Blockees with Blackout

QIC:  Blackout

Date: 05/02/2022

PAX: Bernie, Ditka, Face Plant, Full Moon, M.I.A., Ramrod, Second Base, Tinder, Toe Jelly, Toe Tag, Yogi

AO: Hacksaw




Mosey to Flagpole with block

  • FF
  • WMH – x10
  • Arm Circles – x10
  • Reverse Arm Circles – x10
  • SSH – x15

The Thang

DORA style workout; PAX 1 does exercises while PAX 2 runs large circle (0.25 miles); One Twist: Each partner must do Blockees together in between each run. Started at 10 Blockees and worked way down to 1. (e.g. 10 Blockees each, PAX 1 exercise PAX 2 run; 9 Blockees each, PAX 2 exercise PAX 1 run, etc.)

DORA Exercises

  • 50 Clockwork Merkins
  • 75 Grave Diggers
  • 100 CPRs
  • 125 Flutter Kicks
  • 150 Shoulder Presses

Finished with 1 minute Plank to time


Talked about a quote from a Kobe Bryant interview. He noted this was from a teacher of his and it stated “Rest at the end, not in the middle” I started thinking about this over the weekend and how Kobe applied it to his basketball career and was one of the best basketball players of all time. I started thinking about how I can apply this not only to physical limits but also to my spiritual life. I challenged the PAX to live their lives this way in the spirit of true discipleship for Jesus. This means we can’t rest in our lives from a discipleship and spiritual perspective until we are called Home.


Nobody…and I mean nobody liked the beatdown this morning including Q. Lots of grumbles and non-family friendly language used to describe the way PAX were feeling.

Only Toe Tag had to do more Blockees once we got down to 1. He said he didn’t like Q anymore, I asked him to please reconsider later this afternoon after he had time to cool off from the stupidity that was this morning’s beatdown LOL


See 2nd-F and 3rd-F Channel on Slack for more information on opportunities coming up
Memorial Day Burph at The Dam
Anvil OTB in June with relaunch July 4 convergence

Recent Backblasts

    I Got’a Boogie…..on my finger

    QIC:  9 Volt

    Date: 4/26/2022

    PAX: Cock-6, Cooter, Pipeline, Mrs Baker, Cheney, Abercrombie, Clothespin, El Chapo, Deep Dish

    AO: The Battery


    If you’re thinkin’ you’re too cool to boogie
    Boy oh boy have I got news for you
    Everbody here tonight was boogin’
    Let me tell you, you are no exception to the rule


    Mosey to the pavillion ground and select two bricks from the pile

    The warm up was done WITH bricks

    1. SSH IC X 15 (with bricks)
    2. Baby Arm Circles
    Fwd IC X 15 (with bricks)
    Rev IC X 15 (with bricks)
    3. FSH – Front Straddle hop (Arms as usual but legs go forward and backward) (with bricks)
    4. Seal Clap IC x 15 (with bricks)
    5. Chinook ICx15 (with bricks)
    6. SSF – Side Straddle Flop ( SSH while laying on the ground w/ shoulders off the ground)
    7. Willie Maze Haze ICx10
    5. Forward Fold IC x 10

    A delightful playlist was provided as a public service

    The Thang

    • The pullups are done in pairs with one person holding the others ankles and taking some weight off of them while they perform the pull ups. (Form doesn’t matter just make it hurt)
    • Pairs swap out when one gets tired of pull ups
    • All rounds are done for 1 minute on and 30 seconds break
    • Pendulum – Bent over in “Row” position with bricks in hands touching. swing bricks side to side trying to use shoulders.
    • Water Fall – Brick in each hand, lift to eye level with bricks close to body. Extend arms and lower slowly with arms straight.
    1Jump Rope (1Min)
    2Pull up
    3Side Raise (with bricks)
    5Hand Release Merkins
    6 Jump Rope (1Min)
    7Pull Ups
    8Tricept Ext (with bricks)
    9Pendelum (with bricks)
    10Dry Docks
    11Front Raise (with bricks)
    12 Jump Rope (1Min)
    13Pull ups
    14Moroccan night club (with bricks)
    15Water Fall (with bricks)
    16Military Press (with bricks)
    17Bent over rows (with bricks)
    18 Jump Rope (1Min)
    19Pull ups

    Rinse and repeat as necessary


    Words of wisdom

    We are temporarily out of wisdom due to supply chain issues


    I’m your boogie man

    Recent Backblasts

      Holy Week Beatdown….Suffer Now to Celebrate Later

      QIC:   Blackout

      Date: 04/14/2022

      PAX: AOL, Limu, Mayhem, M.I.A., Stork, Uncle Joe

      AO: Legacy


      Perfect temperature for a beatdown; and the rain held off until around 6:25 am.


      Mosey to Park with blocks. Two cones set up 20-25 yards apart.

      FF oyo
      SSH x25 IC
      WMH x10 IC
      Arm Circles x10 IC
      Reverse Arm Circles x10 IC

      The Thang

      PAX proceeded to perform a “Holy Week” beatdown.

      PART ONE – PALM SUNDAY (exercises on palms)

      100 Shoulder Taps
      Bear Crawl to second set of cones
      75 Mountain Climbers
      Bear Crawl back to original cones
      50 Merkins
      Bear Crawl to second set of cones
      25 Burpees
      Bear Crawl back to original cones

      PART TWO – JESUS FLIPS THE TABLES (Flipped Coupons)

      PAX paired off into groups of 3 (4 for one group); One PAX (#1) started at first set of cones while one PAX (#2) started at second set of cones. PAX #1 performed Curls; PAX #2 performed Shoulder Presses while PAX #3 performed murder bunnies 20-25 yards to second set of cones; PAX #1 then replace PAX #3 doing murder bunnies back to original cones; Repeated this process until each PAX did murder bunnies twice

      During the murder bunnies, after each second hop, PAX “flipped” block to the other side

      PART THREE – JESUS WASHES FEET (exercises with feet)

      50 BBSU at first set of cones with a partner; One partner held feet while other partner did BBSU; switch until both partners did 50 BBSU
      Jailbreak sprint to second set of cones
      50 (hard count) heel touches
      Jailbreak sprint back to original cones

      PART FOUR – LAST SUPPER AND BETRAYAL (Judas dipped into the cup so we dipped)

      100 Dips – block
      Crab walk to second set of cones
      15 Plank Dips – each side
      Crab walk back to original set of cones

      PART FIVE – JESUS CRUCIFIED ON THE HILL (PAX cumulative exercise)

      Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us; so PAX were challenged to grab a partner and do 50 Blockees cumulatively; Push as hard as you can to complete as many Blockees as possible for your fellow F3 brother.


      Among those that discovered the rock rolled away was Mary Magdalene, so we performed 4MOM

      MIA: Flutter Kicks x25 IC
      Mayhem: Oblique Raises (Forgot F3 name lol) x15 IC
      Stork: Mercy Seat to time (~1 minute)


      Spoke about how struggles and suffering lead to resurrections. In short form, I challenged the PAX to reflect over the next two days before the Easter celebration on just how much suffering was involved for us to be saved by Jesus Christ. We suffer many times in our life, but never to the level of Jesus. The ultimate point was that Holy Week can serve as a good reminder that when our life is not going as it should or when we are in a Valley in life or in a painful situation where it seems we will never be able to get out, there is still Resurrection. Jesus walks with us through all seasons of life and has given us the ability to see that he is with is even in the midst of turmoil. Let us turn to reflection and remember the suffering so that we the Sunday celebration is not taken for granted!


      Performed Mary at the end of beatdown; PAX were really glad someone named “Sally” did not find the empty tomb. I dove into History just to be sure….I am fairly confident there was no Sally but I did try….

      Opened up with how we should suffer and remember the suffering of Jesus so that we can truly be touched during the celebrations. Stork reminder me that Jesus did all of this to take away our suffering….For a brief moment, I thought about making the beatdown easier given this fact, but I didn’t

      PAX were wondering when we got to the part of the story where the disciples fell asleep….Q told them 6:16 am.


      3rd-F opportunities: Chubby’s and Habitat; Second F Channel or reach out to Mayhem

      CSAUP convergence at The Battery on 04.23 at 0700; 5 beatdowns with running in between; poker themed with a chance to win a custom 9-Volt block

      2.0 Day at Hacksaw 04.15; Wuzonka Ball also 04.15…..seems like a scheduling conflict to me…

      Recent Backblasts

        Only Fools Believe There Is a Hill at Hacksaw

        QIC:  Full Moon

        Date: 04/01/2022

        PAX: Chief, Ditka, El Chapo (RESPECT), Landmine, Life Alert, M.I.A., Mayhem (RESPECT), Mr. Burns, Sousa, Toe Jelly, Toe Tag, Top ‘Em, Uncle Joe

        AO: Hacksaw


        45 degrees or so – perfect weather for broga foolishness


        Met at the Commons; disclosure

        SSH x26; forward fold, OYO; walk it out to downward dog, heels on the ground, then right over left, left over right; move to plank for world’s greatest okayest stretch – right, then left

        Mosey from the Commons to the top of Mt. Hacksaw the Increased Gravity Zone

        The Thang

        A Ladder, of sorts

        Upon completion of each rung/mosey, PAX were instructed to plank/have tea time to wait for six… mostly heavy breathing, cursing of YHC, and 10 counts ensued

        Up the ladder we go
        1st rung: 10 burpees, mosey to the bottom of Mt. Hacksaw the Increased Gravity Zone

        2nd rung: 10 burpees, 20 squats, mosey to the top of Mt. Hacksaw the Increased Gravity Zone

        3rd rung: 10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 big bois, mosey to the bottom

        4th rung: 10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 big bois, 40 flutter kicks (hard count), mosey to the top

        5th rung (top of the ladder): 10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 big bois, 40 flutter kicks (hard count), 50 heel touches (hard count), mosey to the bottom

        Back down the ladder, yet up the Increased Gravity Zone
        4th rung: 10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 big bois, 40 flutter kicks (hard count), mosey to the top

        3rd rung: 10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 big bois, mosey to the bottom

        2nd rung: 10 burpees, 20 squats, mosey back to the Commons

        1st rung: 10 burpees Time


        Don’t just be in the moment, enjoy it – whether it be with family or friends, working out, at work, etc. Not all moments are enjoyable but find the good where you can, especially with loved ones, and enjoy it.


        No one was fooled by YHC’s attempt at pranking the PAX into believing they were in for a relaxing broga set

        “Full Moon: you realize we’re still running, right?”

        Uncle Joe continues to insist heel touches are a partner exercise… YHC does not completely disagree, but for today they remained solo

        Mr. Burns was excused to handle some very important paperwork… thankfully we have (for now) a Johnny-On-The-Spot nearby

        Life Alert lamented, a lot, that we ran way more than YHC had led him to believe – this is debatable depending on one’s point of view, yet he may never come back to Hacksaw

        “Stay away from me or I’m gonna hit you” – directed at YHC

        “Hated it” – everyone


        Sousa’s going away #2nd-f event tomorrow, 4/2 – see channel and/or Blue for info on how to sign up to throw axes at Sousa; Chubby’s; Habitat for Humanity dates now live on #3rd-f; upcoming 2.0 days (including Good Friday w/Mr. Burns at the Hack); Inaugural Battery PokerRunRuck For the Cure Brought to You by Mountain Dew on 4/23; Grow Ruck event upcoming – see Vila, Mayhem, or Ducktales

        Those are Some Nice Balls

        QIC:  Mr. Clean

        Date: 03/30/2022

        PAX: Breaststroke, Chicklet, Choo Choo, Face Plant, Second Base

        AO: Parliament




        SSH x18 IC
        Forward Fold OYO
        Willie Mays Hayes x15 IC

        The Thang

        Mosey. Walk. Meander. Tip Toe. to the practice field.
        Title of exercise = Stolen From Dundee
        Divided into two teams. 5 Burpees. One Pax threw the slam ball. All Pax Bear Crawled to Slam Ball. Complete 5 Burpees. Rinse and Repeat this until the length of the field was covered.
        Winning Team did 5 Burpees and Losing Team did 10 Burpees
        Same routine as above but travel method was a lunge and exercise was a squat.
        Final routine on the field mirrored the above two; however, Pax ran all the way back to their starting point after each round of 15 BBSUs.

        Which Line is It
        Bear Crawl to each line of the first two tennis courts. As you reach each line, Bernie back to beginning and then Bear Crawl to the next line in progression


        A man’s heart can develop a “Widowmaker” or aortic issue that is hard to find and leads to a heart attack. This “Widowmaker” is easy to understand, and as YHC discussed it, the Pax shook their heads in a “oh yeah I know those and their terrible” gesture. YHC proposed another type of “Widowmaker” that is still often viewed poorly among men, and that is, addressing mental illness. Mental illness truly is a Widowmaker as so often times we really do never see it coming. The challenge: Lock your Shields, and if you’re gut tells you to reach out and check on someone — follow your gut.


        Little mumblechatter this morning. It was probably the difficulty of the Forward Folds…


        P-Funk Intervals

        QIC:  Full Moon

        Date: 03/29/2022

        PAX: Bernie, Blackout, Choo Choo, Face Plant, See Through, Tatonka, Toe Tag

        AO: Parliament


        A chilly 42 with some breeze – nice running weather


        Disclaimer, mosey to track

        Forward fold, OYO and loud; walk it out to downward dog to stretch the calves – right over left, left over right; Quad stretches (pull your heel up to glute, fell the burn) – henceforth, and forever, to be known as Sheboygans

        50m skips down the straight and back; 50m butt-kickers down the straight and back

        The Thang

        Track Day – Intervals
        YHC needed some interval work to improve speed/endurance so we did the following:

        PAX were encouraged to team up or just go for it

        400m lap as fast as comfortable (modifications allowed/encouraged), followed-up by 400m recovery lap

        800m fast, 400m recovery

        1200m fast, 400m recovery

        1600m fast, 400m recovery

        PAX that finished the intervals then picked up the 6 and circled up for cool-down stretching: forward fold, OYO and even louder; walk it out to downward dog to stretch the calves again – right over left, left over right; move to plank for world’s greatest okayest stretch – left, then right; WMH x6



        Getting better, or progressing, came to YHC during the 1200m interval. Being happy with where you are is not a bad thing, but why not try to progress? YHC could’ve slowed down/walked during the intervals but pushed myself to get to the cool down lap as I want to get better at running. Sure, be happy with where you are (in life/work/etc.) but also push yourself to progress in any/all of these areas.

        Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand. This quote has stuck with me from, of all places, the cinematic masterpiece Van Wilder, but is apparently credited to Bodie Thoene – wise words either way.


        “Bernie’s here, must be Time”

        Additional breeze provided by Tatonka having eaten Mexican food twice yesterday

        “Guess I’ll just run the whole time – no difference in my mosey and fast pace.”

        “Can you imagine Minnesota mumble-chatter – oooooh yah, dontcha know? ope! you betcha!

        “Thanks for a proper track day – running the whole time is the point; glad you didn’t make us bring blocks”


        Chubby’s; upcoming 2.0 days; Inaugural Battery PokerRunRuck For the Cure Brought to You by Mountain Dew.

        No Crying or Bear Crawls in Baseball

        QIC:  Mr. Clean

        Date: 03/28/2022

        PAX: 8 Seconds, Blue, Napoleon, O.B., Ponce, Roomba, She Shed, Sherlock Snatch

        AO: Detention


        Clear. Crisp. Cool. A nice Spring morning.


        SSH x18 IC
        Forward Fold OYO
        Third Grade Exercises x12 IC
        Imperial Walkers x12 IC
        Shoulder Blaster Exercises x12 IC
        SSH x15 IC

        The Thang

        Mosey to the ball fields. Head to home plate on Field 5 for activities to commence.
        7 of Diamonds
        7 Burpees at each base w/Bear Crawl as travel method
        14 Squats at each base w/Side Shuffle as travel method
        21 Merkins at each base w/Bear Crawl as travel method
        28 Monkey Humpers at each base w/mosey as travel method

        We began working our way back down the diamond, but on this trip, we changed it up a bit.
        Running Poles
        28 Monkey Humpers mosey to Right Field Pole
        Complete 28 Monkey Humpers jail break to Left Field Pole
        Complete 28 Monkey Humpers mosey to Home Plate
        Complete 28 Monkey Humpers
        Rinse and repeat the above routine replacing Monkey Humpers with 21 Merkins
        After the Merkin round, we were running short on time so we moseyed to the bottom of Mt. Crushmore…
        14 Squats at the bottom. Sprint to the Top.
        14 Squats at the top. Mosey to the bottom.
        14 Squats at the bottom. Sprint to the top.
        14 Squats at the top. Mosey back to flag.


        Everyone knows the whole “Catch a man a fish vs. teach a man to fish” quote. It’s pretty famous.
        Here is another take I proposed this morning. Every man can certainly learn to fish, and every man should be taught to fish. However, let us remember that not ever man understands/comprehends instructions in which they are given the first time. Let us remember this as we try to teach others to fish. Hopefully, we will remember that we once had trouble learning how to fish, and with this wisdom, we remember to be patient as teach others.
        Most importantly, for those avid fishermen out there, remember that some men need an invitation to the proverbial boat. Do your best to seek out those men to help them learn to fish. Won’t they need to pass it along in the future.
        Yes, there were a lot of metaphors in the COT, but I believed the men firmly understood them and will go forth and use them in their lives.


        “What is our mode of travel for this one?” — Blue
        “Shut up Blue and just run before he gets other ideas.” — Unknown
        “Blue, was that you?” “Yes, I’m ok Snatch.” “I didn’t ask if you were ok Blue, I was just wondering if that was you, but are you ok Blue.” Snatch & Blue upon reaching 2nd Base
        “We are going to print off the pdf. for you so you know there are other exercises that aren’t so hard.” — She Shed
        “You know we only have like 5 minutes, right?” — Lyft (at the bottom of Mt. Crushmore)
        “Hey Clean, thanks for ruining baseball for me!” — Ponce


        4/23/2022 — Poker Run
        07/16/2022 — Fallen Five Event (details forthcoming)
        Chubby’s Ministry


        QIC:  Full Moon

        Date: 03/23/2022

        PAX: AOL, Picabo, Sojourner, Sousa

        AO: The U


        Windy (it is #the-u) but mild, 60-ish. Little bitty stingin’ rain, and big ol’ fat rain, rain that flew in sideways, and sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath. Then at startex, just like that, someone turned off the rain.


        YHC informed the PAX that, due to the rain, he wasn’t quite sure what we would be doing. Plan A quickly changed to Plan B, then to Plan C when the rain stopped.

        25 SSH IC; 25 Toe Merkins OYO; 10 WMH IC; 25 Pigeon-Toe Merkins OYO; Forward Fold IC; 25 Duck-Toe Merkins OYO; 21 and 5 burpees; 25 more Toe Merkins OYO

        Custer’s Last Stand: modified Indigenous Peoples’ Run wherein the 6 runs the opposite direction of the line. Remaining PAX run, per usual – whoever is at the back of the line upon opposite-direction-runner’s return takes off in opposite direction. We did this for 4 or 5 laps around the parking lot so that every PAX was able to enjoy some alone time in the opposite direction.

        The Thang

        Elevens at #the-u
        Round 1: Jump Squats and Imperial Walkers; start with 1 Jump Squat then run the length of the parking lot and perform 10 (hard count) Imperial Walkers; run back to starting position to do 2 Jump Squats then run the length of the parking lot to do 9 Imperial Walkers; rinse repeat through the cycle until complete; PAX who finished first held plank for 6

        Round 2: Plankjacks and Merkins; start with 1 Plankjack then Bernie about a third of the parking lot and perform 10 Merkins… rinse repeat through the cycle until complete; plank for 6

        PAX Plank until Time


        YHC shared a brief summary of how he obtained his F3 name – you had to be there. Then discussed the importance of kindness to those around you, including yourself. Hard to be kind to the external world when you are unable to be so to yourself – everyone is going through something so kindness can go a long way. One of the many things I love about this cult group is the support – reach out to your brothers, including YHC.


        YHC arrived early for a 5k but chose to review the many audibles going through his mind sit in his car because it was raining.

        This was the longest distance between 11 exercises ever, mark it so and call the Guinness Book of World Records.

        Sousa talked the whole time, yet his hind-horn was relatively quiet, which was nice.

        Lots of “getting wet” and “TWSS” chatter


        Chubby’s and upcoming Habitat opportunity – see #3rd-f for both; Yellow 5 on Q Friday at the Hack to wrap Three Amigos Week; #2nd-f event on 4/2 for Sousa’s departure to the dude ranch Wyoming

        Tabata Time!

        QIC:  Irish

        Date: 03/22/2022

        PAX: Rodeo, Sunburn, Money Ball, Oil Can, Backfire, Iron Butt, Fissure, V-Squared

        AO: Boneyard


        53 Degrees, clear, great weather for a beatdown


        • Imperial Walker – IC x 20ish
        • LBAC and reverse – IC x15ish
        • Windmills – IC x 12
        • 3rd Grade Exercise – IC x 15ish
        • SSH – IC x 10 or 12 (depending on Q’s questionable cadence calling)

        The Thang

        Tabata- style workout. 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest, 8 reps (four of each exercise, alternating) per cycle. 1 minute in between cycles for rest and/or Burpee Bus shenanigans.

        • Cycle 1:
          • Merkins
          • Coupon Squats
        • Cycle 2:
          • Dips
          • High Knees
        • Cycle 3
          • Lunges
          • Derkins
        • Cycle 4
          • Mountain Climbers
          • Calf Raises
        • Cycle 5
          • Irkins
          • Monkey Humpers
        • Cycle 6 – Truncated due to time
          • High Plank
          • Donkey Kicks (Rodeo’s favorite!)


        Set intentions for your life (i.e. long-term plans) but don’t wait to live them out. We never know just how much time we have left on this earth so don’t wait to live your dreams now before it’s too late!


        The Q obviously had brain fog today as evidenced by his inability to count cadence. Numerous references toTed Lasso, Tommy Boy, and – for some strange reason known only to Rodeo – the finer techniques of cow insemination.

        Coffeteria afterwards, courtesy of Rodeo.


        Chubby’s homeless ministry (need NEW underwear and socks), Merkin challenge update (lost to Cleveland due to some hanging chad recount nonesense), CSAUP (Poker ruck)

        Are you feeling LUCKY, punk?

        QIC:  Shake N Bake

        Date: 03/17/2022

        PAX: FNG-Snow White, FNG-Miracle Grow, FNG-Neutron, FNG-Mcfly, FNG-Emmit, Ducktales, Milkman, Life Alert, Chunks, Starbucks, Tasty Cakes, Gretel, GeekSquad, Doogie, Blue, Dunde, 8 Seconds, Shamu, Hasbro, Hoveround, Roomba, Radiohead, Napoleon, Risky Business, U-Turn 

        AO: The Huey


        Low 50’s, light wind, very wet grounds.


        Forward Fold OYO, Iraqi Tea Time, OYO, Little Baby Arm Circles in Cadence- Forward and Reverse- my brain couldn’t count properly and I can’t remember how many we did. Same thing goes for Seal Claps and Overhead Claps.

        LUCKY- Introduction to some new movements, which immediately proved confusing for most PAX. Alas, this was a learning experience for me as Q.

        L= Life Alert- Big Boy Sit up + Gas Pumper= 1 Rep

        U= Uncle Blue- Straight Leg Deadlift + Curl + Overhead Press= 1 Rep

        C= Cornish Hen- Block Pullover + Chest Press= 1 Rep

        K= Killer Whale AKA Shamu- Jump Squat with 180 degree spin at top- landing into a burpee, coming back up with a strong jump so you can spin 180 again. PAX found this confusing, everybody hated it. Great leg workout forcing you to jump with force so you have height to spin. Will look for opportunities to try this again, possibly with a smaller group.

        Y= Y-Oming AKA Sousa- Lt. Dan with block + Toe Merkin at the end of the squat.

        These were done as a DORA- PAX split into pairs.

        Travel= Farmer Carry 2 blocks the length of the sidewalk, run back to your partner. Partners are taking turns working through the rep counts. Round 1- 50 reps of all letters- LUCKY. Round 2- 75 reps of all letters. No pairs got past this round as far as I know.


        I don’t believe in Luck

        Proverbs 16:33 The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.

        My faith teaches me that God is sovereign over all things that happen in the universe. I have to trust in God and have faith in the path he takes me down. Whatever I encounter in life, God directs my steps and ordains the results of each situation. All of us men were at The Huey that morning because God had ordained it so. And anything we might be nervous about, uncertain futures, decisions to be made, look to God for discernment and trust that he will work it out as he determines is best. The COT’s I prepare inevitably end up being directed at myself as much as the group. In preparing for this message, I have dwelled on the idea and it has helped me day to day.


        The highlight of the morning was definitely the family of 5 FNG’s. This workout danced on the fence of chaos the entire time. Extra blocks were needed, and I thought we had plenty. But we had a ton of PAX show up, which is a good problem to have, but our block party got complicated. That paired with the fact that all of the exercises were pretty much new, and I didn’t do a great job of explaining or demonstrating. I’m sure all of us got a good workout, especially upper body, but I certainly learned a lot of lessons as the Q. Plenty of hilarious comments and mumble chatter were present, but what stands out to me most as I type this are the changes I would make if I did this again. On to the next one.


        Upcoming CSAUP at the battery. See slack for details. 4th F for the family.

        Recent Backblasts