Circle of 100s

QIC: Goose

Date: 6/9/2020

PAX: Pink Panther, Omaha, Back Pew, Sunshine, Care Bear, Flop, White Gloves, Iron Butt, Ramos, Deer Jack, Skitch

AO: Hill City

Conditions: Perfect


SSH x25, Forward Fold OYO, WIndmills x15, Willy Mays Hays OYO, 3rd grade exercise x15, Forward Fold OYO

The Thang

100 reps of: Merkins, Squats, SSH, LBCs. Run a lap in between each exercise.

Circle 0f Mary: 25 reps of PAX choice

Let’s workout Right Quick

QIC:  Escobar

Date: 06/09/2020

PAX: Threeskin, Picasso, Fissure, Clothespin

AO: Anvil


72 degrees and a little muggy.


Moseyed around track for 1 lap. 25 SSH, BAC x 10, Reverse x 10, Teapots x 10, Forward Fold x 10, WMH x 10

The Thang

  • Manmakers x 10
  • Curls x 20
  • John McCains x 10
  • Gas Pumps x 20
  • Burpees x 10
  • Block Sumo Squats x 20
  • Run Lap
  • Burpees x 10
  • Run Lap




With all the chaos our world seems to be dealing with currently, the masses are looking for leaders. They are desperate and want someone to lead them through the dark. Coincidentally, F3 exist to build male leadership. I asked the PAX to think about the leadership roles they have had in the past, currently hold, and are preparing for the future. If you haven’t been a leader, why not? Scared? Lack the ability? Don’t want the responsibility?

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” —Ronald Reagan

“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.”–Vince Lombardi

Become a leader. Leaders are needed everywhere; at home, work, neighborhood, church, workout group, anywhere.


Which was first, the chicken or the egg? I seem to use the phrase “right quick” an awful lot lately. I noticed my 3 year old saying it and now my wife and I say it very often. Did we teach her, or did she teach us?

Picasso made the workout look easy for someone who has taken a 6 month hiatus from working out.

Thinking about leadership, Fissure thought we could try to increase our efforts by starting a leadership group disguised as a workout group to attract members. (so dumb and would never work)


Nah, nothing I can remember. Maybe ask someone else that was present. (oxygen level was a little low at the end)

Recent Backblasts

    Beasts of the East

    QIC:  Mr. Clean

    Date: 06/08/2020

    PAX: Best in Show (Respect), Chavez, Dolly, Doodles, Fastlane, FNG-Lockjaw, Gaylord, Mayhem (Respect), Pebbles, Ramrod (Respect), Rollback, Snow Patrol, Swing Set, Toe Jelly,  Wuzn’t Me

    AO: Beast Ridge 


    Hot. 186% humidity.


    SSH x30 IC

    Shoulder Blaster

    Forward Fold

    The Thang

    At long last, YHC finally got to post (and Q) at Beast Ridge. It was quite a rewarding day to wrap up “the week”

    Two Steps Forward…One Step Back
    Mosey to 1st light pole. Instructions: Mosey 2 forward, complete 1 Merkin and 1 Squat, mosey back one, complete 2 Merkins and 2 Squats. Repeat this process until the 6th pole is reached.

    Tammy Wynette

    100 Monkey Humpers
    100 Pickle Pounders

    Noticed the fine folks of East Ridge misspelled football (futbol), so I showed the boys some football grass drills to finish things out.


    The “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back” is an oldie Goldie of sorts for me because, frankly, that’s an Oldie Goldie of life. We quite often take two forward and get knocked back one.”
    Luckily, we have a choice: keep going backwards or embrace the suck and keep moving forward.
    YHC read some names from the list in which I shared at The Reformation on Saturday of various HIM in Chattanooga who impacted me positively over the course of 3 years. YHC challenged each HIM to do the same for another.
    Lastly, to add another bit of perspective, any man with a child 3 years or older can truly see the change, both good and bad, that can occur in 3 years. Birth to a toddler….are you allowing F3 to develop at that rate?


    Per consultation with Sidekick, we have 186% humidity. The Beast has slightly more saturated ground than Lion’s Den.
    Pebbles is a beast.
    Mayhem finished his Pickle Pounder/Monkey Humper set when he got home.


    Parliament (Ooltewah High) in OTB/Launch Process
    Hixson AO — OTB/Research Process

    Recent Backblasts

    11’s with Integrity

    QIC: Gretel

    Date: 06/08/2020

    PAX: Blue, Cable Cutter, Couch Potato, Ducktales, Dundee, Friar Tuck, Hambone, Hasbro, Geek Squad, FNG – Love Tunnel, Milkman, Magnum, Mugshot, NordicTrac, Pumpkin, Recycle, Slois Lane, The Count, U-Turn, Waterboy

    AO: The Huey


    74 degrees and muggy


    Mosey lap warmup, SSH ICx11, Forward Fold ICx11, Mt. Climbers ICx11, Willie Mays Hays ICx11, 3rd Grade Exercise ICx11, Shoulder blast: Little Baby Arm Circles forward/backwards, Cherry Pickers, Moroccan Night Clubs all ICx11; SSH ICx11

    The Thang

    11’s: Burpees with coupon curls

    Each set adds up to 11. Start with 1 burpee then 10 curls, 2 burpees then 9 curls, 3 burpees then 8 curls, etc etc up to 10 burpees and 1 curl.

    When finished, start a round of 11s with John McCains and overhead coupon presses until 6 is in.

    Mary: LBC ICx11, Flutter Kicks ICx11, BBSU 11 OYO, Freddie Mercury ICx11, American Hammer ICx11

    11’s again, this time start with 10 burpees and 1 curl, work your way down to 1 burpee and 10 curls.

    Resume your John McCain/overhead presses until 6 is in.

    Mary: LBC ICx11, Flutter Kicks ICx11, Dolly 11 OYO, Rosalita 11 OYO, Freddie Mercury ICx11, Gas Pumps 11 OYO, BBSU 11 OYO

    Mosey Lap

    3 Minute flexibility block


    Inspired by General C.B. Cates USMC, Tennessee native and 19th Commandant of the Marine Corps. Integrity is one of the most important principles of leadership. It is an uprightness of character and soundness of moral principles. Q challenges PAX to incorporate integrity into all they do in order to build leadership skills amongst our brotherhood and instill it into the next generation.


    What’s a spicy burpee? – Ducktales


    OTB for new Hixson AO this week: Tuesday 0530 @ Hixson Presbyterian Church, Wednesday 0530 @ Hixson High School

    More than one Way to Climb that Hill

    QIC:  Sidekick

    Date: 06/08/2020

    PAX: Moneyball, Ohms, Payload, Roomba, Chief, Footloose, Blindside, Band Camp, Mr. Met

    AO: Lions Den


    Bout 75 degrees and 185% HUMIDITY


    SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX10; Plank – Left Arm Plank- Right Arm Plank; Superman, left – right- Center; Superman Swim; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; Willie Mays HaysICX12; Mosey the parking lot

    The Thang


    2 groups of 5 PAX start at the first light pole

    Walking Lunge to 2nd light pole; 40 mercans

    Bear Crawl to 3rd Light pole; 30 Mercans

    Crawl bear to 4th light pole; 20 mercans

    Jail Break to 6th light pole; 10 Mercans

    Traveling burpees to 7th Light pole; Mosey down Hill

    Big Boy Sit Ups to 6

    BREAK TIME – Indian Run around the parking lot

    Round 2 – Same Travel Methods but substitute the Mercans out for LBC

    Al Gore for till the 6

    BREAK TIME – Indian Run around the parking lot

    Round 3 – Same travel methods but substitute the LBC for Imperial Squats, rep counts of 20, 15, 10, and 5.

    Plank for 6

    No time for a break. Modified Round 4 as voted on by the PAX

    Walking Lunge – 30 Shoulder taps – Bear Crawl – 20 Shoulder taps – Jail Break – 10 Shoulder Taps – Mosey down



    Encourage the PAX to use this time in society for introspection into what they truly believe and feel. Challenge them to reach out and have a conversation with someone who may have a different point of view/opinion/life experiences than you


    Ohms has a tiny man bun.


    Hixson OTB Tuesday and Wednesday. Get involved and voice your opinions or be forever silent!

    Recent Backblasts

      Holy Hill, Its Been 3 Years!

      I’m QIC:  Mr. Clean

      Date: 06/06/2020

      PAX: Bumblebee, Dundee, Friar Tuck, Hambone, Mr. Met, Pound Dog, Prosciutto, Pumpkin, Snow Patrol

      AO: The Reformation


      Humid, Southern, June, Saturday.


      SSH x30 IC

      Shoulder Blaster

      5 Burpess OYO

      The Thang

      Pax partnered up. One ran to top of Holy Hill. Did a burpee. Partner did AMRAP until parter returned. Pax changed exercises in station when song changed. Second song changed, Pax moved to next station.
      Pain Station Routine

      Bent Over Rows


      Upright Rows


      Alternating Shoulder Taps

      Michael Phelps

      Rocky IVs

      Shoulder Press

      Big Boy Sit-ups


      Pax completed Thunderstruck Routine. Pax held block and completed Bent Over Row each time Thunderstruck was said. Halfway through song: Incline Merkin on Block. Completed rep every time “Thunderstruck” was said.


      Robert Jean 37 Whittler — the first HIM to pass along the Gold Glove. Finds time to talk despite his schedule.

      Derek Beaty 39 Pumpkin — Brother in law. Spent a 2.5 hour car ride talking about how miserable but fun F3 was. Talked over and over about how; no matter your level, no man is EVER left behind. Guys always encourage. He’s NEVER left me behind.

      Nick LaPorta 37 Prosciutto — Just a couple a months after I began, standing in the Bojangles parking lot, for Coffeeteria, Pro looked at me and said, “dude you can Q.” He encouraged me. He motivated me to step outside my comfort zone. Forever grateful.

      Nick Spinelli 35 — A segment of “This N That”, a GoRuck Tough, 2 Fallen Fives (helped plan both), and countless shared posts.

      Drew Rimback 43 Geek Squad — Shield Lock, EHed 12/26, posted on 12//27. Helped my son catch his first fish. Countless pre-rucks/runs. Talks. Prayers.

      Austen Caine Ohms — Our history with running, The Griff (RIP), and the Lions Den is extensive you say the least.

      Steve Medlin 44 Dundee — Always have a special place in my heart for many reasons. The most of all: seeing him come back AND embrace the Gloom.

      Russ Pate 32 Angus — Nantan when I came, BUT most of all…a TRUE friend. Designed the Fallen Five patches.

      Mike Holtzhower 36 Ducktales — Shield Lock. Shared his first post together. Countless Rucks together. Countless posts together. Countless talks/check-ins. Told me “like it was” when I needed it most, it just took time for me to realize it

      Eric Collins 33 Ringwald — Let my son “drive” a Jeep for the first time after a Cam Run. Motivator. Encourager.

      Marco Lagunas Steam Engine — simply put. He’s my assistant wrestling coach. The ONLY F3 HIM to ever do that.

      Chase Wright 33 Picasso — surprised me with a Rucker, all accessories, and plate…simply to be a good friend. Shared my first CO-Q. “it was a nice little Saturday”

      Countless more men have inspired and motivated me. As I searched my memory bank, these men had incidents in the past 3 years that profoundly affected me.

      Naming these men specifically doesn’t take away from the others, but simply reminds us the effect we CAN have on others AND they never know it.

      Finally, YHC had an additional lesson for the COT, but Pound Dog changed that for me:

      He said, “yeah, I’ve not gotten all the nomenclature down yet, but I do know what HC is, and that’s what’s important, right?”

      No better way to say. We must make it mean something, myself included, in all aspects of life!


      Doing one burpee seems weird — Prosciutto


      3rd F — Contact John Doe or 3rd F Slack Channel

      Parliament (Ooltewah High) — Launch Process

      Hixson AO — Launch Process

      Recent Backblasts

        Running Away from Bullets…This Day in History (WWII-themed)

        QIC:  Band Camp

        Date: 06/04/2020

        PAX: Fissure, Mr. Clean, The Count, Cable Cutter, Hasbro, U-Turn, Money Ball, Ducktales, Slois Lane, Mr. Met, Blindside

        AO: The Huey


        68 degrees and clear. As a side note my man parts were shriveled up in excitement for this VQ.


        19 ‘mericans OYO

        22.5 (45 total) cadence Side straddle hops

        [19 and 45…1945 when the war ended]

        10 cadence front/back arm circles

        10 cadence Michael Phelps

        10 cadence billy Mays heys

        OYO high kicks, 5 count each leg (kick the fuehrer in his pink girly pantyhose)

        15 seconds cobra stretch

        The Thang

        Evacuation of Dunkirk (last day June 4, 1940):

        British soldiers running from Nazi forces…running along the beach with a sea wall barrier, but there are some gaps in the sea wall where Germans can mow us down…

        1. Single file group run, stop at designated lights [hole in sea wall]—everyone low squat, 1 person jail break past everyone to next light, hold plank…1 at a time starting with 6 and ending with lead. Recover and group run to the next “hole in sea wall” (3 iterations)

        We’ve made it to the evacuation zone, but now we’re stuck at the beachfront and need to escape to England…

        2a. Row your boat out to England—American hammers (30 seconds)

        German Messerschmitts strafe the boats we’re on…jump ship! Swim to safety!

        2b. Prone row or Superman w flutter kick (30 seconds)

        Repeat these two exercises

        Battle of Midway (starting June 4, 1942):

        Fortify the island from Japanese aircraft! Dig!!

        1a. Plank position shoulder taps (30 seconds)

        1b. Mountain climbers (30 seconds)

        Repeat these 2 exercises a few times

        (We took a break after 2 full iterations, then continued “digging”, 3 iterations total)

        Duck for cover from Japanese bombers!

        2. Fire feet, then burpees when Q shouts “incoming!” – 2.5-3 minutes

        US dive bombers attack the Japanese fleet…Two-man planes…one pilot/bomber and one rear gunner

        Separated into 4 groups of 3…

        3a. Odd number rows dive bombers (10 reps OYO)

        3b. Even number rows big boy sit-ups (10 reps OYO)

        …switch up and repeat (2 full iterations)

        (For you imaginative types: the dive bombers are the pilots and the sit-ups are the rear gunners)

        Captured U-Boat (U-505) (June 4, 1944):

        We found a U-boat!! Swim to it!!

        1a. Flutter kicks (25 cadence)

        1b. Freddy mercuries (25 cadence)

        This is 50 reps total each if you’re a math nerd…U-505…get it?

        We’ve reached the U-boat but there may be combatants inside…we need to check it out and open all the hatches

        Form 2 lines

        2. Each line bear crawl about 10-15 meters, and 1 Donkey kick (kick the hatches open), mosey back to start

        2 full iterations

        We’ve taken prisoners!!

        3. Imperial walkers (25 cadence)

        4. Mosey back to flag in victory

        BONUS ROUND!!!

        D-day prep (June 6 1944 was when battle started):

        We’re on troop carriers with like a million other dudes…it’s pretty cramped in here…

        1a. Monkey humpers (30 seconds) [hanging out in your assigned rack]

        1b. Side straddle hops (10 in cadence) [taking a moment to stretch]

        Wash, rinse, repeat (2 full iterations)

        I was about to end the workout 3 minutes early, but The Count suggested Mary’s…

        1. American hammers

        2. Freddy Mercuries

        3. Little Baby Crunches

        4. Pickle pointers (cuz why not?)…The Count mentioned something about summer being upon us and getting our glutes ready for thong season


        “Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.”

        1 Peter 2:17 NASB

        Often used incorrectly to oppress people groups when taken out of context…we’re called to operate where we are and love others. For the Christian it means we have a higher goal than what’s going on immediately around us

        “But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

        1 Corinthians 13:13 NASB

        Take care of brothers, take care of families

        Christians are called to abide by these three ideas.

        “And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.”

        Ecclesiastes 4:12 NASB

        Soldiers don’t win wars by themselves, find a battle buddy and stick with them

        A string of three cords is not easily broken

        Things may be out of our control, but we aren’t in charge of the world, we’re put in this moment to serve those directly around us, not just those we place in our line of sight


        This was my VQ…I got a lot of support and I appreciate everyone who came out and offered encouragement. I hope everyone had a fun time (it seemed like everyone did), and we’ve spotted some more possible VQ’s in the near future…to be continued…


        Recent Backblasts

        Sometimes 60% is good enough

        QIC: Sidekick


        PAX: Sparky, Oiler, Sunburn, Iron butt, Pebbles, Best in Show

        AO: Boneyard


        68 and Humid


        SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX10; Slow Squats ICX15; 5 Burpees OYO; LBAC-Reverse-Seal Clpas ICX10 each; SSH ICX15

        The Thang

        5 Stations (which we only compelted 3, hence 60%)

        Mosey in front of the post office with block

        Station 1

        Side Shuffle Squats – 40 yards

        Mosey a lap around the post office

        Station 2 – Lawn in front of rec center

        8 county Body builder with block (including Press) – run 60 yds and back. Repeat this until 10 reps and runs are completed

        Station 3 – Picnic tables

        11s with big boys

        10 Dercans – 1 Ircan, 10 big boy sit ups; 9 Dercans – 2 Ircans, 10 big boy sit ups; continue until reps are flopped

        Mosey back to the flag as we are out of time with 2 stations left!


        Keep up the growth. The numbers are looking great post suspension. Get those new guys out


        We were collectively too slow today for my plan. Poor planning, will speed it up next time


        Recent Backblasts

          Intermittent Corners

          QIC:  Sidekick

          Date: 06/01/2020

          PAX: Gaylord, Fredo, Sparky, Oiler, Home Alone, Mr. May, Coldplay, Toe Jelly, Bernie, Rollback, Mayhem, Swingset, Butterfly

          AO: Beast Ridge


          63 Degrees with a slight breeze


          SSH ICX25; Forward Fold ICX10; Slow Squats ICX15, Willie Mays Hays ICX10, Right over left ICX9, Left over Right ICX9, LBAC ICX10 – Reverse ICX10 – Seal Claps ICX10 – Overhead Claps ICX10, One legged Bulgarians X10 per leg

          The Thang

          Intermittent Corners

          Corner 1 – 10 Burpees, Jail Break to Corner 2

          Corner 2 – 10 Pickle Pounders, 20 Heel Touches, 10 Pickle Pointers; Bernie to Corner 3

          Corner 3 – 25 each leg Imperial squats; Jail Break to Corner 4

          Corner 4 – SSH/Mercan Mash up – 5 SSH 5 Mercans, 4 SSH 4 Mercans, and so on to Zero; Karaoke to Corner 1

          Intermission 1 – Bleachers – 10 dips, box jump, 10 Ircans, box jump, and so on to top of bleachers; back to Corner 1

          Corner 1 – 10 Burpees, Jail Break to Corner 2

          Corner 2 – 10 Pickle Pounders, 20Freddie Mercury, 10 Pickle Pointers; Bernie to Corner 3

          Corner 3 – 20 each leg Imperial squats; Jail Break to Corner 4

          Corner 4 – SSH/Mercan Mash up -6 SSH 6 Mercans, 5 SSH 5 Mercans, 4 SSH 4 Mercans, and so on to Zero; Karaoke to Corner 1

          Corner 1 – 10 Burpees, Jail Break to Corner 2

          Intermission 2 – bear Crawl up hill, 10 mercans, crawl bear down. Rinse and Repeat but with 20 Mercnas

          Corner 2 – 20 LBC, 10 BBSU, 20 Dying Cockroach, Mosey to Corner 3

          Corner 3 – 10 each leg Imperial squats; Jail Break to Corner 4

          Corner 4 – SSH/Mercan Mash up – 5 SSH 5 Mercans, 4 SSH 4 Mercans, and so on to Zero; Mosey to Corner 1

          Mosey back to Flag



          In light of the tragedy that occurred in Minneapolis and the subsequent “protesting” I found it important to maintain my core beliefs. There is a lot of public shaming going on about speaking out against the rioting going on because “I don’t understand the plight and historical oppression that minorities have faced”. While I agree with this, I don’t understand and never will, I don’t agree that rioting and looting are somehow appropriate courses of action for those transgressions. In this time I plan to stay firm to my beliefs while compassionate to the experiences of others.


          There are somehow sand spur type things growing on the hill at beast ridge. They are now embedded in my hands. Imperial squats are painful and should not be done in sets of 25 each leg.


          3rd F is back up and running. They need our support

          Recent Backblasts

            I love the smell of napalm in the morning

            F3 5-30QIC: 9 Volt

            Date: 5/30/20

            PAX: Mrs Baker,  Deep Dish, Clothespin, El Chapo, Cold Play, Thin Mint, Pork Bell, Sandwich, Toe Jelly

            AO: The Battery

            It smells like victory


            Mosey around the dog park
            SSH ICx20, 
            Squats ICx20,
            Baby arm circle
            SSH ICx10,
            Forward fold ICx10,
            High Knees ICx10
            Willy Maze Haze ICx10

            The Thang

            The Telephone Game

            • 9 numbered Light poles form a loop
            • Each PAX takes a pole
            • Person at pole 1 performs exercise written on sidewalk then moves to next pole
            • At next pole, person 1 tells person 2 what the exercise is and performs it with them 
            • Person 1 runs around the entire loop and stops at pole 2.
            • Person 2 moves to pole 3 and tells person 3 what the exercise is and performs it with them before running around the loop 
            • When someone runs the loops and stops at pole 1 they start a new set of exercised written on sidewalk

            Pole 1 exercises     
            1. 15 Smurf Jacks
            2. 20 Merkins
            3. 20 Crab jacks
            4. 30 calf raises
            5. 10 Cap’t Thor (In the grass or you’ll get an F3 tramp stamp)
            6. 10 Carolina Dry Docks
            7. 10 LBC
            8. 20 Lunge
            9. 25 Wide Merkins
            10. 20 SSH
            11. 10 Herpees



            Words of wisdom – No matter how far off the rails your Q goes it is ok as long as nobody seems to be enjoying it

            Thoughts and prayers for Schnitzel’s mom


            This workout looked much better on paper after a few beers

            Welcome to the Battery Toe Jelly
            Welcome back Thin Mint and Sandwich, you have been missed




            Recent Backblasts