Christmas Vacation

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 12/24/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Radiohead, Whittler
AO: Huey


31 degrees. Partly Cloudy.

The Disclaimer

Successfully given.

SSH x20 IC
Imperial Walkers x10 IC
The following x10 IC (No Recover)
Moroccan Night Club
Overhead Claps
Seal Claps
Shoulder Press
Downhill Skiers x10 IC
High Knees x10 IC

The Thang

Well, YHC thought about this workout, had so many things planned in my head, played with ideas of themes, and added an extra 15 mins to get it all in. Ironically, as we move into CHRISTmas, the Lord had other plans for my plans.

Tortoise and Hare

PAX 1 – Rucks at a fast walk
PAX 2 – Completed an exercise
Exercises were as follows in increments of 20 for a total of 200 per team
Upright Rows

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

5 Merkins IC
Two Light Poles Forward
5 Squats IC
Rinse and repeat with Increase 1 squat and decrease 1 Merkin

Today turned into a bit of a year in review workout with YHC completing parts of my favorite Huey workouts.
Wisdom — Remember Steps Back happen especially caught up in the “traditions” of the season, but remember we can always take two forward if we focus on the true reason of the season.

Math is hard
Whittler is much like a hair stylist.
Kissing was discussed…


Tri Harder

Image result for the rock quotes hardest worker

QIC: Picasso
Date: 12/17/2018
PAX: Cable Cutter, Ducktales, Geek Squad, Mr. Clean, Radiohead, FNG-Truck-Yeah, The Count
AO: The Huey


36 degrees

The Disclaimer

I’m not a professional. Work hard but smart.


Mosey around the Track (.25 miles)
SSH x 25 IC
Willy Mays Hayes x 16 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Peter Parkers x 10 IC
Baby Arm Circles x 15 IC, Reverse
Shoulder Press x 15 IC
Ass Kickers x 15 IC
High Knees x 15 IC

The Thang

Picnic Table Dips x 15
Incline Merkins x 10
Picnic Table Dips x 15
Incline Merkins x 10
Picnic Table Dips x 10
Incline Merkins x 10
Wall Sit x 20
Picnic Table Dips x 10
Incline Merkins x 10
Mosey to Back parking lot
Karaoke to and back
Curb Dips x 15
Bernie Sanders to and back
Curb Dips
Karaoke to and back
Mosey to the Tennis Court
Tennis Court Shuffle x 3
Plank x 60 seconds
Parker Peters x 10
Infinity Plank with associated lifting of certain appendages
Tennis Court Shuffle x 2
Mosey to the B-Ball Court
Circuit Training [each group of PAX goes thru the circuit twice]
2 PAX – Bench Dips
2 PAX – Sprint
2 PAX – Plank
Mosey to the Octagon Arena
4 PAX hold Plank
4 PAX do undetermined amount of Dips
Rotate 4 times
LBC’s x 40
Swing Crunches x 10
Freddy Mercury’s x 25


The motivational talk was cut out due to the disorganized fashion of the COT today. It’s a Q’s responsibility to ensure that the post runs smoothly and in some orderly fashion. Especially for the new guys who may not be familiar with the process.
“Success at anything will always come down to this: focus and effort. And we control both.” – Dwayne Johnson
Try harder. Stay focused. Be consistent. Become better.
Mumble Chatter
“They took down the watchtower” – Mr. Clean
“No talking if you can’t do a proper plank” – The Q
“Let me go get my camera fellas” – The Count
“Does the camera count cadence” – DuckTales


5, 10, 15, 20ish

QIC: Ducktales
Date: 12/03/2018
PAX: The Count, Geek squad, Mr. Clean, Poacher, Radiohead
AO: The Huey

Conditions almost foggy, 44 degrees, no precipitation.

The Disclaimer was disclaimed.


We started with a mosey to the playground. Then warmup: LBAC, weed pickers, imperial walkers, 10 pull-ups.

The Thang

Then we worked out. Head shack
5 sit-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats.
We did that 20 times in one minute intervals.
We circled the track to cool off and came back to the memorial flag. To focus on our core.
Flutter kicks IC
15 pretzels IC
Boat to canoe as long as we could stand it.
1 last minute of mericans IC


Proverbs 26:20

For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases



The Qdrenaline was strong.

Bear burps


QIC: Ducktales
Date: 11/19/2018
PAX: Kodak, FNG-Hotbox, The Count, Lugnut, Fissure, FNG-Poacher, Picasso, Geek squad, Radiohead, Mr. Clean
AO: The Huey
Conditions warmer than the weekend my Mtn temp at first gloom was 44 F gloom was ominous around the Chopper, just the way we like it!

The Disclaimer was disclaimed we are not professionals YET.. .



SSH x 25 IC

Flutterkicks x 20 IC

Squats x 25 IC

10 Burpees OYO

Wall sit while performing the following exercises:

Moroccan Night Clubs


Joe Fs


5 Derkins

10 Merkins

15 Incline Merkins

10 Dips


Here’s the THANG:

100 Burpees (Partner 2 Bear crawls to the tree and back)

200 Squats (Partner 2 Bears Crawls around tree)

25 8 Counts / Man-Makers (Partner 2 bear crawls to tree and back)

“Olympic Gates”

Everyone hold plank, 1 at a time, full sprint to the flags, then hold plank, until everyone has finished


The duck was under the weather from a long weekend and cleaning night. I did not want to ride in the Gloom, the PAX was my encouragement to be here for my fellow man.
BALL OF MAN: Balled.


FNG Poacher was late he called me and I shared with him I was late to my first Huey post. It was because of a tree down and I almost just went back home but showed up late for a Mr clean beat down that murdered my arms. Took me 12 days to fully recover.


Chattanooga go ruck is scheduled for May the 4th! Star Wars dress encouraged com.
We have flags now for Lions den and landfill come support first week with AO flags 🇺🇸

Upcoming Qs

Clean for thanksgiving and 2nd Cleveland

Stars and Stripes Forever

QIC: Geek squad
Date: 11/12/2018
PAX: Lugnut, Ducktales
AO: Huey


Clear. Dark. 41 deg F with steady rain

The Disclaimer

I am Geeksquad . I am not a professional. You are here on your own free will. Modify if necessary.


Mosey to The Pavillion
Warmup STARTS with…
S – SSH 25
T – Toe touch (12 each leg)
A – A-kickers IC (12 count)
R – Russian twist /American Hammers (12)
T – Tony Hawk Burpee (10) instead of clap, do 360
S – SSH 25
“The Merkin Mile” Veterans Day Edition
1/4 mile lap around the track then back inside the Pavillion for our beatdown
25 Merkins OYO
75 Air Squats OYO
Rinse and Repeat all x 4
total of 1 mile, 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats


Continuing the Veterans Day theme ”Merica the Beautiful”
M- Merkins
E – E 2 K  – elbow to knee – oblique (15)
R – Reverse situps
I  – imperial Walkers
C – Crunches- LBCs
A – A-kickers


” Success is 10% Inspiration and 90% Perspiration”  – Thomas Alva Edison


Your Q had a total of 2 hours of sleep, but this Q won’t miss if he has HC’d. Guess I am just wired that way. It was definitely a 90% perspiration kind of morning.
I shared about testimony of a former TN VOL named, Sanford Miller. He was a walk on at the University of Tennessee football program back in 1999. He shared with us about how he was challenged at a young age to work hard at becoming the best he could be and one day he could play college football at a D1 school. He talked about how that became his goal and even though the letters stopped coming, he was determined to play. He walked on to be part of a team and remained on the practice squad for his time at UT. However, he loved being part of a team and how it taught him to push through the hard stuff. He said that he was committed to the encouragement and betterment of his teammates, even if it meant that he might not ever see the field.
I related what he shared to what we are doing at F3. Accountability, encouragement and the commitment to make each other better is really what we are here for! If I can do my part to make others better, like they do for me, that’s the measure of success. It’s not a goal weight, it’s not a number. My focus is not about my personal goals, it is about the team. For me, it is serving others and accountability.
What I have found, is on days like today, the harder days, I learn how important it is to push through the hard stuff. Over my life, I attribute being part of sports teams, work teams and F3, has taught me how to push through life when it gets difficult. When I push through a hard workout, it stretches me and builds the mental toughness needed get through the hard times that come at work, in my family and in my relationship with Jesus Christ.
To God be All the Glory and Praise!
We closed in prayer, thanking God for our Veterans and the freedom we have because of the sacrifice they have made.   We praised God for Ducktales mom’s ongoing healing of cancer. Continued healing of Lugnut’s ankle and for my mother-in-law who is most likely going to have double knee replacement at the beginning of the year.


F3  Launch at Cleveland.  Tinsley Park

Upcoming Qs

What A Difference A Day Makes!

Date: 11/5/2018
QIC: The Count
PAX: Ducktales, Mr. Clean, Lugnut, Steam Engine, Picasso, Radiohead, Milkman, Geek Squad
AO: The Huey (Veterans Park)
Conditions: 50 Deg F, Wet with slight drizzle
Disclaimer: Disclaimed (No FNG’s)
Warm-Up: Finkle Swings (15/Ea), Tappy-Taps (15/IC), Windmills (15/IC), Nancy Kerrigans (15/ea-IC), 1 Lap around track alternate between Mosey, Bernie Sanders, Side Shuffle.
The Thang:
B.O.M.B.S – Team Up (x2).  PAX 1 Starts with Burpees while partner AYG 25 Yards and does 25 Reps of either of 4 exercises (Curls w/25 lb coupon, Tricep Ext w/25 lb coupon, LBC’s, Side Straddle Hop, then AYG and continue with partner left off.
B = Burpees – 50, O = Overhead Press (25 lb/coupon) – 100, M = Merkins – 150, B = Big Boy Situps – 200, S = Squats – 250
When complete each team should have completed 750 Reps + Approx 400 Reps of Curls/Tricep Ext/LBC/SSH.
MARY Go Round:  Each PAX leads Mary of their choice for 10 Reps.
End EX!  Great Job Gentlemen!!
Prayers for those heard and unheard requests!


QIC: Ducktales
Date: 11/1/2018
PAX: Geek Squad, Fissure, Milkman, Steam Engine, The Count
AO: The Huey

Conditions: The Mountain thermometer read 55 when I rose from my slumber to embrace the GLOOM



Mosey Alabama Ass Kickers (IC), SSH (IC)

The Thang

1 – one minute intervals, mosey for 1 did squats for 1, did mericins for 1
completed the Greatful dead from excercon…. the Pax loved it. they were not hippies.
moseyed out of park down Dayton Blvd for 1 minute, did 1 minute of squats,
mosey for 1 to next lot did SSH for 1
mosey 1 min, burpee for 1
mosey for 1 , squat for 1
mosey for 1, burpee for 1
mosey for 1, mosey for a few more, back at park we lunged down back lot parking spots focusing on form.
went to back wall, next single round was Ascending Testicles
1 minute of Carolina dry docks
1 minute mosy to huey flag
bear crawl ring a fire modified to duck duck bear.
Alphabet abs to close us out, then a cool down lap round the park.


Fissure reinterated the importance of Countarama, and Namearoma. We all added great wisdom of Respect to show respect.


I did not want to do Post when ask about posting last Thursday before we switch to winter single post at Huey. Milkman when given the option is I need it and we agreed to HC. Iron Sharpens Iron, we pushed our selves and will continue to.

Upcoming Qs

The Count Saturday double respect Q with pre ruckus.


Dark Thirties

QIC: Geek Squad
Date: 10/30/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Radiohead, Milkman
AO: The Huey

Conditions 38 F  and brisk

Dark Thirties brought to you by:  10/30/18; 15 rep exercises x 2 and upper 30s temperature.
The Disclaimer – Explained “Welcome to F3. I am your queue today, I am geek squad. I am not a professional. You are here on your own free will. Push yourself, but don’t hurt yourself. Modify when necessary. We will help you to your car if needed. Let’s get started.”


SSH IC x 15, John Travolta  IC x 15, Little Baby Arm Circles IC F&B x 15, Overhead Press IC x 15, Moroccan Night Club IC x 15.  High Knees IC x 15,  SSH IC x 15, Wide High Knees IC  x 15 Warm up lap around the track.

The Thang  –  Donuts (4 laps around the track with the following exercises at light poles)

Part 1 – Light Poles:  Broad Jumps OYO to next pole (Lap 1 & 3)/Lunges (lap 2 & 4), then mosey to next pole, Kareokes facing “Da Choppa” , then Kareokes about face (lap 1-3) / Mosey, Bernie Sanders, Mosey, Bernies (lap 4).  Mosey to Pavillion.
Part 2 – Pavilion:
Laps 1&2                      Lap 3                                             Lap 4
Wall  sits. 15                Merkins  OYO x 15                     Merkins  OYO x 15
Bus drivers. 15            Incline Merkins OYO x 15        Dips OYO x 15
Joe Frasier’s. 15
Ali s 15
Part 3 – Light Poles:
Laps 1-3                                         Lap 4
Plank jacks x 15 SC. Mosey        Mosey to StartEx
Squats 15. SC. Mosey
Shoulder taps – 15. SC. Mosey

Finished Up With Mary

Pax formed a circle
Burpees x 5
Heel touches x15
LBCs x15.
Burpees x 5
Big Boy sit-ups 15



Surround yourself with those who hold you accountable, support, encourage, and help you reach your goals.



F3 Mission: Plant, Grow, Serve
Paul’s letter to Titus was about Paul investing in leadership in his church planter, TITUS! We should all be challenging each other to lead, and to grow you have to be stretched and mentored to become the leader, you are called to be.



Prayers for:
Ducktales – co-worker, Ambrister family dealing with family member’s complications from blood disease.
Radiohead – praise for Flood Buckets for families in Panama City Beach area.
Milkman – pray for flood victims and the volunteers there serving them.


AO changes/ New schedule being implemented –  Huey will be a Monday only starting next week;  Monday & Wednesday- Beast Ridge. Tuesday & Thursday – Hill City;  Wednesday – Lion’s Den;  Fri:  Ruck /Run option.  Sat:  Landfill
December 1st – Service Opportunity for F3. Mark your calendar/save the date, more details will be shared in coming days!

Working Stiffs. In Cadence.

QIC: Fissure
Date: 10/25/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Milkman, Radiohead
AO: The Huey


40’s.  Quite pleasant.  Wind wasn’t stiff at all.

The Disclaimer

Did it.


Mosey’d to flag pole and circled up.  Made ourselves comfortable.  Worked out the stiffness.

  • SSH x 25 IC, normal speed
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
  • Kang Squats x 15 IC
  • Willy Mays Hays x 10 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
  • SSH x 25 IC, picking up speed
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
  • Kang Squats x 15 IC
  • SSH x 25 IC, double time

The Thang

Still in our comfortable spots around the flagpole we got to work.  All in cadence.

  • Merkins x 10, LBCs x 20, SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 9, LBCs x 18, SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 8, LBCs x 16, SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 7, LBCs x 14, SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 6, LBCs x 12, SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 5, LBCs x 10, SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 4, LBCs x 8, SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 3, LBCs x 6, SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 2, LBCs x 4, SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 10, LBCs x 20, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 20, Plank (good and stiff) x 20, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 18, Plank x 18, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 16, Plank x 16, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 14, Plank x 14, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 12, Plank x 12, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 10, Plank x 10, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 8, Plank x 8, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 6, Plank x 6, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 4, Plank x 4, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 2, Plank x 2, SSH x 10
  • Squats x 20, Plank x 20, SSH x 10

Total Rep counts:  Merkins (128), LBCs (260), Squats (260), Plank (260), SSH (420)

  • Box Cutters x 15 IC
  • Boat Canoe
  • X’s and O’s
  • American hammers x 10 IC


YHC had the pleasure of leading the Huey twice this week after filling in for a brother today.  Remember it’s not about the q.  It’s about the guys that show up.  One of the first thing you learn in Q101 is just that.  It’s a chance to give to your brothers.  I encourage anyone interested to give it a try.


The word of the day was stiffness after a great day of firmness at the Lions Den.
Vitamins on an empty stomach right before posting isn’t a great idea.  Per Radiohead.


Radiohead and Milkman head to Florida with Flood Buckets Friday.  Atta boys.
Saturday 11/7/18 – Cleveland Launch/2 Year Anniversary

Upcoming Qs

Saturday – 10/27/18 – Landfill – Rug Doctor VQ!
Monday – 10/29/18 – Beast Ridge – Stairmaster
Tuesday – 10/30/18 – Hill City – Deep End VQ!
Tuesday – 10/30/18 – The Huey – Geek Squad
Wednesday – 10/31/18 – Lions Den – Ringwald

The Soddy Daisy Chain + RAFA the Goat

QIC: Fissure
Date: 10/23/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Picasso, Radiohead, The Count (Respect), Turtle
AO: The Huey


44°, Cloudy, felt like 45°, Humidity 91%, No wind

The Disclaimer

I’m not a professional.  No one made you show up today.  Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.  We’ll help you to your car if you snap a hammy like Radiohead.


Today’s workout came from a discussion with our friend, Princess Aurora from F3 Nashville.  He’s never short on workout ideas and always a go-to.  He also has no love lost for Rafael Nadal so I gladly took some of his inspiration and added my own twist.
Mosey to well lit corner of parking lot near tennis courts. Circled up and performed the following in cadence.

  • SSH x 25
  • Good mornings x 10
  • Imperial Walkers x 15
  • SSH x 25
  • Cotton Pickers x 15
  • Merkins x 10
  • Arm Circles x 15, reverse x 15, Moroccan Night Clubs x 15, Chinooks x 15, Overhead press x 15, seal claps x 15
  • SSH x 50


The Thang

The Soddy Daisy Chain + RAFA
Here’s how the Soddy Daisy Chain works:  Beginning at the net, Pax lateral shuffle to the baseline, jog forward to center service line, shuffle back to the net, jog forward to doubles sideline, shuffle to baseline, cross over to the next court, face opposite direction and repeat pattern on court 2 and then on the other side of the net.  Rinse and repeat.
After two rounds of the SDC Pax perform 5 reps  of each of the following exercises:

  • Reverse Burpees
  • Ankle grab squats aka Monkey Humpers
  • Flutterkicks (IC)
  • Alternating Lunges (IC)

3rd round of the SDC followed by RAFA with 10 reps each
4th round of the SDC followed by RAFA with 15 reps each (subbed reverse burpees for Real Deal burpees x 5)
5th round of the SDC followed by RAFA with 20 reps each (this time Real Deal burpees x 10)
6th round of the SDC then head back to the flag
American Hammers x 15 IC
Pretzel crunches x 10 each leg IC
Box Cutters x 15 IC


Didn’t have anything inspiring to throw at the guys today besides encouraging them to aspire to be great like the great Rafael Nadal the GOAT


I had to apologize to the guys today because come to find out they utilized the tennis courts just last week and I neglected to consult the backblast (a record setting backblast, btw.  Picasso posted that sucker by 0715.  Truly inspiring stuff).  They went easy on me and said it wasn’t all that redundant.  Phew.
Ducktales and Radiohead discussed a way to get Southeast Diesel on the list for the TVA procurement team.  Stay tuned.


Flood Buckets for Florida hurricane relief.  See Radiohead.
Cleveland Launch/2 Year Anniversary 11.17.18 at Greenway Pavillion in Cleveland, TN

Upcoming Qs

10.24 Lions Den – Mr. Clean
10.24 Beast Ridge – Speed Bump ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEAST
10.25 Hill City – Ringwald
10.25 The Huey – Steam Engine