22’s by 2’s

QIC: Fissure

Date: 09/04/2019

PAX:  Gaylord, WuzntMe, Toe Tag, Pinky Tag, Clothespin, POS, John Doe, Moondance, Peanuts

AO: Hacksaw


Nice.  Low 70’s.  Stars were out.


Mosey to the memorial and circle up
SSH x 50 IC
Fwd Fold x 10 IC
Partner up for finkle swings x 15 each leg
Mosey under Apison Pike past Imagination Station onto the grass of the Commons via Swinyar Drive

The Thang

Grab a paver from the conveniently placed stack (Thanks Collegedale)
22’s by 2’s
Holding paver Bernie Sanders across the field to treeline
2 big boi sit-ups holding paver then mosey back across the field to the start and perform 20 diamond merkins with hands on the paver
Sit-up reps increase by 2 as the merkin reps decrease by 2 until you’ve done your final 2 merkins reps

We did the following while waiting for the six:
SSH x 25 IC
8-count bodybuilders x 5 OYO
Flutter kicks until six returned

Mosey back to flag for flutter kicks x 9 IC, done


We read a portion of Psalm 139.  God loves us and knows everything about us.  It’s important to stop looking to the next thing and live in the moment and remember God isn’t so big and impersonal.  


The commons is kind of a hike from the memorial.  We had to stop a couple times to “regather.”

We took the short way home across Apison.  Probably should’ve held hands.


Check #ironpax channel on slack for updates

Recent Backblasts

    Pain Train Relay/On Call

    QIC: WuzntMe

    Date: 8/30/2019

    PAX:  FNG -Teacher’s Pet, ToeTag, Jazzy Jag, Tracksuit, MaYhem (R), Centerfold, John Doe, Ducktales, Clothespin, Bernie, Sparkles, Vila, Gaylord, Can Man (R), Flatline, Sidekick, Madoff, Rainman, DNF, Threeskin, Freetime, Peanuts, Fastlane

    AO: Hacksaw


    58 degrees. In August. 


    Mosey to the Great Flag:
    SSH x25 IC
    WillieMaysHayes x20 IC
    Forward Fold x30
    Merkins x 15 IC
    Royce Gracies x10 IC
    Mtn Climbers x 20 IC
    SSH x 20 IC

    The Thang

    Mosey under Apison Pike to the pickleball courts
    Pain Train Relay 
    Split PAX up into six quartets. First man does one exercise, while 2-4 do their designated exercises AMRAP. When 1 returns, 2 does first exercise, 3 does second exercise, etc. Y’know, a relay. 

    First Heat:
    1: Bear Crawl down to end of courts and back
    2: Freddie Mercuries AMRAP
    3: Worst Merkins Ever (wide, normal, diamond, normal, wide) AMRAP
    4: Imperial Walker
    Quartet grabs air chair on the fence until all PAX are completed.

    Intermission: all PAX mosey two laps around court

    Second Heat:
    1: High knees to end of court and back
    3: Shoulder taps AMRAP
    4: Lunges

    Intermission:  one mosey lap, then two cell mates (Merkin, parker peter, merkin, parker peter, merkin, burpee, hot sauce jump)

    Third heat:
    1: Bernie down and back
    2: Flutter kicks AMRAP
    3: Dive bombers AMRAP
    4: Dips AMRAP

    Intermission: one lap, two cellmates

    Fourth heat: 
    1: Primetime down and back
    2: 100s AMRAP
    3: Mtn Climbers AMRAP
    4: Balls to the wall/decline merkins AMRAP

    Mosey back to the Domino’s lot. 




    Last week, my son was rushed to the hospital. My wife frantically tried to call me, but couldn’t reach me, as I was at F3, and left my phone in the car. By the time I got the message, and realized how serious the situation was, my wife and kids were already in the ER. I was caught flat footed, unaware, and unprepared. When I got to the ER at TC Thompson, I promised her that I would be on call from there on out, and since then, I’ve always had a phone on me. Thankfully, my son is OK, but I never should have allowed myself to be put in that position.

    As men, we are on call for many things. We prioritize our lives as we see fit, and are willing to drop everything for what we make important. My challenge to each and every man in the group is this: for what are you on call? Is it work? Your family? College football? What takes priority in your life, and what falls to the wayside as a result? Do you need to reorganize your priorities? 

    MaYhem led us out.


    YHC explained the importance of the Just One More ending cadence at Hacksaw, then promptly screwed it up for the next exercise. Royce Gracies are hard to do in a small circle. 
    Jokes abound in the COP – namely, being a little early for some things. John Doe doesn’t mind; he still has two daughters. Man can take a joke with the best of ’em.
    Coffeeteria at ChickFilA; pretty sure we rolled 12 deep, and broke their morning rush.


    Join IronPax, you bums. Convergence on Monday at Beast Ridge.

    Recent Backblasts

      A Roll Of The Dice-“How’s Your Attitude”

      QIC: The Count

      Date: 08/27/2019

      PAX: Bernie, BMX, CowBell, DNF, Escobar, FastLane, Flatline, Gaylord, JazzyJag, JohnDoe, Madoff, MoonDance, Osteen, Peanuts, POS, ThreeSkin, ToeTag, T-Rex, Wuzn’tMe

      AO: Hacksaw


      Low 70’s with some humidity, light fog, but a great day to workout!


      Disclaimer Given (NO FNG’s) – Mosey to Flags – SSH, Third Grade Exercises, SSH, Willy Mays Hayes, SSH, Quad Stretch, SSH, Chest Stretch, SSH, Upper Back Stretch, SSH, Moroccan Night Club, SSH, Tricep Stretch, SSH, Forward Fold.

      The Thang

      4 Dice  – 6 Exercises on each – Cardio/Lower Body/Core/Upper Body

      Cardio- Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers, 8 Count Body Builders, Side Staddle Hop, Burpees, Plank Jacks

      Lower Body- Monkey Humpers, Jump Squats, Backward Lunge, Squat, Standing Lunge, Jumping Lunge

      Core- Rosalita, American Hammer, LBC’s, Freddie Mercury, Flutter Kicks, Oblique Crunch

      Upper Body- Merkin, Carolina Dry-Docks, Hand Release Merkin, Shoulder Taps, Diamond Merkin, Werkin (Wide Arm Merkin)

      To begin round 1, roll all four dice.  Do all 4 exercises 15 Reps (IC when appropriate).  Run lap (between Mosey and AYG) When six is in roll dice again for round 2 (no repeat exercises) and do all exercises 10 Reps, Run Lap.  When 6 is in roll dice for round 3 and do all exercises 5 Reps, Run Lap.  Rinse and Repeat for Rounds 4 and 5.  

      Completion do Mary’s for 4 min.


      CIRCLE OF TRUST:  Counterama, Namerama, Announcements – Convergence at Beast Rridge for Labor Day.  Prayer request made.

      Thought of Day:  “Attitude” by Charles Swindoll.  “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it”.   While we can’t control what other think, say, or do, we do have control how we react to it.

      BALL OF MAN: Closed in prayer!


      It was great to see BMX out there.  During the workout, I got a little light-headed, ThreeSkin called out cadence for me.  But most interesting thing was ThreeSkin’s response to me during Merkins, when I made the comment to keep up with me….He responded,  “It’s hard to, because your arms are so short”!!!  Hey I thought that would have been T-Rex’s line!!! 

      Great workout guys, thanks for pushing yourselves and pushing me!


      Convergence , Labor Day, BeastRidge.

      Recent Backblasts


        QIC: Iron Butt

        Date: 08/23/2019

        PAX: Can Man, MayHem, Clothespin, John Doe, Rainman, Pinky Tag, Cowbell, ThreeSkin, Toe Tag, Sidekick, DNF, Escobar, Gaylord, Centerfold, Peanuts, WuzntMe 

        AO: Hacksaw


        73 and somewhat humid


        F3 Mission Proclaimed and Disclaimers disclaimed 

        IC 4 CT Side Straddle Hops x 15

        IC 4 CT Imperial Walkers x 15

        IC 4 CT Merkins x 15

        IC 4 CT Mountain Climbers x 15

        IC 4 CT Squats x 15

        IC 4 CT Side Straddle Hops x 15

        IC 4 CT Willie Mays Hays x 10

        OYO Jumping Lunges x 10 each leg

        OYO Slow Squats x 10

        IC 4 CT Flutter Kicks x 10

        IC 4 CT Big Boy Sit-ups x 10

        Mosey to FLAG and stopped on the way at palette of concrete blocks in route to the FLAG. Each HIM took two cinder blocks with him and positioned at the 6 position of the large circle around the FLAG.

        The Thang


        Partner 1:     Run/walk circle holding two concrete blocks and Stop at Stations 1 (15 Big Boy Sit-Ups) 2 (15LBCs)  3(15 Jump Lunges) 4(15 Merkins) – Do activity – OYO – Return to Partner 2 and exchange positions and activities.

        Partner 2:     20 LBCs and 20 MERKINS – Repeat until partner returns or HOLD LOW PLANK

        Partner 1 and 2 Exchange positions – DORA




        Partner 1:     Run/walk circle with two concrete blocks – Stop at Stations 1 (15 Big Boy Sit-Ups) 2 (15 LBCs)  3(15 Jump Lunges) 4(15 Merkins) – Do activity – OYO – Return to  Partner 2 – and exchange positions and activities.

        Partner 2:     10 JUMP LUNGES & 20 SLOW SQUATS

        Repeat until partner returns or HOLD LOW PLANK




        Partner 1:     Run/walk circle Twice holding ONE Concrete Block overhead – Stop at Stations 1 (15 Big Boy Sit-Ups) 2 (15 LBCs)  3(15 Jump Lunges) 4(15 Merkins) – Do activity – OYO – Return to Partner 2 – and exchange positions and activities.

        Partner 2:     10 JUMP LUNGES & 20 SLOW SQUATS

        Repeat until partner returns OR HOLD PLANK



        TIME – Return to parking lot after dropping off concrete blocks back at the palette 



        Leadership is hard to define.

        Lord, let us be the ones to define it with justice.

        Leadership is like a handful of water.

        Lord, let us be the people to share it with those who thirst.

        Leadership is not about watching and correcting.

        Lord, let us remember it is about listening and connecting.

        Leadership is not about telling people what to do.

        Lord, let us find out what people want.

        Leadership is less about the love of power

        and more about the power of love.

        Lord, as we continue to undertake the role of leader let us be

        affirmed by the servant leadership we witness in your son Jesus. Let us walk in the path He has set and let those who will, follow.

        Let our greatest passion be compassion.

        Our greatest strength love.

        Our greatest victory the reward of peace.

        In leading let us never fail to follow.

        In loving let us never fail.


        Blest Be the Tie – Sung by IB 


        Thanks to SideKick and ThreeSkin for auditing services and making sure concrete blocks were returned and positioned as originally. God Bless the Analyticals!


        IronPAX Challenge

        Recent Backblasts

          Quality vs Quantity

          QIC: Sidekick

          Date: 08/21/2019

          PAX: Madoff, Toe Tag, Bernie, T Rex, Threeskin, Fast lane, John Doe, Gaylord, Mayhem, Anny, Wuzn’t me, POS, Cowbell, Peanuts, Jazzy Jag

          AO: Hacksaw


          70 and Delicious


          SSH ICX25; Third Grade Exercises ICX12; Forward Fold ICX12; Mercans ICX12; Willie mays hays ICX12; Slow Squats ICX16; LBAC ICX10; Reverse ICX10; Morroccan Night Clubs ICX10; Shoulder Press ICX10; SSH ICX15

          The Thang


          We took advantage of the 3 pallets of cinder blocks that someone so graciously left for us this morning.  

          Partner up, each pair gets 1 Block

          Mosey with blocks to a strategic area that ended up being not so strategic

          Partner 1 – Block Curls AMRAP

          Partner 2 – 25 Squats

          Flap Jack and repeat until pair has 150 total block curls

          Line up for the longest Inidan run in American history.  Everybody got two sprint cycles in a massive lap around hack saw

          Round 2

          Same as before, just sub Overhead Press for Curls

          Indian Run again

          Round 3

          Sub Kettle bell swings to 100 total, sub lunges 10 each leg for the 25 squats

          Indian run again

          mosey the blocks back to the stack, mosey to flag



          Quality vs Quantity

          Starting a new AO, like hacksaw, takes quantity.   You need guys to show up and lead.  CHECK.  hacksaw has grown leaps and bounds.  Step 2 – Quality.  Put on a beat down the way F3 is supposed to be done.  Develop Qs and leaders.  Focus on WHAT we are doing instead of laser focus on numbers.  CHECK.  The hacksaw crew is alive and well and will only accelerate from here.


          John Doe and I are kindred spirits blurring the line between acceptable banter and quasi inappropriate comments.  Nice to have a brother in arms.  T Rex is named appropriately, those short arm kettle bells were something to see.  We worked that out.


          Labor Day Convergence at Beast Ridge 7 AM.  1 hour

          Recent Backblasts

            Bruce Lee Attack

            QIC: Escobar

            Date: 08/16/2019

            PAX: Gaylord, Mayhem, Wuzn’tMe, Bernie, Peta, Madoff, Toe Tag, Clothespin, Rainman, DNF, FNG-Paper Jam, Can Man, Round Up, Sidekick, Peanuts, Centerfold, FastLane

            AO: Hacksaw


            Lovely cool morning of 68 degrees with a Full Moon shining down


            Mozie to Library. Side Straddle Hops x 10, Arm Circles Forward x 10, Arm Circle Reverse x 10, SSH x 10, Willie Mays Hays x 10, SSH x 10, 3rd Grade Exercise X 10, Little Teapots x 10.  Mozie back to field next to parking lot.

            The Thang

            Starting Line in groups of 3 men.

              1. Basketball Slide to furthest cone, 10 Merkins, Basketball slide back to start. Hold Al Gore.
              2. Bear Crawl to middle cone, 10 Merkins, Bear Crawl back to start.  Hold Al Gore.
              3. Walking Lunge to nearest cone, 10 Merkins, Walking lunge back to start.  Hold Al Gore.
              4. Bernie to furthest cone, 15 Merkins, Bernie back to start.  Hold Al Gore.
              5. High Knees to middle cone, 15 Merkins, High Knees back to start.  Hold Al Gore.
              6. Duck Walk or Crab Walk to nearest cone, 15 Merkins, return to start in same manner.  Hold Al Gore.

            Core Work.

            Bruce Lee Routine: 30 seconds each exercise in order. Rest for 1 minute and repeat.  Total of 3 blocks.  Exercises included: Hammer, Leg Raises, LBC, Heel Touches, Crunchy Frog, and 100s.

            Ended with Indian Run with Burpees around perimeter of cones.  Last 4 men complete  5 burpees then run to front of line, tagging the last man in line to stop and complete burpees.


            Our Core is something most of us ignore and in fact the most important area of our being.  Is your spiritual core where it needs to be?  If not, discipline and hard work is the only way to achieve results.


            Some men decided Burpees were more fun during the last round of Bruce Lee routine.


            Starting next week, Hacksaw adds Wednesday to the list.  Convergence on Labor Day.  Location TBD.

            Recent Backblasts

              DIVE BOMBING AQUAMAN (Hacksaw – 08/09)

              QIC: John Doe

              Date: 08/09/2019

              PAX: Threeskin, Peanuts, Escobar, Free Time, Toe Tag, FNG-Pinky Tag, Cowbell, Can Man, Bernie, Round Up, MayHem, Anny, FNG-Centerfold, Iron Butt, Focker, Money Ball, Madoff, Clothespin, Jazzy Jag, Sidekick, FNG-Punch List, 9 Volt, WuzntMe, Fast Lane, Rollback

              AO: Hacksaw


              Clear skies, med-high heat, low humidity (i think), dewy grass


              Mosey to Flags – IC Side Straddle Hops x 25 – IC 3rd grade exercises x 10 – IC 4ct Squats x 20 – IC 4ct Merkins x 10 – IC 4ct Mtn Climbers x 25 – IC 4 ct Flutter Kicks x 25 – IC 4ct Aquaman x 10 – OYO Rocky Balboa x 25 – OYO Burpees x 10 

              The Thang

              PAX mosey to field about 100m from the flags


              Regular Merkin – 3 sets (15, 10, 5) with one Ladder (increase distance) in between each set (Plank when waiting on the 6)

              Wide Merkin – 3 sets (15, 10, 5) with one Ladder (increase distance) in between each set (Plank when waiting on the 6)

              Diamond Merkin (DDP) – 3 sets (15, 10, 5) with one Ladder (increase distance) in between each set (Plank when waiting on the 6)

              PARTNER UP

              100 Dive Bombers (P1 does 10 while P2 Holds Air Chair/Al Gore)

              100 Aquamans (P1 does 10 while P2 does Baby crunches)

              100 Jane Fonda’s – AKA Dirty Dogs/FireHydrants (P1 does 10 while P2 Rocky Balboas)

              100 Squats (P1 does 10 while P2 does Standing Calf raises)

              *Each member continues the second exercise until the 6 is finished

              TEAM RELAY

              Divide into 4 teams – alternating sprint from one end of the cones to the other until your back in your original spot

              Mosey Back to the main parking lot for COT


              “God Never Wastes a Hurt” – Bobby Allen

              CIRCLE OF TRUST: Counterama of 26 total PAX (Great morning!) John Doe talked about the hurt we endure during the fitness part of F3, coupled with the hurt we endure in life – mentally, spiritually, physically. No matter the situation or the pain “God never wastes a hurt” – it is ours to grow from and to become stronger.  Concluded with Nameroma including 3 FNGs

              BALL OF MAN: Prayer over F3 member going through a rough season along with each PAX internal hurts and praise for all our successes


              Alot of people talking about dive bombers and past shoulder injuries….each one blamed it on past baseball playing days.  Guess it’s not a “manly” sport afterall


              Escobar is up next in Q as a VQ @ Hacksaw; Iron PAX Challenge Sign Up; F3/Kid Convergence (can’t remember name) tomorrow 8/10/19

              Recent Backblasts

                Gone Fishing

                QIC: threeskin

                Date: 08/02/2019

                PAX: Sidekick, Focker, Mayhem, Lutefisk, Freetime, Iron Butt, Wuzntme, BMX, Bernie, Spielberg, PETA, Can Man, Debit, Mr. Belding, DNF, Chief, Peanuts, Jazzy Jag, Clothespin, Fastlane

                AO: Hacksaw


                Nice, not humid yet.

                Disclaimer: disclaimed, still some newer guys around


                Mosey Frogger Style to library.

                SSHs IC
                Forward Fold
                SSHs IC
                Arm Circles
                Reverse Arm Circles
                SSHs IC
                Cherry Pickers
                Morrocan Night Club
                SSHs IC
                Imperial Walkers

                The Thang

                Short mosey to the play group
                Untitled Generic Workout For ALL
                Count off, it was difficult
                6 teams: Low Row, Plank, Imperial Walker in rotation because I forgot the benches that we were supposed to use for dips.

                Mosey to “The Flag,” not “the Flag”
                Debate clock: running out of time
                12 – Merkins at 12 oclock
                9 – Merkins at 9
                6 – Merkins at 6
                3 – Merkins at 3
                Run to 12 and go back to pick up the six. 3 rounds with Merkins, one round with Freddie Mercuries, one round on milatary time with SSHs

                Mosey to “the Flag,” not “The Flag”

                Pickle Pointers to time (approx 45 seconds)


                I got to fish yesterday for the first time in 25+ years. I generally don’t have the patients but it was quite pleasant and actually rewarding when you catch a fish. Reminded me to remind everyone that we need to recharge our batteries so we can power other around us. Attempted to bring the fishing story to Christ asking Simon Peter and Andrew to drop nets and follow him. I bet he knew that fishermen would be able to bring more sounds to the Kingdom. They know what tools are required to attract fish so become a fisher of men. We have that opportunity to be fishermen and bring other men that need something like F3. F3 recharges me to make me a better man and example in my community. Iron Butt closed us out.


                Lots of good M-C today. Good think because this Q was off his game today.

                Started off right as Sidekick thought there were three 2.0s present. BMX, Spielburg, and Lutefisk. Oh Sidekick….

                Fun in the parking lot taking up spaces with SSHs – Continued by request with Imperial Walkers.

                Renamed Al Gores to Bernie Sanders, then to Cliffhanger, then to Elizabeth Warren

                Talked about Sidekicks affection for OSC, then Buttigieg-ed, across the road.

                No one could count properly today, mostly the Qs fault, but we soon found out that GA-Tech grads can count either. Keeping military time is also no our specialty. Kudos to Peanuts for pointing that out. Kudos taken away for not taking advantage of the situation. ha!

                There were complaints that we didn’t do enough legs to so we closed with Pickle Pointers


                2.0 next Saturday

                Mustang tomorrow

                Wednesdays on 8/22

                Pick-Hell Ball Hurricane Mayhem

                QIC: Mayhem

                Date: 07/26/2019

                PAX: Freetime, Can man, Bubbles, Gaylord, Focker, Bernie, Anny, Clothespin, Peanuts, Flash, Moneyball, Iron Butt, Madoff, Wuzntme, John Doe, Toe Tag, 9-volt, Sidekick, Rollback, Threeskin, Fastlane, FNG-Mr. Belding, FNG-Roundup, FNG-Mallard, FNG-PETA, FNG-Debit

                AO: Hacksaw


                Crisp and Clear 63 with a hint of anticipation in the air.  We created our own humidity


                Mosey from parking lot to monument flag.

                Explain significance of Hacksaw’s “Just One More” cadence

                SSH ICX21; ; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX11; LBAC-reverse-Moroccan Night Club-Shoulder Press-Chinooks ICX11 each; Merkins ICX11;  WGS Worlds Greatest Stretch IC11; SSH ICX11; Indian Run with 40lb bag of dog food (post beatdown breakfast)  pass (side to side) to Pickle Ball Courts

                The Thang

                Pickle Ball Courts – 1min Tabata switching between Exercise and Hurricane Run around the outside of courts x2 each.  Count off by 8s to create 8 mini pax – 1 pax per each half side of PB Court with different exercise in each section:

                Burpees; Windmills; Smurf Jacks; Imperial Walkers; Jump Squats; Plank; Apolo Ohnos; Freddie Mercury

                Hurricane Run – Mosey on long side runs, Skip Jacks on the East short side, Karaoke on the West short side.  Alternate facing in and out on Skip Jacks and Karaoke.

                Indian Run with 40lb bag of dog food (post beatdown breakfast)  pass (overhead) back to flags for Mary and COT

                Mary – Aquamans x 21 IC; Pickle Pointers x 11 IC; 1 Leg PPs R/L x11 each IC; American Hammers x21 IC; Merkins x11 IC


                Countarama – 27 Strong!; Namorama

                Word of the day…”Profit”

                Difference of Profit vs. Revenue or Income

                What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses own soul?

                Be careful…enemy of the best is the good.  Don’t spend life climbing the ladder of success to find it leaning against the wrong wall.  Don’t be the fittest guy in F3 Nation with family falling apart.  Okay to make half-time adjustments.


                Prayers of thanks for great weather, fellowship, injury free and the Spirit to be “Profitable” men.


                Good mumble chatter and excitement, lots of smiles despite the beatdown.  Multiple comments that it went fast and was enjoyable.  Not sure how I feel about that. Great support from F3Nation and Sr Qs for VQ.  #Hacksaw rising.


                Announced  Aug 10 2.0 Event

                Recent Backblasts

                  Pickle what?

                  QIC: Sidekick

                  Date: 07/19/2019

                  PAX: Threeskin, Escobar, Toe Tag, Bernie, Cowbell, FNG-Can Man, Mayhem (Respect), Gaylord, Fastlane, DNF, Rollback, The Count (Respect Respect), FNG-Knock Knock (Respect), Lutefisk, T Rex, 9 Volt (Respect), Annie, WuzntMe, John Doe, Peanuts

                  AO: Hacksaw


                  74 and pretty pleasant given recent mornings


                  SSH ICX20; Good Morning ICX12; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; LBAC-reverse-Moroccan Night Club-Shoulder Press ICX12 each; Mercans ICX10; SSH ICX10; Slow Squats ICX15; Mosey to the Pickle ball Courts

                  The Thang

                  4 Corners of Life – 15 reps IC each corner

                  Corner 1 – Mercans 

                  Corner 2 – Monkey humpers

                  Corner 3 – Pickle Pounders

                  Corner 4 – Low Plank

                  Bernie on the long sides; Traveling burpees on the short sides

                  Break time – Suicide across all 4 courts 

                  Round 2 – 15 Reps IC each Corner

                  Corner 1 – Shoulder Press

                  Corner 2 – Big Boy sit ups

                  Corner 3 – Mountain Climbers

                  Corner 4 – Slow Squats

                  Bernie on the long sides; Traveling burpees on the short sides

                  Break Time – 21 man Indian Run around perimeter of courts

                  Mosey back to flag

                  Willie mays Hays ICX12; LBC ICX15; Dying Cockroach ICX15



                  4 corners of Life – Church – Family – Work – F3

                  Don’t think of these things as individual activities or responsibilities.  These things are all intertwined in our lives.  Same principles of leadership apply to all.  Get the corners mixed together in your lives, be the leader you are meant to be.


                  So named Jeff Oscar.  We already have an Oscar.  Crap.  Executive Q decision – new name is Can Man.  Sorry Jeff.  Ludefist is a beast. John Doe is a Beast.  nuff said


                  Dadurday on 8/10 at Landfill

                  Recent Backblasts