AMLAP @ Shothouse

QIC: Blue

Date: 4-23-21

PAX: Milkman, Mr. Clean, Nordic Track, Sherlock, Slois Lane, Ponce, Heisenberg, Cleaver, Geek Squad

AO: Shothouse


A warm 50ish with hazy skies, but clear and nice.


Some stretches, some SSH’s, and a mosey w/ a coupon to the track.

The Thang


As Many Laps As Possible

Odd Laps

50 yard line visitor side – 5 Manmakers

50 yard line home side – 5 inchworms

Even Laps

End Zone 1 – 10 Capt. Thor’s

End zone 2 – 10 Imperial Walkers (hard count)


Using some of Slois Lane’s CoT from the previous week about “Alpha Males”, one of their characteristics is being vulnerable. No one has all the shit together, but everyone thinks that everyone else has it all together except for themselves. We are out here in the gloom with our brothers to get better physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc. It takes more strength to put yourself out there and be vulnerable than it does to just keep it inside. Pushing it down and keeping it inside, what ever “IT” may be, only works temporarily……..until it festers enough to come out and then, most if the time, it comes out in a negative or destructive fashion. It’s ok to be vulnerable. That what our brothers in the gloom are here for, to help one another.


DORA with Cones and Bear Crawls

QIC:  Blackout


PAX: Best in Show, Gilligan, Iron Butt, Lanyard, Lutefisk, Pebbles, Radar, Sidekick, Sunscreen, Swingset

AO: Ridgecut


Much warmer and humid than expected, a welcome morning after many weeks of frigid, raining weather.


Mosey lap around parking lot

  • Forward Fold – 10 seconds
  • WMH – x15
  • SSH – x15
  • Arm Circles – x15
  • Reverse Arm Circles – x15
  • Seal Claps – x15
  • SSH – x15
  • Tempo Merkins – x10
  • Tempo Squats – x10

The Thang

PAX grabbed a partner and moseyed over to Cone #1 to being DORA beatdown

Cone #1 – Upper Body

PAX 1 performed Atomic Merkins while PAX 2 ran to Cone #5, performed 5 burpees, and ran back to Cone 1. PAX flapjacked until 100 Atomic Merkins were performed cumulatively. Once complete, partners bear crawled to Cone #2.

Cone #2 – Core

PAX 1 performed Big Boy Sit-ups while PAX 2 ran to Cone #5, performed 5 burpees, and ran back to Cone 2. PAX flapjacked until 200 BBSU were performed cumulatively. Once complete, partners bear crawled to Cone #3.

Cone #3 – Lower Body

PAX 1 performed Squats while PAX 2 ran to Cone #5, performed 5 burpees, and ran back to Cone 3. PAX flapjacked until 300 Squats were performed cumulatively. Once complete, partners bear crawled to Cone #4.

Cone #4 – Total Body/Core

PAX 1 performed Imperial Walkers while PAX 2 ran to Cone #5, performed 5 burpees, and ran back to Cone 4. PAX flapjacked until 400 Imperial Walkers were performed cumulatively. Once complete, partners bear crawled to Cone #5.

With 4 minutes left, we circled back up to performed some MARY:

  • Swingset: Freddie Mercuries x20
  • Best in Show: Flutter Kicks x20
  • Lutefisk (out of turn by the way): ABCs
  • Lanyard: Pickle Pointers x15


Spoke about gratitude. For me, personally, sometimes when I have a bad day or I am in a valley of life, I can sometimes forget just how much I have to be grateful for. Whether it be family, job, physical abilities, mental abilities, etc., we all have something every day to be grateful for even during bad times. Challenged PAX to remember this when going through tough times.


Lutefisk made sure Q knew that there is more to Ridgecut than parking lot and grass field (AKA Hills). Noted, and Q will try to find some of those hills next time out! Speaking of Lutefisk, he was so excited to do ABCs in the MARY that he cut line…..Disagreements ensued.

Heard at one point that “Blackout” might be “blacklisted” from the Q lineup at Ridgecut in the future due to levels of stupid-ness today. It was a joke….at least I think it was a joke….

During a late point in the DORA, Q switched 5 burpees to 3 on the runs to Cone 5. Some PAX were grateful, others pointed that it was the Parliamentarian in me, had to modify somewhere!

Overall, Q enjoyed first time at Ridgecut and mumble chatter therein, will be back! (maybe, see 2 paragraphs up)


3rd-F opportunities still going: Chubby’s and Habitat builds

Sign up to mow Hillary Coker’s yard this Spring/Summer. Sign ups have been extended into next year as well. Great opportunity to help the family of a fallen PAX.

VQ at Legacy Thursday 4/29 – Gilligan.

Recent Backblasts

    Laps and Ladders….oh, and Cutoff Tees

    QIC:  Blackout

    Date: 04/27/2021

    PAX: AOL, Bonsai, Cavity Search, John Doe, Mayhem, M.I.A., Mothballs, Picabo, Tatonka, Toe Tag, Uncle Joe

    AO: Parliament


    Cut-off weather AKA perfect. No rain and No cold.


    Mosey lap around track

    • WMH x10
    • Forward Fold x10
    • SSH x15
    • Arm Circles x15
    • Reverse Arm Circles x15
    • Seated Calf Stretch – 10 seconds
    • Butterfly Stretch – 10 seconds
    • Hamstring Stretch – 10 seconds each side
    • SSH x15
    • One lap of Indian Runs

    The Thang

    Track Day Apocalpyse

    Run one lap at a “fast” pace and then run second lap at a “Mosey/jog” pace; These paces determined OYO by PAX. Once two lap circuit complete, do the following exercises:

    10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins, 10 LBCs

    Rinse and Repeat two laps and exercises, except the exercises go down by ones (9 Burpees, 9 Squats, 9 Merkins, 9 LBCs, etc.)


    Spoke about gratitude. For me, personally, sometimes when I have a bad day or I am in a valley of life, I can sometimes forget just how much I have to be grateful for. Whether it be family, job, physical abilities, mental abilities, etc., we all have something every day to be grateful for even during bad times. Challenged PAX to remember this when going through tough times.


    Q had to find something, ANYTHING, to slow Tatonka down. Turns out if you throw in Burpees, Merkins, Squats, and LBCS in between running laps, the rest of us PAX don’t get lapped as often!

    M.I.A. busted out the cut-off shirt this AM. It became a major distraction and almost derailed the entire workout!

    Turns out it doesn’t rain every time Blackout Qs, contrary to historical data and trends. Weather was perfect,


    3rd F still rolling: Monday nights at Chubby’s 5:30-6 pm; Habitat Build July 10; See 3rd-F Channel

    Two VQs this week: Top Em at Hacksaw Wednesday and Gilligan at Legacy Thursday.

    Recent Backblasts

      Sousarama Tour Launch 4-24-21

      QIC:  Sousa

      Date: 04-24-2021

      PAX: Pink Panther, Rocket Man

      AO: Landfill


      It rained the whole time, but wasn’t completely miserable as we did do a portion of the beatdown under a nice covered pavilion.


      SSH- 20 count

      5 burpees

      SSH- 30 count

      10 burpees

      SSH- 40 count

      20 burpees

      Forward Fold into a downward dog, and into a cobra or upward dog position and back

      World’s greatest Stretch- 15 count each side

      The Thang

      BLOCK PARTY!!!!

      There were 4 stations with 1 workout per station. Each round increased the reps of the exercise by 4 reps per round.

      Station 1 (Sousa’s) was in the pavilion with station 2 (Blockees) down the hill in another pavilion, station 3 (Derkins) down the path by a lamp post and station 4 (Squat Thrusts) back where station 1 was under the pavilion. This was the course each round.

      Round 1: 10 Sousa’s, 10 Blockees, 10 derkins and 10 squat thrusts

      Round 2: 15 Sousa’s, 15 Blockees, 15 derkins and 15 squat thrusts

      Round 3: 20 Sousa’s, 20 Blockees, 20 derkins and 20 squat thrusts

      Round 4: 25 Sousa’s, 25 Blockees, 25 derkins and 25 squat thrusts


      With the launch of this mini tour that was delayed by Covid, I Reminded the men that with Spring Cleaning being a thing of physical cleaning, we as men could help clean ours and others lives with a little old fashion male community leadership. Whether leading their family, coworkers, or simply putting the EH on a friend, these are all ways to invigorate the male community leadership that we strive to achieve each and every day.


      There is nothing like three guys working out soaking wet in a park with rocks and cinderblocks. Eye Contact is necessary.


      Recurring Chubby’s 3rd-f opportunity Mondays at 5:30

      Stationary 11s at Legacy

      QIC:  Blackout

      Date: 04/22/2021

      PAX: AOL, Bernie, Ramrod, FNG – Short Circuit (Maybe, still under debate), Sousa, Uncle Joe

      AO: Legacy


      Cold…..stupidly cold for late April. No rain though, so that was good.


      Mosey to Parking Lot beside the playground

      • SSH x25
      • FF x10 seconds
      • Willie Mayes Hayes x15
      • Arm Circles x15
      • Reverse Arm Circles x15
      • SSH x15

      20 Merkins/20 Squats; 15 Merkins/15 Squats; 10 Merkins/10 Squats; 5 Merkins/5 Squats

      Mosey a lap around park

      The Thang

      Round 1:

      Perform Atomic Merkins and Squat Jumps (Started with 10 Atomic Merkins and 1 Jump Squat; Worked down to 9 Atomic Merkins/2 Jump Squats, etc. until we got to 1 Atomic Merkin and 10 Jump Squats)

      Mosey a lap around park

      50 Monkey Humpers (5 rounds of 10)

      Round 2:

      Perform Big Boy Sit ups and Broad Jump (Started with 10 Big Boy Sit ups and 1 Broad Jump; Worked down to 9 BBSU/1 Broad Jump, etc. until we got to 1 BBSU and 10 Broad Jumps)

      NOTE: was supposed to be BBSU and Box jumps OR step-ups. Refer to Weather portion as the benches we were to use had layers of ice. Q audibled so as to assure nobody slipped off the bench during the box jumps.

      Mosey a lap around park

      2 minutes of reverse lunge burners (1 minute each leg)

      Round 3:

      Perform Burpees and Flutter Kicks (Started with 10 Burpees and 1 Flutter Kick; Worked down to 9 Burpees/1 Flutter Kick, etc. until we got to 1 Burpee and 10 Flutter Kicks)

      Mosey a lap around aprk

      Finished out last 70 seconds or so of beatdown holding Plank.


      Read John 14:1: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. Talked about troubles, stress, and worry. We all have the tendency as human beings to worry and have high anxiety at times, especially during times of stress at work, home, during Pandemic, etc. Give those worries to God. Pray during those times that you may think and act with your heart and leave the worries in your mind behind for God to handle. Asked PAX a question: Will this situation I am worrying about matter in a week, a month, a year? If the answer is no, then stop and pray to God to guide you through the worries with peace and comfort.


      The MC was wonderful for today’s beatdown!

      From what I gathered: Sousa met his now-wife at a Toga party in which there was a goat eating bed posts and sheets. After this, he subsequently lived in a barn on a king-sized bed full of Hay. At some point, the goat turned into a baby lamb that lived inside with his in-laws. It was then determined that Sousa uses a washing machine to wash his box spring (unsure how that works). Oh, and his mother in law is not named Mary so Mary and the Little Lamb didn’t work, however, his father in law is Wendell. Story took a weird turn (if that’s possible) after that discussion began.

      It was determined that some of the musical choices were not politically correct, subsequently followed by one PAX saying “Great music today”. Not sure what that means in the grand scheme of things, but worth nothing.

      Uncle Joe busted out his fur underwear for the beatdown, fortunately, we took him at his word and no proof was necessary. Did I mention it was cold, like 50 degrees colder than the high two days ago cold?

      Sousa was asked what raves were like now since he was the youngest PAX. He followed this up with “the movie theater in East Ridge?” Additionally, he noted that the closest thing he got to a rave was a Church gathering. Reach out to Sousa if you are looking for a new church….


      3rd-F Channel: Chubby’s Mondays at 5:45-6; Habitat project set for July 10, need 6 people; Legacy park cleanup being rescheduled. See Slack 3rd-F channel

      Shawshank on at Parliament tomorrow; Escobar at Hacksaw. Two great options.

      Recent Backblasts

        Blasted BLIMPS!

        QIC: Holy Kiss

        Date: 04/22/2021

        PAX: Pomade,  Pediasure, Gusher, Jorts,  Laces Out, Prosciutto, Red Raider, Pound Dog, Snow Patrol, A-A-Ron, Zima, In-N-Out, Mansiere, Friday,

        AO: Smackdown


        low 30s and way to cold for April… but we are men… Men in Tights!


        Warm up lap around track

        SSH X 25, Little Baby Arm Circles X 15 and reverse X 15, Seal Claps X 15, , Willy Mays Hays X 10, Third Grade Exercise, SSH X 25

        The Thang

        Stairway to 7

        Bleacher Pull Ups, Run around bleachers, Box Jump Bleachers to top, Squats at top, Run down bleachers and back around. Rinse and Repeat up to 7 reps. (Total 28 reps per exercise)

        BLIMPS (4 stations with jailbreak between)

        Round 1 “B” (Burpees x5 at each station)
        Jailbreak to station 2, 3, 4

        Round 2 “L” (Lunges x10 each leg each station)

        Jailbreak to station 2, 3, 4

        Round 3 “I” (Imperial Walkers x15 each leg each station)

        Jailbreak to station 2, 3, 4

        Round 4 “M” (Merkins x 20 each station)

        Jailbreak to station 2, 3, 4

        Round 5 “P” (Plank Jacks x25 each station)

        Jailbreak to station 2, 3, 4

        Round 6 “S” (86ed)

        In the interest of time… we just did a BLIMP

        Wheel of Dips

        PAX lined up on bottom bleacher.. down the line with one dip and hold, back down the line with two.. rinse and repeat up to 5 dips. Short intermission and 10 dips each PAX all the way down the line


        LBC X 20 in Cadence

        Freddie Mercury X 20 in Cadence

        Wild Card- Prosciutto- Leg Lifts X 20 in Cadence

        Wild Card – Red Raider- BBSU X 20 OYO


        Words Matter… Challenged the PAX to be aware of their words. Even though there may not be ill intent, words matter and impact others.

        “You will have to live with the consequences of everything you say. What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words” – Proverbs 18:20-21


        Recent Backblasts

          Navy Seals

          QIC:  Gretel

          Date: 04/15/2021

          PAX: Blue, Cleaver, Doogie, Ducktales, Dundee, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Hoveround, Milkman, NordicTrack, She Shed, Slois Lane, U-Turn

          AO: The Huey


          54 degrees, dry, perfect


          Mosey 1 lap to the Love Shack

          SSH 20 IC

          WMH 10 IC

          Windmills 10 IC

          3rd Grade 10 IC

          LBAC forward/back 10 each IC

          Mt. climbers 20 IC – front foot hits the deck each time – no Running Man allowed!

          SSH 20 IC

          The Thang

          PAX will complete each block OYO then hold Al Gore (if able) until 6 is in

          Block 1 – 10 Navy Seal burpees (a burpee with 3 merkins, first merkin bring one knee to chest, second merkin bring other knee to chest, one more merkin then finish the burpee)

          10 regular burpees

          10 pullups under picnic table

          Block 2 – 10 Navy Seals, 10 2-merkin burpees, 10 pullups

          Block 3 – 10 Navy Seals, 10 3-merkin burpees, 10 pullups

          Active recovery block – mosey a lap

          Block 4 – 10 Navy Seals, 10 2-merkin burpees, 20 flutter kicks IC

          Block 5 – 10 Navy Seals, 10 burpees, 15 monkey humpers IC

          Active recovery block – 30 flutter kicks IC


          1st F, the King, it’s what gets us all here to start with. We must be physically fit to lead from the front. Additionally, being physically fit prepares us to weather the storm in times of injury or illness. Push yourself and stay consistent!


          QIC’s intentions were questioned as PAX noticed he was not wearing his weight vest.

          She Shed does not like licking poles.

          Unclear if PAX hated the Navy Seals or the playlist more


          Check Slack!

          Recent Backblasts

            TurboPAX, H&R Rocks, and PAXAct….1040s, Deductions and Penalty Burpees

            QIC:  Blackout

            Date: 04/15/2021

            PAX: Clothespin, El Chapo, M.I.A., Thin Mint

            AO: The Battery


            It was a very remarkable change in trends, it didn’t rain for a Blackout Q for the first time, well, ever! Great conditions, 55 degrees, no wind, and low humidity!


            Mosey lap around dog park to Pavilion – grab a rock

            • Imperial Walkers – x15
            • Randys – x15
            • SSH – x15
            • Tempo Merkins – x15
            • American Hammers – x15
            • X-factors – x15
            • Extra Small Arm Circles – x15
            • SSH – x15

            5 penalty burpees OYO

            The Thang

            Form 1040 First HalfUpper Body (10 seconds rest/40 seconds exercise)

            • Curls with rock
            • Shoulder Presses with rock
            • Dips
            • Mountain Climbers
            • Curls with rock
            • Shoulder Presses with rock
            • Dips
            • Mountain Climbers
            • Flutter Kicks with rock
            • 40 second Plank

            5 Penalty Burpees


            Start at one light pole in parking lot, perform 10 Diamond Merkins, jailbreak to other side of parking lot light pole and perform 10 LBCs, karaoke back to initial light pole. Perform this routine until we have “deducted” reps from 10 to 1. For second half, did Bernies instead of karaoke back to initial light pole.

            Form 1040 First HalfLower Body (10 seconds rest/40 seconds exercise)

            • Lunges with rock
            • Squats
            • Toe Merkins (also now known as Twerkins)
            • Monkey Humpers
            • Lunges with rock
            • Squats
            • Toe Merkins (also now known as Twerkins)
            • Gorilla Humpers
            • Flutter Kicks with rock
            • SSH

            Deductions – we found more potential deductions for our 1040

            Start at one light pole in parking lot, perform 3 burpees, jailbreak to other side of parking lot light pole and perform 3 BBSU, mosey back to initial light pole. Perform this routine until we have “deducted” reps from 3 to 1.


            Once deductions on the tax return were corrected, we finally made our payment. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes with rocks until time (3-5 reps).


            Stole some of the Mayhem COT from Parliament on Wednesday, talking about where you are now is not your destination. If you are not happy, or in a bad place for whatever reason: job, relationship, internally, etc. Whatever the case may be, it is not too late to make changes for the better. Challenged the PAX to constantly evaluate whether or not they are truly thriving instead of just surviving. Thanks Mayhem, enjoyed that one so stole it a bit.


            Lots of good MC, especially with a crowd of 5. Big thanks to Thin Mint for pointing out that Tax Day has been moved to May 17. Told the PAX it must feel great to have it done and paid by the “real” tax day today.

            Lots of good names for a tax beatdown: H&R Rocks, H&R Blocks, TurboPAX, PAXact, and my personal favorite from the one and only WuzntMe: “Screw Jackson Hewitt/This workout I will not do it”. He held true to his promise and in fact…did not do it. 10 minutes in, M.I.A. did not find these jokes funny any longer.

            Very thoughtful and drawn out discussions about the differences between Gorilla Humpers and Monkey Humpers. Clothespin was gracious enough to demonstrate proper form with sounds as well. Also, we gave Toe Merkins a second name “Twerkins” but then decided that should probably be used for Monkey Humpers instead. Verdict still not reached there.


            2 spots open for Habitat build 4/17; Legacy clean-up to be rescheduled; Chubby’s continues on Monday nights. Join 3rd-F channel for more info.

            Woodrider at Parliament tomorrow; 9 Volt at Hacksaw

            Clothespin sending out info for July 24 Fallen Five beatdown and Ruck; Will span from 7 am to early afternoon; Clear your schedule and try to make it out to honor the fallen five that day.

            Recent Backblasts

              Return of Ramrod and Sousa

              QIC:  Sousa and Ramrod

              Date: 04/10/2021

              PAX: AOL, Oui Oui, Shawshank, The Count, Mayhem, M.I.A, FNG “Bob Ross”, 

              AO: Legacy


              Light mist in the air with plenty of mud puddles to keep you wet!


              SSH- 20 count
              Forward fold- 10 count
              Third grade exercise- 15 count
              Worlds greatest stretch- 10 count each side
              SSH- 30 count
              Circle Burp: until Pax have each done three burpees

              The Thang

              Incline Merkins on barn- 25
              Jump ups- 10
              Squats- 25
              Derkins- 25
              Burpees- 5
              As many rounds as possible. Between each round do a lap around the park.

              *Rinse and Repeat, same set of exercises each round


              Ramrod shared some great advice with the PAX this morning. HE talked about how in life men try to take the safe way out, whether its in work, at home, etc. His challenge to us this morning was to challenge ourselves to be better. Don’t always take the easy way out, but choose a route where we can learn and grow and become better men, better Christians, and better husbands and fathers.


              Wasn’t sure if my FNG “Bob Ross” would show, but sure enough about 15 minutes into the beatdown he came moseying in looking for me! He said when he showed up, he thought I had lied to him and didn’t think it was real. After the beatdown, he finally realized F3 is no hoax, it is in fact a great organization.


              Check out the Calendy link in Slack to help take care of Night Sweats Family through lawn care. $30 will cover someone they have on retainer to get the work done, or you can personally sign up for a slot to help meet this need.

              Lunges Lunges Lunges

              QIC:  M.I.A.

              Date: 04/08/2021

              PAX: 9 Volt, Abercrombie, Blackout, Clothespin, Deep Dish, El Chapo, Mrs. Baker, Thin Mint, Wuzn’t Me

              AO: The Battery


              Option A: 60ish

              Option B:Twas a forecast called for rain, but a more fair morn hasn’t been seen by mine eyes.


              Lap around the dog & skate park


              Willie Mays Hays

              Forward Fold

              Arm Circles of the little Variety (forward and non-forward)

              Iraqi Tea Time

              The Thang


              Split the PAX into two groups of 5

              Group 1 – Lunge from first light pole to second light pole
              Group 2 – Big Boy Situps

              When group one arrives at lightpole, they begin Big Boy Situps and Group 2 begins lunges.

              Repeat alternating between Big Boy Sit-ups, Squats & Merkins.

              PAX all moseyed back to the shovel flags and circled up for Usain Bolts

              Usain Bolts

              PAX calls exercise – all other PAX completes exercise while that PAX runs a lap around baseball field (~1/4 mile)

              Groundhogs – 9 Volt
              Inverted Planks (or flutter kicks…) – Deep Dish
              Planks – Mrs. Baker
              SSH – Abercrombie

              Last minute and a half were finished off with more lunges.


              Self reflection is all well and good but we are all too good at dismissing what we see. Sucking in our stomach at the mirror, justifying our actions, or dismissing our behavior because of the behavior of others.

              We could all improve ourselves greatly if we stop minimizing our failures & shortcomings, and acknowledge them. As a Christian, I believe minimizing my sin comes to easily. James 4:8-9 describe how we should behave when we recognize sin:

              “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and joy to gloom.”


              YHC promised Blackout we wouldn’t lunge the entire workout… He didn’t agree that YHC lived up to his word.

              Deep Dish, Blackout and Wuzn’t Me have requested more lunges. The next trip to The Battery for YHC will meet their requirements.

              The goal for the beatdown was to give PAX plenty of opportunity for MC. The goal for Abercrombie was to cause all other PAX to hold their breath as long as possible.

              Clothespin can lunge faster than he runs.

              When YHC and Blackout decided to 5k5a at the last minute, they made a grave error by not inviting the other PAX. Pitchforks and torches were getting prepped.


              No news is good news?