Power of the LWD

QIC: Co-Q (John Doe, WuzntMe)

Date: 11/06/2019

PAX: John Doe, WuzntMe, Walla Walla, SwipeRight, Vaccine, Madoff, Toe Tag, MaYhem, Fastlane, Peanuts, Jazzy Jag, Escobar, FNG-Angel Hair

AO: Hacksaw


Cool Brisk Fall Morning with a light fog over the open field


Mosey – Grab Block from Hacksaw Stack – Mosey to Field

Side Straddle Hops – 25 (IC), Forward Folds – 10 (IC), Third Grade Exercises – 10 (IC), Willie Mays Hays – 10 (IC), Lil Baby Arm Circles – 10 (IC), Rev Lil Baby Arm Circles – 10 (IC), Side Straddle Hops – 25 (IC)

The Thang

10 Reverse Lunge to Front Raise Curl w/ Block

10 Plank Jack & Push Up to Leg Extension w/ Block

10 Half Press to Full Press w/ Block

10 Block Cleans

10 Sumo Squat w/ Raised Block

10 Lateral Lunges w/ Block

*Block Bicep Curls or Tricep Extensions while waiting on everyone to finish

**Repeat Exercises in cadence until time

WuzntMe Handoff-

Mosey to the bridge and back

20 goblet squats

15 man makers

10 John McCains

6 Consecos

Mosey to bridge

10 Goblet Squats

10 Man makers

10 McCains

6 Consecos


10 Goblets

10 Man makers

10 McCains

6 Consecos


Flutter Kicks x20 IC

Heel Touches x20 IC

Freddie Mercury x 20 IC



[Insert any wisdom you’d like to share]
[The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


Welcome to Angel Hair, a retired Marine. He started chirping a bit, but good-natured trash talk is always welcome. He let us know that we broke him. Like a limp, wet, small white noodle. Don’t taunt the Q…


Convergence at the BX 11/16, Battery anniversary 11/23, shirt link down – expect shipping soon.

Recent Backblasts

    Once you hear the siren, It’s already too late

    QIC: 9-Volt

    Date: 11/05/2019

    PAX: Deep Dish, Mrs. Baker, El Chapo, Topless,Clothespin

    AO: The Battery


    NOT my warm bed


    Mosey from flags to base of Mount Evil.

    1.  SSH x 20 IC
    2. Abe Vagoda x 20 IC
    3. SSH x 20 IC
    4. Arm Circles
      1. Forward x 15 IC
      2. Reverse x 15 IC
    5. Seal Clap x 15 IC
    6. Chinook x 15
    7. SSH x 20 IC
    8. Goblet Squats x 20 IC

           Mosey up Mount Evil to large frowny face on pavement

    The Thang

    Pax spreads out around 35 ft diameter circle with one at the dealer’s spot and one at the gamblers spot.
    The dealer will choose a card from the deck. Each card has an exercise listed. The rep count is as follows;
    Face cards = card number + 10
    Royals = 25
    Ace = 50
    Joker – PAX sprints down and back up Mount Evil
    The gambler rolls the dice to determine the mode of travel between exercises
    1 = Lunge
    2=Bear Crawl
    3=Crab walk
    6=Gambler’s Choice
    The PAX performs the given exercise then completes one lap around the circle with two new people at the dealer and gambler spots.

    Mosey down to flags for Marys
    Pickle Pointer with left leg raised x 10 IC
    Pickle Pointer with right leg raised x 10 IC
    100’s x 20 x IC


    No wisdom was to be found


    No dead hookers were harmed in the making of this beat down



    November 16 – Convergence at The RidgeCut
    November 23 – The Battery aniversary

    Dora + Bear Crawl + Dora + Crawl Bear = Boneyard Bonanza

    QIC: Jazzy Jag

    Date: 11/5/2019

    PAX: Candu, Vanilla, Dirk, Sidekick, Sunburn (R), Ascot, Milkman, Pebbles, Lady Scot, Fissure, Peanuts

    AO: Boneyard


    A little warmer than the last few days. 45 deg and clear


    Mosey to the front of the rec center, past the front of the school, down the hill back to the track, jailbreak up the hill by the tennis courts to the back of Winn-Dixie Bi-Lo Food City.

    Sshs x 20

    Slow merkins x 10

    Willie Mays hays x 10 each leg

    Fire hydrants x 10 each leg

    Sshs x 15 faster

    Carolina dry docks x 10

    Imperial walker x 10 each leg

    Forward fold x 10

    Sumo leg lifts x 10 each leg

    Sshs x 10 faster

    The Thang

    A little Guns n Roses helped get the blood flowing for Dora
    Dora x 2
    PAX counted off for random partners, one partner traveled while one partner exercised. Travel partner had a 25? yard down and back with the option of either 1)Bernie Sanders down and bear crawl back or 2) run down and crawl bear back.

    Dora #1 Exercises as follows:

    25 bonnie blairs each leg

    50 merkins

    75 squats

    100 fire hydrants each leg

    125 flutter kicks total

    Dora #2 Exercises as follows:

    ~35 roly polys

    100 jump squats

    150 plank jacks

    200 lunges in place

    250 LBCs



    Word of the day is “strength.” We all come to F3 to get stronger mentally, physically and to build stronger relationships. What do we do with our strength? Q shared about recent struggles in parenting not using strength in anger – making my kids do something because I am frustrated with them, but realizing later it scared them or hurt them. That is not the kind of strength I need to be cultivating. PAX were encouraged to find ways they can use their strength and leadership to build up family, friends, community.


    Q was very lucky Fissure found a piece of trash on the ground with the second Dora written on it- this saved the PAX from a very short, easy workout.

    We may be the test cases for how the human body responds to 100+ fire hydrants. Results to follow

    Q tried to manufacture an obstacle course on the mosey by finding approximately 37 curbs to hop over in 1/2 mile.

    Roly-poly mania is beginning to sweep through F3 Chatt – everyone should be practicing OTB


    11/16 Convergence at BX – new AO in Brainerd – be there, 7am.

    Boneyard shirts – AOQ requests a leader from Boneyard step up to spearhead this effort, reach out on Slack if interested

    Recent Backblasts

      Mercan Mile, Indeterminate Speed Squat Sachet, Dercan Dash – For the Win

      QIC: Sidekick

      Date: 11/04/2019

      PAX: best in Show (R), Mayhem (R), On Tilt, Vaccine, Fastlane, Threeskin, Fissure, Gaylord, Sparky (R), Early Bird, John Doe, Peanuts, Walla Walla, Jazzy Jag

      AO: Beast Ridge


      33 degrees and clear


      SSH ICX30; Forward Fold ICX10; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; Slow Squats ICX12; LBAC ICX10; Reverse ICX11; Morrocan Night Club ICX12; Seal Claps ICX12; Shoulder press ICX12; Willie mays hays ICX12

      The Thang

      Mercan Mile –

      Run a mile stopping at each quarter mile for 25 Mercans – 100 Mercans total

      Indeterminate Speed Squat Sachet

      Run a mile stopping at each quarter mile for 25 slow, or medium or fast sqauts – 100 squats total

      Dercan Dash –

      Run as much of a mile as possible stopping at each quarter mile for 25 Dercans on your planking partner – Total of 50 Dercans due to time


      Keep after your F3 brothers with the cold weather. Easy to Sack in the winter but its a great time to get better


      The guys didn’t like my cadence on the squats so they became an indeterminate speed squat. The Dercans are a hit, we need to do those more often.


      OTB at Brainerd Baptist to be named later on thursday

      Chatt 3 year Anny on 11/16 at Brainerd to be named later

      Battery 1 year anny on 11/23

      Recent Backblasts

        Teamwork on a post

        QIC: Mrs. Baker

        Date: 11/02/2019

        PAX:    9Volt, Deep Dish, Clothespin, Topless, Red Tees, Sandwich, El Chapo, Shotput, Schnitzel, Pork belly

        AO: The Battery


        First Frost of the Season, 32 and clear.


        In a circle at the flags:

        SSH 20x
        Merkin 12x
        SSH 20x
        Squat 15x
        SSH 18x
        Arm Circles 15x each direction
        SSH 16x
        burpee 12x
        SSH 14x
        forward fold 10 count
        SSH 12x
        merkin 12x
        SSH 10x
        hamstring squat stretch 10 count
        SSH 8x
        big boy situp 12x
        SSH 20x

        The Thang

        QIC brought 6″ by 8 ft wooden fence posts to the party. PAX organize themselves 3-4 men of similar height per post .

        Teamwork on a Post
        Each team team of men spread out and practice working together with QIC calling out movements to the group.

        Lift Post from ground to chest
        Back to ground
        Ground to overhead
        Overhead to chest
        4 count squat
        post to ground
        Ground to chest
        right face and post on right shoulder

        Mosey 200 yds
        halt – 4 count squat 20x with post
        Mosey 200 yds
        halt – Overhead press 20x
        Mosey 200 yds left shoulder post
        halt – big boy situps with post
        Mosey 200 yds post overhead
        halt – merkin 20x
        Mosey 200 yds right shoulder post
        halt – floor press post 20x
        Mosey 200yds
        halt – lunge 20x
        Mosey 200 yds
        halt – squat 20x
        Mosey final 200 back to flags

        With 18 minutes remaining we circle up for the Dealers choice Mary in the frosty grass.
        Big Boy Sit-ups 10x
        box cutter 15x
        plank 1 min
        LBC 20x
        leg lifts 20x
        bicycles 20x
        Cptn Thor 15x
        Heal Touches 20x
        Big Boy Situps 15x
        Dead Bug 15x


        Teamwork is a key component of a successful life. Men often end up working alone and miss out on a lot of benefits of working in a team. Carrying and lifting the post was pretty easy today. It’s good for us to have a reminder that work and life are easier together. Maybe next time we will have some much heavier posts and challenge ourselves even more. Keep up the good work and remember that we are to “Leave No Man Behind, but Leave No Man Where You Found Him.”
        CIRCLE OF TRUST: The terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
        BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


        Chilly Morning and Teamwork makes for concentration and light chatter. Our various heights, weaknesses and strengths brought some challenges and kept us on our toes. Great effort so Bigger Logs are on tap for next time.


        F3 Chattanooga One Year Anniversary Convergence at BX (Brainerd Baptist) on 11/16
        F3 Cleveland One Year Anniversary 11/23 at the Battery. Abscess from Knoxville on Q

        Recent Backblasts

          Leaders don’t smoke, they VAPE

          QIC: Prosciutto

          Date: 11/02/2019

          PAX: Escobar, Fissure, Fly-By (Respect), Focker (Hate Hate), Goose, Mayhem (Respect), Peanuts, Steam Engine, She Shed, Skitch, The Count (Respect), Uncle Fester, Whittler

          AO: Landfill


          Fall is so woke right now it already got Winter figured out

          32 degrees and chill….


          Signal Mtn Climbers
          ST Squats
          ST Merkins
          …. something else…
          Mosey to top gate and share the Vision, then right to it; 10 burpees and then a mosey to bottom gate
          Bottom Gate – 10 Burpees

          The Thang

          Vision – Need to get back to top (eventually) = Vision; The ability to receognize advantage and the movement required to achieve it. If you don’t know where you’re going (or why), then you cannot influence others to follow you there.

          Circle Burp – All Pax perform called exercise until a man calls down, then all go down for Burpee and then immediately back up to continue called exercise

          Burpees / Called Exercise: SSH
          Run to Dog Park area
          Burpees / Called Exercise: Squats
          Run to Pavillion
          Burpees / Plank
          Mosey to Bottom of Hill for Bernie

          Articulation – A quick lesson on lack of vision in a leader and proper instruction adherance. In order to effectively lead, a leader must clearly communicate the vision. With a clear understanding of vision – people will not abandon the vision.
          1/2 & 1/2
          Counted off by two’s. Half the group goes to one end of the field (pavillion) with the Q, other half of group goes to the other. Only one group has the Q with the vision and articulated plan…
          Q Group performs, Jump Lunges x 10 (each leg), Squats x 10, High Knees x 10
          Non-Q Group does???? Nothing – they yelled at the Q group asking what to do…
          Lesson learnt.

          Persuasion – Even with recognition that a leader’s vision is advantageous, it’s human nature to cling to Status Quo. With persuasion a leader can convince others to begin movement & gain momentum.

          Tunnel of Love
          All men line up (in a line, imagine that) and zipper plank. Man at the back army crawls under and through the men planking

          *Grab a rock

          Exhortation – Perhaps the most important of the four skills; requires empathy and candor by a leader. Given that a movement can cause uncontrollable or unforeseen circumstances, a leader can recognize that upfront and is ready to exhort and incentivize followers to overcome circumstances and maintain momentum.
          11’s on the Hill – Increment ejercicio at the bottom/Decrement ejercicio at the top
          Merkins (bottom) & Curls with Rock (top) with run up Hill betwixt the two.

          Flutter, Freddie Mercuries, LBC, Hollywoods, V-Ups (Aye! Whittler), maybe something else…


          From the Q-Source’s third quadrant (Lead Right) of leadership, YHC felt it was a good time to discuss the four capabilities of Effective Leadership.

          The Leadership Skills are the four capabilities of Effective Leadership that enable a man do what a Leader does

          Leadership is Influencing Movement to Advantage. To do that Effectively, a man must Competently apply the Leadership Skills:

          First, he must have Vision, which is the ability to recognize Advantage and the Movement required to achieve it. If he does not know where he is going and why, then he will not be able to Influence anyone else to follow him there.

          Second, he must be capable of Articulation, which is the act of describing his Vision to others. People will not abandon their Status Quo for a superior position unless they understand where they are going.

           Third, he possess the means of Persuasion, which is the initiation of first Movement. Despite their recognition that a Leader’s Vision is Advantageous, human nature is to cling to the Status Quo even it is inferior. Through Persuasion, a Leader convinces people to begin Movement and gain Momentum.

          Fourth, because Movement produces uncontrollable circumstances, the Leader knows that Obstacles (Problems that impede Movement) will inevitably arise. An Effective Leader is ready to use Exhortation to incentivize his followers to breach Obstacles and maintain Momentum toward Advantage.


          The gates of the Landfill claimed another victim in Gusher who had the right idea, but not the right intel (my bad), but saw the closed gates. He chose to do the hard thing, took the DRP and went to Hill City for his own downpainment. AYE!

          Fissure & Whittler must be some serious buds as they wouldn’t quiet down – so the 11’s were effective in silencing that rhetoric (for a short time).

          Friends, it’s simple, if you want to make the pax happy, bring coffeeteria to the gloom. Works every time.

          Cell phone ringers set to Crickets are hard to find. Elusive doesn’t even begin to describe it.


          Convergence 11/16 – 3rd birthday of F3 Chattanooga at the next new AO in town – Brainerd Baptist. Stay tuned for details coming soon in ‘Announcements’ channel.

          Recent Backblasts

            KILL THE CHILL ❄️

            QIC: DNF

            Date: 11/01/2019

            PAX: Toetag, Peanuts, Vaccine, WuzntMe, Jazzy Jag, Bubbles (R), Bernie, John Doe, Swipe Right, Bendy Straw, R Kelly, MaYhem (R), Focker, Moneyball, Fastlane, FNG-Squirt

            AO: Hacksaw


            33°, dark


            Mosey to flag and lap before circle up

            Willy Mays hayes x10 IC

            Forward fold x10 IC

            SSH x30 IC

            High knees until recover

            Little baby arm circles x20 IC

            Reverse little baby arm circles x20 IC

            SSH x 30 IC

            Hold plank until recover

            The Thang

            4 STATIONS – repeat circuit

            (Q says “start line” at any point… PAX regroups, lines up, and performs Indian run until “halt” is heard. PAX then runs back to where they were and continues station circuit)

            STATION ONE:

            10 burpees

            30 imperial walkers

            50 squats

            30 reverse lunges

            STATION TWO:

            20 burpees

            50 LBC’s

            10 big boy sit-ups

            30 Captain Thor

            STATION THREE:

            25 diamond merkins

            30 Jump squats

            30 forward lunges

            40 bonnie Blair’s

            STATION FOUR:

            30 wide merkins

            40 mountain climbers

            30 monkey humpers

            20 burpees


            Leadership has a lot to do with listening to others. It’s one thing to direct a team and form a plan… it’s another to figure out what is going on with your teammates and understand what’s on their mind. Many times as leaders we want to set the direction and move on…. but it’s much more powerful when you let an associate help construct the plan. Creates more buy-in, and sets individuals on a mission that they are passionate about. Listening to others is something we have all been told over and over… I shared a real life example of how this worked out for me and a teammate recently. It’s one thing to hear the advice, and another thing to take it.


            We have added some FNG’s over the last few weeks who have super long hair. Might become a thing. Guaranteed that John Doe will catch up!

            Pain Train, kind of

            QIC: Sidekick

            Date: 11/1/2019

            PAX: Pebbles, Iron Butt (RX2), Sunburn (R), Ascot

            AO: Boneyard


            34 degrees and overcast


            Forward fold ICX12; Right over left ICX8; Left over Right ICX8; Cotton Pickers ICX12; SSH ICX25; LABC ICX10; Seal Claps ICX10; Morrocan Night Club ICX10; Shoulder press ICX10; Slow Squats ICX15; Slow Mercans ICX10; Willie Mays Hays ICX12

            Mosey a lap, watch out for the puddles

            The Thang

            Pain Train

            5 PAX, 5 Stations

            Pull ups X 10; Squats AMRAP; LBC AMRAP; Mercans AMRAP; Big BOI Sit ups AMRAP

            PAX take up their stations around the post office and get to work. Man doing the pull ups sets the pace and keys the rotation on the pain train.

            We went through one complete cycle and audibled due to everyone (ME) being lonely.

            Mosey over to the hill and wall. Dips as each PAX runs up and back down the hill. keep going until everybody has ran the hill

            Now, all pull plank. take turns bear crawling up the hill and calling for the next pax to come up. All end up at the top.

            Now big boy sit ups at the top and reverse lunge down the hill until all are at the bottom.

            Mosey back to the exercise station.

            Pick your Poison

            15 reps of whatever exercise you want – Run to the half lap mark and back; Repeat twice more



            Its cold. hang in there and keep driving guys to F3. Stay active over the winter and you will be better for it. Don’t give in to the sack


            I was off my game today. Dragging. Ill be better


            OTB at Ridgecut over next few thursdays.

            Chatt 3 yr anny at Ridgecut on the 16th

            Battery 1 yr anny on 11/23

            Recent Backblasts

              Chinese Water Torture

              QIC: Whittler

              Date: 10/31/2019

              PAX: Laces Out, Prosciutto, Gusher, Pomade, Bumblebee, Doubtfire

              AO: Smackdown


              Pouring down rain


              Mosey lap with 2, 4, 6, and 8 burpees

              SSH x 31

              Forward fold

              Willie Mays Hays

              Arm circles

              Overhead Press


              The Thang

              Trick or Treat
              There was a bucket of candy containing various types of candy that correlated with a certain exercise. We each drew one piece of candy and did 31 reps of said exercise. 200 meter run in between each turn

              Milky Way – Merkin

              Snicker – Pumpkin Smashers (V-ups)

              Twix – Lunges

              3 Musketeers – LBCs

              Laffy Taffy

              • Purple – 100 meters
              • Yellow – 400 meters
              • Red – 200 meters
              • Green – 300 meters

              Repeated for 2 rounds

              Bleacher work

              Alternating arms

              Step up x 10


              Step up x 10

              Incline merkins

              Step up x 10


              Freddie Mercury

              Pickle Pointers

              Pickle Pounders

              Heel touches



              Nobody likes doing hard stuff but being out in the terrible weather sure is easier with your F3 brothers. I didn’t want to get up this morning. However, I knew that my brothers were going to be there to embrace the suck with me. Sometimes we have to do things that we don’t want to do but we have to make the choice to persevere and get better.


              The pouring rain did not lend itself to much MC.


              Convergence 11/16

              Turkey Day Convergence – site TBD?

              Recent Backblasts

                Trick or Treat – DORAMRAP™ Style

                QIC: Ringwald

                Date: 10/31/2019

                PAX: Backfire, Blindside, Countdown, Dirk, Hobo, Moneyball, More Kowbell, Red Tees, Sinai, Skitch, Uncle Fester

                AO: Hill City


                The rain was cool, the air was hot and muggy, but not as hot as Skitch without his shirt on.


                In the middle of Coolidge Park

                Batwings – 10 IC
                Slow Arm Circles – 10 IC
                Reverse Slow Arm Circles – 10 IC
                Overhead Press – 10 IC
                Cherry Pickers – 10 IC
                Frankenstein’s Monster – 10 IC
                SSH – 20 IC
                Werewolf – 10 IC
                Plank Jacks – 10 IC

                The Thang

                Mosey to the lighted path “down by the river.” I brought some dice to add some spice.

                Stage 1 – DORAMRAP

                Partner up.
                One of the PAX rolls the dice. Based on the number, one partner does the exercise while the other partner runs to the end of the path and back. Rotate.
                Repeat and rotate PAX to roll the dice. Time permitting.

                2 – Burpees
                3 – LBCs
                4 – Goblet Squats
                5 – Lunges
                6 – Flutter Kicks
                7 – Big Boy Situps
                8 – Monkey Humpers
                9 – Bench Press
                10 – Bent Over Rows
                11 – Merkins
                12 – Burpees

                Stage 2 – Trick or Treat

                No partners. All PAX execute the following exercises and reps together at each lightpole. The number of lightpoles is determined by the roll of the dice.

                1 Burpee
                5 Merkins
                10 Squats

                20 Bent Over Rows just to get some back workout in


                While attending pre-marital counseling with Laces Out, I found out that I was a “fixer” -someone that already starts determining a solution before they have received all of the information. I learned that most times my SO would just want to vent to me, which was separate from asking for advice. I have a very hard time turning off my “fixer” mentality and just listen.

                Be cognizant of others you interact with. They may want advice, or they may just want to be heard.


                Lot’s of wet jokes, since we haven’t gotten to say any of them in a very long time at Hill City. Uncle Fester gave me pink eye – stay away from gloom horns kids.

                Let it be known, heretofore a many fortnight that Ringwald doth trademark the term DORAMRAP. This shall come to pass as a partner exercise where one partner doth perform an exercise whilst the other partner doth travel about an undetermined distance, however the first partner hath no minimum requirement nor the team hath no maximum requirement, other than returning to one partner and rotating untilst finished.


                Turkey Day Convergence – 11/28 – AO TBD
                Launch of BX – 11/16 – Brainerd Baptist Church

                Recent Backblasts