Can you make my legs not work please?

QIC:  Sidekick

Date: 08/04/2020

PAX: Postman, hasbro, Dundee, Nordictrack, Blue, Footloose, Friar Tuck, Cleaver, Resume, Milkman, Geek Squad, Ducktales

AO: Huey


74 and muggy


SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX12; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; Slow Squats ICX15; Mosey around track to pavilion; Grab a table and Step up with high knee X10 each leg; Bench assisted lunge X10 each leg; DEEP Ircans ICX15; Mosey over to bleachers

The Thang

So in my 5+ years of F3 this was the first total leg day I had ever Q’ed. We shall see how it goes
Title of exercises or routine
11s O legs

Right leg behind you on the bleachers – 10 one legged squats – Box Jump up to bleacher and land with a DEEP squat – repeat all the way up to the top – 1 Imperial Squat – Box Jump down and land with a DEEP squat.

Repeat through the 11s until you end with 1 one legged squat on bottom and 10 Imperial Squats on top

Early finishers to parking lot for 20 Gorilla humpers and a short mosey around the lot while we wait for the 6.

We can’t walk crooked, so repeat the 11s with the legs swapped.

Early finishers back to the lot for 20 Gorilla Humpers and another short mosey for the 6.

Mosey back to the pavillion for a quick upper body cause we have to

20 DEEP IRcans IC; 20 DEEP Dercans IC

Mosey back to the flag



Talked about the great growth in F3 over the last couple of years and the growth at the HUEY. Guys are getting out and spreading around the region. Good work done by all


Leg Day was a success. In retrospect, it was rough on me.


Recent Backblasts

    Twisted BLIMPS

    QIC:  Sidekick

    Date: 08/14/2020

    PAX: White Glove, Sunscreen, Friar Tuck, Lockjaw, Swingset, Lanyard, Ducktales (RUCK), Vila (RUCK)

    AO: Ridgecut


    72 and excellent


    SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX12; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; Slow Squats ICX15; LBAC-REV-Morrocan Night Club – Ray Lewis ICX12; Mercans ICX15

    The Thang

    Twisted BLIMPS
    BLIMPS – Burpees-Lunges (French Military)-Imperial Squats-Mercans-Plank Jacks-Squats

    Traditional BLIMPS exercises but slight alterations on a few of them

    Twist comes in with the travel methods

    B – 5 Burpees at bottom of Cock Hill; Bear Crawl to flat section; 5 Burpees; Run to top of hill; 5 Burpees; Mosey to edge of Parking Lot

    L – 10 French Military Lunges (Hands up reverse lunge); Run to my truck (40 yds) and Back; 10 more FML; Repeat Run; 10 more FML; Mosey to far left corner of lot

    I – Imperial Squats – 15 Imperial Squats; run first two legs of a full lot suicide; 15 Imperial squats; run the two long legs of the suicide; 15 Imperial squats; Mosey to far right corner of lot

    M-Mercans – 20 Mercans; Repeat run from “I” but in opposite direction; 20 Mercans; Run last two long legs of the suicide; 20 Mercans; Mosey to bottom of LONG hill

    P – Plank Jacks – 20 Plank Jacks; Sprint to halfway point of Hill (Flower bed); 20 Plank Jacks; Sprint to top of Hill; 20 Plank Jacks; Mosey to side lot

    S – Squats – 15 Squats; Side Squat Shuffle across lot; 15 Squats; Side Squat Shuffle back; 15 Squats

    Realized at this point that Germans love blimps and their translation has a B at the end as well, so we repeated the “B” portion on our way back to the flag



    Today we talked about Covid and how it can impact our lives. Talked about safety and keeping yourself and your family safe


    Tough workout today. The guys did great


    Recent Backblasts

      Stations of the X

      QIC:  Sidekick

      Date: 07/31/2020

      PAX: Jazzy Jag, Swingset, Curfew, White Glove, Lanyard

      AO: Ridgecut




      SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX10; 3rd Grade exercises ICX12; Willie Mays Hays ICX12; Seal Claps – Overhead Claps – Morrocan Night Club all ICX12; Super mans, nuetral, left and right; swims; recover, slow squats ICX15

      Mosey to the bottom of cock hill

      The Thang

      Stations of the X

      Set up 7 stations that create the largest lap possible around the BX. Stations are

      1. 20 Mercans
      2. 20 LBC
      3. 25 Block Curls
      4. 15 Big Boy Sit Ups
      5. 15 Imperial Squats
      6. 20 Monkey Humpers
      7. 10 Burpees

      The circuit:

      bear Crawl up the hill to Station 1. Do the Mercans. Mosey the entire lap.

      bear Crawl up the hill to Station 1. Do the Mercans. Mosey to Station 2. Do the LBC. Mosey the rest of the lap

      bear Crawl up the hill to Station 1. Do the Mercans. Mosey to Station 2. Do the LBC. Mosey to Station 3. Do the block Curls. Mosey the rest of the lap

      Repeat adding the next station until you complete all 7 stations in 1 lap.


      Another AO to hear about self introspection. Challenge yourself on your beliefs and affirm your position.


      Jazzy and I finished this time. We all improved our finish. Great Job


      Recent Backblasts

        Yes, we can count

        QIC:  [Q’s Name]

        Date: 08/19/2020

        PAX: Escobar, Menudo, Slim Shady, Fiddy Cent, Fiesta, Toe Tag, Bandwagon, Home Wrecker

        AO: Hacksaw


        70 degrees and pleasant


        SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX10; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; LBAC – REV – Ray Lewis – Morroccan Night Club – ICX12; Slow Squats ICX15

        The Thang

        Series of 5 Exercises – Burpee – Mercan – Squat – Plank Jack – Big Boy Sit Ups

        Start of with reps of 1 Burpee – 2 Mercans – 3 Squats – 4 Plank Jacks – 5 Big Boys

        Run 50 yards and back

        Increase the reps by 1, so 2-3-4-5-6, same exercises – Run the 50 yds and back

        Continue this through set of 5-6-7-8-9 including run

        Break time – Indian Run around the shopping center

        Continue back on reps up to 10-11-12-13-14 including runs

        break time – Indian run around the building

        Bonus round – 15-16-17-18-19

        Mosey to flag

        Dying cockroach ICX12



        Keep your focus on the things we can control. Limit your distractions. We are better in all aspects when we can stay on point


        New AO in Hixson – Dentention. Labor Day convergence.

        Recent Backblasts

          Pride, Strength, Determination, and Resilience

          QIC: Hasbro

          Date: 8/18/20

          PAX: Dundee, Gretel, Blue, NordicTrack, Ducktales, Roomba, Milkman, Geek Squad, Lloyd, Cleaver, Postman, Hasbro

          AO: The Huey

          64 degrees and slightly less humidity

          A warm-up lap around the track (find you a partner). Grab your coupon head to the back parking lot
          Set coupon to the side

          SSH x 12 IC
          Mtn Climbers x 10 IC
          ST Merkins x 10 IC
          5 Burpees OYO
          Imperial Walker x 10 IC
          5 Burpees OYO

          Line up
          The Thang

          Round 1
          50 air squats
          50 lunges
          50 Cotton eyed Joes
          50 regular squats (with coupon)

          run to the end of the parking lot

          Round 2
          50 Bonnie Blair with left foot forward
          50 Bonnie Blair with right foot forward
          50 Merkins
          50 LBC

          run to the end of the parking lot

          Round 3
          50 Curls (with coupon)
          50 Squat jumps
          50 Heel touches
          50 Toe Merkins (with coupon)


          Round 4
          50 Tricep Extensions (with coupon)
          50 Pickle Pointers
          50 Pickle Pounders
          50 American Hammers


          Round 5
          50 Shoulder Press (with coupon)
          Baby Arm Circles (25 Forward/25 Reverse)
          Big Boy Sit-ups

          Suffering for a Little While

          1 Peter 3: 6-7 ESV
          6 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

          If you have competed in sports you understand the concept of feeling uncomfortable. Whether it’s doing a core workout, hill workout, or running lines. Our brains send messages saying we need to stop or at least slow down. And so an athlete needs to learn to ignore them and push themselves so that their body is able to grow stronger and faster over time. On the day of competition, an athlete must likewise ignore the messages and push themselves to achieve the most out of their body and mind on competition day.

          One strategy I used, and in fact, still use today during an unpleasant workout, is that I remind myself that this suffering is only for 45 minutes. “This is the hardest thing you’ll do all day”; that is just a blink of time in this day; you can make it through this.”

          James 4:14 ESV
          14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

          “You Against You”

          QIC:  Mr. Clean & Blindside

          Date: 08/19/2020

          PAX: Backfire, Flute, Ohms, Rodeo, The Count (Respect, Respect), U-Turn

          AO: Lions Den


          Somewhere between 70 and suffocating humidity


          SSH x50 IC
          Modified Shoulder Blaster

          The Thang

          Let’s work some legs….
          Lion Leg Day

          Between Each Round. Suicide Burpees 

          Run to 1st Light Pole & Complete One Burpee & Return to Start.

          Run to 2nd Light Pole & Complete One Burpee & Return to Start

          Repeat Until 4th Light Pole & 4 Burpees

          ROUND 1

          10 — Bobby Hurleys 

          12 — Coupon Squats

          14 — Yoga Squats (feet together)

          16 — Pause Squats (pause for a 1 Mississippi hold)

          18 — Calf Raises on Block

          ROUND 2

          Repeat Round 1 and ADD↓

          20 — Curtsy Squats (10 Each Leg)

          ROUND 3 

          Repeat Round 2 and ADD ↓

          22 — Rocky Balboas (Count Left Leg)

          If Round 3 is completed before Blindside takes the Q, then complete the following : 10 Burpees, 9 Curls, 8 Burpees….Down to 1

          Pass the Q to Blindside
          11’s Up and Down Hill — Merkins & LBCs


          Psalm 11 reminds us the Lord takes care of the righteous, not self-righteous, righteous or the ones who seek Him for strength. Blindside challenged the Pax to continue trusting the Lord. Don’t flee and fall into the shadows. Continue posting with F3 and continue leading in your community. The ultimate challenge comes in differentiating between caution and fear. Use Caution BUT REJECT Fear.
          Today’s workout title was developed together. The workout was definitely a “You Against You” type workout. It was just a workout though. When the workout is over, we face the “real” world, we face the angst, we face fear, we face hardships, and we face rejection. Take care to reject the “You Against You” mentality and lean upon the Lord’s Strength.


          Both MoneyBall and Blindside were gracious enough to allow me a Q at Lions Den. With school starting back, I am no longer able to post at 0530 start AOs and even miss COTs at our 0515 AOs. However, thanks to these two HIM I was able to both Q and post at an AO very special to me. Thanks to MoneyBall and Blindside for their help. Thanks to the Pax who came out this morning and supported Blindside and me!!

          Ohms put a lid on his truck…he needed a place to escape the M.
          This is a lot of legs.


          Labor Day Convergence. 0700. Detention
          (Hixson Community Center — 5401 School Drive, Hixson, TN 37343)

          100 Pax is crazy, right? PROVE. ME. WRONG.

          Recent Backblasts

            Super 21’s with Field Goals

            QIC: Laces Out (Respect)

            Date: 8/18/20

            PAX: AfterBirth, Amber Alert, BumbleBee, Burrito, Gusher, Hambone (Respect), Holy Kiss, Jennie Craig, Pediasure, Pomade, PoundDog, Proscuitto, NattyLight, Red Raider, Truckstop, Shrinkage, Smallmouse, SnowPatrol, FNG-The Grove, FNG-Joanna, FNG-Vienna, FNG-Naked Gun

            AO: Smackdown


            64 degrees and clear, starry skies


            Warm up lap, followed by big circle on the field with:

            20 SSH IC, 15 Imperial Walkers IC, 15 SSH IC, 15 Finkle Swings each leg OYO, 15 SSH IC, 10 3rd grade exercise IC, 15 Willie Mays Hayes IC, 15 SSH IC

            The Thang

            Mosey to the goal line and spread out
            Super 21’s with Field Goals
            Started with 1 Squat on the goal line, run to the 20 yd line and 20 LBC’s, then Bernie Sanders back to goal line; then 2 Squats, run to the 20 yd line and 19 LBC’s; repeat and rinse until we do 20 Squats and 1 LBC.

            After each set of 5 squats, the Pax moved to the 10 yd line and 5 guys took a turn at a field goal attempt (20 yd FG or extra point distance). While the Pax attempted the FG, the remainder of the Pax did an exercise determined by the kicker(squats, merkins, etc). If kicker made the FG, the Pax continued that exercise. If the kicker missed his attempt, there was a 5 burpee penalty for all the Pax!

            The Pax made the first 9 of 10 attempts much to the shock of YHC. The Pax did not fare so well after that with more misses than makes!

            After 21’s were complete, 5 minutes remained for MARY: 12 Flutterkicks IC, 12 Freddie Mercury IC, 12 American Hammer IC, 10 Hello Dolly IC and 10 Rosalita IC (en espanol)


            Darkness versus the Light! 1 John 1:5-10 (read). We began our workout in the darkness of the gloom, including kicking field goals in the dark. Kicking is hard enough in the light! However, as we continued our workout, the sun began to shed light on our efforts. 1 John 1 talks about the difference that the Light of Christ makes in the life of one who puts his faith and trust in Jesus! “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7 Without Christ, we walk in darkness of our sin, but in Christ we walk in the light of his forgiveness.


            Convergence on Labor Day to help launch the new AO: Battlefield (Ft O)

            Recent Backblasts

              Can you milk me?

              QIC:  Whittler

              Date: 08/15/2020

              PAX: Afterbirth, Blue, Pound Dog, Prosciutto

              AO: THE Reformation


              Unseasonably cool with about 30 seconds of mist


              Warm up not needed

              The Thang

              We started from minute one with the Thang. Each minute, a new exercise started with the reps corresponding to the minute number. After reps completed, we moseyed until the minute was up
              The Tour of Old Towne
              (Number corresponds to the minute and number of reps)

              1. minute mosey
              2. rounds of wheel of merkin
              3. burpees
              4. hand release merkins
              5. big boy situps
              6. merkins
              7. 8 count body builders
              8. V ups
              9. bonnie blairs
              10. SSH
              11. Flutter kicks
              12. Froggy squats
              13. Mahktar N’diaye
              14. Hello Dolly
              15. shoulder taps
              16. carolina dry docks
              17. backward lunges
              18. lunges
              19. jump squats
              20. merkins
              21. Al gore
              22. American hammer
              23. toe merkins
              24. imperial walkers
              25. LBC
              26. Freddie Mercury
              27. SSH
              28. squats
              29. monkey humpers
              30. plank

              **We then proceeded to go back down to one. total running about 3 miles

              Finished with 5 MOM

              Pretzels, hollywoods, heel touches, pounders and pointers


              “Iron Sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” – Proverbs 27:17

              We are expected to live and serve in a community and God desires us to build loving and growing relationships with others. It isn’t possible for one tool to become sharper without the presence of the other. Left alone, tools will become dull and useless. The same can be said for men. Without the fellowship and relationships with other men, we don’t better ourselves.


              A small group and lots of moseying led to great conversations getting to know each other a little better.

              We all learned about different types of milk. Favorites were clearly oat milk and breast milk.

              Holy Kiss was lifted up as his mom has surgery next week. Lutefisk was also lifted up as we asked for continued healing.
              It was remarkably peaceful and civil without Burrito there. We didn’t come close to getting arrested.


              Pay attention to slack to see how many new AOs pop up this week.

              Recent Backblasts

                Marching Grounds and Big Band (Bang)

                QIC:  Sousa

                Date: 8-14-2020

                PAX: Furley, Mr. May, DNF, Rollback, Coldplay, D-Fib, Get Smart, Noid, Wrecked em, Hey Buddy, Venus, Mayhem, Woodrider, Blackout, Ramrod, El Chapo, Cowbell, Madoff, Toe Jelly, Dipstick

                AO: Parliament


                Very Humid, it was in the 70’s and sticky, it had recently rained, and there was more rain in the forecast. PAX enjoyed getting muddy and grassy from the morning dew.


                Mosie to the front parking lot in front of School

                Side Straddle Hop- 20 count

                Forward Fold- 10 count

                Willie Mayes Hayes (slower count)- 10 count

                Third grade exercise- (slower count)- 10 count

                Little baby arm circles- 20 count (Keep em’ up)

                Reverse Little Baby arm circles (keep em’ up)- 20 count

                Don Quixote’s (Windmills)- 10 count

                World’s greatest stretch 10 count both sides

                Imperial Walkers- 10 count

                Side Straddle hop- 20 count

                5 Burpees OYO

                Indian run (slower pace!!!) from front lot half way around the school and turned around and came back to the Gold lot (lot by baseball field), Each PAX led line about 2 times until we hit the bottom of the lot and recovered.

                Get a 10-count

                The Thang

                Mosie’d down to the band field behind the baseball field across from ChristWay Church. Gather in circle (socially distanced if at all possible).

                Placed lantern in the center of all PAX to use as a marker of their starting point and ending point.

                Begin in plank (High or Low)

                Round 1: When Q says “GO!” bear crawl 10 paces in opposite directions. Each PAX must travel in a different route away from the center of the circle (Lantern marks the center).  Once there, 10 burpees, and bear crawl back to circle and burpees until the 6 is in.

                Round 2: Bunny hop 15 paces and do 20 Merkins, bunny hop back to circle and burpees until 6 is in.

                Round 3: Bernie 20 paces and do 30 squats, Bernie back to circle and burpees until 6 is in.

                Round 4: Karaoke 25 paces and do 40 LBC’s, karaoke back to circle and burpees until 6 is in

                Round 5: Bernie 20 paces and do 30 Bonny Blairs (may need to do a Demo), Bernie back to circle and burpees until 6 is in.

                Round 6: Bunny Hop 15 paces and do 20 Werkins, Bunny Hop back to circle and burpees until 6 is in.

                Round 7 (Final Round push PAX to finish strong): Bear Crawl 10 paces, 10 burpees, and Bear crawl back to circle, burpees until 6 is in.

                The workout is suppose to simulate the “Big Bang” when we expand out and return to the starting position.

                Mayhem has a $10 Chick-fil-A gift card for the person who does the most bonus burpees between rounds. 

                Yell RECOVER and get 2, 10-counts.

                Finishing up, Line everybody up at the bottom of the hill, 3 rounds of sprinting to the top as hard as you can and taking it easy on the way back down.  DO THIS TOGETHER AND WAIT FOR THE 6.

                We had just enough time left for a little Mary. We finished up with 40 total LBC’s OYO, a 15-count per leg OYO of Jane Fonda’s, and a 10-count in cadence of superman’s.

                We Mosie’d to the practice football field for Countarama, Namearama, and COT.


                John 1:1-5

                1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life,[a] and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

                No matter how far out we went away from the light, we always had that lantern as a beacon or marker so we knew exactly how far back to come.  Even though it was dark outside, that light was not overcome by the darkness around it.

                The God I believe in and serve is my light, is my hope, and strength, and I know, as a Christian, that no matter how many times we mess up (how far we go), we will always be able to come back to Christ and ask for forgiveness.  It’s not a pass to live however we want with no accountability, but it’s a peace in knowing that even when we start wandering we can keep our eyes on the light and continue to put our trust in him.


                I was definitely not expecting 21 PAX to show up and support my VQ. I am, however, extremely grateful for their support and patience in coming out for my first rodeo. With the big number of PAX, I had to call a few audibles, and change a couple things up from a space perspective to make sure we could stay socially distanced if preferred, and still be able to circle up and do COP in cadence. As an Ooltewah High School Alumnus, and an OHS Band Alumnus (how I got the name Sousa) I enjoyed working out on the band field at my old Stomping grounds (marching grounds) and helping the PAX get better!


                F-2 meet up a the Fountainhead Taproom today (8-14-20) at 4 for happy hour.

                Iron Pax coming up, sign up and at least help the region even if you don’t think you’ll do much individually! I will be in the latter half for sure, but look forward to challenging myself to the next level!

                Shothouse BOMBS

                QIC:  NordicTrack

                Date: 08/14/2020

                PAX: Tasty Cakes, Payload, Dundee, Magnum, Sherlock, Ponce de Leon, Blue, Cleaver, Milkman, Mr Clean

                AO: Shothouse


                Warm and humid, like rolling in maple syrup.



                Forward Folds

                Willie Mays Hays

                LBAC’s, then in reverse

                Overhead claps

                Forward Folds

                Hamstring stretches

                The Thang

                Partner up. (Split Pax as needed to maintain social distance) First Partner performs 1/10 of the total exercise while the second one walks with their coupon. First Partner completes exercise, then runs and catches up with Second Partner. Swap.
                Shothouse BOMBS
                B – 100 Burpees

                O – 150 Overhead Press

                M – 200 Merkins

                B – 250 BBS

                S – 300 Squats with coupon


                Inspiration taken from the book The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz.

                Energy, not time determines productivity. Humans are creatures of habit. It takes far more energy to manually force yourself to do something than it does to do something out of habit. Our capacity for self control is limited. When trying to instill a habit, it is important that we write down what we do. Studies show that if you want to kick an addiction, it is not enough to simply abstain. You have to write down a plan for what you will do. This is why we Hard Commit (HC). When we say we are going to do something, and we write it down, we are more likely to do it than if we just happen to show up. HC’ing to a workout mentally commits yourself to coming, even if you don’t want to.


                I believe Milkman really wants everyone to wear Gold F3 gear to our workouts. Wildcats represent!


                New Hixson AO (OTB) begins Monday.

                Go onto the website and buy some F3 merchandise.

                Recent Backblasts