Holiday Grab-Bag

QIC:  Snatch

Date: 12/21/2020

PAX: Blue, Ponce, Gretel, Mr. Clean, Roomba, Dundee, U-turn

AO: Detention


Clear, mid-40s.


Jump rope x 30 seconds, jumping inchworms x 10 OYO, imperial walkers x 10 IC, third grade exercise x 10 IC, WMH x 10 IC, Michael Phelps x 10 OYO.

The Thang

Wall sit intervals combined with coupon chest press, coupon shoulder press, twisting crunches, and coupon deadlifts; mountain climbers x 10 HC after each interval.

Circuits of 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off of the following coupon exercises: leg lifts, man makers, kettle bell swings, lawn mowers, and pickle pointers. Run a lap after circuit complete, repeat for a total of 3 circuits.

Yuletide Yoga Session: progression of downward dog, plank, cobra, and child poses.

Little Bit of Mary, Yoga Style: boat pose, table pose, slow bicycle crunches, slow scissor crunches.


Shared verses from Hebrews 12 (regarding endurance and perseverance in the midst of hardship) and Luke 2 (regarding Anna’ patient expectation of the Messiah), and connected these verses to our current shared experiences with COVID-19 and the Christmas season.



[Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

The Grinch’s Grind

QIC:  [WoodRider]

Date: [12/21/2021]

PAX: [Bandwagon, Free Candy, Sousa, Ramrod, AOL, Blackout, Bob Jones, Escobar, Qui Qui, Mothballs, Rollback, SeaGull, Picabo, Slim Shady

AO: [Hacksaw]


[37 Degrees with a little frost and fog]


[⁃ SSH – 20

⁃ LBAC – 15 each in cadence

⁃ Cherry Pickers – 15 in cadence

⁃ Self Esteems – 10 in cadence

⁃ Forward Fold – 15 in cadence

Willy Maze Haze – 10 in cadence

Run Run Rudolph song – Burpees every time they say Run Run Rudolph / High Knees in between.]

The Thang

The Grinch’s Grind

45 second intervals (Circuit 1)
⁃ Jump Squats
⁃ Merkins
⁃ LBCs
⁃ Lunges
⁃ Military Merkins
⁃ Flutter Kicks

60 second Break

 REPEAT Circuit 1

45 Second Intervals (Circuit 2)
⁃ Monkey Humpers
⁃ Diamond Merkins
⁃ BB Situps
⁃ Reverse Lunges
⁃ Werkins
⁃ Freddy Mercury
60 Second Break
REPEAT Circuit 2
60 Second Break
REPEAT Circuit 1

Bear Crawl the one time around the flag
“Merry” the last 3 minutes to Grandma’s house


[Isaiah 6
is an extremely familiar chapter of the Bible it depicts what Isaiah saw when he went to the temple to pray. However, if you look back to chapter 5 you will see why he went to the temple to pray. Judah had just had a successful king die and the new ones where not exactly the ideal leaders. On top of that the people of the nation were in full rebellion. Things that were good were considered bad, bad was good, people were proud of their sins flaunted them for all to see, materialism was a way of life, politicians would prosecute the innocent in place of a bribe,… Man if this time doesn’t sound familiar…

So how does Isaiah respond? He goes to the temple to worship and ask God for help. To his utter amazement he finds that God is still on his throne in the midst of the crazy. This provides peace to Isaiah and drives him to boldly want to tell others what he saw. “Here I am. Send Me!”

May that be a reminder to us that God is still on his throne. No matter what time throws at us. May that give you peace and boldness to proclaim his name during this Christmas season!


[Some Christmas songs are just too happy to be played while you are in pain.


Legacy Kicks off Thursday, 12/24/2020. No AOQs on Friday. Only one on Saturday at Central High School.]

Recent Backblasts

    Only 798 Meters Left

    QIC: Mr. Clean

    Date: 12/18/2020

    PAX: Joanna, Mansiere, Natty Light, MoneyBall, Whittler, Burrito, Blindside, Roomba, Recycle, U-Turn, Offset

    AO: Lions Den


    It was what Angus affectionately referred to as “Clean’s Frosty Beard” weather this morning. Sub 25 degrees. Quite a bit of frost upon the track.


    SSH x25 IC

    Forward Fold OYO

    SSH x15 IC

    Willie Mays Hayes x20 IC

    The Thang

    Catch me if You Can
    Partner Up. Partner One Bear Crawls. Partner two completes 20 Monkey Humpers and 20 Star Jumps. Runs to catch Partner. Rinse and Repeat for a lap.

    Find a new partner. Partner one runs a lap while partner two completes 20 straight leg dead lefts and 20 Monkey Humpers. Rinse and Repeat for a mile.

    Mosey to a new spot. Pick a new partner. Partner one Bernies. Partner two completes 20 fire hydrants and 20 squats. Run and catches partner one. Rinse and Repeat for two laps.



    3rd Q of the week. 3rd AO with a different group of guys. YHC spoke once again about St. Thomas Aquinas. He was both a devout Christian and Humanist. He proposed the main ideas of Humanism, yet he still remained a devout Christian. In other words, he still put God first.

    Now, the Humanism is often partnered with Atheism. Oh how St. Thomas would’ve been upset with this. He was clearly a convicted man.

    That is what today’s COT is really about. While there was a great deal of talk about dairy. The focus is today is really about one’s courage of convictions.

    If you are convicted, ethical, and moral, then don’t let the circumstances change this.


    That seems a little zealous

    Great job guys! Only 798 meters of bear crawls to go

    What’s up guys. I’ll be running for a minute. Mansiere is up there somewhere


    Convergence 01/01/2021 at Anvil

    Launch of Legacy coming.

    Recent Backblasts

      Spread Eagle

      QIC:  Sidekick

      Date: 12/17/2020

      PAX: Recycle; Whittler; Proscuitto; Red Raider; Burrito; Pound Dog; Gusher; Flute; Friday; Mansiere; Holy Kiss; Shank; Truck Stop; Pediasure; Jonna

      AO: Smackdown


      30 Degrees with slight spittage of snow


      SSHICX20; Willie Mays Hays ICX10; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX10; Seal Claps ICX10; Shoulder PRess ICX10; Slow Squats ICX15

      The Thang

      Spread Eagle

      All PAX spread out along the straightaway of the track; Walk to the middle of the football field and place your block; walk back to the straightaway on the track.

      All rounds will follow the same general sequence: travel to block, exercise with block, jail break to opposite side track; 10 Mercans; repeat back across the football field to your starting point; run a lap

      Round 1

      Bear crawl — 20 Block Squats — Jail break — 10 Mercans — Bear Crawl — 20 Block squats — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

      Round 2

      Lunge — 20 Block press — Jail break — 10 Mercans — Lunge — 20 Block Press —Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

      Round 3

      Crawl Bear — 110 Blockees — Jail break — 10 Mercans — Crawl Bear — 10 Blockees —Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

      Round 4

      Reverse French Lunges — 20 Block Curls — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Reverse French lunges — 20 Block Curls — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

      Round 5

      Traveling Burpees — 20 Kettle Bell Swings — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Traveling Burpees — 20 Kettle bell Swings — jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

      Last 3 minutes – Block squats and Block Reverse lunges


      Covid Talk – Trying to provide some guidance for PAX and their families on what to do with exposure at different levels.
      Not really what the guys wanted to hear this morning. But, anything we can do to limit exposure within the group and continue to meet and workout is a win. Have a great Christmas and New years!


      For those that did’nt know, Burrito has been lying about working for a large law firm and actually works out of a 2 man office on labor law. Keep his secret please. Also, love SD. Not many places I can go and get mom jokes, penis jokes and general debauchery AND a workout. Love it


      Legacy kicking off 12/24.

      New Years convergence at Anvil, 7am

      No workouts on Christmas Day

      Recent Backblasts

        Dirty Regifter Santa

        QIC: Bonsai

        Date: 12/18/2020

        PAX: Sidekick, mothballs, sex wax, bandwagon, mayhem, Escobar, Bernie, MIA, oui oui, Vaccine, Tatonka, AOL, Toe Tag, Toe Jelly, Clothespin

        AO: Hacksaw


        Some of the PAX commented that icicles were forming on their foreheads.  This fact was unconfirmed, however, recently every day has felt cold enough to reasonably complain about.  Low 20s, sky was clear and starry.


        I’m not a big fan of SSHs so I kept the PAX active throughout the workout with a boxer shuffle between exercises.  Fists up, bouncing lightly on the balls of the feet.

        20x Pogo Jumps – OYO as high as you can

        10x Butt Kickers – OYO, both sides

        10x Imperial Walkers – IC

        30 sec Forward Fold – Silent Count

        10x Side Stretches – IC

        10x Arm Circles – IC, Forward and Backward

        10x Jabs – IC, 2x Forward Punches, 1x Backward punch each count, then switched sides

        10x Front Kicks – IC, both sides

        The Thang

        PAX counted off and were split into teams of Odds and Evens and told to group up on opposite sides of the flag pole.

        Around the short track were 3 locations with different types of “presents”.  The three locations were Bricks, Weights (of various forms), and Coupons.  PAX were given a rundown of the rules of the game, the goal of which was to see which team could give the most “presents” to the other team.

        When the music began PAX moseyed around the short track in a counterclockwise direction, picking up a present from one of the locations on the way and carrying it around the track back to their team’s location.  Once back at the flag pole they would perform one of the below series of exercises to correspond with the chosen present then gift the present to the other team by placing it on the other team’s side of the flag pole.  After presents were all claimed, mosey around the track then perform the series of exercises x2 to move the present to the other team.  Cut the mosey for the last 5 mins, much to Tatonka’s dismay. Continued until time was called.


        • Bricks
          • 5 Brickies (Burpees with Bricks)
          • 10 Nutcrackers (Starting with bricks above your head do a lunge, simultaneously bring the bricks together between your legs, then back above your head)
          • 15 SSH w/ Bricks Wonderbras w/ bricks held together
        • Weights (10lb weight plates, 8lb Duct Taped sand bags, Firewood of various weight)
          • 5 American Thors (Big Boi situp w/ a set of 4 American Hammers for each count)
          • 10 Squat Thrusts
          • 15 Tricep Extensions
        • Coupons
          • 5 Goblet Squats
          • 10 Derkins
          • 15 Curls for the Girls

        After time was called PAX had a few mins left.  Spent some time stacking and organizing the presents then a couple ab exercises.

        • Alphabets (on your six, legs 6 inches off the ground, trace the alphabet in capital letters with your feet)
        • Freddy Mercury until time


        QIC spoke on how as men we are responsible for remaining alert and preparing for the future, not in fear but in wisdom, recognizing that we can experience changes in our circumstances that we may never anticipate.  Referenced AoM article about alertness.

        Through Chubby’s and a non-profit my wife has been working for I have met individuals who had good jobs, large homes, and great families but due to circumstances they never expected they face foreclosure, and an inability to pay utilities or feed their families.  Be it sickness, layoff, COVID, or separation we can’t always predict what the future brings but we can be generally prepared for a variety of storms by setting up sandbags in our lives.

        Sandbags can be relationships, financial savings, family, paying off debt, mentors who can provide wisdom, new skills, anything that helps you to navigate and withstand adverse situations.  It is important to recognize and reinforce your sandbags consciously before the storms come.


        What do you call ‘in cadence’ that is not 4 count?  1 count cadence?  Single count?  Regardless, QIC will work on how to end the count.  Inflection on a single number is hard.

        “Even” team won, but there is an ongoing investigation into claims of cheating.  There are rumors some PAX traveled clockwise to grab a coupon and cut the mosey short.  Pending review.

        Clothespin and Sidekick volleyed the 45lb ruck sack.  They seemed to get a bit of a high off of the increased weight, though some might say the ‘high’ came from the 8lb duct taped weights.  Let’s hope Clothespin never gets pulled over….

        Decided last minute to cut the SSH w/ bricks due to them being a bit slick with ice.  Airborne bricks were deemed probable and though we will happily assist injured PAX to their car we prefer to avoid it best we can.

        41 bricks, 18 coupons, 18 weights, 10 logs, a 45lb rucksack, and 8 duct taped bags of….hmmm.  I love playing with toys but maybe less is more sometimes.  Special thanks to those who helped pack it all up at the end.

        Note for next time I want to use a whiteboard.  Dry erase markers freeze. You don’t want to be in a position where you have 16 men all referring to the same hastily written out half sheet of paper.

        Recent Backblasts

        Pound Leg Town

        QIC:  Fissure

        Date: 12/14/2020

        PAX: Threeskin

        AO: Anvil


        High 30s and clear


        Stretch on your own whilst chatting then run four laps

        The Thang

        Partner A runs lap while partner B alternates between 20 slow n low squats then 20 walking lunges until Partner A returns and you switch. Each partner completes two laps

        Partner A runs lap while Partner B low n slow squats, switch

        Partner A runs lap while Partner B does walking lunges, switch

        Partner A runs lap consisting of Bernie straightaways and run curves while partner B alternates between 20 slow n low squats then 20 walking lunges until Partner A returns and you switch. Each partner completes two laps

        Recent Backblasts

          Shaught Howss

          QIC:  Fissure

          Date: 12/11/2020

          PAX: Freetime, Sherlock, Cleaver, Snatch, U-Turn, Blue, Milkman

          AO: Shot House


          High 30s and clear


          Mosey to track, circle up
          20 ssh, fwd fold, 15 ssh, iraqi tea time, 10 ssh, Imperial Walkers, 5 ssh
          Mosey lap

          The Thang

          Partner up

          Partner A runs lap while partner B alternates between 20 slow n low squats then 20 walking lunges until Partner A returns and you switch. Each partner completes two laps

          Partner A runs lap while Partner B low n slow squats, switch

          Partner A runs lap while Partner B does walking lunges, switch

          Partner A runs lap consisting of Bernie straightaways and run curves while partner B alternates between 20 slow n low squats then 20 walking lunges until Partner A returns and you switch. Each partner completes two laps

          Everyone runs three laps

          Recent Backblasts

            See You When I See You


            QIC:  Mr. Clean

            Date: 12/16/2020

            PAX: Milkman, Cleaver, Snatch, Friar Tuck, Roomba

            AO: Shot House


            Misty. Rainy. Back to misty.


            SSH x20 IC

            Forward Fold OYO

            Willie Mays Hays x19 IC

            The Thang

            See You When I See You
            Partner Up. Run in opposite directions around the track. When Pax meet, complete 2 exercises. Run again till they meet. Complete same 2 exercises with one less rep. Rinse and Repeat until complete.

            Pax collect their blocks. Same routine. Carry block. YHC realized quickly this was slightly over zealous, so Pax ran a lap in opposite directions and back to blocks for exercises.

            Exercises were Merkins/Squats — Round 1

            Exercises were Shoulder Press/Curls — Round 2


            Saint Thomas Aquinas, a devout Christian, proposed the idea of Humanism. Humanism simply puts more emphasis on the human mind and its ability to rationalize and use that. At the time, he got in a great deal of trouble for this as it did not align with the church’s “laws”. He still remained committed to his faith.

            Do a Google search today and his original philosophy seems to go hand in hand with atheism. Why is that?

            Somewhere, at some point, someone los their way, bastardized the original philosophy, and claimed it as their own.

            This COT was about Christianity, atheism, Humanism, or even faith. It was about pointing out the effects of people losing their way. Let’s makes sure we don’t lose our way and always keep the courage of our convictions.



            [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

            Recent Backblasts

              12 Days of Detention

              QIC: Blue

              Date: 12-16-20

              PAX: Dundee, Nordic Track, Sherlock, U-turn

              AO: Detention


              40ish degrees and MOIST!!!!


              • Lots of stretching, whole body
              • Ssh
              • Shoulder Blasters

              The Thang

              12 Days of Christmas, do first exercise, run to the top of the hill towards the back of the concession stand parking lot. Come back, do first exercise then second exercise, run hill. Add exercise after each run. All exercises are 10 reps unless otherwise noted.

              • Manmaker
              • Ballerina Squat
              • Dips w/ coupon
              • Captain Thor
              • Merkin
              • Imperial Walker (hard count)
              • Monkey Humper (slow)
              • Curls x 20
              • Dive Bomber
              • Box Cutter
              • Calf Raise x 20
              • Navy Seal


              In today’s society/culture we are too quick to label one another by our sexual preference, the color of our skin, our job, how much money we make, etc. Or we are labeled by the most notable SIN or faux-pa we’ve made. Try to start seeing one another as a child of God, or at least a human being, not by a label.


              Definitely a beatdown, no pax made it pst Day 6. The Hill which will be named sooner or later is brutal after multiple times running it. All PAX were glad to see one another. Good times were had all around.

              Have a Funky Little Christmas

              QIC:  9 Volt

              Date: 12/15/20

              PAX: Abercrombie, Deep Dish, Clothespin, MaYhem,

              AO: The Battery


              A distinctly seasonal flavor thanks to the presence of orange peel, juniper berries, ginger root, cardamom and cloves. Nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon are notable flavors. Honey is also featured in the fermentation process. A caramel malt flavor and spices define this Ale.


              Mosey to the top of Mount Evil and grab two bricks from the pile.

              Nothing says Christmas quite like James Brown so the Q played “James Brown’s Funky Christmas” Album
              ** For you Millennials, An album is a group of songs that you buy all at once only to discover that most of them suck

              1. SSH IC X 20 (With bricks)
              2. Baby Arm Circles (With bricks)
              Fwd IC X 10
              Rev IC X 10
              3. Seal Clap
              Fwd IC x 10
              Overhead IC x 10
              4. SSH IC X 15 (No bricks)
              5. Forward Fold IC x 10
              6. Ab Vagoda IC x 10 (With bricks, because some jackass had to ask)
              7. Slow Merkins IC x 10
              ***10 penalty burpees because Deepdish broke a brick (Damit Deepdish)

              The Thang

              The PAX starts on curb next to the pool & performs exercise labeled Haaaaah!
              Then run to the opposite side of the parking lot and begin the exercise labeled Good God!, but don’t start counting until the six joins the group.

              Haaaah!Count Good God!Count
              Plank Jack20Squat20
              Peter Parker15Imp Walker15
              Front raise (Brick)20Bonnie Blair10
              Merkin10High Knees10
              Mt. Climber10Calf Raise30
              Inch Worm (Brick)Lunge
              Carolina Dry Dock10Sit Ups15
              100’s10Box Cutter10
              American Hammer10Dive Bomber10
              Freddie Merc10Flutter Kick10


              Words of wisdom

              Christmas sweaters are best purchased in July
              Hide your sweater from your wife or it will dissapear


              Why does somebody always ask if it’s four count?

              Recent Backblasts