” by Hot Chocolate10
              High KneesHigh knees – With Bricks20


              Duct Tape really is good for everything

              Mole Skin

              Wikipedia has very few Brick Mason fun facts
              The Battery claims the record for first use of duct tape in a beatdown
              Newly mown grass really sticks to duct tape


              Recent Backblasts

                War on the Core

                QIC:  Mayhem

                Date: 08/21/2020

                PAX: Jazzy Jag, Ducktales, The Count, Swingset, Lanyard, Purple Rain, Lockjaw, Dolly, White Glove

                AO: Ridgecut

                Right around 70 with steady light rain. Otherwise pleasant.


                Mosey to Parking lot and around far light post to between first two. Circle Up

                SSH x 20 IC, Low Self Esteem/Michael Phelps, Weed Eaters, Forward Fold, 4 Count Merkin/Side Planks x 10 IC, Imperial Walkers, Don Quixote (Windmills), Hillbillies, Worlds Greatest Stretch R & L, SSH

                Form Two Lines single file starting at 2nd light pole going towards last light pole.Marching

                > Marching Hip Closers In Cadence to last Light Pole, Hip Openers back

                Same two lines. In pairs perform the following to far light pole while remaining pax hold plank. Next two in line break plank and exercise when previous two are half way. Hold plank at far side until 6 is in.

                > High Knees
                > Long Skips
                > Butt Kickers
                > Karaoke
                > Jail Break (due to time constraints had to Karaoke out and JB back last time)

                The Thang

                Remain at 2nd Light Pole
                11s – Starfish Crunches/Quadraplex
                Mosey between light poles between exercises

                Since we didn’t have enough core work – 7 min of Mary as follows:
                > Jane Fondas x 15 each side IC
                > Heels to Heaven x 10 IC
                > Helicopters x 10 ea side IC with intermittent hold called by Q
                > Donkey or Sky Kicks x 10 ea side IC with intermittent hold called by Q


                Mosey back to flag for Counterama/Namerama


                A strong core is what holds everything together. Physically or as a Nation. In F3 , we promote the third F that leaders believe in “something bigger than ourselves”. I call it the Copernican Epiphany when we ultimately realize the world doesn’t revolve around us.
                As a nation
                that continues to move away from being “under God” (the DNC actually omitted that from The pledge of Allegiance this week at their convention 🙁 we become more selfish and polarized. Consequently, on the extremes of the both the left AND right we find a greater and greater void of true belief in something bigger than self which leads to policy that cares little about our fellow man. As leaders who DO believe, we must be take action to help bring our country back to the middle with a strong common core belief. “A house divided cannot stand”

                Prayers for Ducktales two friends, Praise for Lute being home in Chattanooga with Vera Hope, Prayer for our Country!


                Jazzy’s knees were a little tender doing the Quadraplex for the 11s which was surprising since I figured he would have some good callouses…from PRAYING so much! 😉


                Iron Pax in September, Convergence at Detention on Labor Day 9/7 from 7:00 to 8:00

                Recent Backblasts

                  Life Is Full of Disappointments, but the Music Still Plays So Suck It Up and Keep Moving, And Stuff

                  QIC:  Gusher

                  Date: 08/20/2020

                  PAX: Amber Alert, Prosciutto, Red Raider, Burrito, Whittler, Snow Patrol, Pomade, Shrinkage, Jenny Craig, Joanna, Naked Gun, FNG-H.R., Pediasure, Vienna, Natty Lite, Pound Dog, Hambone, Truckstop

                  AO: Smackdown


                  A delicate 65 degrees, with a Nor’ Easterly breeze of 2mph. The algid air meshed well with the 97% humidity, making LBCs on the mildly gelid grass with its 64 degree dew point feel like resting on the cool side of the pillow. The pressure in the air held at a steady and comfortable 29.95. But that is just the mountain ridge air for you. PAX could focus solely on getting better without having to worry about donning sunscreen given that the UV Index came in at 0. YHC is no scientist nor the son of scientist, but figures this is due to the sun’s rising schedule at 7:05am, long after 19 men got better. Who rise before the sun rises? PAX do, that is who. The day’s pollen count measured in at 9 grains per cubic meter of air; this is good news for the body’s natural histamines.


                  SSH (25IC); Forward Fold and Accompanying Moans from the Assistant to the Regional Q (10IC); WMH (10IC) SSH (25IC); Forward arm circles/Reverse/Ray Lewis (15IC for each); Third Grade Exercise (10IC)

                  AMR(ounds)AP with Some Burpees in between

                  Coupons were so strongly recommended for several of the exercises that one could even use the word “required” and not be wrong.

                  The first round of body movements came with the instruction of 20 reps per exercise. Each successive round decreased the number of reps by one, because if there is a minimum number pertaining to generosity, it would be one. After each exercise the PAX run across the field with glee and perform 5 burpees and return to coupon for next exercise.

                  Exercises: Curls (x20); Squats (x20); Merkins (x20); LBCs (x20); Block Dips (x20); Bonnie Blairs (x20); V-Ups (x20); Block Press (x20). 5 burpees between each exercise for total of 40 burpees per round. Repeat exercises decreasing rep by one (really, read the instructions; yet, repetition aids learning and all that. Are these things actually read?). The goal: see how many rounds can be completed.


                  Encouraged the PAX to contemplate contentment. YHC family discussion seasonally addresses the question, “If I just had __________________, then I would be happy.” How would we answer that question and what does it reveal. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, noted that he experienced times of plenty and times of lack. We think sometimes if we had plenty then we would be content. But Paul says that we have to learn contentment in both situations because contentment is not ultimately about what our circumstances are or what our possessions entail. The antidote to discontentment is gratitude. When we look around and see what our blessings are we can thank the Giver and enjoy what we have and be content in our situations, knowing even hardships are for good. Let’s be men who find it more natural to give thanks for the blessings than it is to focus on what we think is missing.


                  It appears that all PAX – to a man – view a seemingly endless morning of burpees in five rep increments as quite possibly the greatest blessing of all time. So much so, the speed with which these mighty men executed their exercises in order to be liberated to perform more burpees was excessively shocking, nay, disturbing. It was evident to YHC that a lesson needed to be learned, and that right quickly. You sleep on a teaching opportunity and it will lost forever. A decision must be made and made it was. To the dismay of all and even the outrage of a few, YHC canceled burpees midway through the second round. Leading often involves making tough decisions. Yet, the sooner one learns that life is full of disappointments the better. Disappointment ought not end in quitting; the playlist of life continues. Take your disappointment and turn it into more efficient energy. PAX were very quiet after this, but the silent treatment will not last forever. Regarding the Playlist, there was more disappointment. A special playlist selection was created for Snow Patrol with a song by namesake, Snow Patrol. Yet, the shuffle setting failed to execute said Snow Patrol for Snow Patrol. This was mortifying and discomfiting to the spirit of YHC as it took a good eleven minutes of life that will never be regained searching for a Snow Patrol song that was upbeat enough to serve as a workout song. Again, life and disappointment make for strange bed fellows. Lesson learned.

                  Vocabulary Lesson: Providentially, “comity” is the word of the day, and despite previously noted disappointment, the morning was characterized by comity, for which the Q is grateful.

                  Grammar reminder for the day: While the semicolon is often under appreciated, we want to remember not to swing too far on the pendulum with over use. It would not be prudent;;;;;;;neither would it be acceptable in formal writing.


                  Holy Kiss’ mom made it through a 6.5 hour surgery on 8/19 and is recovering, Keep in prayer.

                  Labor Day Convergence. See Slack for the details.

                  The trash receptacle at Smackdown needs to keep its lid shut as the stench emanating carries such a deathly aroma that cannot be forgotten. Seriously, it cannot be unsmelled.

                  Recent Backblasts